四、货币理论与货币政策MONETARY THEORY AND MONETARY POLICY金融资产结构n 货币与货币供给 = 流通中现金 = + 活期存款 = + 定期存款 = + 其他短期流动资产(如国库券、银行承兑汇票、商业票据)+ 外汇存款n 有价证券:分为政府债券和企业债券两种。n 股票。The Meaning of Moneyn Money is the set of assets (资产) in the economy that people regularly use to buy goods and services from other people.Three Functions of Moneyn Money has three functions in the economy. Medium of exchange (交换媒介) Unit of account (计量单位) Store of value (贮藏价值)Medium of Exchangen A medium of exchange is anything that is readily acce