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1、杜伦 大学 -北京大学 化学 2+2双修学位杜伦 大学化学院杜伦大学化学院 是一所研究型学院,一直在英国排行榜中名列前三。学院研究涵盖生物化学、材料化学、光学与分子电子学、软物质表面与界面、可持续化学与催化以及理论与动力学。杜伦大学作为一个学习中心已有近千年历史,拥有独特的学院结构,科研引用率在欧洲排名第六,大学中心处拥有 一处 联合国科教文组织认证的世界文化遗产。2+2课程杜伦大学与北京大学建立 了双 修学位课程 ,将为 你带来在两个国家及两个领先研究机构学习与研究 的人生经历 。前两年,你将在北京大学学习,后两年你将在杜伦大学学习。在杜伦 大学 的 两年中, 你将参与学术 研究小组或者公司

2、 的研究项目。最终,你将获得北京大学的理学学士 学位 证书 与 杜伦大学的化学硕士 学位证书。机遇与经历求学于两所世界领先的大学将丰富你的教育经历、提高你的职业前景 。你将 在学院 氛围中与 英国学生共同生活与学习 、拓展自己 的语言技能并亲身经历一种新的 文化。 通过长时间参与研究项目,你将置身于顶尖的化学研究之中 。课程要求在北京大学完成前两年的学业,获得不低于 80学分, GPA绩点不低于 3.2。英语水平相当于雅思总分不低于 7.0、单项高于 6.0。 (或托福总分高于 102,单科高于 25)。随后将在杜伦大学修完 84学分。在杜伦大学 的 日常生活费用 信息 详见杜伦大学主页。 。

3、名列前茅 : 杜伦大学化学院在英国排名第二或第三 (见 泰晤士报 2014年优秀 大学指南、 独立报 完全大学指南 )。奖学金机会宝洁公司与两所大学有密切联系,该公司将以公司实习生的方式,每年最多资助两名学生。奖学金囊括获奖学生在杜伦大学的所有学费、住宿费及生活费用。被资助者最后一年将参与宝洁公司的合作研究项目,并到英国的宝洁技术中心体验公司的研究工作。 。申请流程从下载申请表,填写完成后于2014年 3月 1日前提交到邮箱。 随后申请者将参加由北京大学与杜伦大学组织的面试。

4、宝洁奖学金申请者需额外参加北京宝洁技术有限公司的考核。 。更多信息详情请见。非官方信息请咨询 或 。 杜伦大学学生的话“ 杜伦可以给予其学生很多。得益于这座顶级学院的全力支持,我与领域领先的研究者一道工作。 ” “ 高水平的 教学 质量、出色的研究设备及优秀的毕业工作前景,我选择杜伦大学。 ”杜伦大学化学院国际学生访谈见优势: 在工作 中练就一种多 学科的、创新 的、可信的、综合的能

5、力。参与顶级研究的机会。Together well create your future北京大学与 杜伦 大学化学 双修 学 位 的 机会; 通过 完成 2+2课程获得 北京大学理学学士学位及杜伦大学化学硕士 学位;可申请宝 洁公司的全额奖学金; 限北大 化学与分子工程学院的本科 二年级学生申请, 2015年10月杜伦大学入学 。Website: http:/ E-mail: Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2000Website: http:/

6、mistry/ E-mail: Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2000Durham & Peking Chemistry Joint 2+2 DegreesDurham ChemistryDurham Chemistry is a research intensive Department consistently ranked in the top 3 in UK league tables. We have research interests across the areas of Biological Che

7、mistry, Materials Chemistry, Optical and Molecular Electronics, Soft Matter Surfaces and Interfaces, Sustainable Chemistry and Catalysis, and Theory and Dynamics. The University has been a centre of learning for almost 1000 years, has a unique collegiate structure, is ranked 6th in Europe for resear

8、ch citations and has a UNESCO world heritage site at its heart.2 + 2 programmeDurham and Peking Universities have created an exciting joint degree programme to give you experience of training and research in two countries and two leading institutions. You will study for your first 2 years in Peking

9、and final 2 years at Durham. Your final year at Durham will include a research project either with an academic research group or in industry. You will graduate with a B.Sc. from Peking and an M.Chem. qualification from Durham.The opportunity & experienceStudying at two world-leading institutions wil

10、l enrich your education and increase your career prospects. You will live and work alongside UK students in a collegiate environment, building your language skills and experiencing a new culture. Your final year will expose you to cutting-edge chemical research via an extended research project.Cours

11、e requirementsYou will need to complete your first two years at Peking earning at least 80 credits with a GPA of 3.2 or above. You will require English skills equivalent to IELTS 7.0 or higher, with all component 6.0 (TOEFL 102, all 25). You will earn a further 84 credits at Durham. Students paying

12、their own costs can find fee information via Durhams webpages.High ranking: Durham chemistry is ranked 2nd or 3rd in the UK (The Times Good University Guide 2014, The Independent Complete University Guide).Bursary opportunitiesBoth universities have strong relationships with Procter and Gamble Ltd,

13、who will sponsor up to two students per year through a company internship scheme. This will cover all fees, accommodation and living expenses for your time in Durham. Bursary winners will undertake a final year research project in collaboration with P&G and will experience working at one of their UK

14、 technical centres.Application processAn application form is available on-line at This should be submitted to by 1/3/2015. Candidates will be interviewed by Peking and Durham staff. Candidates for P&G bursaries will undergo an additional asses

15、sment at the P&G Technical Centre, Beijing. More Information?See our webpages at Informal advice is available from or . What Durham students say“Durham has so much to offer its students. I get to work alongside researchers who are leaders

16、in their fields, with all the support from a top chemistry department.”“The high teaching quality, excellent research facilities and good graduation job prospects encouraged me to choose Durham.”Read interviews with Durham Chemistrys international students at

17、udents/Outstanding Courses: interdisciplinary, creative and accredited, incorporating skills needed in the work place. Extended opportunities to undertake cutting-edge research.Together well create your futureA unique opportunity to study for a joint chemistry degree at Peking and Durham Universitie

18、s. A 2+2 year programme will lead to a B.Sc. qualification from Peking University and an M.Chem. degree from Durham. Fully-funded bursaries are available from our industrial partners Procter and Gamble. Applications are invited from 2nd year PKU students to enrol from October 2015.Website: http:/ E-mail: Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2000Website: http:/ E-mail: Tel: +44 (0) 191 334 2000

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