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1、Unit 6 DatabaseSection A Database Overview2/45I. IntroductionData storage traditionally used individual, unrelated files, sometimes called flat files. In the past, each application program in an organization used its own file. In a university,for example, each department might have its own set of fi

2、les: the record office kept a file about the student information and their grades, the financial aid office kept its own file about students that needed financial aid to continue their education,一、引言 数据存储传统上是使用单独的没有联系的文件,这些文件有时称为 平面文件 。 在过去 ,一个机构中的每个应用程序都使用自己的文件。例如,在一个大学中,每个部门都可能有其自己的文件集: 档案办公室 保存着关

3、于学生信息和学生成绩的文件; 经济资助办公室 保存着其自己的关于需要经济资助以继续学业的学生的文件;3/45I. Introductionthe scheduling office kept the names of the professors and the courses they were teaching, the payroll department kept its own file about the whole staff (including professors), and so on. Today, however, all of these flat files ca

4、n be combined in a single entity, the database for the whole university. 调度办公室 保存着教授的姓名和他们所教的课程; 工薪发放 部门 保存着其自己的关于全体教职员工(包括教授)的文件,等等。然而,所有这些平面文件今天都可结合成一个实体 供整个大学使用的数据库。 4/45I. IntroductionAlthough it is difficult to give a universally agreed definition of a database, we use the following common defi

5、nition: a database is a collection of related, logically, coherent data used by the application programs in an organization. 虽然难以给出一个 普遍接受 的数据库定义,但我们使用下面常见的定义: 一个数据库是被一个机构内的应用程序所使用的具有逻辑 相干 性的相关数据的集合 。adj., 粘在一起的 , 一致的 , 连贯的a coherent essay. 一篇条理分明的文章5/45 Database Management Systems A database manage

6、ment system (DBMS) defines, creates, and maintains a database. The DBMS also allows controlled access to data in the database. A DBMS is a combination of five components: hardware, software, data, users, and procedures.数据库管理系统定义、创建和维护数据库。数据库管理系统也允许对数据库中的数据进行受控的访问。 一个数据库管理系统由 5个组成部分构成:硬件、软件、数据、用户和规程。

7、6/45 Database Management Systems 1 HardwareThe hardware is the physical computer system that allows access to data. For example, the terminals, hard disk, main computer and workstations are considered part of the hardware in a DBMS.1、硬件硬件是指允许访问数据的计算机物理系统。例如,终端、硬盘、主机和工作站被认为是数据库管理系统的硬件组成部分。 7/45 Datab

8、ase Management Systems2 SoftwareThe software is the actual program that allows users to access, maintain, and update data. In addition, the software controls which user can access which parts of the data in the database.2、软件软件是指允许用户访问、维护和更新数据的实际程序。另外,软件还控制着哪个用户可以对数据库中的哪部分数据进行访问。8/45 Database Managem

9、ent Systems3 DataThe data in a database is stored physically on the storage device. In a database, data is a separate entity from the software that accesses it. This separation allows an organization to change the software without having to change the physical data or the way in which it is stored.

10、3、数据数据库中的数据存储在物理 存储设备 上。在一个数据库中,数据是独立于对其进行访问的软件的一个实体。这种独立使一个机构可以在不必更改物理数据及其存储方式的情况下更改软件。9/45 Database Management SystemsIf an organization decides to use a DBMS, then all the information needed by the organization should be kept together as one entity, to be accessible by the software in the DBMS.如果

11、一个机构决定使用一个数据库管理系统,那么该机构所需要的所有信息都应作为一个实体保存在一起,可由数据库管理系统中的软件访问。10/45 Database Management Systems4. UsersThe term user in a DBMS has a broad meaning. We can divide users into two categories: end users and application programs. End users are those humans who can access the database directly to get information. There are two types of end users database administrators (DBAs) and normal users. 4、用户在数据库管理系统中,用户这个术语有着 广泛的定义 。 我们可以将用户分为两类: 最终用户 和应用程序。 最终用户是指可直接访问数据库以获取信息的人。最终用户又分为两类:数据库 管理员 和普通用户。adj., 宽的 , 阔的 , 广泛的a broad river; broad shoulders.宽广的大河;宽阔的双肩abroad, adv., 往国外 , 到处 , 海外 go abroad 出国

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