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1、208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 1Blade adjustment system for axial fans轴流风机叶片调节系统Comparison 比较 electro-mechanical system电动机械 系统 (G2) electrical system电气系统 (G3)208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 2Blade adjustment activation叶片调节驱动系统 electro-mechanical system电动机械 系统Ac

2、tuator执行器Electro-mechanical correcting element for blade adjustment叶片电动机械系统调节的元件The blade position will be transferred from actuator by setting shaft执行机构通过 调节 轴来调节叶片位置Assets优点 : The actuator is equipped with an internal control circuit执行器配备了一个内部控制电路 The control and communication system is aligned wi

3、th the actuator执行器自带 控制与通信系统Drawback缺点 : No redundancy, fall out of actuator imply a fall out of the blade adjustment system没有冗余 ,执行器的故障意味着整个叶片调节系统的故障 Calibration of actuator after exchange is required更换执行器后需要对其进行校准 The exchange of the actuator is relatively time-consuming and impossible during the

4、operation of the fan风机的运行过程中执行机构的更换是比较费时 , 不可能 完成 Due to the mechanical connection and connection changes slack will arise and cause a hysteresis由于机械连接 及接头 变松了,便会引起滞后现象 Mechanical components (setting- and indication shaft) as possible disturbance source机械部件( 调节 和 显示 轴)可能成为 故障 源2082112182552552554999

5、18100025515351255255153Slide 3Dismounting of actuator执行器的拆卸- Dismount mechanical and electrical connection拆卸机械和电气连接- Dismount the connecting bolts拆卸连接螺栓- Dismount the actuator (relatively heavy load)拆卸执行机构( 相当重)208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 4Mounting of actuator执行机构的安装- Place sp

6、are actuator on the support将备用执行器放在支座上- Connect actuator on support by bolting用螺栓将执行器和支座连接- Close the mechanical and electrical connections完成 机械和电气连接- Execute the calibration of the operating area of the actuator 执行器操作区的刻度调节208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 5Installed actuator安装执行器2

7、08211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 6Blade adjustment activation叶片调节驱动系统 electrical system电气系统Proportional valve比例阀- Electro-hydraulic controlling element of the blade adjustment device installed in the oil supply unit. 装在油站上的 叶片 调 整装置的 电 动 液 压 控制元件 。- Setting signal of the proportiona

8、l valve is not equivalent to the blade position. 比例 阀 的 调节 信号并不 能显示 叶片的位置- Proportional valve can only “open blades“ respectively “close blades“. 比例阀只能分别 “开叶片 ”“关叶片 ”。Assets优点 : Better quality of control advantage over actuators比执行器有更好的操控性 Exchange is possible without large expenditure of time可以快速的更

9、换比例阀 No calibration of range (0%100%) necessary, so no stand still of plant required没有刻度范围( 0%.100%),所以 不需要止动块 No mechanical components (setting- and indication shaft) no disturbance source无机械部件( 调节 和 显示 轴) , 无 故障 源drawbacks:缺点 No internal control circuit in the proportional valve, an additional con

10、trol circuit is necessary for the variance comparison and the calculation of the setting signal for the proportional valve is necessary比例阀内部没有控制电路, 需要 一个额外的控制电路 进行比例阀的变化比较和调节信号的计算208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 7Dismounting of proportional valve比例阀的拆卸- Dismount electrical connecti

11、on (removing connector plug) 拆卸 电 气连 接(拆卸 连 接器插 头 )- Dismount the fixation bolts拆卸固定螺栓- Remove proportional valve拆下比例阀208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 8Mounting of proportional valve比例阀的安装- Fix spare-proportional valve with the bolts用螺栓固定比例阀- Connect the electrical connection (clip on the connector plug) 连 接 电 气 连 接(在 连 接器插 头夹 )208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 9Scheme proportional valve比例阀 原理图208211218255255255499918100025515351255255153Slide 10Pictures of an oil supply unit 油站图片Connection plate for valve阀门连阀门连 接板接板 Proportional valve比例阀比例阀

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