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1、evaluation of scientif ic developm ent . Natur e securit y t ype- natur e securit y is t o m aint enance people of healt h value f or t ar get, t hr ough st r engt hening secur it y based m anagem ent , and r is k managem ent, and equipm ent m anagem ent and t echnology super vision, ensur e pr oduc

2、tion in t he people, and r eal, and system , and system , elements ecur it y r eliable, and harm ony unifed, f ul contr ol var ious against f act ors, achieved t hought no slack, and managem ent no empt y document , and equipm ent no hidden, and syst em no blocked, and unit zer o non- st opped. Qual

3、it y and eff icency-qualit y benef it s t o adher e t o t he ent er pr ise “sur vi al, pr ofit and developm ent“ business t r ut h, adhere t o t he “all act ivit y is economic activit y, all cost s can be contr oled, money should not be wast ed“ managem ent philosophy, m anagement analysis, t o im p

4、r ove m anagement qualit y, im pr ove cost cont r ol capacit y and market competi iveness. Innovation of science and t echnol gy-science and t echnol gy innovation is t o play t he r ole of science and t echnol gy as t he prim ary pr oductive f or ce, active use of new t echnol gies, new m aterials,

5、 new pr ocesses, new equipm ent, incr ease investment in science and t echnol gy, str engt hening scientif ic and t echnol gical t r aining, speeding up t ransf orm ing scient if ic and t echnol gical achievements, f orm ing a num ber of propriet ar y t echnol gy, enhancing core com petit iveness. R

6、esour ce-saving-t he-r esour ces aving ent er pr ise was t o r educe coal consum pt ion, water consum ption, electr ict y at t he cor e, enhance t he oper at ion of lean m anagem ent o r ealize low consum pt ion, high ef ficiency, r educe pr oduction cost . Second is t o str engt hen t he business,

7、financial, m at er ial, inf orm at ion and t he optimization of organization and m anagement , s aving t he int ernal t r ansact ion cost s. Harmonious developm ent of harm onious developm ent -is t o constr uct a “f or eign“ envir onment f or developm ent. “XI NG“ r efers t o t he “int er nal secur

8、 it y f irm and int ernal m anagem ent of t he int er nal m anagem ent measures ar e ef fect ive, harmonious“. “Foreign cur rency“ m eans “Enterprise coor dinating development of homeopat hy, well, get along wit h t he neighbor s bett er .“ ( B) XX 2013 f ive ent erprises building int rinsic saf et

9、y power company goals ar e: unplanned out age 0 t imes. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent f orced outage r ate. No personal inj ury accident , m at er ial and equipm ent accident s do not occur, no f ir e, no envir onm ent al polut ion accident . Ent erprise int egr at ed t o achieve zer o cases

10、 of violation, zer o accidents, zero. Qualit y goal is: when generating capacity 7. 5 bilon- kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 bilon kWh, total profits of 306. 6 milon Yuan, . . BFS+、 PI、 MIS、 SCM I nf orm at ion syst em s inf r astr uctur e, f uly int egr at ed inf ormation syst em t o r ealize inf orm

11、at ion r esour ces shar ing; t o expand t he br eadt h and epth of t he por tal syst em, inf orm at ion syst em of Enter prise M anagem ent Asistant r ole t o play; t o impr ove t he day-to- day oper at ion and maintenance operation r ecord of pr omot ing causes and t ransfer syst em; t o st rengt h

12、en t he t raining super vision in lar ge and m edium goods vehicle. A is est ablished lar ge vehicles and sm al vehicles classif ication m anagem ent of m ot or vehicle t est m ode, incr eased medium van car , and danger ous goods t r ansport car , and school car t est project; I I is est ablished m

13、 ot or vehicle t est r egulat or y plat f orm, achieved m ot or vehicle t est f ul pr ocess video, and ata r em ot e r egulat or y; t hr ee is str ictly m ot or vehicle identif ication managem ent, equipped wit h unifed of ident ifcation equipm ent and t ool, using m obile identif ication Terminal,

14、and law enf or cem ent r ecor ds instr um ent, t echnology identif ication means. As t o 20XX years J une 20 st at ewide m ot or vehicle keep volum e f or 567, 408 car , and last year earlier t han gr owt h 75, 814 car, growt h 13.36%; t his year J anuar y- June, vehicles m anagement section and lic

15、ense archives m anagem ent sect ion t ot al accept ed t he mot or vehicle r egistr at ion business 42, 543 car t im es, which r egister ed r egistr at ion 6, 905 car tim es, and t ransf er egist ration 3, 592 car t imes, and change r egist ration 1033 car t imes, and mor tgage registr at ion 696 car

16、 tim es, and cancelat ion r egistr at ion 187 car t imes, and int o business 980 car tim es, and Archives cor rections 81 pieces tim es, and issued test qualif ied logo 25, 429 car t imes, and other vehicles busines 3,640 car t imes; supervision Sur vey Section r elies on “motor vehicle det ection r

17、 emot e issued t est qualif ied logo sof tware platf or m“ super vison mot or vehicle t est, and i entif ication sit uation 7418l liangci, investigation mot or vehicle except ion business 30 car t imes, his pards business war ni g 244 ar ticle, vehicles and driving people sound video r egulatory scr

18、 eenshots 1852 Zhang, checks motor vehicle archives 716 pieces times, and medium bus, and medium above t ruck, and Of hazardous chemicals, vehicles and school buses and other key vehicle inspect ion r ecor d of 420. (C) based on their own, and str ict adher ence t o def ense, more cheating, f alse f

19、 alse f ugit ive suspects, r obery suspect vehicles and t he I nternet cr ackdown. DM V f ul play t o the “fir st line of Def ense“ posit ion cont rol, invest igating cheating, f ake ident if icat ion and r obber y suspect vehicles thr ough operational wor k, and car efuly examine t he documents and

20、 legal proof, check t raff ic violat ions, tr af fic accidents, t he f ugit ive suspect suspect ed vehicles and t hef t han t o wor k, f ur ther t ight car, dr iving m anagement business f or malit ies r eview pr ocedur es. . Tr uck driver inf ormat ion m anagement platf orm. Motor vehicles and t r

21、af fic police depart ment s, St at e tr anspor t authorit y to f ur ther clar ify t he Division of labour, im plement at ion responsibilt y, st rengt hen our colaboration and m anagement t ogether , r einforcing t he management of drivers on which str ongly synthetic war fare and inf ormation war fa

22、re. 3 str ictly im plemented. Fr om M ay 1 up, a is implement ed complex r oad and bad weat her dr iving exam, cur ent ly DMV is urged cont ractors par ty in t r easur es driving school incr eased simulat ion Highway, and continuous urgent det our s, and snow days, and wet sliding r oad, and bur st

23、sit uation disposal, subj ects I field t o driving exam pr oject , is expected 局域网飞鸽传 书 软件的设计与实现 摘 要 网络通讯在当今已经不算新鲜事物,但大多数网络通讯都需要借助 Internet上的服务器 ,这就给那些具有大规模内部网络的用户造成了 许多问题,如浪费网络资源、遭遇到网络攻击、传播的病毒、破坏防御系统等等。由于互连网上的网络通讯工具给企业内部信息交流带来了不便,所以为了方便 内部网络的用户之间的沟通 ,需要开发一个基于局域网的信息收发系统的即时通讯工具,实现在 内部网络 中进行信息的交流。本课题设

24、计主要针对局域网通讯而开发设计的,采用的是 C/S 构架, 类似飞鸽传书系统, 来实现聊天、文 件传输功能 ,并借助一些网络通讯组件,成功的实现了在局域网上的即时通讯。 本论文的目标是设计一个类似飞鸽传输的局域网通信软件, 并分析它在其领域的优势。本设计以 C 编写,能在 windows 2000/net/xp 等环境下运行。 设计 共分为五大模块,分别是: 首先, 介绍选题背景及意义和 国内外研究现状 ; 其次,介绍 TCP/IP 点对点协议技术 , C/S 架构和 SOCKET 网络编程技术; 再次, 对当前局域网文件传输进行需求分析并提出解决方案; 然后, 根据解决方案对 系统进行设计;

25、 最后, 对工作计划统计 以及 分析系统进行测试并得到测试结果。 关键词 : 聊天 ; 传输 ; socket; 飞鸽传书 ; C/S 结构 evaluation of scientif ic developm ent . Natur e securit y t ype- natur e securit y is t o m aint enance people of healt h value f or t ar get, t hr ough st r engt hening secur it y based m anagem ent , and r is k managem ent, an

26、d equipm ent m anagem ent and t echnology super vision, ensur e pr oduction in t he people, and r eal, and system , and system , elements ecur it y r eliable, and harm ony unifed, f ul contr ol var ious against f act ors, achieved t hought no slack, and managem ent no empt y document , and equipm en

27、t no hidden, and syst em no blocked, and unit zer o non- st opped. Qualit y and eff icency-qualit y benef it s t o adher e t o t he ent er pr ise “sur vi al, pr ofit and developm ent“ business t r ut h, adhere t o t he “all act ivit y is economic activit y, all cost s can be contr oled, money should

28、 not be wast ed“ managem ent philosophy, m anagement analysis, t o im pr ove m anagement qualit y, im pr ove cost cont r ol capacit y and market competi iveness. Innovation of science and t echnol gy-science and t echnol gy innovation is t o play t he r ole of science and t echnol gy as t he prim ar

29、y pr oductive f or ce, active use of new t echnol gies, new m aterials, new pr ocesses, new equipm ent, incr ease investment in science and t echnol gy, str engt hening scientif ic and t echnol gical t r aining, speeding up t ransf orm ing scient if ic and t echnol gical achievements, f orm ing a nu

30、m ber of propriet ar y t echnol gy, enhancing core com petit iveness. Resour ce-saving-t he-r esour ces aving ent er pr ise was t o r educe coal consum pt ion, water consum ption, electr ict y at t he cor e, enhance t he oper at ion of lean m anagem ent o r ealize low consum pt ion, high ef ficiency

31、, r educe pr oduction cost . Second is t o str engt hen t he business, financial, m at er ial, inf orm at ion and t he optimization of organization and m anagement , s aving t he int ernal t r ansact ion cost s. Harmonious developm ent of harm onious developm ent -is t o constr uct a “f or eign“ env

32、ir onment f or developm ent. “XI NG“ r efers t o t he “int er nal secur it y f irm and int ernal m anagem ent of t he int er nal m anagem ent measures ar e ef fect ive, harmonious“. “Foreign cur rency“ m eans “Enterprise coor dinating development of homeopat hy, well, get along wit h t he neighbor s

33、 bett er .“ ( B) XX 2013 f ive ent erprises building int rinsic saf et y power company goals ar e: unplanned out age 0 t imes. Class of disorders 0, 0 is equivalent f orced outage r ate. No personal inj ury accident , m at er ial and equipm ent accident s do not occur, no f ir e, no envir onm ent al

34、 polut ion accident . Ent erprise int egr at ed t o achieve zer o cases of violation, zer o accidents, zero. Qualit y goal is: when generating capacity 7. 5 bilon- kilowatt, sales of over 7.11 bilon kWh, total profits of 306. 6 milon Yuan, . . BFS+、 PI、 MIS、 SCM I nf orm at ion syst em s inf r astr

35、uctur e, f uly int egr at ed inf ormation syst em t o r ealize inf orm at ion r esour ces shar ing; t o expand t he br eadt h and epth of t he por tal syst em, inf orm at ion syst em of Enter prise M anagem ent Asistant r ole t o play; t o impr ove t he day-to- day oper at ion and maintenance operat

36、ion r ecord of pr omot ing causes and t ransfer syst em; t o st rengt hen t he t raining super vision in lar ge and m edium goods vehicle. A is est ablished lar ge vehicles and sm al vehicles classif ication m anagem ent of m ot or vehicle t est m ode, incr eased medium van car , and danger ous good

37、s t r ansport car , and school car t est project; I I is est ablished m ot or vehicle t est r egulat or y plat f orm, achieved m ot or vehicle t est f ul pr ocess video, and ata r em ot e r egulat or y; t hr ee is str ictly m ot or vehicle identif ication managem ent, equipped wit h unifed of ident

38、ifcation equipm ent and t ool, using m obile identif ication Terminal, and law enf or cem ent r ecor ds instr um ent, t echnology identif ication means. As t o 20XX years J une 20 st at ewide m ot or vehicle keep volum e f or 567, 408 car , and last year earlier t han gr owt h 75, 814 car, growt h 1

39、3.36%; t his year J anuar y- June, vehicles m anagement section and license archives m anagem ent sect ion t ot al accept ed t he mot or vehicle r egistr at ion business 42, 543 car t im es, which r egister ed r egistr at ion 6, 905 car tim es, and t ransf er egist ration 3, 592 car t imes, and chan

40、ge r egist ration 1033 car t imes, and mor tgage registr at ion 696 car tim es, and cancelat ion r egistr at ion 187 car t imes, and int o business 980 car tim es, and Archives cor rections 81 pieces tim es, and issued test qualif ied logo 25, 429 car t imes, and other vehicles busines 3,640 car t i

41、mes; supervision Sur vey Section r elies on “motor vehicle det ection r emot e issued t est qualif ied logo sof tware platf or m“ super vison mot or vehicle t est, and i entif ication sit uation 7418l liangci, investigation mot or vehicle except ion business 30 car t imes, his pards business war ni

42、g 244 ar ticle, vehicles and driving people sound video r egulatory scr eenshots 1852 Zhang, checks motor vehicle archives 716 pieces times, and medium bus, and medium above t ruck, and Of hazardous chemicals, vehicles and school buses and other key vehicle inspect ion r ecor d of 420. (C) based on

43、their own, and str ict adher ence t o def ense, more cheating, f alse f alse f ugit ive suspects, r obery suspect vehicles and t he I nternet cr ackdown. DM V f ul play t o the “fir st line of Def ense“ posit ion cont rol, invest igating cheating, f ake ident if icat ion and r obber y suspect vehicl

44、es thr ough operational wor k, and car efuly examine t he documents and legal proof, check t raff ic violat ions, tr af fic accidents, t he f ugit ive suspect suspect ed vehicles and t hef t han t o wor k, f ur ther t ight car, dr iving m anagement business f or malit ies r eview pr ocedur es. . Tr

45、uck driver inf ormat ion m anagement platf orm. Motor vehicles and t r af fic police depart ment s, St at e tr anspor t authorit y to f ur ther clar ify t he Division of labour, im plement at ion responsibilt y, st rengt hen our colaboration and m anagement t ogether , r einforcing t he management o

46、f drivers on which str ongly synthetic war fare and inf ormation war fare. 3 str ictly im plemented. Fr om M ay 1 up, a is implement ed complex r oad and bad weat her dr iving exam, cur ent ly DMV is urged cont ractors par ty in t r easur es driving school incr eased simulat ion Highway, and continu

47、ous urgent det our s, and snow days, and wet sliding r oad, and bur st sit uation disposal, subj ects I field t o driving exam pr oject , is expected Design and Implementation IP Messenger Based on LAN Abstract The network communication already do not calculate the new things now, but the majority n

48、etwork communication all need to be support by the server on the Internet, this make these user have the large-scale internal network who many problems, such as waste network resources, be attacked by network, dissemination virus, destruction defense system and so on. Because the interconnection net

49、work communication facilities on the interior communication brought inconveniently for the enterprise, in order to facilitate internal communication between network users, needs to develop one based on the local of instant message area network information receiving and dispatching system instant message facil

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