1、- 1 -参考文献著录格式示例(APA 格式,选题报告和论文以此为准)参考文献按先英文后中文排列,全部按首写字母排序A.1 专著例:龙文佩,(1988),外国当代剧作选。北京:中国戏剧出版社。Grice, H. P. (2002). Studies in the way of words. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press. (出版年份加括号,中文书目用书名号,中文标点;英文专著只大写第一个字母,用斜体;)A.2 学位论文例: 张筑,(2010),学术摘要中的主位研究,硕士学位论文。北京:北京大学。Cairns, R.
2、 B. (2012). Infared spectroscopic studies on solid oxygen, M.A. Thesis. Berkeley: University of California. (中文学位论文标明“硕士/博士学位论文” ,英文对应用 M.A. Thesis 或 Ph.D. Dissertation,后加地点和学校,英文论文标题需斜体,第一个字母大写,格式同专著)A.3 文集中析出的文献例: 黄蕴慧, (2003) ,国际矿物学研究的动向,见程裕淇等编, 世界地质科技发展动向 。北京:地质出版社,38-39Rivers, S. (2010). Bringin
3、g it all together: Applying metaphor analysis to online discussions in a doctorate study. In Cameron, L. Huang, 2010), business negotiation (Tan, 2009) and news reports (Yu, 2000), while only few have researched on debate. Zhang (2006) does a functional analysis of IM exploiting the First Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate in 2004; Liu (2011) studies metaphors of modality in presidential debate but lacking of statistics and detailed analysis; Zhang (2011, p.102) researches on the evaluation function of modality metaphors in presidential debate.