学与教的心理学智慧第八讲 行为主义学习理论 英教学院 王毅敏(一)理解学习 听到“ 学习” 一词时你会想到什么? 什么是学习?(一)什么是学习 个体在后天生活过程中经过练习或经验而产生的行为或知识的比较持久的变化的过程。 一、理解学习 a change in an individual caused by experience or learning ;not inborn or innate,but learned; permanent change in individuals knowledge or behavior. Occurs in schools and everywhere else一、理解学习 What is learning? Learning takes place in many ways. Sometimes it is intentional, sometimes it is unintentional. The problem faced by educators is not to get students to learn. They are alr