1、Onthecontrolof the principle of administrative rationality over administrative discretion - The principle ofadministrativerationalityfurmishes the basis for control over administrativediscretionwithinthe legal limitation of liability chiefly for useinexamination of whether the exercise of anyadminis
2、trativediscretionis rationalandproperwithin this legitimate range of responsibility. This paper lays emphasis on a discussion about thefunctionsof the principle of administrative rationality and the specific requirements and main forms and constitutions for its control over administrative discretion
3、,withspecial stress on the important relationshipsbetweentheprinciple of administrative rationality and the formsforcontrol over administrative discretion. /-/ administration/principle of rationality/discretion - Hery Campbell Blak,M.A.Blacks Law Dictionary,P. 419,St. PaulMinn WestPub-lishing Co.197
4、9 1996545-1995258 !-empirenews.page- -198531472 - - - - !-empirenews.page- - -1234 -19916 - - - !-empirenews.page- 1.- 2.-706 B.1986101571- 3.- - - 1.- !-empirenews.page-2.-11-1984159161-1 23-1995246 3.-1234 4. 5.-1 2 3 4-1995816263H.Wade:ADMINISTRATIVELAW1982. !-empirenews.page-6.-19947 1343-19947135135219981178