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1 Half a Day新版现代大学英语精读详细教案.doc

1、1二、主要内容:第 教学周/第 节(第 次课) 第 页教学目的Teaching Objectives:1) to have the class handle the usage of simple past and past perfect.2) to have the class learn the key words and expressions3) to have the class discuss their first college day.教学重点和难点Teaching Focus1) The first college day.2) The way of telling st

2、ory Possible DifficultiesComprehension of the text. 教学方法和手段Teaching techniquesTo integrate several different teaching methods and techniques: elicitation; explanation; illustration; recitation and discussion.教 学 基 本 内 容 备 注Unit 1 Half a Day1 Culture tipsSchools Stages of education AimsPlay SchoolNur

3、sery SchoolPreschool educationFor 25 year-oldChildren mostly play, with some early learning.Infant SchoolJunior SchoolPrimary education for 5/612/13Children learn some basic skills in reading, writing, arithmetic, art, etc.Comprehensive School or Grammar SchoolSecondary education for 12/1316/18Stude

4、nts study a wide range of subjects in arts, sciences and technical areas.College or UniversityFurther/Higher education for 18+ Students study for degrees/diplomas in specialized academic areas.2 StructureThe text can be conveniently divided into three parts. In the first part (para.1-7), we learn ab

5、out the boys misgivings about school. He found it hard to be away from home and mom, and thought school was punishment. The second part (para.8-16) describes how the boy felt about school. He 2found that life at school was rich and colorful in many ways, although it also required discipline and hard

6、 work. In the last part of the text (17-20), the boy walked out of the school to find that the outside world had changed beyond measure and that he had grown into an old man.General AnalysisPlot: a little boys first time to go to schoolSetting: on the way to schoolat schoolon the way homeProtagonist

7、s: “I” the boy in the storyTheme of the storyThe following are a few possible understandings of the message the story conveys. Which one do you agree with? Argue with your group partners.Time and tide wait for no man.Life is a tragedy. There is nothing permanent in life but change.Education can neve

8、r keep up with changes in society.Life is short and time is precious.Life is a dream. Do not take anything seriously.Time goes by quickly and many things can take place in your lifetime. Before you know it, a new society is born.Symbolism is used in the story to play up the theme: Life is like a day

9、 of a child, bitter, rich, colorful and short, which is a process of growing up, exploring and acquiring.3 Vocabulary1 alongside prep. Beside, next to 在旁边,沿着 ;和相比Beside/Alongside his, my trouble is nothing. 和他的相比,我的苦恼算不了什么。2 clutch vt. to hold sth. or sb. tightly, esp. because you are frightened, in

10、 pain, or do not want to lose somethingTom fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.A woman clutching a baby stole an elderly womans purse.Synonyms: hold, seize, grip, grasp, grab, snatchclutch at: to try hard to hold sth., esp. when youre in a dangerous situationA drowning man will clutch at a str

11、aw. (to try hard to find a sign of hope or a solution, even when they are not likely to exist in a difficult or dangerous situation) Synonym: catch at3 convince vt. to make sb. feel certain that sth. is true3I couldnt convince him of his mistake.How can I convince you of my sincerity?I managed to co

12、nvince them that the story was true.a convincing argumentconvincing evidence作状语的 convinced = believing = full of convictionHe left the room, convinced/believing that a war would come. 他确信一场争吵即将发生,便离开了房间。4 vast: a. extremely large; spreading a great distanceChina has a vast land and rich resources. 中

13、国地大物博。The vast plains of this country spread for hundreds of miles.The group of actors was brought from New York to London at vast expense.Synonyms: huge, immense, enormous, gigantic, massive, giant, colossal, mammoth, tremendous, titanic5 hesitate v. to be slow to act because one feels uncertain or

14、 unwillingHe who hesitates is lost. 当断不断,必受其患。I choose rather to hesitate my opinion than to assert it roundly. 我喜欢把我的意见讲的含糊一些,而不愿直截了当的把他讲出来。hesitate to do 犹豫不决做某事He hesitated to break the law. 他怕违反法律。hesitate about/at/in/over (doing) sth. 对 犹豫不决Jane hesitated about the choice between the two univer

15、sities. 这两所大学简拿不定主意究竟挑哪一所。Hes still hesitating about joining the expedition.6 cling to: 1) to hold tightly; not release ones grip on 抓紧,紧握The little child clung to his mother for comfort.Some of the victims of the fire climbed out of the building, clung to the window ledges for a minute or two and t

16、hen dropped to their death a hundred feet below.2) to refuse to let go 坚守,坚持She clung to the hope that he was still alive.Why do you have to cling to the old custom? 墨守成规Collocations:cling to the belief 固守信念cling to the hope 抱着一线希望cling to ones own view 坚持己见cling to the habit 固守着某种习惯4cling to ones p

17、ossessions 坚守财产不肯放弃7 glance v. arrangeHe was sorting his foreign stamps into piles.They sorted the apples according to size into large ones and small sort outShe spent a happy afternoon sorting out her coins and stamps.整理She tried to sort out her problems.弄清楚,解决sort: n. a kind or a typeHe i

18、s the sort of person I really dislikeof sorts/of a sort 马马虎虎的,较差的He is a poet of sorts, and nobody likes his poems. 蹩脚的诗人out of sorts:slightly ill.身体不适,心情不佳The teacher is out of sorts this morning, so we suggest her to see a doctor.sort of: Informal Somewhat; rather 有点,有几分Its sort of late. I am afra

19、id I cant catch the bus.9 overlook v.1) to see a place from above My room overlooks the seaMy garden is overlooked by the neighbours.2) to fail to see or notice sth.; to miss We can afford to overlook minor offences5Im afraid I overlooked your name; Ill add it to the list immediately.Ill overlook yo

20、ur mistake this time.Synonyms:ignore 故意不理睬某人、某物She completely ignores all these facts as though they never existed.她完全无视这些事实,好像他们根本不存在似的。neglect 未给某人或某事应有或足够的重视,可以是故意的,也可以是无意的。Agriculture was awfully neglected in the past. 农业过去被严重忽视。overlook 由于匆忙或没注意到而忽视His services have been overlooked for years. 他

21、的功绩已被埋没多年了。10 exertion n.1) great effortHe failed to lift the rock in spite of all his exertions.2) action of applying influence, etc.Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.exert v. exert on/upon 发挥;运用 exert pressure on sb exert all ones strength/influence to

22、do sth exert oneself: make an effort exert oneself to arrive early11 dazen. a confused state of mind 迷乱,茫然,眼花缭乱v. to make (sb.) feel stupid or unable to think clearly 茫然,使手足无措Ive been wandering around in a daze all day.If someone gave you a heavy blow on the head, you would probably feel dazed.Dazed

23、 survivors staggered from the wreckage.助记 dz 表示“晕眩”daze n.眼花潦乱 v. 茫然dazzle vt. 是眩目dizzy a. 头昏目眩的,眩晕的doze v./n. 瞌睡,打盹dozy a. 困倦的,昏昏欲睡的The blow on the head dazed him for a moment. 他头上受了一击后就昏眩了片刻。He was dazzled at the victory. 他被胜利冲昏了头。6The victory made him dizzy. 胜利冲昏了他的头脑。I dozed off during the film.

24、 我看电影时打起盹儿来了。Im feeling a bit dozy this afternoon. 今天下午我有点困。4 Phrases1 to throw sb. into/out of a place: to force sb. to leave a placeThey will throw me out of school if I fail three exams.Nick got thrown out of college in the second year for taking drugs.Anyone who opposes the regime is liable to b

25、e thrown into jail/prison.2 make (a useful man) out of a boy: to make a boy become usefulThe army made a man of him.The four brothers all made a success of their lives.3 to tear sb. away from a place: to (make sb.) leave a place or a person unwillingly because one has toThe child was torn away from

26、its mothers arms.Cant you tear yourself away from the TV for dinner?4 fool around: to waste time instead of doing sth. that you should be doing. 胡混,无所事事He spent the whole afternoon just fooling around.Stop fooling around otherwise youll never amount to anything 一事无成.I was meant to be working on Sund

27、ay, but I just fooled around all day.Related expressions:He noticed a strange-looking person hanging about the bus stop. 闲逛;闲荡I hung around the station for an hour but he never showed up. 等候The children lingered on at the zoo until the closing time. 逗留5 bring about sth: make sth. happen.Computers ha

28、ve brought about many changes in workplace.I offered to act as mediator and try to bring about reconciliation between the two parties.That unpopular measure finally brought about the downfall of the government.Science has brought about many changes in our lives.“bring” phrases:bring down 打倒; 击落;降低br

29、ing forth 使产生bring forward 提出;使涌现出;显示bring on 引起,导致;使发展(或前进)7bring out 使(意义等)明白表示出来bring off 使成功;完成bring in 收(庄稼)等;引来,引进(风尚等)bring home to sb. 使某人深切地感到(或清楚地认识到)6 . take advantage of sth.: to make use of sth. (such as an opportunity) well.The farmer took advantage of the good weather and got all the

30、wheat in.I took advantage of the weather to paint the shed.Dont lend them the cartheyre taking advantage of you!More phrases:For certain types of work wood has/gains/wins advantages over plastic. 胜过; 优于New tax regulations had given them an advantage over their commercial rivals.给某人优势You have the adv

31、antage of me. 较某人有利; 比某人强Candidates with computer skills will be at an advantage. 处于优势Do take more exercise. It is to your advantage. 对某人有利 ; 有利于某人5 Grammar and Writing Devices1. I walked alongside my father, clutching his right hand. (1): I walked next to my father, holding his right hand. Present

32、participle as adverbial modifierMy mother stood at the window watching our progress, and I turned towards her from time to time, hoping she would help. (2)“Im not punishing you,” he said, laughing. (4)The bell rang, announcing the passing of the day and the end of work. (17)2 we could see the courty

33、ard, vast and full of boys and girls. (6): we could see the courtyard, which is huge and crowded with boys and girls.Adjective phrase as an attributive modifier When used as an attribute modifier, adjective phrases are often placed after the noun.Theres nothing wrong with the computer.6 Exercise on

34、the book And Recite Paragraphs.7 Homework: Translations, New words and Phrases88 Blackboard designPart One: Warm-upPart Two: Background InformationPart Three: Text Appreciation1. Theme 2. Structure 3. Further Discussion Part Four: Language Study Part Five: Extension9.Time allocation(12 学时)Part One and Two: (1 学时)Warm-up and Background InformationIn class presentation Part Three: Text Appreciation( 6 学时)1. Theme 2. Structure 3. Further Discussion Part Four: Language Study (4 学时)Part Five: Homework and Exercises (1 学时)9

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