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1、 Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 1 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名(CP) Confirmation Prototype 确认样车Final Status 最终状态(J1) Job 1 整车投产(PT) P/T Design Complete 动力传动系统设计结束PT(P/T) Power Train 动力传动系统(ST) Surface Transfer 表面参数传递Change Cut-Off 更改完成Launch Readiness 投产准备就绪Launch Sign-Off 投产验收Program Approval 项目批准P

2、roportions & Hardpoints 比例与固定点Product Readiness 产品准备就绪Pre Milestone 1 SI 前里程碑 1Pre Milestone 2 SI 前里程碑 2Strategic Confirmation 策略确认Strategic Intent 策略意向Strategic Planning 策略计划(SP) Structural Prototype 样车结构(TTO) Tool Try-Out 工装设备试运行Global 8D Eight disciplinary Actions G8D (福特公司解决问题的标准方法)14D More Deta

3、iled than Global 8D (used to contain and resolve stop-shipment/recall problems) 更详细的细节(包括并解决停止运货/召回问题)1MIS One Month in Service 投入使用 1 个月1PP First Production Proveout 第一次试生产2PP Second Production Proveout 第二次试生产3MIS Three Months in Service 投入使用 3 个月4P Production Process Proveout Program 生产程序验证项目AAA A

4、merican Automobile Association 美国汽车工业联合会ABS Affordable Business Structure 可承受商业结构ABS Anti skid brake system 防抱死制动系统AIAG Automotive Industry Action Group 机动车工业行动小组AIC Accelerated Implementation Centre 快速实施中心AIM Automated Issues Matrix 问题结构图AIMS Automated Issues Matrix System 问题结构图系统AME Advanced Manuf

5、acturing Engineering 先进制造工艺AMPPE Advanced Manufacturing Pre-Program Engineering 先进项目前制造工艺ANOVA Analysis of Variance 多样性分析AP Attribute Prototype 设计样车Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 2 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名APEAL Automotive Performance Execution and Layout 机动车性能实施与规划APQP Advanced Product Quality

6、Planning 先进产品质量计划ASQ American Society for Quality 美国质量协会AV Appraiser Variation 评估者的多样性AVT Advance Vehicle Technology 先进车辆技术AWS Analytical Warranty System 分析性的保修系统AXOD Automatic Transaxle Overdrive Transmission 自动变速驱动桥超速档传动系B&A Body & Assembly Operations (New Term: Vehicle Operations) 车身与组装操作(新术语:车辆操

7、作)BCG Business Consumer Group 消费者工作组BIC Best in Class 等级中的最佳BIS Body Shop Information System 车身工作间信息系统BLI Business Leadership Initiative 领导层初始意向BOM Bill Of Materials 零件清单BTB Bumper-to-Bumper 保险杠到保险杠BTS Build-To-Schedule 按日程建造BUR Business Unit Review 业务小组讨论CAS Capacity Analysis Sheet 能力分析表C/E Cause &

8、 Effect 成因及影响CA Customer Attribute 消费者特性CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程CAP Corrective Action Plan 纠正行动计划CBG Consumer Business Group 消费者业务小组CC Critical Characteristic 评价特性CC Courtesy Copy 抄送CC Carbon Copy 副本CCC Customer Concern Classification 客户问题分类CDS Componen

9、t Design Specification 零件设计参数CET Campaignable Events Team 召回情况小组CETs Common External Tariff 普通关税CETP Corporate Engineering Test Procedures 公司工程测试程序CFR Constant Failure Rate 连续故障率CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing 计算机综合制造CIWG Continuous Improvement Work Group 持续改进工作组CL Centerline 中心线CMM Coordinate

10、 Measuring Machine 协调测量设备CMMS Common Material Management System 通用材料管理系统CMMS3 Common Manufacturing Management System-3 通用制造管理系统-3Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 3 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名Code X Pre-build focusing on exterior components 制造前关注的外部零件Code Y Pre-build focusing on interior components 制

11、造前关注的内部零件CP Common Position 通用位置CpRelates the allowable spread of the specification limits to the measure of the actual variation of the process.将参数限制允许限度下的展开与程序实际多样性联系起来CPE Chief Program Engineer 首席项目工程师CpkMeasures the process variation with respect to the allowable specification, and takes into ac

12、count the location of the process average测量程序的多样性并将其考虑到程序平均性的位置中CPU Cost Per Unit 单位成本CQDC Corporate Quality Development Center 公司质量开发中心CQIS Common Quality Indicator System 一般质量指标系统CR Concern Responses 问题回复CRT Component Review Team 零件讨论组CSA Corporate Security Administrator 公司安全管理员CSI Customer Servic

13、e Index 客户服务指数DCO Duty Cycle Output 责任循环结果DCP Dynamic Control Planning 动态控制计划DDL Direct Data Link 直接数据连接Df Degrees of Freedom 自由度DFA Design for Assembly 总成设计DFM Design for Manufacturability 制造能力设计DFMEA Design Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式影响分析设计DFR Decreasing Failure Rate 故障下降率DMA Database Maint

14、enance Administrator 数据库维护管理人员DOE Design of Experiment 试验设计DOM Dealer Operations Manager 经销商业务经理DP Design Parameters 参数设计DQR Durability Quality and Reliability 耐久性质量与可靠性DTD Dock to Dock 码头至码头DTD Design to Delivery 设计到交付DV Design Verification 设计验证DVM Design Verification Method 设计验证方式DVP Design Verifi

15、cation Plan 设计验证计划DVP&PV Design Verification Process and Production Validation 设计验证程序和产品验证DVP&R Design Verification Plan & Report 设计验证计划和结果DVPR Design Verification & Product Reliability 设计验证和产品可靠性DVPV Design Verification and Process Verification 设计验证和程序验证EAO European Automotive Operations 欧洲机动车协会Acr

16、onym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 4 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名EASI Engineering And Supply Information 工程和供应信息ECAR Electronic Connector Acceptability Rating 电子连接接受比率EDI Electronic Data Interchange 电子数据交换EESE Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineering 电力及电子系统工程EMM Expanded Memory Manager 扩展内存管理器EMS En

17、vironmental Management System 环境管理系统EOL End of Line 线的端点EQI Extraordinary Quality Initiative 特别初始质量ES Engineering Specifications 工程参数ESI Early Supplier Involvement 早期供应商参与ESP Extended Service Plan 延期服务计划ESTA Early Sourcing Target Agreement 早期选点目标协议ESWP Early Sourcing Work Plan 早期选点工作计划EV Equipment V

18、ariation 设备变更F&T Facility & Tooling 工装设备FACT Facilitation and Certification Training 简易化及认证培训FASS Field Action/Stop Shipment 区域行动/停止运货FA/SS Field Action/Stop Shipment (Preferred Acronym) 区域行动/停止运货(优先使用缩写)FAO Ford Automotive Operations 福特机动车协会FAP Ford Automotive Procedure 福特机动车程序FAQ Frequently Asked

19、Questions 常见问答FCPA Ford Consumer Product Audit 福特客户产品审核FCSD Ford Customer Service Division 福特客户售后服务分枝机构FDVS Ford Design Verification System 福特设计验证系统FER Fresh Eyes Review 其它行业人员论证FER Final Engineering Review 最终工程论证FEU Field Evaluation Unit 区域评估组FIFO First in First Out 先进先出FMEA Failure Mode Effects An

20、alysis 故障模式影响分析FMVSS Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 美国联邦机动车安全标准FPDS Ford Product Development System 福特产品开发系统FPS Ford Production System 福特生产系统FPSI Ford Production System Institute 福特产品系统学院FPS IT Ford Production System Information Technology 福特产品系统信息技术FOB Ford of Britain 福特英国FQRs Frequent Qual

21、ity Rejects 经常性质量不合格品FR Functional Requirements 功能要求FRG FAO Reliability Guide FAO (福特机动车运作) 可靠性指Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 5 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名导FS Final Sign-off 最终验收FSIC Ford System Integration Council 福特系统综合委员会FSN Ford Supplier Network 福特供应商网络FSS Full Service Suppliers 全方位服务供应商FTDC

22、Fairlane Training and Development Center 培训和发展中心FTEP Ford Technical Educational Program 福特技术培训项目FTT First Time Through 首次通过FUNC-APPRV Functional Approvals 功能批准FVEP Finished Vehicle Evaluation Program 下线车辆评估项目GAP Global Architecture Process 全球建筑设计程序GC Global Craftsmanship 全球技术工艺GCARS Global Craftsman

23、ship Attribute Rating System 全球技术特性评分系统GCEQ Global Core Engineering Quality 全球核心工程质量GEM Generic Electronic Module 通用电子模块GIS1 Global Information Standards 全球信息标准GPIRS Global Prototype Inventory Requisition and Scheduling 全球样车库存及控制安排GPP Global Parts Pricing 全球零件定价GQRS Global Quality Research System 全球

24、质量调查系统GRC UN-ECE Group des Raporteurs de Ceintures 欧盟 ECE 安全带规划小组GRC Government Regulations Coordinator 政府法规协调员GR&R Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility 量具重复性和再现性GRVW Gross Vehicle Weight 车辆质量GSDB Global Supplier Database 全球供应商数据库GSSM Global Sourcing Stakeholders Meeting 全球选点股东大会GYR Green-Yellow-R

25、ed 绿-黄-红HI High-Impact 重大影响HIC High-Impact Characteristics 重大影响特性HR Human Resources 人力资源HTFB Hard Tooled Functional Build 成形机功能建造HVAC Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning 加热通风和空调ICA Interim Containment Action 过渡性补救措施ICCD Intensified Customer Concern Database 强化的客户问题数据库ICCD CRS Intensified Custom

26、er Concern Database Concern Resolution Specialist 强化的客户问题数据库解决问题专员IE Industrial Engineer 产业工程师IFR Increasing Failure Rate 故障率增长ILVS In-Line Vehicle Sequencing 车辆顺序Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 6 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名IM Industrial Materials 工业材料IP Instrument Panel 仪表板IPD In Plant Date 进厂日IQ

27、Incoming Quality 进货质量IQS2 Initial Quality Study 初始质量研究IR Internal Reject 内部不合格品ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织ISPC In-Station Process Controls 过程质量控制JIT Just in Time 及时JPH Jobs Per Hour 每小时工作量JSA Job Safety Analysis 工作安全分析KKK PSW not ready for inspection PSW (零件质量合格验收) 未做好

28、检测准备KLT Key Life Test 关键使用寿命测试KO Kickoff 起动LCL Lower Control Limit 低控制限值LDEM Lean Design Evaluation Matrix 设计评估表LOA Letter of Agreement 协议书LP&T Launch Planning & Training 投产计划和培训LR Launch Readiness 投产准备就绪LRR Launch Readiness Review 投产准备就绪论证LS Launch Sign-Off 投产验收LSL Lower Specification Limit 低参数限制LT

29、DB Light Truck Data Base 轻型卡车数据库MBJ1 Months Before Job One Job1(投产)前 1 个月MBO Manufacturing Business Office 制造办公室ME Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程MIS Months in Service 使用中的月份MMSA Material Management System Assessment 物料管理系统评定MP&L Materials, Planning and Logistics 材料、计划与物流MPPS Manufacturing Process Pl

30、anning System 制造程序计划系统MOD Module 模块MRB Material Review Board 物料论证板MRD Material Required Date 物料要求到厂日MS Material Specifications 物料参数MS3(MSIII) Material Supply Version III 物料供应(第三版)MTC Manage the Change 管理变更MY Model Year 年度车型NAAO North American Automotive Operations 北美汽车工业协会Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Se

31、p 2003 Page 7 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名NFM Noise Factor Management 噪声管理NIST National Institute of Standards and Testing 全国标准和测试协会NMPDC New Model Program Development Center 新车型项目开发中心Nova C New Overall Vehicle Audit 新车总评审NTEI New Tooled End Items 新工具加工成品NVH Noise, Vibration, Harshness 噪声、振动、操纵平顺性OCM Opera

32、ting Committee Meeting 工作委员会会议OEE Overall Equipment Efficiency 总体设备效率OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 设备最初制造厂ONP Owner Notification Program 车主告知程序OS Operator Safety 操作者安全OTG Open to Go 可进行P Diagrams Parameter Diagrams 参数图表PA Program Approval 项目批准PAG Premier Automotive Group 首要机动车项目组PAL Project At

33、tribute Leadership 项目特性领导层PAT Program Activity Team, Program Attribute Team, or Program Action Team 项目促进小组、项目特性小组和项目行动小组PCA Permanent Corrective Action 持续改进行动PCI Product Change Information 产品变更信息PD Product Development 产品开发PDL Program Design Language 项目设计语言PD Q1 Product Development Q1 产品开发 Q1PDSA Pla

34、n, Do, Study, Act 计划、实践、研讨、实施PFMEA Process Failure Mode Effects Analysis 程序故障模式影响分析PI Process Improvement 程序改进PIPC Percentage of Ppk Indices Process Capable Ppk 指数程序能力百分比PIST Percentage of Inspection Point That Satisfy Tolerance 满足公差要求的检查点百分比PM Program Manger 项目经理PMA Project Management Analyst 项目管理分

35、析PMT Program Management Team or Program Module Team 项目管理组或项目模式组PO Purchase Order 采购订单POC Point of Contact 联系点POT Process Ownership Team 程序所有者小组Pp Process Potential 程序潜力PP&T Product Planning & Technology 产品计划和技术PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产零件批准程序Ppk Process Capability 程序能力Acronym List缩 写 目

36、 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 8 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名PPC Product Planning Committee 产品计划委员会PPL Program Parts List 项目零件清单PPM Parts per Million (applied to defective Supplier parts) 零件的百万分比率(适用于供应商不合格零件)PPPM Program and Pre-Production Management 程序和投产前管理PR Public Relations 公共关系PR Product Requirement 产品要求PR Pr

37、oduct Readiness Milestone 产品就绪时间节点PSO Production Standard Order 制造标准订单PSS Private Switching Service 私人转接服务PST Program Steering Team 项目指导小组PSW Part Submission Warrant 零件质量合格验收PTO Powertrain Operations 传动系统操纵件PTR Platinum Resistance Thermometer 铂金电阻温度计PV Production Validation 产品验证PV Process Variables

38、程序变更PV Part Variation 零件变更PVBR Prototype Vehicle Build Requirements 样车制造要求PVM Production Validation Method 产品验证方法PVP Powertrain Validation Program 传动系统验证程序PVT Product Vehicle Team or Plant Vehicle Team 产品车辆组或工厂车辆组QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制QCT Quality Cost Timing 质量成本时机选择QFD Qua

39、lity Function Deployment 质量功能配备QFTF Quality Focused Test Fleet 质量节点测试行动组QLS Quality Leadership System 质量领导体系QMS Quality Management System 质量管理体系QOS Quality Operating System 质量运作体系QOE Quality of Event 质量事件QPM Quality Program Manager 质量项目经理QPS Quality Process System 质量程序系统QR Quality Reject 质量不合格QS-900

40、0 Quality Systems 9000 质量体系-9000QSA-PD Quality System Assessment for Product Development 产品开发质量体系评估QTM Quality Team Member 质量小组成员QVA Quality-Focused Value Analysis Workshop 车间质量重点价值分析R Range 范围Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 9 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名R&M Reliability and Maintainability 可靠性及可维护性R

41、MS Resource Management System 资源管理系统R&R Repeatability and Reproducibility 重复性和再现性R&R Roles and Responsibilities 职务与责任R&VT Research & Vehicle Technology 研究与车辆技术R/1000 Repairs per thousand 修理千分率RAP Remote Anti-theft Personality module 防盗遥控器个性化模式REDPEPR Robust Engineering Design Process Enabler Project

42、 积极的工程设计程序计划RIE Reliability Improvement Engineer 可靠性改进工程师ROA Return on Assets 资产回报率ROCOF Rate of Occurrence of Failure 故障发生率RPN Risk Priority Number 优先处理风险号码RRCL Reliability and Robustness Check List 可靠性与强有力的核对表RRDM Reliability and Robustness Demonstration Matrix 可靠性与强有力的演示图表RRR PSW rejected PSW (零件

43、质量合格验收) 不合格RWUP Real World Usage Profile 现实生活使用记录S Standard deviation 标准偏差s2 Variance 多样性SC Significant Characteristics 重要特性SCs/CCs Significant Characteristics/Critical Characteristics 重要特性/评价特性SCAC Supplier Craftsmanship Advisory Committee 供应商技术顾问委员会SCTs Strategic Commodity Teams 策略性商品组SDS System D

44、esign Specifications 系统设计参数SDS Subsystem Design Specification 子系统设计参数SEVA Systems Engineering Value Analysis 系统工程价值分析SHARP Safety and Health Assessment Review Process 安全和健康评估讨论程序SI System International des Unit 国际单位制SIM Supplier Improvement Metrics 供应商改进步骤SMART Synchronous Material and Replenishment

45、 Trigger 同步物料与补给触发器SME Subject Matter Expert 主题专家SMF Synchronous Material Flow 同步物料流程SOW Statement of Work 工作陈述SP/AP Structural Prototype/Attribute Prototype 结构原形/特性原形SP&PI Strategic Process & Product Improvement 策略性程序和产品改进SPC Special Product Committee 特殊产品委员会SPC Statistical Process Control 统计程序控制SP

46、ROM Sample Promise Date 承诺的样品到货日SREA Supplier Request for Engineering Approval 供应商要求工程批准SRI Supplier Responsible Issues 供应商责任Acronym List缩 写 目 录Pilot Sep 2003 Page 10 of 11CRONYM TERM 中文译名SSI Sales Satisfaction Index 销售满意度指标SSM Strategic Sourcing Meeting 策略选点会议ST Surface Transfer 表面转移STA Supplier Te

47、chnical Assistance 供应商技术支持STARS Supplier Tracking and Reporting System 供应商跟踪及汇报系统SVC Small Vehicle Center 小型车中心TA Target Agreement 目标协议TAP Target Achievement Plan 目标完成计划TCM Total Cost Management 总成本管理TED Things Engineers Do 工程师任务TEG Tooling and Equipment Group 工装及设备组TEM Total Equipment Management 全部

48、设备管理TGR Things Gone Right 事态发展正确TGW Things Gone Wrong 事态发展错误TIS Time in Service 服务期限TOC Table of Contents 目录TPM Total Productive Maintenance 全部生产维护TPPS Torque Process Potential Study 扭矩程序潜力研究TQC True Quality Characteristics 真实质量特性TRIZ (Russian) Theory of Inventive Problem Solving 创造性解决问题的理论(俄罗斯)TRMC

49、 Timing, Release and Material Control (also known as Tar-Mac) 时效性、发布和物料控制(同Tar-Mac)TS-16949 Technical Specification 16949 技术规范-16949TSP Technical Skills Program 技术性技能项目UCL Upper Control Limit 上限控制USL Upper Specification Limit 参数上限V/C Very or Completely Satisfied 非常或完全满意VC Vehicle Center 汽车中心VC Buyer Vehicle Center Buyer (now Consumer Business Group Buyer) 车辆中心客户(现在为商务集团购买客户)VDI Vehicle Dependability Index 车辆可靠性指标VDS Vehicle Design Specifications 车辆设计参数VDS Vehicle Descriptor Section 车辆描述组VER Vehicle Evaluation Ratings 车辆评估等级VFG Vehicle Function Group

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