三叉神经痛的解剖学研究三叉神经痛的解剖学研究 人体解剖教研室 面侧区面侧区the part of the the part of the lateral facelateral face1 1、腮腺咬肌区、腮腺咬肌区the part of parotid the part of parotid gland and gland and massetermasseter2 2、面侧深区、面侧深区the deep part of the the deep part of the lateral facelateral face腮腺咬肌区(1)the part of parotid gland and masseter1、境界boundary上界:颧弓、外耳道下界:下颌骨下缘前界:咬肌前缘后界:乳突和胸锁乳突肌上部前缘内容:腮腺、咬肌、神经和血管下颌后窝:下颌支以后部分腮腺咬肌区(2)the part of parotid gland and masseter2、腮腺咬肌筋膜:颈深筋膜在腮腺后缘分成两层,形成腮腺鞘;包绕腮腺;延续为咬肌筋膜,覆盖咬肌。特点:A.腮腺鞘与腮腺结合紧密,深入腮腺并