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I remember meeting all of you in Grade 71.ppt

1、九年级英语下册 (人教版 )Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.第一课时 Section A(1a 2d)1 【 辨析 】 remember doing sth.与 remember to do sth.remember doing sth.“ 记 得做 过 某事 ” , 强 调 所做的事已 结 束。 eg:I still remember arriving in Beijing for the first time.我仍然 记 得第一次到北京的情景。remember to do sth.“ 记 得要做某事 ” , 强 调 所要做的

2、事情 还 未 发 生。 eg:Remember to come to the meeting on time tomorrow.记 得明天要按 时 参加会 议 。2 instructioninstruction此 处 作可数名 词 , 意 为 “ 介 绍 , 说 明 ” , 通常用复数形式。3 patientpatient形容 词 , 意 为 “ 有耐心的;能容忍的 ” , 常用于短 语 be patient with“ 对 有耐心 ” 。 patient的反 义词为 impatient, 意 为 “ 不能容忍的;没有耐心的 ” 。 eg:You should be more patient

3、with your friends.你 对 朋友 们应该 更有耐心。【 拓展 】 patient也可作名 词 , 意 为 “ 病人 ” 。4 no matter whatno matter what意 为 “ 无 论 如何 , 不管 (发 生 )什么事;不管什么 ” , 可引导让 步状 语 从句 , 相当于 whatever。 eg:No matter what he says, she always agrees with him. Whatever he says,she always agrees with him.无 论 他 说 什么,她都会同意他的意 见 。 一、根据句意及汉语提示写

4、出正确的单词。1 We are doing a _(调查 )about the most popular sport among the students.2 _ (将要 )we meet at the school gate tomorrow?3 Our students achieve very high _(水平 )of musical ability.4 We can see a _(排 ) of houses in the photo.5 Janes husband is ill and she has to do _(两倍的 )work.surveyShallstandardrow

5、double二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6 We should guide the students _(finish) the survey report.7 The teacher speaks loudly so that the students can hear her _(clear)8 Didnt you remember_ (see) me here last year?9 In order to balance the study and entertainments, every student is supposed to plan the time _(care

6、)10 Our teachers often advise us _(take) more exercise every finishclearly seeingcarefullyto take三、单项选择。11 Didnt you remember _ him at the train station last week?Yes.We talked for half an hour then.A met B to meetC meet D meeting12 Mike worked hard.His scores _ in the final Chinese exam.A do

7、ubled B disappearedC mastered D sparedDAD13 The P E.teacher often guides us _ soccer after school.A play B playsC playing D to play14 Boys and girls, please follow my _ when you are in the lab.OK , Miss Wang.A conversations B licensesC instructions D habits15 Jay Chou is a very popular singer.Yes._

8、he comes here , he is warmly welcome.A However B WhoeverC Whatever D WheneverCD四、根据汉语完成句子。16 他只不过是个孩子 , 你 应该对 他耐心点。He is just a child, so you must _him.17 他 们 失 败 之后决定更拼搏 , 并且投入更多的努力。They decided to work harder and _after their failure.18 去年她 连续 四次 获胜 。She won four times _last year.19 因 为 你 , 我 们 没有

9、按 时 完成 这项 任 务 。We didnt finish the task on time _you.20 在日常的生活中 , 我的老 师经 常帮助我解决困 难 。My teacher often helps me _difficulties in daily patient with put in more effort in a row work out because of 五、选用方框中的句子补全对话 , 有两个多余选项。Brian: Hi, Cindy.21._Cindy: Hi, Brian.It is nice to see you and so many o

10、ld classmates.Brian: So it is.22._Cindy: Youre right.Its really a long time.Brian: Did you see the old photos on the wall?Cindy: I sure did.23._Brian: But those are some great memories.Cindy: Hey! 24._BFEDBrian: Yes, it is.I remember he used to stay up all night studying.Cindy: 25._Brian: Yes.He was the only left in the class when he woke up.Cindy: That was really funny.A What happened?B Long time no see!C Who took these photos?D Isnt that John over there?E We looked so funny in them.F I cant believe its been ten years.G And then he would fall asleep in class. G

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