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Life is full of the unexpected6.ppt

1、九年级英语下册 (人教版 )Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.第三课时 Section A(Grammar Focus 4c)过去完成时一、概念: 过去完成时表示过去某一时间或某一动作以前已经完成了的动作。它表示动作发生的时间是 “ 过去的过去 ” 。过去完成时的构成:肯定句:主语 had动词的过去分词其他否定句:主语 had not动词的过去分词其他一般疑问句: Had主语动词的过去分词其他?二、过去完成时的基本用法:1 表示 过 去某一 时间 或某一 动 作之前已 经 完成的 动 作。 eg:Li Ming had learned some En

2、glish words before he came here.李明在来 这 儿之前已 经 学会了一些英文 单词 。By the end of last week, they had finished ten lessons.到上周末 , 他 们 已学完了 10节课 。单元同步语法精讲 2 表示从 过 去某一 时间 开始 , 一直延 续 到 过 去另一 时间 的 动 作。 eg:I had been at the bus stop for 20 minutes when a bus finally came.当公交 车 最终 来到的 时 候 , 我已 经 在公交站点等了 20分 钟 了。3 过

3、 去完成 时 before/when/by the time一般 过 去 时 (动 作在后 )。 eg:The class had begun before I got to school.在我到学校之前 , 课 就开始了。When I arrived at home, my mother had left.当我到家的 时 候 , 我 妈妈 已 经 走了。4 用于 宾语 从句中。 eg:He said he had studied English for two years.他 说 他学英 语 两年了。I told him I had been to Japan twice.我告 诉 他我去

4、过 日本两次。一、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1 When I returned home, he _(leave)2 By ten oclock yesterday evening, she _(finish) writing her homework.3 He _(study) English for five years before he went abroad.4 It _(stop) raining when I woke up this morning.5 I _(not read) the book because I had read it before.had lefth

5、ad finishedhad studied had stoppeddidnt read单元同步语法强化训练6 By the time I reached home, my mother _(cook) supper already.7 The little girl _(lie) in bed for almost a month since she _(fall) sick.8 He told his mother that he _(run) out of money to buy new clothes.9 I suddenly remember that I _(leave) the

6、 key in my classroom when I got (get) home yesterday.10 Our math teacher _(teach) in our school for 20 years and he _(come) here when he was 25 years old.had cookedhad liedfellhad runhad lefthad taught came二、单项选择。11 He asked me _ during the summer holiday.A where I had been B where I had goneC where

7、 had I been D where had I gone12 She had written a number of books _the end of last year.A for B in C by D at13 The students _ their classroom when the visitors arrived.A have cleaned B had cleanedC was cleaned D have been cleanedACBD14 They _ the house before we moved in.A would paint B paintedC have painted D had painted15 We all went to the cinema except you last night.Why didnt you come?Because I_that movie twice.A have watched B had watchedC was watching D would watchB

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