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Sad movies make me cry课件3.ppt

1、九年级英语下册 (人教版 )Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.第二课时 Section A(3a 3c)1 feel like意 为 “ 觉 得 , 感 觉 像是 ” , like是介 词 , 后跟 动词 ing形式。【 拓展 】 feel like还 可意 为 “ 想要 , 想 ” 。2 His face was always pale as chalk.他的脸总是面如灰土。(as)pale as chalk是一种明 喻 修辞 结 构 , 虽 然英 语 把 苍 白比作 chalk(白垩 ), 但 汉语 不可直 译 , 相当于我 们说 的 “ 灰土;惨白; 苍 白

2、” 。3 What he needs is the shirt of a happy person to wear.他需要的是一件心情快乐的人所穿的衬衣。从句 what he needs是整个句子的主 语 , 表达 “ 他所需要的 东 西 ” 之意。语 法上把用作主 语 的从句称作 “ 主 语 从句 ” 。 eg:When we can leave depends on tomorrows weather.我 们 何 时 能走取决于明天的天气。4 neither nor意 为 “ 既不 也不 ” , 连 接两个并列的成分。当 neither nor 连接两个主 语时 , 谓语动词应 遵循 “

3、就近原 则 ” , 即与最近的主 语 保持一致 , 且用肯定形式。5 call sb. in召来;叫来6 wealth财富a wealth of大量的 , 丰富的【 拓展 】 wealthy adj.富有的 , be wealthy in 丰富。7 to start with起初;开始 时一、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1 Do you know anything about the _(国王 ) Henry in Britain?Sorry , I dont.2 I hope to be a _(银 行家 ) when I grow up.3 You look _(苍 白的 ) Whats w

4、rong?4 The doctor _(检查 ) the boy and found nothing wrong with him.5 The _(女王 ) lived in the _(宫 殿 ) for a long time.kingbankerpaleexaminedqueen palace二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。6 James felt sick and he felt like _(eat) nothing.7 Do you like our president Xi Jinping?Yes , he_ (call)“Xi Dada”by his people.8 Linda

5、 _(ask) to go to Anns birthday party last night.9 Hes worried about _(lose) his best friend.10 The boy will come in four _(day) time.eating is calledwas askedlosingdays 11 Good news.We will have a _ holiday.Ive heard of it.But its coming in _.A three days, three days timeB three days, three daysC th

6、reeday, three daysD three days, threeday time12 He speaks _ English _ French.Instead, he speaks German.A either, or B not only, but alsoC both, and D neither, norCDC13 Welcome to our school, ladies and gentlemen._, Id like to introduce myself.A To be honestB To my surpriseC To start withD To tell yo

7、u the truth14 Your room is a mess.You should_it_at once.A clean, up B give, upC put, up D set, upA四、根据汉语完成句子。15 你想取代我的位置 吗 ?Do you _my_?16 那个小女孩无 缘 无故哭了。That girl cried _17 我父 亲 和母 亲 都不能失去工作。_my father _my mother_ able to lose their jobs.18 他 发现 他身体无恙。He found _his body.feel like taking positionfor

8、no reasonNeither nor isnothing wrong with 五、阅读理解。Happiness is for everyone.You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or those who have nice cars and a lot of money and so on.Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lonely an

9、d those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads in their free time.In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it.When you are in trouble at school, your friends will help you; when you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your li

10、fe and your health; when you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; when you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it.And when you do something good to others,you will feel happy, too.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.

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