1、建筑英语ARCHITECTURE ENGLISHArchitecture School of SIAS课程要求 考试方式: 闭卷。 随堂 测验: 2周 1次 , 共 7次 ,词汇 听写或中英翻译。 作业次数: 共 1次,以组为单位进行 PPT演示 。 成绩计算: 平时成绩: 60% (考勤 +随堂测验 +作业) 期末成绩: 40% (期终测试 )建筑学理论课教学要求 到课要求 :平时成绩基础分为 80分,旷课一次扣平时成绩( 100/课时数)分,迟到、早退各扣平时成绩( 50/课时数)分(允许一次有假条的请假不受惩罚)。 课堂参与要求 :课堂听课须携带教材、笔记本,每节课记录课堂笔记;课堂中参
2、与讨论的学生可加平时成绩(具体分数由任课教师制定)。 作业要求: 课程作业应按照要求认真独立完成,并按时提交,迟交扣分(具体分数由任课教师制定),未交没有成绩。学习内容 中外建筑简史,建筑风格、著名建筑及建筑师介绍,建筑设计基础与理论,建筑技术及应用文等方面的原版英语文献资料的词汇掌握、阅读理解及翻译 。 另 补充设计说明文写作内容和科技英语翻译基础知识。UNIT ONE BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO ARCHITECTUREArchitecture is both the process and the product of planning, designing, and c
3、onstructing buildings and other physical structures. Architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are often perceived as cultural symbols and as works of art. Historical civilizations are often identified with their surviving architectural achievements.TEXT A What is ArchitectureEssential
4、ly abstract and nonrepresentational(艺术上 )抽象的,非写实的The relationships of spaces, volumes, planes, masses, and voids.空间、体量、平面、材质和孔隙的关系Architecture TermsArch 拱券Vaulted roof 拱顶Wooden truss 木质构架Architecture TermsDome 穹顶Pendentives 帆拱 /穹隅三 种结构体系Post and lintel 柱梁Trabeated system横梁式结构框架结构: frames and gridsar
5、ch system 拱券 体系Cohesive type 粘合性Homogenous mass均质体Thrust type 嵌入式Modern steel-skeleton system现代钢结构体系句式翻译Until the 20th century there were three great development in architectural construction the post-and-lintel, or trabeated system; the arch system, either the cohesive type, employing plastic materials hardening into a homogeneous mass, or the thrust type, in which the loads are received and counterbalanced at definite points; and the modern steel-skeleton system.到了 20世纪,建筑结构有了三个巨大发展:一是梁柱体系或叫横梁式结构体系;二是拱券体系,不论是采用塑胶硬化成均质体的粘合型,还是荷载能够在定点接受并相互抵消的嵌入型;三是现代钢结构体系。注:可采用总分式结构来翻译。