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1、 试题专练 Fill in the blanks with appropriate words: 1 We have established an irrevocable letter of credit_your favour with the Bank of China,Guandong4Our foreign trade policy is based _ equality nad mutual benefit5We shall book a trial order with you,_ goods are competitive in price and of good quality

2、 6As we are heavily committed,we are sorry that we are not in a _ to accept new orders9We hereby register a claim with you_ the basis of here,we can obtain a number of orders for you11_ you know,this is a popular brand,which can see easily in our market 15Your immediate reply should reach us not lat

3、er _ the end of this month16If the first shipment is satisfactory,we can_ with you some repeat orders 22Please do everything necessary _ as to enable us to send you the relevant documents at an early date 25We are glad that in the past few years,_ joint efforts,have greatly promoted both business an

4、d friendshipChoose the best answer:1 We look forward to _ a trial order A receiving B receive from you Creceipt Dreceipt your 2We _ some brochures _to illustrate the products we manufactured Aenclose, to you Benclose you, Cenclose, Denclose, you 3 If you will send us a catalog by air,we shall _very

5、much A appreciate Bappreciating Cappreciation Dappreciate it 4 We would like to take this to establish business relations with you。 A step Bopportunity Cadvantage Dopening 5 The shipment time is June or July at our and the goods will be shipped in one . A option, lot Boption, consignment Cchoice shi

6、pment Ddecision,cargo 10.It is the usual practice here that 10.shirts are packed carton and l0 cartons strong seaworthy wooden case。 A in, in B in, to Cto,in Dto, to 12We are glad that We have an agreement on this matter. A come Bgot Creached Darrived 13.We cannot see any possibility of business you

7、r price is too high. Asince B while Cthought Dthat 14we have made that we would accept DP terms for your future orders。 A clear Bit clear Cthat clear Dit is clear 15 we would make you the following offer,subject to your reply us not later than November25.A reach B reaching Creaches D being reached 1

8、8( ) our SC No.301,we wish to say that the goods will be shipped by Oct.10. A With reference to B Refer to CReferring DWith refer to Translate the following sentences into Chinese1 we regret that your counter-offer is not acceptable to us as the price we quoted is quite realistic.2 samples and quota

9、tions at favorable prices will be immediately sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquiry。3.we desire some sample of your products in order to acquaint ourselves with the material and workmanship before we place a large order with you.4.with regard to our order for 600 sets “Butterfly” Brand s

10、ewing Machines, We have already received your Sales Contract No.5678.5 As the goods under Contract No. 1986 are now ready for shipment、please rush your LC with the least possible delay.7 We are lodging a claim on the shipment ex S/S “East Wind” for short delivery.8 We wish to call your attention to

11、the validity of the LC since there is no possibility of LC extension。 9 We confirm having cabled you an offer of 30 metric tons walnutmeat at RMB 21 ,860 yuan per metric ton CIF European Main Ports for November shipment。 Translate the following sentences into English:1按照你方要求,兹另邮寄中国棉布的样本二份。2制造厂接订货太多,

12、我们只能答应3月份装船。3兹随函退回销售合同一份,该合同我们已经会签4你方必须降价2,否则没有成交的可能。5如果没有你的明确,指示,我们将按一般惯例投保水渍险和战争险。1. In compliance with your request, we are sending you under separate cover two copies of Chinese Cotton Piece Goods.2. As the manufactures are heavily committed, we can only promise to effect shipment in March.3.we

13、return here with a copy of Sales Contract duly countersigned by us .4.There is no possibility of getting business done unless you reduce your price by 2 .5.In the absence of your definite instructions we will cover insurance WPA and War Risk according to usual practice. 1.由于纺织品在我方市场竞争激烈,你方有必要报最低价。2.

14、我们得悉上述货物的有关信用证即将开出。请放心,一收到你方信用证,我方将尽早安排第一艘可以订得舱位的轮船装运。3. 我们有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与你们合作,扩大业务。4. 为了你方在你市场推销我方产品铺平道路,我方将接受即期付款交单方式付款,以示特别照顾1. Since the competition of textiles is very keen in our market, it is necessary that you quote us rock-bottom prices.2. We learn that an L/C covering the above-mentioned good

15、s will be established immediately. You may rest assured that we will arrange for dispatch by the first steamer available with the least possible delay upon receipt of your L/C.3. We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with yo

16、u in your business extension.4. In order to pave the way for your pushing the sale of our products in your market, we will accept the payment by D/P at sight as a special accommodation外贸函电中期练习(二)一,单项选择题(共20小题,每小题1分)1 One of our clients in Malaysia is _the market for walnut meat.A. at B. of C. in D.

17、for2 We will make contact with the end-users here if they are interested in the goods_.A. offer B. offering C. offered D. to offer3 It is after examination _ we find the goods of high standard and are satisfied with the quality of the shipment.A. what B. which C. as D. that4 Please keep us posted of

18、 the developments in your market, _ we can adjust our quotations to the extent you indicate.A. so that B. such that C. as long as D. so long as5 We have the pleasure in _your letter of Nov.11 in which you inform us that you are satisfied with our mens shirts, shipped per S.S “East Wind“A. admitting

19、B. acknowledging C. accepting D. adjusting6 We wish to call your attention to the _in the L/C, since there is no possibility of L/C extension.A. extension B. validity C. possibility D. probability7 We can _mens shirts from stock.A. suppose B. supply C. suggest D. support8 Please advise us _ your iro

20、n nails are packed in plywood kegs of 60kg net and _ you can ship our order in a week.A. whether whether B. what what C. when when D. where where9 We would advise you to get _touch _ them for your requirements.A. for with B. in from C. for from D. in with10 We have pleasure in offering you the goods

21、 _ in our cable of todays date.A. inquired for B. inquired of C. inquiring for D. inquiring of11 Please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C _ in exact accordance with the terms of the Sales Contract.A. are B. is C. will be D. to be12 _ the terms of payment as stipulated in the contract, pleas

22、e establish an irrevocable letter of credit in our favor. A. in fact B. As a matter of fact C. In contrast with D. In accordance with13We regret the need for you to write to us and hope the steps we are taking _ the safe arrival of all your orders in the future. A. insure B. assure C. ensure D. sure

23、14 If you can make us a firm offer at a _ price, we will place an order with your corporation. A. competitive B. comparative C. subjective D. objective15 We desire to establish _ beneficial business relations. A. mutual B. mutually C. equal D. equally16 Please let us have your lowest quotation on CI

24、F Lagos basis _ 500 pieces of 24-inch electric fans as soon as possible. A. in B. at C. for D. on17 We are unable to _ with your request in your letter dated Jan. 31,2002. A. conform B. compose C. confirm D. comply18 The market is not_ active this year as it was last year. A. that B. this C. so D. s

25、uch19 If you can see your way clear to reduce your price by,say,3%,we are ready to place with you an order for _ 600 set “Butterfly“ Brand Sewing Machines. A. other B. the other C. others D. another20 Chinese machine tools are recently selling fast in the Third World countries, of _ the end-users ar

26、e speaking highly.A. that B. which C. them D. whom二,填空题(共15小题,每题1分,共25分)1 We are very glad to enter_ business relations with your firm.2 In reply, we wish to inform you that we well connected _ major dealers _ the line of textiles.3 We shall be very grateful _ you, if you will advise us to the speci

27、fication of those which can be shipped _ stock.4 _ Compliance with the request, we are sending you herewith the required Proforma Invoice_ triplicate.5 We will pass _ your decision _ the buyers for their consideration.6 Your price is rather _ the high side.7 We refer you _our bank for our financial

28、standing.8 Should this trial order prove satisfactory _ our customer, we can assure you _ repeat orders in increased quantities.9 Up to now, you havent sent the goods we are _ urgent need of.10 We lodge a claim _ you for breakage , since the goods are not packed _ strong wooden cases.11 We are alrea

29、dy represented _ Messrs Freemen& Brothers Co., Ltd. _ the sale of this commodity in your district.12 We are _ the receipt of your letter of May 2.13 We hope you will accommodate us _ this respect and continue supplying us _ Enamelware and Basketware on the same basis.14 With regard to Contract No.12

30、36, we are agreeable _ D/P terms of payment _ these contracts.15 Will you direct your efforts _ the promotion of this new product in your market_ our mutual benefit?三,英汉翻译(共10小题,每题2分,共20分)1 We trust the above information will serve your purpose and await your further news.2 Our wide connection among

31、 those who do business on silk places us in the most favorable position for doing business on the possible terms.3 You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.4 We regret to inform you that the goods shipped to us on May 4th are not in accordance with yo

32、ur samples.5 We will open an L/C if you promise to effect shipmen one month earlier.6 If one side fails to honor the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it.7 With the sole agency in your hand, you could easily control the market and make more profits.8 We make you the following offer, sub

33、ject to your reply reaching us not later than noon time, November 23.9 As you know, a lot of foreign businessmen are desirous of trading with us so as to expand the business in China.10 In view of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to meet your claim for the 35 tons short weight.四,汉英翻译

34、(共5小题,每题3分,共15分)1 他们坚持,卖方应当用完好的货物来替换次品。2 你们的价格比我们从别处得到的报价要高。3 如蒙报给我们最好实盘,将不胜感激。4 由于你方延期开证,过期太久,我方不得不将合同价格调整到国际市场水平。5 我们所租的船只按期到达装运口岸后,如果你方不能按时备货装船,就应负担我方所遭受的损失。五,撰写英文书信(本大题共20分)尊敬的先生:贵公司5月19日的来信已经收到,感谢以单价每吨82,000元订购550吨食用马铃薯。我公司十分重视这批订货,并于今日已将该货在宁波港装上前往新加坡的“英雄号”轮。我们相信这批货一定能够安全到达目的地,并使贵公司感到满意。按照合同,我公司已按发票金额,向新加坡发展银行开出以贵公司为付款人,见票后一个月内付款的汇票。真心希望此次交易为今后的业务联系打下良好的基础。+谨上

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