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5、onregularlyornotregularlyofprofessionalsecuritycivilizationcheck,onthisprofessionalsystembyoccurredofaccidenttoorganizationsurvey,timelytakepreventionmeasures.Fourthopencastleveladministrativejobissafetyfirstresponsiblepersonoftheunit,aconscientiously implement the “four person“ requirements, adhere

6、 to “important deployment in person, major issues personally important cases, coordination of key links in person, personally supervising the“ party members always set strict demands on themselves, play an exemplary role. Three is to strengthen the services for the people. Warm reception all who do

7、the people, reflected in record crowds in every issue, and make the patient explanation, continuously improved service quality. Combination of “one village, one police officer“, and organizing the police carefully Mo Pai all unstable factors that may affect stability, resolve contradictions and disp

8、utes in a timely manner, and civilian police with daily visits, issuing safety information leaflets, collection site personnel, promoting community harmony. There is insufficient: a rich branch team of party affairs knowledge is not enough, enough familiarity with the procedural terms, to a certain

9、extent, restrict the work carried out. Second, regular ideological education is not enough, the police know timely and accurate enough. Third, meticulous management level needs to be improved, regularization of police awareness is not strong enough, daily habit is not conscious. This year yilai, Cou

10、ncil is units branch to “three strict three real“ topic education for mainline, to service center, and construction team for focus, insisted thought party and system rule party phase combined, solid implement implementation full strictly rule party requirements, party construction further specificat

11、ion, and members police quality constantly upgrade, and party innovation force constantly strengthening, party service implementation force obviously improved, made has significantly results. Debriefings of the General Assembly of 3 units in the problems in the party building work in other units als

12、o exist to varying degrees and hope that other units through debriefing of the party, learn from experience, to address the issue, extrapolate, careful analysis of rectification, promoting the sustained and healthy development of the party building. Now, to further strengthen the party construction

13、work of public security organs stressed five points throughout the County. First, ideology, political responsibility and historical mission of the party since the 18, XI made a series of important remarks, General Secretary, the party put forward many new ideas, new arguments and new requirements, i

14、s the essence of promoting grass-roots party building work followed. We have to further study and understanding, consciously take responsibility. One is to grasp party building “three questions“ of new requirements. Learning education practice, General Secretary of the partys mass line summary prese

15、nted party building “three questions“. That is: “If party committees and party committees of various departments (party) have concentrate on grasping party building? is it Party Committee Secretary of the Party Committee of departments (party) Secretary became Secretary of strictly administering the

16、 party? is it at all levels of party committees of various departments (party) members perform in charge of strictly administering the party in the field?“ General Secretary presented party building “three questions“, pointed to the key, and enlightening, three-sided mirror placed before you, and le

17、t you take a photo, take a look at, think about it, knows the results; three papers before us, and clearly judge us whether they fulfilled their respective responsibilities in the party building. The party资源与运营管理考试试题模拟卷一、单项选择题(每题 2 分,共 50 分) 。请从四个备选答案中选择 1 个最恰当的答案,将正确答案前的字母填到题目中的括号内,多选、漏选或误选均不得分)1.

18、下面成本( )是不随产品数量的变化而变化。A.生产成本B.原材料C.直接成本D.固定成本2. 下面( )不属于工作描述中的内容。A.工作的目的B.工作的主要任务C.工作的范围D.工作所需要的人员的技能3. 平衡记分卡能用来拓宽公司的前景,这样公司就能集中考虑公司未来结果的许多方面。那么平衡记分卡包括四个方面的主要因素是( ) 。A.产品的发展,市场的发展,市场的渗透,多样化发展B.决策,员工,结构,系统C.经济,社会,政治,技术D.财务,内部流程,客户,学习和发展4. 周总以前对某大学的学生印象不好,所以在面试的时候,认为这个学校的学生 都是这样。周总面试的这种情况属于( )A.客观评价B.逻

19、辑错误C.首因效应D.晕轮效应5. 为了完成生产目标而制定的原材料的时间安排是指下面( )调度方式。A.工作 B.存货 C.原材料 D.生产6. 资源是实现公司目标的( ) 。A.手段 B.方法 C.前提 D.核心Generalfirstarticletostrengtheningsafetymanagement,guaranteeworkersinproductionactivitiesintheofpersonalsecurityandhealth,preventandreducedproductionaccident,guaranteenationalandinvestorsofasse





24、obissafetyfirstresponsiblepersonoftheunit,aconscientiously implement the “four person“ requirements, adhere to “important deployment in person, major issues personally important cases, coordination of key links in person, personally supervising the“ party members always set strict demands on themsel

25、ves, play an exemplary role. Three is to strengthen the services for the people. Warm reception all who do the people, reflected in record crowds in every issue, and make the patient explanation, continuously improved service quality. Combination of “one village, one police officer“, and organizing

26、the police carefully Mo Pai all unstable factors that may affect stability, resolve contradictions and disputes in a timely manner, and civilian police with daily visits, issuing safety information leaflets, collection site personnel, promoting community harmony. There is insufficient: a rich branch

27、 team of party affairs knowledge is not enough, enough familiarity with the procedural terms, to a certain extent, restrict the work carried out. Second, regular ideological education is not enough, the police know timely and accurate enough. Third, meticulous management level needs to be improved,

28、regularization of police awareness is not strong enough, daily habit is not conscious. This year yilai, Council is units branch to “three strict three real“ topic education for mainline, to service center, and construction team for focus, insisted thought party and system rule party phase combined,

29、solid implement implementation full strictly rule party requirements, party construction further specification, and members police quality constantly upgrade, and party innovation force constantly strengthening, party service implementation force obviously improved, made has significantly results. D

30、ebriefings of the General Assembly of 3 units in the problems in the party building work in other units also exist to varying degrees and hope that other units through debriefing of the party, learn from experience, to address the issue, extrapolate, careful analysis of rectification, promoting the

31、sustained and healthy development of the party building. Now, to further strengthen the party construction work of public security organs stressed five points throughout the County. First, ideology, political responsibility and historical mission of the party since the 18, XI made a series of import

32、ant remarks, General Secretary, the party put forward many new ideas, new arguments and new requirements, is the essence of promoting grass-roots party building work followed. We have to further study and understanding, consciously take responsibility. One is to grasp party building “three questions

33、“ of new requirements. Learning education practice, General Secretary of the partys mass line summary presented party building “three questions“. That is: “If party committees and party committees of various departments (party) have concentrate on grasping party building? is it Party Committee Secre

34、tary of the Party Committee of departments (party) Secretary became Secretary of strictly administering the party? is it at all levels of party committees of various departments (party) members perform in charge of strictly administering the party in the field?“ General Secretary presented party bui

35、lding “three questions“, pointed to the key, and enlightening, three-sided mirror placed before you, and let you take a photo, take a look at, think about it, knows the results; three papers before us, and clearly judge us whether they fulfilled their respective responsibilities in the party buildin

36、g. The party7. 为了做出更加合理的资源计划,避免风险,那么计划前首先应该做的是( ) 。A.需求预测 B.资源调度 C.预算 D.采购分析8. 通常以需求因素为基础,与时间无相关性,用一个公式来预测未来需求的方法称为( ) 。A.时间序列分析 B.趋势分析C.前导指数分析 D.统计需求分析9. 在做出决策时,选择方案是一般依据( )标准。A.ISO 标准 B.SMART 标准 C.无正确答案 D.FSA 标准10.一种研究企业内部环境,说明企业内的主要因素之间的相互作用的方法,被称为( ) 。A.4Ps 理论 B.平衡积分法C.波特的 5-Force 模型D.麦肯锡的 7s 模型

37、11.对于渐进式变革来说,影响变革的主要人员是( ) 。A.外部干系人 B.部门领导C.消费者 D.内部干系人12.( )是变革计划解冻阶段不需要做的。A.分析影响变革的力量 B.制定愿景C. 预想反应 D.标准化13.不管哪一种解决问题的方法,都要做出规划加以检查,也就是我们常说的( ) 。A.TQ B.Kaize C.鱼骨图 D.PDCA 循环14.公司在一年当中不断地对预算做出调整,这种预算可以称为( )A.全年预算 B.期预算 C.不可控制预算 D.弹性预算15.头脑风暴法有几条重要的原则, ( )不符合它的原则的。A.暂不评价 B.自由发挥 C.无须评论 D.数量限制16.健康与安全

38、管理的重要性不仅因为是企业管理的组成部分,而且还有另外一个重要的原因是( ) 。A.人们的要求 B.生产的效率C.保险的要求 D.法律的规定17.为了满足客户的需求,有一个很重要的部分就是( ) 。A.跟踪查访是否客户真的感到满意B.建立共同开发与改进的联合行动C.按照个人目标评价自己的工作Generalfirstarticletostrengtheningsafetymanagement,guaranteeworkersinproductionactivitiesintheofpersonalsecurityandhealth,preventandreducedproductionaccid





43、ures.Fourthopencastleveladministrativejobissafetyfirstresponsiblepersonoftheunit,aconscientiously implement the “four person“ requirements, adhere to “important deployment in person, major issues personally important cases, coordination of key links in person, personally supervising the“ party membe

44、rs always set strict demands on themselves, play an exemplary role. Three is to strengthen the services for the people. Warm reception all who do the people, reflected in record crowds in every issue, and make the patient explanation, continuously improved service quality. Combination of “one villag

45、e, one police officer“, and organizing the police carefully Mo Pai all unstable factors that may affect stability, resolve contradictions and disputes in a timely manner, and civilian police with daily visits, issuing safety information leaflets, collection site personnel, promoting community harmon

46、y. There is insufficient: a rich branch team of party affairs knowledge is not enough, enough familiarity with the procedural terms, to a certain extent, restrict the work carried out. Second, regular ideological education is not enough, the police know timely and accurate enough. Third, meticulous

47、management level needs to be improved, regularization of police awareness is not strong enough, daily habit is not conscious. This year yilai, Council is units branch to “three strict three real“ topic education for mainline, to service center, and construction team for focus, insisted thought party

48、 and system rule party phase combined, solid implement implementation full strictly rule party requirements, party construction further specification, and members police quality constantly upgrade, and party innovation force constantly strengthening, party service implementation force obviously impr

49、oved, made has significantly results. Debriefings of the General Assembly of 3 units in the problems in the party building work in other units also exist to varying degrees and hope that other units through debriefing of the party, learn from experience, to address the issue, extrapolate, careful analysis of rectification, promoting the sustained and healthy development of the party building. Now

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