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1、1冀教八上三单元词语、重点句英汉对照版know of/about 了解,知道celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival 庆祝中秋节the lunar calendar 阴历/农历in the lunar calendar 按照阴历/农历watch the moon 观月,赏月in the story 在那个故事里on the moon 在月亮上moon cakes 月饼during the festival 在那个节日期间National Day 国庆节in autumn 在秋季a seven-day holiday 一个七天的假期the National Day celebr

2、ation 国庆节庆祝活动goodbye for now 再见thank sb for sth 为某事而感谢某人Thanksgiving Day 感恩节a big dinner 一顿丰盛的晚餐have a bid dinner 吃一顿丰盛的晚餐have fun = enjoy yourself = have a good time玩得开心,过得愉快We will celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival this week. In the lunar calendar, its on August 15.我们本周要庆祝中秋节。按照农历,中秋节在八月十五号这天。The best

3、 thing about autumn , however, is my birthday.不过,秋天最好的事情还是我的生日。I will be thirteen years old this year.我今年就要十三岁了。Have fun on your birthday! 祝你生日那天玩得开心!family gathering 家庭团聚remember. well 对某事记得清楚such as, like,for example 比如2family members 家庭成员get together 相聚,聚会save/keep your memories 保存记忆too. to. 太. 以

4、至于不能. an album of family photos = a family photo album家庭影集choose. from. 从. 选择.make a slide show 制作幻灯片give a slide show 放映幻灯片be useful for 对.有用处record/make a video 拍摄录像ones point of view 某人的观点、看法、角度from ones own point of view 从某人自己的观点、看法、角度出发happy times 幸福的时光a family tree 家谱on a family tree 在家谱上birth

5、 dates 出生日期add. to. 把.添加到.attend a family celebration 参加家庭庆祝活动attend an important event 参加一项重要活动school events/ activities 学校活动attend = take part in, join in 参加write sb a letter = write a letter to sb给某人写信face to face 面对面over/on the Internet 通过互联网talk to sb face to face over/on the Internet通过互联网与某人面对

6、面地交谈stay in touch with 与.保持联系start 跟一些名词搭配 自带相关动词含义I only started(=began to read) 我昨天才开始看这本书。3this book yesterday.I stared (began to write) my book report this morning.我今天早上开始写我的读书报告。He started (began to make) his family photo album last night.昨晚他开始制作家庭影集。When family members get together, they talk

7、and laugh.当家庭成员欢聚一堂,他们有说有笑。They often talk about today, the past or the future.他们经常谈论现在, (回顾)过去, (展望)未来。Here are some ideas to help you save your memories. 下面是一些帮助有保存记忆的方法。Its never too late to start an album of family photos.这句话it 是形式主语,真正主语是后面的动词不定式短语。什么时候开始制作家庭影集都不晚。这句话不是 too. to.句型。把主语改写成 you才是:

8、You are never too late to start an album of family photos. 你什么时候开始制作家庭影集都不晚。Hes too young to go to school. 他太小了不能上学。Im too tired to walk. 我太累了走不动了。You are too short to play basketball.你太矮了打不了篮球。Im too old to learn English. 我太老了,学不了英语了。You are never too old to learn English.(直译:你绝不会太老了而学不了英语的。你再老都能学英

9、语。 )One is never too old to learn. (直译:一个人绝不会太老了而不能学习的。意译:活到老,学到老。 )consider = think about 考虑consider doing sth 考虑做某事4a clothing store 服装店try on 试穿What can I do for you? 我能为您做什么?May/Can I help you? 我可以帮到您吗?Is there anything I can do for you?有什么我可以为您效劳的吗?I want to buy a birthday present for my friend

10、.我想为我的朋友买件生日礼物。Id like to buy a birthday present for my friend.我想为我的朋友买件生日礼物。Im looking for a birthday present for my friend.我想为我的朋友买件生日礼物。What size does your friend wear?你的朋友穿多大的尺码?He is the same size as Brian. 他跟布莱恩一样的尺码。Thanksgiving Day 感恩节give sb a big hug 给某人一个大大的拥抱say hi to sb 向某人问好,向某人打招呼at d

11、inner 晚饭时give thanks 致谢,表示感谢give thanks to sb for sth= thank sb for sth为某事而感谢某人all of your help 你所有的帮助all of you 你们大家,你们所有人feel nervous 感到紧张feel at home 感觉在家as usual 像往常一样the family gathering 家庭聚会a family photo 全家福,全家合影care for = look after = take care of照顾,照料Its good to see you. 见到你们真好。5Thanks so m

12、uch for always being there and supporting me.衷心感谢你一直在那里支持我。这里的 thanks = thank you,是动词。You are the most special person in my life. Thank you for being my friend, guide and much more.你是我生命中最特殊的人。感谢你成为我的朋友、向导还有更多。On this Thanksgiving Day, I wish to say thank you for loving me and caring for me.在这个感恩节,我

13、想说谢谢你爱我、照顾我。You are the best parents. Thanks for listening to me and trying to understand me.你们是最好的父母。感谢倾听我和尽力理解我。make sb sth = make sth for sb 为某人做某物send sth to somewhere (简称:sw) 把某物寄到某地send sb sth = send sth to sb 给某人寄某物pass sb sth = pass sth to sb 递给某人某物put sth in/into . 把某物放进close the box with t

14、ape 用胶带封好盒子not yet 还没,还未on the top of 在某物的顶部There! All ready! 妥了!全妥了!have no luck 运气不好make sth adj. 使得某物具有某种特点,make your desk mean 把你的课桌弄干净Best wishes to you on your thirteenth birthday. 在你十三岁生日之际,送上最美好的祝福。many thanks for the presents 非常感谢你们送的礼物receive a gift 收到一份礼物bring sb sth = bring sth for sb 给某

15、人带来某物be in fashion 流行,入时6be out of fashion 不流行,过时hold a party for ones birthday 为某人的生日举行派对its time for dinner = its time to have dinner该吃晚饭了turn off 关上(电源,电器)turn on 打开电源,电器)carry . into. 把某物拿到某地make a wish 许愿take a deep breath 深深地吸了一口气blow out the candles 吹灭蜡烛live a long life (过一个长的人生)长寿The jacket fits me very well. 这件夹克非常合我。I will think of you when I wear the cap.每当我戴上这顶帽子,就会想起你。7

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