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1、听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】参考译文 委内瑞拉深陷经济危机Our coverage starts in the South American country of Venezuela. Its economy is crumbling and thousands of people there are flooding out into neighboring nations like Brazil and Columbia, who are trying to figure out what to do about the

2、refugees. Venezuelas economy is based on oil. The nation has more proven oil reserves than any other country on Earth. And when oil prices were high, the governments main source of income was bringing in billions of dollars.今天首则新闻来关注南美国家委内瑞拉。该国经济摇摇欲坠,数千名民众涌入巴西和哥伦比亚等邻国,这些邻国正试图弄清如何处理这些难民。委内瑞拉经济主要依靠石油。

3、该国已探明石油储量居世界之最。石油是委内瑞拉政府的主要收入来源,当石油价格处于高位时,该国进账达数十亿美元。But the global recession that started in 2007 caused oil prices to freefall. They recovered for a few years after that but oil prices dropped again in 2014 for various reasons. Global production of crude oil has been falling more than two years a

4、nd Venezuela now produces less than half the oil it did in the late 1990s. Salaries for oil workers there are increasingly worthless. Some of them are taking second jobs to make ends meet. Others are selling the pants, boots and gloves from their work kits to buy food. And because Venezuelas economy

5、 as a whole is so heavily dependent on oil, the ripple effects from this are spreading all over the country. The government has tremendous debt and studies suggest that more than 80 percent of all Venezuelans are now living in poverty.但是,2007 年开始的全球经济衰退导致石油价格直线下跌。几年之后,石油市场有所回暖,但是出于种种原因,石油价格在 2014 年再

6、次下跌。全球原油产量已连续减少两年多的时间,现在委内瑞拉的原油产量不到 90 年代后期的一半。该国石油工人的工资价值日益缩水。一些人做两份工作以维持生计。其他人则卖掉工作装的裤子、靴子和手套来购买食物。由于委内瑞拉经济整体上严重依赖石油,因此石油价格暴跌引发的连锁反应蔓延至全国。委内瑞拉政府背负着巨额债务,研究表明目前该国有超过 80%的人口生活在贫困之中。The Vietnams largest city is Ho Chi Minh City the nations capitol is Hanoi.越南最大的城市是胡志明市,首都是河内。Its where the late U.S. Se

7、nator John McCain spent his time as a prisoner of war. He was a decorated Navy pilot when he was shot down there. His political work in the U.S. Congress started in the early 1980s and lasted 35 years. Thats part of the reason why politicians, former Presidents, officials, family and friends are rem

8、embering the Arizona Republican throughout the 听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】week. A memorial service at North Phoenix Baptist Church was held yesterday in the Arizona capitol.美国已故参议员约翰麦凯恩在越南战争中被俘虏后关在河内。当时他是海军功勋飞行员,在河内被击落。他从上世纪 80 年代初期开始在美国国会从事政治工作,在国会任职 35 年。这也是多位政治家、前总统、官员以及家人和朋友

9、在这一整个星期都在纪念这位已故亚里桑那州共和党参议员的部分原因。昨天,位于亚里桑那州首府的菲尼克斯城北浸信会教堂举行了一场悼念仪式。Ceremonies and services in the U.S. Capitol are scheduled for Friday and Saturday and a final memorial, a private one will be held Sunday at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.美国国会大厦定于周五和周六举行纪念仪式,私人葬礼将于周日在马里兰州安纳波利斯的美国海军学院举行

10、,这也是最后一场纪念活动。听力原文Our coverage starts in the South American country of Venezuela. Its economy is crumbling and thousands of people there are flooding out into neighboring nations like Brazil and Columbia, who are trying to figure out what to do about the refugees. Venezuelas economy is based on oil.

11、The nation has more proven oil reserves than any other country on Earth. And when oil prices were high, the governments main source of income was bringing in billions of dollars.But the global recession that started in 2007 caused oil prices to freefall. They recovered for a few years after that but

12、 oil prices dropped again in 2014 for various reasons. Global production of crude oil has been falling more than two years and Venezuela now produces less than half the oil it did in the late 1990s. Salaries for oil workers there are increasingly worthless. Some of them are taking second jobs to mak

13、e ends meet. Others are selling the pants, boots and gloves from their work kits to buy food. And because Venezuelas economy as a whole is so heavily dependent on oil, the ripple effects from this are spreading all over the country. The government has tremendous debt and studies suggest that more th

14、an 80 percent of all Venezuelans are now living in poverty.The Vietnams largest city is Ho Chi Minh City the nations capitol is Hanoi.Its where the late U.S. Senator John McCain spent his time as a prisoner of war. He was a decorated Navy pilot when he was shot down there. His political work in the

15、U.S. Congress started in the early 1980s and lasted 35 years. Thats part of the reason why politicians, former Presidents, officials, 听力课堂,开放式英语学习平台!www.TingC学英语,练听力,上听力课堂。【免费英语听力下载】family and friends are remembering the Arizona Republican throughout the week. A memorial service at North Phoenix Baptist Church was held yesterday in the Arizona capitol.Ceremonies and services in the U.S. Capitol are scheduled for Friday and Saturday and a final memorial, a private one will be held Sunday at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

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