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1、Among people who experience migraine headaches, some experience what doctors call “common“ migraines, whereas others experience “classical“ migraines. Siblings and spouses of common migraine sufferers are themselves twice as likely as the general population to experience common migraines. Siblings o

2、f classical migraine sufferers are four times more likely than the general population to experience classical migraines, whereas spouses of classical migraine sufferers are no more likely than the general population to experience such headaches.The information above provides the most support for whi

3、ch of the following hypotheses? ASusceptibility to classical migraines is more dependent on hereditary factors than is susceptibility to common migraines. 分析 A 选项 BUnmarried adults are more likely to suffer from classical migraines than they are to suffer from common migraines. 分析 B 选项 CPeople who d

4、o not experience migraine headaches are unlikely to have spouses who are migraine headache sufferers. 分析 C 选项 DChildren of people who suffer from common migraines are not more likely than the general population to experience a common migraine. 分析 D 选项 EBetween one-quarter and one-half of the general

5、 population suffer from either common or classical migraine headaches. 分析 E 选项对于 common m:兄妹(遗传)和夫妻都是 2 倍对于 classical m:兄妹是 4 倍,夫妻是相同可能性(1 倍)A 说的是 classical 与遗传有关(4 倍)common 与遗传有关(2 倍)B 错了,说反了 21C 推不出D 错了,会 more likely,与遗传有关E 推不出Susceptibility 易受影响 hereditary 遗传Over the last five years, demand for h

6、otel rooms in Cenopolis has increased significantly, as has the average price Cenopolis hotels charge for rooms. These trends are projected to continue for the next several years. In response to this economic forecast, Centennial Commercial, a real estate developer, is considering a plan to convert

7、several unoccupied office buildings it owns in Cenopolis into hotels in order to maximize its revenues from these properties.Which of the following would it be most useful for Centennial Commercial to know in evaluating the plan it is considering? AWhether the population of Cenopolis is expected to

8、grow in the next several years 分析 A 选项 BWhether demand for office space in Cenopolis is projected to increase in the near future 分析 B 选项 CWhether the increased demand for hotel rooms, if met, is likely to lead to an increase in the demand for other travel-related services 分析 C 选项 DWhether demand for

9、 hotel rooms has also increased in other cities where Centennial owns office buildings 分析 D 选项 EWhether, on average, hotels that have been created by converting office buildings have fewer guest rooms than do hotels that were built as hotels 原文中,plan-convert several unoccupied office buildings it ow

10、ns in Cenopolis into hotels 。goal-maximize its revenues from these properties。评价题正确答案需要与 plan 高度相关,plan 出现的关键词 unoccupied office buildings和 hotels 。A, population 明显无关。C other travel-related services 明显无关。Din other cities,讨论对象转移。E,hotels that were built as hotels 无关。其实原文还暗含了比较,要增加收益是相对于原来写字楼的用途而言,所以答

11、案猜测要么和 hotel 收入有关,要么和 office 收入有关。The use of radar detectors in commercial vehicles was banned because commercial truck and bus drivers were using these devices to drive faster than the posted speed limit without fear of arrest. Since drivers of noncommercial vehicles also use radar detectors and si

12、nce speeding decreases safety for any vehicle, use of radar detectors should also be banned in noncommercial vehicles to increase safety.Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the argument above? AThe average noncommercial-vehicle driver is involved in less long-distance driving tha

13、n is the average commercial-vehicle driver. 分析 A 选项 BIn many places airplanes or helicopters are used rather than radar to locate vehicles traveling faster than the posted speed limit. 分析 B 选项 CThe ban on radar detectors in commercial vehicles has been effective in deterring them from speeding. 分析 C

14、 选项 DTraffic accidents involving a truck or bus generally pose a greater threat of injury or death than do other accidents. 分析 D 选项 ERadar detectors are sometimes set off by devices other than the law enforcement devices that the radar detectors were built to detect. 分析 E 选项CTraveler: Southern Airwa

15、ys has a far worse safety record than Air Dacentaria over the past few years, in terms of both the frequency of accidents and the severity of accidents. Therefore, although Air Dacentaria is slightly more expensive, I will choose it over Southern Airways for my flight from Pederton to Dacenta, since

16、 it is worth paying extra to have a safer flight.Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the travelers argument? AAir Dacentarias flight from Pederton to Dacenta is nonstop, whereas Southern Airways flight touches down in Gorinda on the way. 分析 A 选项 BMost Southern Airways fl

17、ights, but not its flight from Pederton to Dacenta, use Sarmouth airport, which because of its mountainous location is one of the worlds most dangerous. 分析 B 选项 CFor its flights from Pederton to Dacenta, Southern Airways uses a different model of airplane, with a smaller capacity, than the model Air

18、 Dacentaria uses for its flights on the same route. 分析 C 选项 DOnly in the last few years has the cost of flying from Pederton to Dacenta been more expensive on Air Dacentaria than on Southern Airways. 分析 D 选项 EAlthough the frequency of accidents is greater on Southern Airways, on both airlines the pr

19、oportion of flights that have accidents is very small. 分析 E 选项A 无关选项B 因为这个机场很危险,所以出事频率大,但不包括 P 到 D 的航线。削弱强调题目中的信息!C 容量小,无关D 票价,无关E 虽然 S 的事故频率较高但是两家公司的总体事故频率都很低(并没有涉及 S 和 D 安全系数的比较。 。无关)In the past, most children who went sledding in the winter snow in Verland used wooden sleds with runners and steer

20、ing bars. Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow. The concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that the number of children injured while sledding was much higher last winter than it w

21、as ten years ago.Which of the following, if true in Verland, most seriously undermines the force of the evidence cited? AA few children still use traditional wooden sleds. 分析 A 选项 BVery few children wear any kind of protective gear, such as helmets, while sledding. 分析 B 选项 CPlastic sleds can be used

22、 in a much wider variety of snow conditions than wooden sleds can. 分析 C 选项 DMost sledding injuries occur when a sled collides with a tree, a rock, or, another sled. 分析 D 选项 EBecause the traditional wooden sled can carry more than one rider, an accident involving a wooden sled can result in several c

23、hildren being injured. 分析 E 选项C解释塑料滑板出事故多的原因 他因!事故多是因为应用范围多,基数大Metal rings recently excavated from seventh-century settlements in the western part of Mexico were made using the same metallurgical techniques as those used by Ecuadorian artisans before and during that period. These techniques are suff

24、iciently complex to make their independent development in both areas unlikely. Since the people of these two areas were in cultural contact, archaeologists hypothesize that the metallurgical techniques used to make the rings found in Mexico were learned by Mexican artisans from Ecuadorian counterpar

25、ts.Which of the following would it be most useful to establish in order to evaluate the archaeologists hypothesis? AWhether metal objects were traded from Ecuador to western Mexico during the seventh century 分析 A 选项 BWhether travel between western Mexico and Ecuador in the seventh century would have

26、 been primarily by land or by sea 分析 B 选项 CWhether artisans from western Mexico could have learned complex metallurgical techniques from their Ecuadorian counterparts without actually leaving western Mexico 分析 C 选项 DWhether metal tools were used in the seventh-century settlements in western Mexico 分

27、析 D 选项 EWhether any of the techniques used in the manufacture of the metal rings found in western Mexico are still practiced among artisans in Ecuador today 分析 E 选项M 国发现了一种文物,该文物用了某技术,某技术由另一个国家艺术家发明,因此,M 国学习了该技术 可能是从另国购买的在第 7世纪是否有从厄瓜多尔到墨西哥的金属制品。这个貌似符合,有了金属制品过来,墨西哥的工匠就可以偷学了。Following several years of

28、 declining advertising sales, the Greenville Times reorganized its advertising sales force. Before reorganization, the sales force was organized geographically, with some sales representatives concentrating on city-center businesses and others concentrating on different outlying regions. The reorgan

29、ization attempted to increase the sales representatives knowledge of clients businesses by having each sales representative deal with only one type of industry or of retailing. After the reorganization, revenue from advertising sales increased.In assessing whether the improvement in advertising sale

30、s can properly be attributed to the reorganization, it would be most helpful to find out which of the following? AWhat proportion of the total revenue of the Greenville Times is generated by advertising sales? 分析 A 选项 BHas the circulation of the Greenville Times increased substantially in the last t

31、wo years? 分析 B 选项 CAmong all the types of industry and retailing that use the Greenville Times as an advertising vehicle, which type accounts for the largest proportion of the newspapers advertising sales? 分析 C 选项 DDo any clients of the sales representatives of the Greenville Times have a standing o

32、rder with the Times for a fixed amount of advertising per month? EAmong the advertisers in the Greenville Times, are there more types of retail business or more types of industrial business? 分析 E 选项B circulation 发行量 可能是他因,发行量变大导致的收入增加Motorists in a certain country frequently complain that traffic co

33、ngestion is much worse now than it was 20 years ago. No real measure of how much traffic congestion there was 20 years ago exists, but the motorists complaints are almost certainly unwarranted. The countrys highway capacity has tripled in the last twenty years, thanks to a vigorous highway construct

34、ion program, whereas the number of automobiles registered in the country has increased by only 75 percent.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? AMost automobile travel is local, and the networks of roads and streets in the countrys settled areas have changed little ov

35、er the last 20 years. 分析 A 选项 BGasoline prices are high, and miles traveled per car per year have not changed much over the last 20 years. 分析 B 选项 CThe countrys urban centers have well-developed public transit systems that carry most of the people who commute into those centers. 分析 C 选项 DThe average

36、 age of automobiles registered in the country is lower now than it was 20 years ago. 分析 D 选项 ERadio stations have long been broadcasting regular traffic reports that inform motorists about traffic congestion. 分析 E 选项Motorists in a certain country frequently complain that traffic congestion is much w

37、orse now than it was 20 years ago. No real measure of how much traffic congestion there was 20 years ago exists, but the motorists complaints are almost certainly unwarranted. The countrys highway capacity has tripled in the last twenty years, thanks to a vigorous highway construction program, where

38、as the number of automobiles registered in the country has increased by only 75 percent.Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? AMost automobile travel is local, and the networks of roads and streets in the countrys settled areas have changed little over the last 20 yea

39、rs. 分析 A 选项 BGasoline prices are high, and miles traveled per car per year have not changed much over the last 20 years. 分析 B 选项 CThe countrys urban centers have well-developed public transit systems that carry most of the people who commute into those centers. 分析 C 选项 DThe average age of automobiles registered in the country is lower now than it was 20 years ago. 分析 D 选项 ERadio stations have long been broadcasting regular traffic reports that inform motorists about traffic congestion. 分析 E 选项

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