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1、Obesity and how to lose weight,Reporter: Dong Jiaojiao,What is obesityHow to defineclassification Obesitys effectsWhat causes obesityHow to lose weight in healthy way,What is obesity,Obesity is amedical conditionin which excess body fathas accumulated to the extent that it may have an adverse effect

2、 on health.,Manuel UribeBorn June 11, 1965Monterrey,Mexicoreached a peak weight of around 597kg so that he was unable to leave his bed since 2001.after doctors told him he wouldnt live to turn 50.He started to lose weight from 2006.,The world fattest man,How to define it,Obesity is defined bybody ma

3、ss index (BMI)and further evaluated in terms of fat distribution.According to BMI and fat distribution ,obesity can be divided into several groups.,1.According to BMI,BMI is calculated by dividing the subjects mass by the square of his or her height.Formula : BMI=weight/height2,2. According to fat d

4、istribution,Pear-shapedobesity,Apple-shaped obesity,Obesitys effects,Obesity is one of the leadingpreventable causes of deathworldwide. Obesity increases the risk of many physical and mental conditions. For example high blood pressure,high blood cholesterol, type 2 diabetes.,What causes obesity,1. G

5、eneticfactors 80% of the offspring of two obese parents are obese .And scientists have foundthe FTO gene that associated with fat mass and obesity.,2.Less exercises,Due to increasing use of mechanized transportation and a greater prevalence of labor-saving technology in the home and work, there appe

6、ar to be declines in levels of physical activity.People always reduce the time of exercises even dont do exercises to an excuse of busy work.,3.Diet Habit,Imbalanced diet is the most important factor that causes obesity.When the obese eat, they intake too much energy which is more than their bodies

7、needs. Otherwise almost of them love the snacks, and between the meals they will take extra food.In general, the obese favor high-caloriehigh-sugar andhigh-fat food which are more easily transformed into fat in body.,4. Social and Psychological factors,In the modern society, people confront more and

8、 more pressures. In order to relieve these stress, people must find some way. Some turn to chat or entertainment ,while some turn to food. They tend to obtain the psychological balance by overeating.,How to lose weight in healthy way,As we know ,the genes inherited from our parents cant be changed ,

9、so what we can do is to change our life style.We can control our diet and do some physical activities from the following aspects.,First: the diet,1. Before you go to the supermarket ,you should make a list of what you want ,in case that you buy high-caloriesnacks . Dont let your refrigeratorfullofhi

10、gh-caloriesnacks .You should replace snacks with fruits and vegetables . In many times, people eat not because of hunger but because of the large temptation of delicious food.,2.Cook by yourself instead of eating outside,.Generally ,the food in the restaurants contain a lot of fat. Eating outside ca

11、uses too much calories intake. Cooking by yourself is an effective way to control the calories.,3.Drink plenty of water,Never underestimatethe powerofthewater. Drinking plenty ofwaterwill not onlybring many benefitstophysical health,is alsoan important part ofweight loss.Drinking plenty of watercan

12、effectivelysuppress your appetite.This is becausethehuman brainis easy to confusehungerandthirst.In other words,sometimes youare hungry,perhapsjustthirsty.So,to drink plenty of wateristheeasiest way toreduce calorie intake.,4.Eat healthy food,Have you ever wondered, whyAsians aresoslim?This is not b

13、ecauseour genes, but because ofour food.MostAsian areasregard rice, fish and vegetablesasthe main raw materialsoflow-calorie food. This is thereason whyAsianscan maintainslim.So,next timeif you wanttoeat hamburgers, it is necessary toreconsideryour choice!,5. Eat slowly,From the beginningto your bra

14、intoreceive the informationof thefullness ,it needs at least20 minutes. So eatingtoo fastwillmake youeat morebecausethe braindoesnt receive the signal. Therefore,try tochew foodslowly so as toenjoythe conversation with yourfriends or family!,Second: exercises,1. do endurance exercises In alltypesofs

15、ports,the endurance exercises can obviously affectthefatmetabolismin the human body. Familiar endurance exercises are hiking ,swimming and long-distance running .,2.Choose the appropriate one for yourself,Everyone is different. When you make the decision about the exercise ,you should choose the one

16、 appropriate for yourself. What else you should consider is when to exercise and the intensity of the exercise. Your every decision must be made according to your own physical condition.,3. Persistence,Persistence isa strong guarantee forsuccessfulweight loss. Ifyougive up halfway, allthe effortsand objectivesturn to be empty.When you are tired, you can image your beautiful figure and health body to gain the energy and courage to insist.,Thank you!,

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