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1、heating, ventilation, and other factors. Spacing between buildings to meet the specifications required by increases for green buildings, ventilation is good. (2) technical measures for energy-saving instructions: 1) roof: insulated roof. Optional overhead insulation layer of insulation or planting t

2、he insulating layer. 2) Windows: building on each floor above ground 80mm, beam with full aluminum window, to lighting, and ventilation. Public location lighting control using energy-saving for buildings to extinguish the switch in order to achieve energy-saving effect. Lighting and lamps using high

3、 efficiency energy-saving fluorescent lamps, using energy-saving quick-start ballasts or electronic ballast with low harmonic content, in order to achieve energy-saving effect. 5) use water-saving equipment and appliances. Using the closed flush valve, automatic faucets and energy-saving washing tan

4、k, etc, reduce the consumption of water resources is invalid, achieve the purpose of saving water. 6) water recovery and reuse. 7) seepage, leakage-proof measures of water supply system. Accessories such as the water supply network for sanitation, must conform to the standards, improve durability, p

5、revents leaks, to achieve the water-saving effect. Unit 3, energy management energy management systems and institutions, strengthen the management of water, electricity, and clear management responsibility for preventing running, running, drip, leak, improved energy-saving effect. The seventh chapte

6、r, environmental protection, construction site environment this project is located in XXXXXX, a beautiful natural environment, and no polluting enterprises, environmental air quality good, suitable for construction projects. II, and prepared according to 1, and Peoples Republic of China environmenta

7、l protection method 2, and construction project environmental protection Management Ordinance (State 1998253,) 3, and construction project environmental protection design provides (country meter word 1986002,) 4, and on further do construction project environmental protection management of points vi

8、ews (country ring 1993015,) 5, and environment air quality standard (GB3095-1996) II level 6, and surface water environment quality standard ( GHZB1-1999) c class 7, the environmental noise of urban area standard (GB3096-93) two class 8, of integrated wastewater discharge standard (GB8987-1996) clas

9、s 9, three of the construction noise (12523-1990) follow the strategy of sustainable development, environmental protection goals, and effectively safeguard the rational development and utilization of resources, protecting the ecological environment and formation of urban ecological cycle. Evacuation

10、 lighting: in the personnel department and the channel provided withevacuation instructions lighting. Nineth, organization and human resources, organization structure XXXXXX Government, under Dean room, staff room, storage room, dormitory, dining room, bathroom, toilets, medical care and rehabilitat

11、ion activities, and so on. Second, the organizational structure of labor force and XXXXXX rural homes for employees training establishment for 6 people, of which: 1 people, President, medical staff 1, catering Manager 2, nursing 2, restaurant management and nursing personnel from social recruitment

12、of staff with professional qualifications, all employees must be formal training beforehand. The tenth chapter, project management, project organization and management of the project in XXXXXX, planning and construction work for the project area, unit construction leading group was formed, responsib

13、le for procedures and project planning, design, approval and implementation. 1, the unified management of construction funds, financial independent statements, accounting, money used strictly according to plan, and accept the supervision and inspection of the higher authorities. Strict financial rul

14、es and regulations, no crowding and diversion to prevent the violation occurred. 2, arranging funds, active, full, firm to carry out prior to the construction of the work. 3, in order to ensure that XXXXXX rural homes for the construction period, the quality and the rational use of funds, implementa

15、tion of major heads have overall responsibility for the implementation and management of project legal person responsibility system. 4, strictly according to the regulations to implement supervision system of engineering construction projects, hiring qualified supervisory units and personnel, superv

16、ision of project construction, strict time limit, quality and funding level. 5, strict construction project completion acceptance system and engineering quality lifetime responsibility system of construction project. Second, the progress in the implementation of 1, project construction management of

17、 the progress of the construction project must strictly follow the capital construction program. From feasibility study to project delivery, is divided into five phases, the preliminary work phase, design phase, construction preparation phase, construction phase and project acceptance phase. The pro

18、ject construction period of 6 months, starting from the beginning of June 2012 to be completed in December 2012, feasibility studies completed in early April 2012, end of May 2012 construction design, project bidding. From the beginning of June 2012 to start the construction, December 2012 completio

19、n, input for that month. All phases of the work are as follows: early stage pipeline of project feasibility study; setting up a project management; financing; select the survey and design units. Design-building site survey and1 前言1.1 课题设计背景和题目要求近年来,随着计算机技术与人工智能科学的飞速发展,智能机器人技术逐渐成为现代机器人研究领域的热点。其中,服务机器

20、人开辟了机器人应用的新领域。服务机器人的出现主要有三大原因:一是劳动力成本的上升;二是人类想摆脱枯燥乏味的体力劳动,如清洁 、家 务、照顾病人等;三是人口的老 龄和社会福利制度的完善也为某些服务机器人提供了广泛的市场应用前景。服务机器人区别于工业机器人的一个主要特征就是服务机器人是一种适用于具体的方式、环境及任务过程的机器人系统,其活 动空间大,具有在非 结构 环境下的移动性,因此服 务机器人大多数是移动机器人。自动进行房间地面清洁的自主吸尘式家庭服务机器人,集机械学、电子技术、传感器技术、计算机技术、控制技术、机器人技 术、人工智能等诸多学科为一体。自主吸尘机器人作为智能移动机器人实用化发展

21、的先行者,其研究始于 20 世纪80 年代,到目前为止,已经产生了一些概念样机和 产品。吸 尘机器人的发展,带动了家庭服务机器人行业的发展,也促进了移动机器人技术、图像和语音识别、传感器等相关技术的发展本次设计的题目就是在这种背景下提出的,其具体设计要求如下:设计家庭清洁机器人的工作内容和要求:运行机构形式:轮式 最高行进速度 : 0.5 m/s 转弯半径:0 高度:100mm 宽度:400mm 清洁方式:吸尘、刷扫一次充电连续工作时间 : 0.5 小时 警示方式: LED 闪光 具有自动路径规划、避障功能 具有自动充电装置。1.2 国内外相关产品研究地面清洁机器人作为智能移动机器人实用化发展

22、的先行者,其研究始于 20世纪 80 年代,到目前为止,已经产生了一些概念样 机和产品。吸 尘机器人的发展,heating, ventilation, and other factors. Spacing between buildings to meet the specifications required by increases for green buildings, ventilation is good. (2) technical measures for energy-saving instructions: 1) roof: insulated roof. Optional

23、 overhead insulation layer of insulation or planting the insulating layer. 2) Windows: building on each floor above ground 80mm, beam with full aluminum window, to lighting, and ventilation. Public location lighting control using energy-saving for buildings to extinguish the switch in order to achie

24、ve energy-saving effect. Lighting and lamps using high efficiency energy-saving fluorescent lamps, using energy-saving quick-start ballasts or electronic ballast with low harmonic content, in order to achieve energy-saving effect. 5) use water-saving equipment and appliances. Using the closed flush

25、valve, automatic faucets and energy-saving washing tank, etc, reduce the consumption of water resources is invalid, achieve the purpose of saving water. 6) water recovery and reuse. 7) seepage, leakage-proof measures of water supply system. Accessories such as the water supply network for sanitation

26、, must conform to the standards, improve durability, prevents leaks, to achieve the water-saving effect. Unit 3, energy management energy management systems and institutions, strengthen the management of water, electricity, and clear management responsibility for preventing running, running, drip, l

27、eak, improved energy-saving effect. The seventh chapter, environmental protection, construction site environment this project is located in XXXXXX, a beautiful natural environment, and no polluting enterprises, environmental air quality good, suitable for construction projects. II, and prepared acco

28、rding to 1, and Peoples Republic of China environmental protection method 2, and construction project environmental protection Management Ordinance (State 1998253,) 3, and construction project environmental protection design provides (country meter word 1986002,) 4, and on further do construction pr

29、oject environmental protection management of points views (country ring 1993015,) 5, and environment air quality standard (GB3095-1996) II level 6, and surface water environment quality standard ( GHZB1-1999) c class 7, the environmental noise of urban area standard (GB3096-93) two class 8, of integ

30、rated wastewater discharge standard (GB8987-1996) class 9, three of the construction noise (12523-1990) follow the strategy of sustainable development, environmental protection goals, and effectively safeguard the rational development and utilization of resources, protecting the ecological environme

31、nt and formation of urban ecological cycle. Evacuation lighting: in the personnel department and the channel provided withevacuation instructions lighting. Nineth, organization and human resources, organization structure XXXXXX Government, under Dean room, staff room, storage room, dormitory, dining

32、 room, bathroom, toilets, medical care and rehabilitation activities, and so on. Second, the organizational structure of labor force and XXXXXX rural homes for employees training establishment for 6 people, of which: 1 people, President, medical staff 1, catering Manager 2, nursing 2, restaurant man

33、agement and nursing personnel from social recruitment of staff with professional qualifications, all employees must be formal training beforehand. The tenth chapter, project management, project organization and management of the project in XXXXXX, planning and construction work for the project area,

34、 unit construction leading group was formed, responsible for procedures and project planning, design, approval and implementation. 1, the unified management of construction funds, financial independent statements, accounting, money used strictly according to plan, and accept the supervision and insp

35、ection of the higher authorities. Strict financial rules and regulations, no crowding and diversion to prevent the violation occurred. 2, arranging funds, active, full, firm to carry out prior to the construction of the work. 3, in order to ensure that XXXXXX rural homes for the construction period,

36、 the quality and the rational use of funds, implementation of major heads have overall responsibility for the implementation and management of project legal person responsibility system. 4, strictly according to the regulations to implement supervision system of engineering construction projects, hi

37、ring qualified supervisory units and personnel, supervision of project construction, strict time limit, quality and funding level. 5, strict construction project completion acceptance system and engineering quality lifetime responsibility system of construction project. Second, the progress in the i

38、mplementation of 1, project construction management of the progress of the construction project must strictly follow the capital construction program. From feasibility study to project delivery, is divided into five phases, the preliminary work phase, design phase, construction preparation phase, co

39、nstruction phase and project acceptance phase. The project construction period of 6 months, starting from the beginning of June 2012 to be completed in December 2012, feasibility studies completed in early April 2012, end of May 2012 construction design, project bidding. From the beginning of June 2

40、012 to start the construction, December 2012 completion, input for that month. All phases of the work are as follows: early stage pipeline of project feasibility study; setting up a project management; financing; select the survey and design units. Design-building site survey and2带动了家庭服务机器人行业的发展,也促进

41、了移动机器人技术、图像和语音识别、传感器等相关技术的发展。现结合国内外的文献将清扫机器人及其自动充电技术的发展现状阐述如下。1.2.1 国外产品研究状况对于机器人大家可能不会太陌生,工业机器人在很多领域都得到了比较广泛的应用,但是对于家庭机器人我们所了解的却相当的少,而日本,欧美等国家的研究则比较领先,有的都已 经投入市场,在 实际中投入使用。RC3000 是世界上第一台能够自行完成所有家庭地面清洁工作的清洁机器人,如图 1-1 所示,它有光电传感器和芯片控制,当遇到障碍时,会随机改 变一个角度,然后继续直走,直到遇到新的障碍物。内置了四种清洁程序,保证在遇到不同污渍的地面时,可以调整其清洁程

42、序;通过传感器对于地板污渍的判断,选择合适的应用程序。内置光敏 传感器,确保在遇到楼梯与台阶时,能 够自动避让,不会掉落。扁平的设计使其能 够清洁床,沙 发,茶几等家具的下部位置。其相应的充电站有红外发射、工作 时间设定、工作模式 选择 、充 电、垃圾处理五个功能。充电站一直发射红外定位和导航信号来指引机器人回到充电站完成充电和垃圾处理的任务;同时能够根据用户设定的信息来控制机器人完成相应的操作。如图 1-1 所示。图 1-1 智能机器人 RC3000Fig1-1 Intelligent Robot RC3000在日本,东日本铁路公司、Shink 电器公司和 Howa 工业有限公司联合研制了车

43、站地面清扫机器人,机器人可沿墙壁从任何一个位置自动启动,利用不断旋转的刷子将废弃物扫人自带容器中。该机器人可采用 “磁导引方式”、 “示教方式”或 “墙面复制方式” 控制。东日本路公司、富士工业有限公司 Subaru 实验室和 JR东方设施管理有限公司联合研制了车站地面擦洗机器人,该机器人工作时一面将清洗液喷洒到地面上,一面用旋转刷不停地擦洗地面,并将脏水吸人所带的容器中。机器人中的感知系统 采用光纤陀螺和超声波传感器,自动清洗系统有两种,一种是“面积设 定模式” ,即将待清洗的面积分为若干个单位面积,按照其存储器heating, ventilation, and other factors.

44、 Spacing between buildings to meet the specifications required by increases for green buildings, ventilation is good. (2) technical measures for energy-saving instructions: 1) roof: insulated roof. Optional overhead insulation layer of insulation or planting the insulating layer. 2) Windows: buildin

45、g on each floor above ground 80mm, beam with full aluminum window, to lighting, and ventilation. Public location lighting control using energy-saving for buildings to extinguish the switch in order to achieve energy-saving effect. Lighting and lamps using high efficiency energy-saving fluorescent la

46、mps, using energy-saving quick-start ballasts or electronic ballast with low harmonic content, in order to achieve energy-saving effect. 5) use water-saving equipment and appliances. Using the closed flush valve, automatic faucets and energy-saving washing tank, etc, reduce the consumption of water

47、resources is invalid, achieve the purpose of saving water. 6) water recovery and reuse. 7) seepage, leakage-proof measures of water supply system. Accessories such as the water supply network for sanitation, must conform to the standards, improve durability, prevents leaks, to achieve the water-savi

48、ng effect. Unit 3, energy management energy management systems and institutions, strengthen the management of water, electricity, and clear management responsibility for preventing running, running, drip, leak, improved energy-saving effect. The seventh chapter, environmental protection, constructio

49、n site environment this project is located in XXXXXX, a beautiful natural environment, and no polluting enterprises, environmental air quality good, suitable for construction projects. II, and prepared according to 1, and Peoples Republic of China environmental protection method 2, and construction project environmental protection Management Ordinance (State 1998253,) 3, and construction project environmental protection design provides (country meter word 19

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