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1、 1 英语课程教学大纲(试行) 公共英语课 英语 I 一、 教学对象 本课程为广播电视大学公共英语课,供各类专业的专科和本科根据该专业 的培养要求选择开设。 二、 教学目的与要求 通过英语课程的学习,学生应能掌握一定的英语语言基础知识和基本技能,具有一定的读、听、写、说的能力,从而能借助词典阅读和翻译一般性业务资料,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中能进行一般性的书面交流和简单的口头交流,并为今后进一步提高英语的应用能力打下基础。 鉴于广播电视大学实行开放办学,学生入学时的英语水平差异较大,公共英语课程设置不同层次的三个 教学模块,使各专业可以根据该专业培养要求和学生的具体条件为专科和本科选择开

2、设适当的英语课程。英语 I 为公共英语课程的预备阶段,专科应达到英语 II 的要求,本科应达到英语 III 的要求。 英语课程在加强英语语言基础知识和基本技能训练的同时,重视培养学生实际使用英语进行交际的能力。 英语 I 的基本要求为: 学生应能掌握 1,600 左右的常用词汇(包括入学时要求掌握的 600 词)和若干相关的常用词组及基础语法知识;能够听懂发音清楚、语速较慢的教学用语和日常生活用语,并能用英语进行简单的日常交谈;能够读懂所 学词汇和语法范围内的故事、短文及通知、便条等;能够写出简短的私人信函,或用便条转达具体信息。 三、 教学内容与安排 英语 I 总学时为 108 学时, 6

3、个学分,分 2 个学期开设,每学期 54 学时, 3 个学分。 本课程的教学内容在选材上应注重语言材料的真实性, 贴近生活,富有时代气息, 能够学以致用; 内容集知识性、趣味性与思想性为一体。(详见附录) 四、 媒体使用与教学过程建议 英语课程的教学媒体设计既要按照英语教学的自身规律,又要考虑不同教 学媒体的特点,努力使两者做到有机的结合。 文字教材和录音带是本课程教学内容 的主要载体。文字教材的编写要便于学生自主学习,注意学习能力和学习策略的培养,充分考虑成人业余学习的特点。录音带的主要作用是训练和提高学生的听说能力,其内容设计要结合文字教材,为学生提供有声的语言,同时要着意设计能够帮助实现

4、听说教学要求的练习活动。 录像 /电视课是本课程的重要教学媒体,在较为系统地讲授并操练语言基础知识和技能的同时,要注意发挥电视声像结合的优势,为学生展现语言在真实环境中的使用并提供一定的文化背景知识。录像 /电视课应为学生接触真实、地道2 的英语语言提供条件,并能激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 开放英 语 1 和开放英语 2 多媒体 学习系统 以学生基于计算机的自主学习为主,面授辅导课为辅,具有学习过程跟踪、学习行为记录及统计数据的传输功能。学生通过 CD-ROM 在本地计算机上学习,学习过程的数据、测试结果和作业等信息通过网络传输到中央电大形成性测评系统中,各级电大的教师通过形成性测评系统对学生的

5、学习过程、作业和学习进度进行审阅和监控。 英语是实践性很强的课程,学习过程本身就是语言能力不断提高的过程。本课程以学生利用多种媒体教学资源自主学习为主,辅之以面授辅导课。辅导课除讲解重点、难点和答疑外,应开展一些语言技能的训 练,尽量为学生提供口头交流的机会。 五、 测试 测试是检查教学大纲执行情况、评估教学质量的一种有效手段,是获取教 学反馈信息的主要来源之一,是改进教学工作的重要依据。本课程在考核学生的英语语言基础知识的同时,应着重考核学生实际运用语言的能力。 本课程的测试由形成性考核和课程终结考试两部分组成,形成性考核占总 成绩的 30%,课程终结考试占 70%。形成性考核的内容和形式按

6、照中央电大编制的开放英语 1 和 2形成性考核册执行,课程终结考试包括大纲规定掌握的基本语言知识和技能,详见开放英语 1 和 2 “课程考核说明”。 对 于参加开放英语 1 和开放英语 2 多媒体学习系统试点的学生,其测试也由形成性考核和课程终结考试两部分组成,两部分各占 50%。具体内容和形式详见开放英语 1 和 2 多媒体学习系统实施方案(实施方案刊登在:中央电大考试平台( http:/ 主页“开放英语 1 新闻信息”和“开放英语 2 新闻信息”栏目中)。 六、 教学中需注意的问题 1、 成人高等教育培养的是应用型专门人才,英语课程教学不仅应注重打好语言基础,更要注意培养实际应 用语言的能

7、力,在传授语言、文化知识的同时,注意思想、文化素质的培养。 2、 重视语言学习的规律,正确处理读、听、写、说之间的关系,确保各项语言能力协调发展。尤其要注意在开始阶段加强听说能力的培养,克服成人羞于开口的心理障碍。可以利用录音带等媒体手段设计一些跟读、朗读或自录音的活动,鼓励学生开口说英语。 3、 英语课程应有助于学生开阔视野,扩大知识面,加强对世界的了解,进一步提高文化素养。在教学中要注意文化和语言之间的密切的联系,因为文化背景知识的学习有助于促进语言应用能力的提高。 4、 英语课程教学大纲中的分阶段实施教学的设 计使分类教学成为可能,各专业可根据专业培养要求和学生的实际水平选择开设不同层次

8、的课程。对于英语水平距离专业基本要求相差较远的学生,应在学习必修的英语课程之前利用较低层次的课程进行补课。 5、 电大教育的特点是“成人、业余、实用”。在教学中应该充分发挥成人理解力、逻辑思维能力强,有一定的本族语基础和文化背景知识的优势,同时注意克服成人学习外语的不利因素,如模仿力较差、母语的干扰、怕开口等。成人学生大多是从业人员,工学矛盾突出,自学时间难以保3 证,但是他们的学习动机明确,积极性高。因此,在编写教材和教学辅导中应充分考虑 到这些特点,如在选择教学内容时应本着“实用为主,够用为度”的原则,在教学中应讲究方法,注意复习巩固,充分调动成人学习的有利因素,帮助学生选择适合自己的学习

9、方法,养成良好的学习习惯,提高自学的能力。 附录一 功能意念表 1 友好往来 ( 1)问候 Hello/Hi. Good morning/afternoon/evening, etc. ( 2)告辞 Im afraid I must be going now. I think its time for us to leave now. Ive really got to go now. Its time I went home. ( 3)告别 Good-bye/Bye/Bye-bye. Good night. See you tomorrow. ( 4)介绍 A. This is Tom (a

10、nd this is Amy). Id like you to meet Mary. May I introduce (you to) Mr./Mrs./ Miss/Ms. Smith? B. How do you do? Glad to meet you. Nice meeting you, Fred. ( 5)感谢和应答 A. Thank you (very much). (Many ) thanks. Im really grateful to you for your help. B. Not at all. Youre welcome. Dont mention it. Thats

11、all right. ( 6)祝愿和祝贺 A. Good luck! Best wishes for your holiday. Have a good time. Please give my best wishes to Linda. Please remember me to your family. B. Congratulations (on your success). (7) 道歉和应答 A. Sorry. 4 Excuse me. B. Never mind. It doesnt matter. Thats nothing. ( 8)邀请和应答 A. Come in and h

12、ave a cup of tea. What about having a drink? Would you like some ice cream? B. Thank you (very much). Yes, Id love to. Thats very kind of you, (but Im on a diet). ( 9)提议、接受和谢绝 A. Can I help you? Is there anything I can do for you? Shall I carry the box for you? B. Yes, please. No, thank you (just th

13、e same). Thats very kind of you, but I can manage it myself. ( 10)开始和结束谈话 Nice day, isnt it? What a lovely day today! 2. 交流补救 ( 1)请求重复和解释 Uh, excuse me, could you repeat it? Could you say that again? ( 2)定义 Linguistics may be defined as the science of language. ( 3)确认理解 Got it? Do you see what I mea

14、n? ( 4)犹豫 Let me see. How can I put it? ( 5)更正 What I meant was that we should go on with the work. ( 6)补充 In addition, I think we should take the cost into account. ( 7)插话 Excuse me. Did you say that the party had to be put off? 3态度 5 ( 1)意愿 Im willing/ready to take the job. I will buy a new pair o

15、f glasses. ( 2)希望 I wish to see you again. I hope you will get better soon. I wish I were younger. ( 3)意向 Im planning to move somewhere downtown. I feel like taking a hot bath now. ( 4)责任 Do I have to finish it today? Should I look after the baby this evening? Is it necessary for me to clean the roo

16、m? Im afraid you must/will have to stay home. ( 5)能力 I can manage the job without help. Im capable of running a mile in four minutes. ( 6)允许 A. I wonder if I could possibly use your bicycle? B. Sure, go ahead. C. Id rather you didnt. ( 7)同意和不同意 A. Thats a good point. B. Im afraid youre not quite rig

17、ht. ( 8)喜欢和不喜欢 A. I like English poems very much. She loves doing shopping alone. B. He doesnt like wearing his hair long. I dont care much for hot food. ( 9)偏爱 I prefer tea to coffee. Id rather go by train than by plane. ( 10)原谅 Its not your fault. Please dont blame yourself. ( 11)后悔 I should have

18、finished my essay earlier. ( 12)慰问和同情 Im so sorry. Please accept my deep sympathy. ( 13)兴趣 Thats quite tempting. Im curious about that. 6 ( 14)决心 Shes determined to go to Australia. I insist everybody be here at six sharp. Nothing will prevent me from accomplishing the task. ( 15)责怪和批评 You are late

19、again. Why didnt you tell me the truth? You shouldnt have done that. ( 16)抱怨 I hate to have to say this, but its too noisy here. ( 17)否定 I dont think you are right. ( 18)让步 Even so/But its still a fact. ( 19)怀疑 I doubt if we can finish it on time. I suspect the truth of her statement. ( 20)犹豫 Well,

20、let me see. ( 21)坚持 But you know that shes innocent. ( 22)忍受 Well, we just have to accept that sort of thing. ( 23)冷淡 I dont care what you do. It doesnt matter to me. 4. 可能程度 ( 1) 肯定和不肯定 Im not quite sure whether it will rain today. I doubt if he knows the truth. to be sure/certain of ( 2) 可能和不可能 It

21、 is possible that he is out. It is unlikely that he should be at home. ( 3)预测 It will be fine tomorrow. ( 4)猜测和相信 I guess that he has got it. He must have read it before. We all believe that you are right. ( 5)看似、好象 He seems to be ignorant about it. 7 She appears to be unwilling to go. It looks as i

22、f he knew a lot about it. 5. 情感 ( 1)惊奇 What a surprise! I can hardly believe my ears/eyes. ( 2)满意和高兴 It is well done. Im pleased to know that. How wonderful! ( 3)愤怒或恼怒 Isnt it annoying/irritating! What a stupid idiot! ( 4)悲伤 Oh, no! How could this happen to me? I cant take much more of this. ( 5)愿望

23、I wish I were young again. ( 6)悔恨和失望 Oh, what a pity /shame! Thats too bad. ( 7)需求 I need your help. I want you to read this report. ( 8)焦虑 Im so anxious about my job. She is rather worried about his health. ( 9)加重感情色彩 What a wonderful day! Thank you ever so much. It is far, far too expensive. ( 10)

24、担心和挂念 Im so worried about you. She is anxious to know the result. ( 11)害怕 Dont be afraid. I was frightened to death when a tall man ran towards me. ( 12)期望 Im expecting a call. ( 13)赞赏 What a marvelous play! I like your haircut. 8 6. 告戒 ( 1)提醒 Make sure youll be there on time. Dont forget about your

25、 study. ( 2)请求 Will you do me a favor? Would you mind helping me with the desk? ( 3)建议 Youd better take an umbrella. Id rather you did it again. Why dont you have a try? Lets take a short break. Shall we start now? ( 4)推荐 I recommend this book. ( 5)指导 The first thing you have to do is open the cover

26、, and then dont forget to press the button ON. ( 6)警告 Be careful! Take care! If you dont do it properly, Ill make you do it again. ( 7)劝说 Dont you think it would be better to leave right now? ( 8)命令 Be quiet. Dont shout in the corridor. ( 9)禁止 You cant smoke here. You are not allowed to smoke here.

27、( 10)许诺 I will pay you back next time. I give you my word that the goods will arrive on time. 7. 时间 ( 1)时刻 She gets up at 7:00 every morning. The school will begin in September. 9 ( 2)时段 The concert lasted two hours. His father will stay in Paris for five years. ( 3)频度 He should take the medicine tw

28、ice a day. She usually wrote home every other week. ( 4)时序 The cat ran here and there, first on this side, then on that side. ( 5)速度 The students can read English at the speed of 200 words per minute. ( 6)同时 Strike while the iron is hot. ( 7)持续 The professor has been teaching at the university for o

29、ver thirty years. 8. 存在 ( 1)存在和不存在 Air exists nearly everywhere. There is not a soul in the room. (2)有和没有 The people in this country enjoy free medical care. The factory ran out of raw material. 9. 空间描述 ( 1)位置 He sits at the back of the room. The lab lies in the center of the university. ( 2)方向 The

30、post office is two blocks straight ahead. Turn left at the corner and go straightforward. ( 3)动向 The train is leaving for Beijing. towards; from ( 4)距离 The school is within walking distance. ( 5)体积 The two rooms are of the same size. The swimming pool is 25 meters in width, 50 meters in length and 2

31、 meters in depth. 10 10. 数量 ( 1)数 There are twenty students in the class. ( 2)量 She has collected a great number of foreign stamps. There was a great amount of rain last month. ( 3)足量和不足量 They have ample food and clothing. The pot plant died from want of water. ( 4)过量 The shirt is too large for Tom

32、to wear. 11质 ( 1)形状 It is a U-shaped road. ( 2)颜色 The leaves turn yellow in autumn. ( 3)材料 The box is made of wood. ( 4)感觉 The blind man has to feel his way forward. He has no sense of music. ( 5)质地 The silk feels very smooth. ( 6)价值 A peasant woman found a priceless stone in her land. ( 7)自然状况 I dont feel well, just because of the jet-lag. 12. 方法和手段 The sheets are usually folded in this way. He decided to treat the patient surgically. The dumb can make themselves understood by means of gestures. 13. 功用 The knife is used to cut things.

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