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1、 1 北京林业大学 2007 2008学年第 一 学期考试试卷 试卷名称 : 翻 译 课程所在院系 : 外语学院 考试班级 : 英语 05级 I. Translate the following into Chinese. (30 points) Lisa and Millers apartment is arranged like a T, with the kitchen and bedroom at either end and the living room at the stem; the bathroom juts off the hallway. The walls are th

2、ick with the coats of paint that have been applied for each new tenant over the years. The floors are scuffed wood. The door-knobs are prewar, old-fashioned crystal. Miller has been spending a lot of time in the hallway this morning, but now he stands up and goes to the bedroom and takes a closer lo

3、ok in the mirror than he usually does. There are the standard things he checks for: nothing stuck between the teeth, no gray in the hair, no thinning toward the middle of his scalp. Its a relief. Miller looks like his mother, and in her family, men retain their hair well into their sixties. Stan, on

4、 the other hand, was as bald as a grapefruit by the time he was thirty-three. II. Translate the following into Chinese. (30 points) Just my luck that Penelopes engagement party fell on a Thursday night the night of my standing dinner date with Uncle Will and Simon. Neither appointment could be denie

5、d. I stood in front of my ugly, postwar, high-rise Murray Hill apartment building, desperately trying to escape to my uncles huge duplex on Central Park West. It wasnt rush hour, Christmas, shift change, or torrentially pouring, but a cab was nowhere to be found. I had been whistling, screaming, and

6、 jumping skywards like a lunatic for twenty minutes to no avail, when a lone cab finally pulled up to the curb. The cabbies response when I requested to go uptown was “Too much traffic!” before he screeched off and disappeared. When a second driver actually picked me up, I ended up tipping him 50 pe

7、rcent out of relief and gratitude. 2 III. Translate the following passage into English. (40 points) 刚来北京的时候,郭德纲在蒲黄榆演出,有一次夜场散了已经是 11 点多了,末班的公共汽车已经没有了,郭德纲身上只有两块钱,又不能露宿街头,只能走着回大兴黄村。郭德纲说:“走到玉泉营的时候,那里正在修路,很不好走,我需要爬上一个大大的土山,才能绕过去;走到新发地,已经很晚,我又饿又冷,新 发地蔬菜批发市场门口有卖包子的小贩,我花了最后的两块钱买了两个包子吃;我继续走,走到西红门桥上,走的是主路,就在马

8、路最外侧的马路牙子上走,周围全是呼啸而过的货车,我朝前面看,一片漆黑,什么都看不见,当时我的眼泪就下来了。我心里默念着孟子的话:天将降大任于斯人也。那一夜对我的一生都影响深远。”等最后回到黄村,已经是凌晨三四点钟。 3 2007-08 学年第 一 学期翻译试卷答案 I. 将英语短文译成汉语。( 30 分) 1. 参考答案: 丽莎和米勒的公寓是个丁字形结构,中间是客厅,厨房和卧室在两边,厕所从门厅里凸出来 。多年来每换一次房客就刷一遍涂料,墙上的涂料已经积得很厚。 木地板已经磨损了,门把手还是二战以前那种老式的水晶把手。 这天早上,米勒在门厅处呆了很长时间,然后他站起身,走进卧室, 比 往日 更

9、仔细地 在镜子里打量自己。他每天都要检查这么几项:牙里没塞东西,没生出白发,头皮中央的头发没有稀少。放心了。米勒长得像母亲,而母亲家的男人到 60 多岁还都头发完好。斯坦就不同了, 33 岁的时候就秃得跟柚子似的。 2. 评分标准: 错译一个词扣 1 分,错译一个短语扣 2 分,错译一个句子扣 4 分。 基本意思正确但 汉 语不通顺酌情扣 1 2 分。 II. 将英语短文译成汉语。( 30 分) 1. 参考答案: 糟糕的是,佩尼洛普的订婚仪式订在一个周四的晚上,这正是我和威尔 舅舅 及西蒙雷打不动每周一起吃晚饭的日子。 两件事 都不能不去。我站在难看的、战后建造的默里山高层公寓楼前,急于奔向我

10、 舅舅 在中央公园西边的复式豪宅。不是高峰时间,不是圣诞节,不是换班的时间,又没下暴雨,怎么就一辆出租车都没有呢!我像个神经病一样吹口哨、尖叫、跳脚,闹腾了 20 分钟也 无济于事。等终于有一辆出租车停在了路边,我说要 出城 ,司机说了 声“太堵!”就 吱的一 下子 开 走 了。下一辆出租好歹让我上了车 ,最后为了表达自己欣喜和感激的心情,我多给了 50%作为小费。 2. 评分标准: 同上。 4 III. 将 下面的 汉语短文译成英语。( 40分) 1. 参考答案: When he first came to Beijing, Guo Degang was doing a show at Pu

11、huangyu. There was a time when he finished after 11 at night and the last bus had gone. He had to walk back to Huangcun in Daxing district because he had only two dollars and didnt want to sleep under the sky. Guo recalled, “The road was being repaired at Yuquanying so I had to climb over a large mo

12、und. It was already very late when I got to Xinfadi, and I was indeed both hungry and cold. Outside the vegetable wholesale market there were sellers of meat-stuffed bread, so I spent all the money I had for two pieces. After eating them, I continued to walk. I was on the main road when crossing the

13、 Xihongmen overpass and I was actually walking on the curbs with all the trucks howling past beside me. It was dark all around, with nothing to be seen. I burst into tears, and I comforted myself with the words of Mencius: When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, That night was to have enduring influence on my whole life.” It was after three oclock when he eventually reached Huangcun. 2. 评分标准: 每个拼写错误、语法错误、用词错误均扣 1 分。影响句子整体结构的语法错误扣 2分。因拼写错误、语法错误或用词错误造成与原文意思不符,根据句子长短酌情每句扣3 5 分。

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