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1、 基础英语上 一. 词义匹配 (共 10 题,共 10 分)1. He was wearing casual clothes. (1 分)A.serious B.informal C.formal D.tidy 答案:B 2. His main rival is going further. (1 分)A.leader B.partner C.opponent D.cooperator 答案:C 3. This article shows how to prepare a CV, and gives tips on applying for jobs. (1 分)A.thoughts

2、eas C.opinions D.suggestions 答案:D 4. Can you suggest how we might handle the problem? (1 分) B.tackle C.cope D.treat 答案:B 5. He felt a sudden sense of calm and contentment. (1 分)A.happiness B.peace C.excitement D.sadness 答案:B 6. Im taking these apples out of the bag to lessen the load I have t

3、o carry. (1 分)A.raise B.increase C.keep D.reduce 答案:D 7. He was born with a slight deformity of the feet which made him limp. (1 分)A.disability B.inability C.distortion D.illness 答案:A 8. The experience of staying far away from home created a very special bond between us. (1 分)A.relationship B.proof

4、 答案:A 9. I should teach my students that science is akin to common sense. (1 分)A.similar to B.referred to C.related to D.connected to 答案:A 10. He reasoned that if we started at dawn, we would be there by noon. (1 分)A.decided B.persuaded C.concluded D.convinced 答案:C 二. 词汇语法 (共 20 题,共 20

5、 分)1. Language teachers often _ advice to language learners. (1 分)A.offers B.offered C.offer D.are offering 答案:C 3. In spite of his _ quietness, George is very aggressive. (1 分)A.outward B.coward C.reward D.inward 答案:A 9. The meeting _ till next week. (1 分)A.put off B.will put off C.will be put off

6、D.was put off 答案:C 15. Environmental groups say action is needed to find clean,?_ energy sources.? (1 分)A.renew B.renewal C.renewing D.renewable 答案:D 16. The doctor took my temperature and _ to my heart. (1 分)A.listen B.will listen C.has listened D.listened 答案:D 18. He stood there motionless and _ a

7、t the natural beauty of the sea. (1 分) wonder doubt question trouble 答案:A 三. 完型填空 (共 10 题,共 10 分)1. By tradition, the 1(?) of Thanksgiving Day is to commemorate the early successful harvests celebrated by the white settlers 2(?) arrived in the New World.The first celebrations in w

8、hat is now Canada were held in Newfoundland in 1578 by the English navigator, Martin Frobisher. These were the usual harvest festivals after the years work. The first recorded celebration in 3(?) is now the USA 4(?) sometime in autumn in 1610, celebrated by the colonists at Jamestown, Virginia. 5(?)

9、, for these colonists it was not so much a celebration of the harvest but the fact that supply ships had arrived 6(?) England. Due to the terrible winter 1609-1610, the colonists numbers had been 7(?) from 490 down to 60, and they were desperate. The first harvest-related Thanksgiving in the later U

10、SA was in 1621 at Plymouth, Massachusetts, a year 8(?) the arrival of the Pilgrims on the Mayflowe, and after their first successful year.So the source of the Thanksgiving Day celebration in the USA is a combination of 9(?) farming harvest celebrations, the survival of the Jamestown colonists by the

11、 arrival of the supply ships, and the celebration of the Pilgrims. 10(?) the reason for the tradition, the Thanksgiving Day in our industrial society today is the time for family. (10 分) (1) 第 1 空 (1 分)A.result B.purpose D.goal 答案:B (2) 第 2 空 (1 分)A.who B.what C.which D.whom 答案:A (3) 第 3 空

12、(1 分)A.which B.that D.what 答案:D (4) 第 4 空 (1 分)A.held B.hold C.took place D.showed up 答案:C (5) 第 5 空 (1 分)A.Moreover B.In contrast C.Despite D.However 答案:D (6) 第 6 空 (1 分) C.from 答案:C (7) 第 7 空 (1 分)A.raised B.decreased C.cut off D.increased 答案:B (8) 第 8 空 (1 分)A.before B.of C.aft

13、er 答案:C (9) 第 9 空 (1 分)A.popular B.usual C.ordinary D.traditional 答案:D (10) 第 10 空 (1 分)A.Whatever B.However C.Whichever D.Whenever 答案:A 四. 阅读理解判断 (共 10 题,共 20 分)1. Have you ever found yourself completely disgusted by your own performance during a job interview? I have, and it was all my own fa

14、ult. Heres my worst job interview experience, along with some of the lessons Ive learned since.Several years ago I wanted to be a federal officer. So I applied for several job openings, went through written tests and even managed to get an interview. I was very excited and felt prepared for anything

15、. When I went in for the interview, I felt almost invincible. That feeling lasted until they started asking me for specific examples of experience, particularly those dealing with teamwork and communication. My job at the time was almost all teamwork, yet, I blanked on examples. I lamely answered th

16、ose questions by explaining that my previous job required teamwork and communication all the time without any detail.In my experience, most interviewers will ask for a specific example at some point and they want to know exactly how you dealt with the issue. Youd better go over some examples concern

17、ing your abilities before the interview and this might help you avoid going blank on those questions.Another question they asked was, “What is your biggest weakness?” I gave the overused, canned answer of, “Im a perfectionist, and its such a problem.” However, the old “make your weakness sound like

18、strength” trick is clichd, and failed me miserably. I actually saw one of my interviewers roll his eyes.Interviewers dont want to hear that youre a perfectionist. Too many people say that. Heres how that works: Regardless of the job, think of a skill you have, but arent great at, that may be related

19、 but not important to the position youre seeking. Explain how you want to improve and what youre doing. It shows your desire to grow, along with an understanding that youre human. There will always be questions that can rattle you during the job interview, but as long as you are well-prepared and al

20、ways remain true to yourself, you will find the right job eventually! (10分) (1) The author applied for several jobs and got an interview successfully. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:正确 (2) The author gave several vivid examples about his work during the interview. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:错误 (3) The interviewee should always p

21、repare some examples regarding his abilities before the interview. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:正确 (4) The interviewers were satisfied with the authors answer to the question “what is your biggest weakness?” (2 分)错误 正确 答案:错误 (5) During the interview, the interviewee should always know how to make his weakness soun

22、d like strength. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:错误 2. One Mothers Day morning a troubling thought crossed my mind. Youve never, ever, in your whole life, told your mother you love her. What if she dies and you have to live with that for the rest of your life?What reason did I have for not telling Mum I loved her? I

23、didnt know I had to! Such words were never spoken in our home. My parents loved each other and they loved their five children, but our family didnt hug and say mushy things such as “I love you.”My parents were also loved by their parents, but there were no hugs and sweet talk there either. Mums moth

24、er had been a child immigrant to the country and worked as a domestic helper when she was just eight years old. Before that, she had lived in an orphanage in London. She had no memories of her mother. None. Naturally, my grandmother wasnt big on outward shows of affection. Hence, my mother didnt rec

25、eive any I-love-you either, and she wasnt good at giving affection to her children, except when they were in the baby and toddler stages.Everyone in my family was supposed to translate warm meals, clean beds and good clothing as “love.” But, seeing love in action doesnt make up for failing to hear t

26、he words “I love you”.That Mothers Day, I felt God speaking to me, telling me to break down that barrier. He told me that my mother needed to hear me say, “I love you.” And I needed to say it!Mum lives three hours away, so it wasnt possible to tell her face-to-face. I phoned.At first, I wished her a

27、 happy Mothers Day. Then we talked about the weather, other members of the family and Dads health. All the while, the words “I love you” were burning in my mind. When youve never said those words to someone, they dont just roll off your tongue.Finally, when I felt our conversation winding down, I bl

28、urted, “I love you, Mum.”She said, “I love you too, dear,” just as if shed been saying it to me all my life. (10分) (1) There are five children in the authors family and they always say nice things to each other. ( 2 分)错误 正确 答案:错误 (2) The author always hugs her mother and says “I love you”. (2 分)错误 正

29、确 答案:错误 : (3) The authors parents used to live in an orphanage in London. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:错误 (4) On Mothers day the author called her mother. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:正确 (5) Eventually it was the authors mother who said “I love you” first. (2 分)错误 正确 答案:错误 五. 阅读理解选择 (共 20 题,共 40 分)1. Alfred Nobel, a chemist, a g

30、reat inventor and a peace-lover, was born on October 21, 1833 in Sweden. A little over a year before he died, he wrote his will and left about 94 percent of his money to the founding of five prizes, including physics, chemistry, medicine, literature and peace. According to Nobels will, the Peace Pri

31、ze should be awarded to peace-lovers and those who have done the most or the best work for the peace of the world in the last years. Unluckily, Alfred did not see peace in his time. He died alone on December 10, 1896 suffering great pain.In his will, Nobel did not leave an explanation why he founded

32、 a prize for peace. The prizes for chemistry and physics were easy to be seen as he was a trained chemical engineer. But the reason behind the peace prize is less clear. According to some people, his friendship with Bertha Von Suttner may have deeply influenced his decision to include peace as one o

33、f the prizes. She is a peace activist and the first woman peace prize winner. But some others said because Nobel had some dangerous inventions, the peace prize was Nobels way to make up for the possible damage. But no one has got an answer for sure.It is also unclear, while the other four Nobel priz

34、es were managed in Sweden, why Nobel wished the Peace Prize to be managed in Norway instead. Some experts reasoned at the time of Nobels death, Sweden was controlling Norway by force, so Nobel might consider Norway a better place for the peace prize.The Peace Prize has been awarded for more recent o

35、r immediate achievements than the other four Nobel prizes. Before World War I, the prize was often awarded to pioneers of the organized peace movements and active politicians working for international peace and agreements. Since World War II, the Peace Prize winners have been selected from areas lik

36、e arms control, peace talk, human rights and work aimed at creating a better organized and more peaceful world. (10 分) (1) Alfred Nobel is all but a(n) _. (2 分)A.chemist B.scientist D.peace prize winner 答案:D (2) What may be the most possible reason for the founding the Peace Prize? (2 分)A

37、.Nobel wanted Bertha Von Suttner to share his money. B.Nobel was a scientist and wanted to praise other scientists. C.Nobel wanted to do something for the peace of the world. D.Nobel had a lot of money and had no son or daughter. 答案:C (3) Why was the Nobel Peace Prize managed in Norway instead of Sw

38、eden according to some experts? (2 分)A.Nobel believed he must do something for Norway. B.Norway is Nobels hometown. C.Sweden was not so peace-loving at the time when Nobel founded the prize. D.Sweden was stronger and richer at that time. 答案:C (4) A Nobel Peace Prize winner cant be a(n) _. (2 分)A.pol

39、itician B.terrorist C.activist D.peace lover 答案:B (5) Which of the following statements is true according to the text? (2 分)A.Till now people have had no idea why Alfred Nobel set up the prize for physics. B.Alfred Nobel may have been worried about the damages caused by his dangerous inventions. C.T

40、he standard that the Peace Prize committee adopted to award the Peace Prize must be totally different before and after World War I. D.The purpose of setting up the Peace Prize is just the same with that of the other four Nobel Prizes. 答案:B 2. “ Michael Jackson was known as the “King of Pop”, but his

41、 huge success as a performer was not always easy. Born in Gary, Indiana in 1958, Jackson was the seventh of nine children. He was five years old when he began singing with his brothers in a group called The Jackson 5, and eleven when their first album was released. The Jackson 5 became an immediate

42、success. Their music set records. Michael, the lead singer and energetic dancer, was the star of the group.In the 1970s, the group shortened their name to The Jacksons. Three years later, Jackson released “Thriller” on his own. The album was not just the best selling album of all time, it also won m

43、any major Awards. And it helped establish the popularity of a new form of entertainment, Music Video. Michael Jackson was a huge success, but he was also a very troubled man. He had many operations to change his face. He sometimes acted and spoke in a childlike way, for example, he once bought a hug

44、e property in California which he called “Neverland” after the childrens story “Peter Pan”. And he suffered from injuries and illness that led him to take many kinds of pain-killing medicines. In 1993, a thirteen-year-old boy accused him of sexual abuse. Ten years later, a similar accusation led to

45、a criminal trial which began in 2005. A jury cleared Jackson of all charges. He called the trial the hardest thing he had ever met in his life. After his 2005 trial, the singer spent much of his time in Europe and the Middle East. He returned to the United States with the aim to make a victorious co

46、meback. Michael Jackson died of heart failure on June 25, 2009, just days away from holding concerts in London. Fans around the world mourned his death. Famous performers around the world told about the influence he had on their work. Michael Jackson left a huge mark on popular culture. He will live

47、 on in his unforgettable music.“ (10 分) (1) The following statements are true about Michael Jackson EXCEPT _. (2 分)A.He was five when he began singing in Jackson 5. B.He was eleven when he released his first album alone. C.His “Thriller” won many major Awards. D.His huge property in California was n

48、amed after Peter Pan. 答案:B (2) Which of the following best describes Michael Jackson? (2 分)A.Successful but unlucky. B.Successful but troubled. C.Heroic but childlike. D.Evil and guilty. 答案:B (3) How did the trial of the sexual abuses affect Michael Jackson? (2 分)A.It led to his death. B.It led him to take poisonous medicines. C.It was the most difficult thing he had met in his life. D.It made him decide to plan a victorious comeback. 答案:C

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