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1、 专业 K12教研 共享 平台 房山区 2018 年高考第一次模拟测试试卷 英 语 2018.4 本试卷共 xx 页,共 120 分。考试时长 100 分钟。考生务必将答案答在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第一部分:知识运用(共两节, 45 分) 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 例: Its so nice to hear from her again. _, we last met more than thirty y

2、ears ago. A.Whats more B.Thats to say C. In other words D. Believe it or not 答案是 D。 1. Would you like to come to the party? Id love to, _ I have to attend a lecture. A. and B. but C. for D. so 2. _truly changes the world is the way you look at yourself. A. When B. What C. Who D. How 3. This book is

3、really a bit difficult _ a girl of Grade 3. Youd better choose an easy one. A. for B. with C. of D. by 4. Why cant you go with me to the National Museum? I _ an essay all the morning and havent finished yet. A. write B. had written C. will write D. have been writing 5. Mr. Brown arranged for the tax

4、i to come at eight he could arrive at the airport on time. A. in case B. even if C. so that D. as though 6. Personal happiness lies in knowing _ life is not a check-list of achievements. A. what B. where C. whether D. that 7. _Beijing Opera to the basic education in China is a big step to promote tr

5、aditional art. A. Adding B. Having added C. Add D. Added 8. Youd better reflect on how to answer the interviewers questions _ you go into the meeting room. A. although B. than C. before D. while 9. The Palace Museum has put on many attractions since it _ in 2017. A. rebuilt B. was rebuilt C. had reb

6、uilt D. had been rebuilt 10. _ by what the teacher had said, Anna came up with a new idea for her new project. A. Inspired B. Inspiring C. Inspire D. To inspire 11. Middle school academic clubs, _ students can explore interests enjoy a great popularity. A. which B. whose C. when D. where 12. My frie

7、nd encouraged me _ a summer course to improve my writing skills. A. attend B. to attend C. attending D. attended 13. Lucy made it clear yesterday that she _ us a hand if necessary. 专业 K12教研 共享 平台 A. would give B. has given C. will give D. was giving 14. I _ a full mark in the last listening exam if

8、I hadnt practiced it during the winter holiday . A. didnt got B. hadnt got C. wouldnt get D. wouldnt have got 15. Sometimes it seems that doors _ be closed for you, but remember, they are not all locked. A. must B. should C. may D. need 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、

9、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Emergency on the Mountain Ana was a 12-year- old girl living in the mountain. Her 16 was to become a village nurse like Leta, her neighbor. She spent almost all her spare time reading the 17 book by herself. This morning, Leta went to Santiago to 18 a short-term trainin

10、g class by a group of volunteer doctors for first aiders to learn medical skills. Before she left, Ana begged Leta to take her along but Leta 19 , saying that Ana was too 20 to learn anything important. Ana was very 21 this morning, so she decided to wander around to refresh herself. On the hillside

11、, she saw Rafi standing on a donkeys bare back, some kids around him. Rafi was only 13, but he was always doing something to get 22 . “No wonder adults dont 23 kids with anything important”, Ana said to herself. She had just turned away 24 she heard a few screams and Rafi fell off the donkey. Ana ra

12、n to where Rafi was lying and 25 that one of his legs bent a little sideways between the knee and the ankle and that all the other kids were 26 , not knowing what to do. She 27 what the first-aid book said about 28 legs. “Vin!” Ana called to one of the boys. “Go and get Rafis mama and find someone w

13、ith a truck.” She turned 29 the other kids. “Give me your shirts. We need something to 30 his leg with so it doesnt move around.” Ana found a strong, straight stick, which shed use to 31 his leg. She carefully wrapped the boys shirts around his leg and the stick. When Ana was done, Rafi came back to

14、 himself. Ana 32 comforted him until Rafis mama came over. Behind her was a neighbor in a pickup truck. They lifted Rafi into the truck, then 33 down the dusty hillside toward the hospital. The next day, Leta came to Anas home. “I heard what you did,” Leta said. “You kept your head in a/an 34 . That

15、s an important skill.” Anas face burned. “Now, listen. The volunteer doctors are coming here tomorrow with vaccines(疫苗) . We need some extra 35 . Can you help?” Ana didnt hesitate. “I would love to and Ill bring my first-aid book.” Ana said excitedly. 16. A. dream B. hobby C. plan D. addiction 17. A

16、. science B. first-aid C. biology D. handcraft 18. A. attend B. give C. learn D. follow 19. A. agreed B. promised C. refused D. allowed 20. A. weak B. sensitive C. selfish D. young 21. A. upset B. relieved C. cold D. different 22. A. connection B. attention C. distinction D. education 23. A. bother

17、B. present C. trust D. provide 24. A. when B. after C. until D. since 专业 K12教研 共享 平台 25. A. stated B. predicted C. explained D. noticed 26. A. annoyed B. confused C. frozen D. excited 27. A. memorized B. submitted C. remembered D. considered 28. A. wounded B. broken C. bleeding D. swollen 29. A. to

18、B. down C. against D. on 30. A. add B. cover C. tie D. bend 31. A. carry B. fix C. raise D. lift 32. A. warmly B. q uickly C. politely D. gently 33. A. rode B. drove C. walked D. marched 34. A. protection B. emergency C. accident D. difficulty 35. A. medicine B. lessons C. offers D. hands 第 二 部分:阅读理

19、解(共两节, 40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A An Undiscovered Masterpiece A few years ago, my wife, Sue had some serious health problems. She had suffered surgery after surgery and had also put on weight. Diets had not helped her and she suffered const

20、antly from undiagnosed pain. One day the whole family sat down and drew up a “wish list”. To our surprise, one of Sues items was to run in a marathon. Given her history and physical limitations, I thought her goal was completely unrealistic, but Sue became committed to it. She began by running very

21、slowly and every day she ran just a little farther than she did the day before. Soon she could run three miles. Then five. Sue kept practicing and longed to run in the St. George Marathon in southern Utah. On the big day, I parked our van near the finish line, waiting for Sue. The rain was steady an

22、d the wind was cold. The marathon had started over five hours ago. The fast and strong competitors had finished already. Several cold and injured runners had been transported past me, and I began to panic. The image of Sue, alone and cold, off the road somewhere, made me sick with worry. Another hou

23、r passed and I spotted a small group running up. As they approached, I could see Sue, in the company of three others, and a woman in her twenties was near Sue. It was obvious that they had become friends during the race. I could see her begin to struggle. But when the finish line came into sight, sh

24、e confidently even happily picked up her pace the last hundred yards to the finish line. Few people were left to congratulate my wife. They openly praised and embraced her, “She made us believe we could do it,” her new friend stated. From then on, she was carrying herself differently. Her head was m

25、ore upright. Her shoulders were squared. Her walk had a new confidence. Her voice held a new, quiet dignity. It was not as if she had become someone new; it was more as if she had discovered a real self she had not known before. It was perseverance that made her realize she was an undiscovered maste

26、rpiece with a million things left to learn about herself. She truly liked her newly discovered self. So did I. 36. Why did the author think Sue had an unrealistic goal? A. She was in bad health condition. B. She occasionally suffered from pains. C. She was diagnosed with cancer. D. She always had an

27、 unhealthy diet. 37. The author began to panic because _. 专业 K12教研 共享 平台 A. he was cold and lonely on the road B. he was concerned about Sue C. he noticed some runners were sick D. he saw his wife was struggling 38. As for “An Undiscovered Masterpiece”, the author refers to_. A. Sues squared shoulde

28、rs B. the marathon in southern Utah C. Sues newly-discovered self D. Sues newly-made friend 39. The writer wrote this article in order to tell us that _. A. Sue did a good job in the marathon B. Sue made many friends in the race C. he was grateful because Sue had recovered D. nothing can take the pl

29、ace of perseverance B New Views is the National Theatres annual play writing programme for 14 - 19 year olds. Every year, hundreds of students from across the UK learn about play writing from the finest writers and write their own 30-minute plays. The online course is accessible to everyone, but par

30、ticipating schools and colleges have the unique benefits. This year we are working with 75 schools nationwide, giving up to 100 groups the opportunity to be a part of New Views. Any school or college can apply to participate in the programme. Applications for New Views 2018 (September 2018-July 2019

31、) Time Activity Details September CPD (teachers) visit the NT for training. establish writing groups in their schools or colleges. October-March TRAINING (students) follow our specially created online course. see NT productions-at the NT in London. take part in workshops with professional playwright

32、s. December-April WRITING (students) write half-hour plays about the challenging, real-life issues that matter to them. stage rehearsed readings. submit plays to the NT for feedback. July NEW VIEWS FESTIVAL (all) hold the annual New Views Festival. have the chance to see his/her play produced at the

33、 NT. attend rehearsed readings of their work if they have their plays shortlisted(列入候选名单 ). The students taking part in New Views will have the unique and exciting opportunity to: Explore their talent and sharpen their approach to research, as well as their ability to develop and express ideas on ke

34、y moral questions and dilemmas. Develop a sense of connection to the arts, a lifelong enthusiasm for theatre and an understanding of the power of theatre to engage audiences in serious debate. Develop their transferable skills for employment and further study including self-management, team working

35、and communication, application of literacy, problem solving, independence and critical engagement with subject material. How much does it cost to take part? State Schools: 300 Independent Schools: 600 专业 K12教研 共享 平台 If you would like to register your interest in participating, please contact Andrew

36、Pritchard, New Views Programme Coordinator: 40. The article is intended for _. A. schools and colleges B. parents and students C. players and playwrights D. theaters and performances 41. In the training, professional playwrights will _. A. participate in annual New Vie

37、ws Festival B. guide their play writing in the workshops C. stage rehearsed readings with students D. establish writing groups in schools or colleges 42. Students who enter this programme will _. A. become unique and independent B. lead audiences into serious debate C. improve literacy and learning

38、ability D. be able to organize a team of their own C Over Half of Young Chinese Block Parents on WeChat Moments We all know the feeling you want to check what someone you care about has been up to on social media, and suddenly you find you are denied access to their feeds. Its an instant start of mi

39、xed emotions and speculations when did this happen? Did I do anything wrong? What are they attempting to hide from me? And thats what half of Chinese parents have to deal with when they try to browse their childrens WeChat Moments, also known as “Friends Circle”, as suggested by a recent survey rele

40、ased by Tencent, the Chinese Internet giant. According to the report, entitled Annual White Paper on Family Affection on WeChat Moments, about 52 percent of WeChat users aged 18 to 29 block their parents on Moments, a major feature on the platform that allows users to share everything they like with

41、 their WeChat contacts. About 62 percent of the young interviewees said that parents “are neurotic about everything,” along with reasons such as fear of parents disapproval, rejection to parentsnagging(唠叨 ), and seeking privacy. “My parents dont know Moments very well, so I just told them I dont use

42、 it anymore,” said Qin Jianping, a 28-year-old. He added that his parents had been leaving comments requesting updates on his dating status on every post he made on Moments since he broke up with his girlfriend two years ago. Xie Yun, a 26-year-old, said that while she didnt block her parents entire

43、ly, they were in a specific group to which she only shares positive posts. “I dont want my parents to see minor setbacks in my life,” she said, adding that once her parents saw a Moments picture of her hand getting slightly burned while cooking, and they traveled all the way to her city to make sure

44、 she was all right. The report also found that more than 49 percent of Chinese parents use WeChat as a main channel to communicate with their children. Roughly 36 percent of the parents who took the survey said they checked every post made by their children. When asked how they would react to being

45、blocked, some parents said they would initiate a conversation with their children to find out the reason, while others said they wouldnt care. And some parents just outsmart their kids in this hide-and-seek game online. “I didnt realize I was blocked until I compared what I could see on my phone to what my sons aunt could see,” said Chen, a mother of a 27-year-old son. “I chose to remain silent

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