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1、Period 3 Grammarthe Subjunctive Mood(1)整 体 设 计教学内容分析 This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar:the subjunctive mood.In the English language verbs are often divided into three different moodsthe indicative mood, the imperative mood and the subjunctive mood.The indicative mood is used to indi

2、cate a fact or put forward a viewpoint.The imperative mood is used to express direct commands or requests.It tells you to do something.It is also used to signal a prohibition,permission or any other kind of exhortation.The subjunctive mood is used to express a condition which is doubtful or not fact

3、ual.It is most often found in a clause beginning with the word “if”It is also found in noun clauses,following a verb that expresses a doubt,a wish, regret,request, demand,or proposal.The following are verbs typically followed by clauses with the subjunctive mood:ask,demand,determine ,insist,move ,or

4、der ,prefer,recommend,regret ,request,require,suggest, wish.In this period we will focus on only part of the usages of the subjunctive mood,that is,the subjunctive mood beginning with the word “if” and that following the verb “wish”三维目标设计 Knowledge and skills1To get the students to know the structur

5、e of the subjunctive mood.2To let the students learn the usages of the subjunctive mood.3To enable the students to use the subjunctive mood correctly and properly.Process and methods1To ask the students to read the reading passage again,pick out the sentences with the subjunctive mood from the readi

6、ng passage and translate them into Chinese.2To ask the students to discover the structure and usages of subjunctive mood by comparing a lot of example sentences.3To ask the students to do the exercises in Discovering useful structures on Page 5 for students to master the subjunctive mood.4To ask the

7、 students to summarize the subjunctive mood.5To ask the students to do the exercises in Using Structures on Page 43 and some other additional exercises for consolidation.Emotion,attitude and value1To get the students to become interested in grammar learning.2To develop the students ability of compar

8、ing and summarizing.教学重、难点 1To get the students to master the structure and usages of the subjunctive mood.2To enable the students to learn how to use the subjunctive mood correctly.教 学 过 程Step 1 Revision1Check the homework exercises.2Dictate some new words and expressions.3Translate the following s

9、entences into English:(1)那个项目花费了大量金钱。(2)我想开口说几句,但是有人叫我别作声。Suggested answers:(1)A great deal of money was spent on the project.(2)I attempted to speak but was told to be quiet.Step 2 Warming upAsk the students to go back to Page 1 and study the following three sentences in Warming Up and translate th

10、em into Chinese paying special attention to their verb forms:(1)If you were an artist,what kind of pictures would you paint?(2)If you could_have three of these paintings on the walls of your classroom,which would you choose?(3)Have you ever wished you could_paint as well as a professional artist?Tel

11、l the students that the above three sentences are with the subjunctive mood and then discuss it with them.Then ask the students to think about the question “What is the subjunctive mood?”Step 3 Grammar learningAsk the students to study the following sentences and try to summarize the structure and m

12、eaning of the subjunctive mood.1The subjunctive mood beginning with the word “if”:(1)If it often rained,the crops would_grow well.如果经常下雨的话,庄稼会长得很好。(The fact is that it doesnt often rain and the crops dont grow well.)(2)If he were here,everything would_be all right.如果他在这儿的话,一切都没有问题。(The fact is that

13、he is not here and everything is not all right.)(3)I would certainly go if I were you.我要是你就一定去。(The fact is that I am not you and I wont go.)2The subjunctive mood following the verb “wish”:(1)I wish I were not so busy.但愿我不那样忙碌。(The fact is that I am very busy.)(2)I wish I had enough money.但愿我有足够的钱。(

14、The fact is that I dont have enough money.)(3)I wish I could_be of some use to you.我希望我对你能有点用处。(The fact may be that I am not of any use to you.)(4)I wish you wouldnt_look_down_on this kind of work.我希望你不要看不起这种工作。(The fact is that you indeed look down on this kind of work.)(5)I wish you would_go with

15、 us tomorrow.要是你明天同我们一起去就好了。(The fact is that you wont go with us tomorrow.)Step 4 Summing upTry to help the students draw the following conclusions.1The subjunctive mood is usually used to talk about situations that are not true or not likely to be true.The situation referred to in the subjunctive

16、mood is not real,but it is hypothetical.2The subjunctive mood is often found in a clause beginning with the word “if”The past tense(were,did,could do)is often used in the “if” clause and “wouldv.” is often used in the main clause expressing the situation contrary to the present.3When the verb “wish”

17、 is followed by an object clause,its predicate must be with the subjunctive mood.The past tense(were,did) is often used to express the situation contrary to the present and “could/wouldv.” is often used to express the situation contrary to the future.Step 5 Grammar practiceAsk students to do the fol

18、lowing exercises:1Change the following sentences into the subjunctive mood.Put the verbs into the correct form.(1)He has no right to choose his holiday,so he cant go to Shanghai.(2)I cant eat shellfish because I am allergic to them.(3)As the marble statue is too large for her garden,the housewife wo

19、nt buy it.(4)We know very little about the disease,so we are not able to treat the patients very effectively.Suggested answers:(1)If he had right to choose his holiday,he would go to Shanghai.(2)If I were not allergic to shellfish,I would enjoy eating them.(3)If the marble statue were not too large

20、for her garden,the housewife would buy it.(4)If we know more about the disease,we would be able to treat the patients very effectively.2Do Exercise 3 in Discovering useful structures on Page 5.3Do the exercises in Using Structures on Page 43.First ask students to do the exercises individually,and th

21、en let them discuss and check their answers with their partners,and finally give them the correct answers and deal with any problems they might meet.Step 6 Getting more about the grammarAsk students to go back to Page 1 and read through the reading passage A Short History of Western Painting to pick

22、 out the sentences with the subjunctive mood and then translate them into Chinese.Suggested answers:1If the rules of perspective had_not_been_discovered,no one would_have_been able to paint_such realistic pictures.如果没有发现透视法,人们绝不可能画出如此逼真的画。2Without the new paints and the new technique,we would_not_be

23、_able_to_see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不可能看到很多使这一时代著名的杰作。3There are scores of modern art styles,but without the Impressionists,many of these painting styles might_not_exist.现代艺术风格有好几十种,然而如果没有印象派,那么这许多不同的风格就不可能存在。Step 7 Summing upTry to help the st

24、udents draw the following conclusions.1When the subjunctive mood is found in a clause beginning with the word “if”, “had past participles” is used in the “if” clause,while “would/could havepast participles” is used in the main clause so as to express the situation contrary to the past.2In sentences

25、with the subjunctive mood,sometimes a prepositional phrase beginning with “without(if not)” is used to take the place of the “if” clause to express implied condition.Step 8 Playing a game1Get students to form groups of 6.2Let students play the game “If I were a.,I would.” Ask the students to take tu

26、rns to imagine what they would do if they were somebody or did anything with their partners.Make their own sentences as interesting and imaginative as they can.Write down the six best ones and share them with the class.Step 9 Closing down by a quizShow students the following on the screen or give ou

27、t test papers to them.1When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it _(break)2I wish everyone _(be)rich so that there would be no fight for food again.3Without your suggestion that I _(set)off early,I wouldnt have arrived on time.4I would rather you _(return)the book yesterday.5The b

28、oy insisted that he _(not cheat)in the exam and _(not punish)6_(set)off a little earlier,I would have caught the train.7My partner got a mountain bike yesterday.How I wish my father _ one for me on my coming birthday next week.Abuys Bwill buy Ccould buy Dhas bought8The young man insisted that he _ w

29、rong and that he _ sorry to anyone else at the meeting.Ahad done;would say Bhad done;should sayC should do;would say Dshould do;should say9I dont think that I shall fail.But if I _,I would try again.Afail Bwould fail C should fail D had failed10Can you come to attend our party tonight? Sorry,but I d

30、o wish I _.Ahad Bcan Cwill Dcould11Though the girl had been suffering from the blood disease,she acted as if nothing _ to her while facing her friends and relations.Ahappened Bwould happen C was happened Dhad happened12Do you mind if we set out earlier tomorrow morning? Well,Id rather you _.Adont Bdidnt Cwont DwouldntSuggested answers:1.were broken 2. were 3.(should)set 4.had returned5.hadnt cheated;(should)not be punished 6.Had I set/If I had set 7 12 CBCDDBStep 10 HomeworkReview the structure and usages of the subjunctive mood.Step 11 Reflection after teaching_

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