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1、1中国地质大学(北京)2013 年研究生优秀科研成果奖励汇总序号 姓 名 学 号 专 业 科 研 成 果 积分 奖励(元)1 侯通 3001100040硕博贯通 矿物学、岩石 学、矿床学1、Geochemistry of Late Mesozoic dioritic porphyries associated with Kiruna-style and stratabound carbonate-hosted Zhonggu iron ores, MiddleLower Yangtze Valley, Eastern China: Constraints on petrogenesis and

2、 iron sources. Lithos, 119(3-4): 330-344(2010). 国际 SCI, IF=3.779.2、A reappraisal of the petrogenetic linkage between basalts and mafic-ultramafic intrusions in the Emeishan Large Igneous Province, SW China. Ore Geology Reviews, 41: 133-143(2011). 国际 SCI, IF=2.417.3、Noble gas isotopic systematics of

3、Fe-Ti-V oxide ore-related mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions in the Panxi area, China: The role of recycled oceanic crust in their petrogenesis. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75: 6727-6741(2011). 国际 SCI, IF=3.8844、Gushan magnetite-apatite deposit in the Ningwu basin, Lower Yangtze River Valley,

4、SE China: hydrothermal or Kiruna-type? Ore Geology Reviews, 33: 333-346(2011). 国际SCI, IF=2.417.5、Geochronology/geochemistry of the Washan dioritic porphyry associated with Kiruna-type iron ores, Middle-Lower Yangtze River Valley, eastern China: implications for petrogenesis/mineralization. Internati

5、onal Geology Review, 54:1332-1352(2012). 国际 SCI, IF=3.359. 6、A new metallogenic model of the Panzhihua giant VTiiron oxide deposit (Emeishan Large Igneous Province) based on high-Mg olivine-bearing wehrlite and new field evidence. International Geology Review, 54:1721-1745. 国际 SCI, IF=3.359.7、Petrog

6、enesis and metallogenesis of the Taihe gabbroic intrusion associated with Fe-Ti-oxide ores in the Panxi district, Emeishan Large Igneous Province, southwest China. Ore Geology Reviews, 49:109-127(2013). 国际 SCI, IF=2.417.8、The Cihai diabase in the Beishan region, NW China: Isotope geochronology, geoc

7、hemistry and implications for Cornwall-style iron mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 70-71:231-249(2013). 国际 SCI, IF=2.379.9、The role of recycled oceanic crust in magmatism and metallogeny: Os-Sr-Nd isotopes, U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry of picritic dykes in the Panzhihua giant

8、Fe-Ti oxide deposit, central Emeishan large igneous province, SW China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 165(4): 805-822(2013). 国际 SCI, IF=3.47610 Geochronology and geochemistry of submarine volcanic rocks in the Yamansu iron deposit, Eastern Tianshan Mountains, NW China: Constraints on th

9、e metallogenesis. Ore Geology Reviews. In Press. DOI: http:/ 国际 SCI, IF=2.417. 11、Geology, tectonic settings and iron ore metallogenesis associated with submarine volcanism in China: An overview. Ore Geology Reviews. In Press. DOI: http:/

10、j.oregeorev.2013.08.007. 国际 SCI, IF=2.417.165新增602 张凡 3006090070 油气田开发工 程1、Molecular biologic techniques applied to the microbial prospecting of oil and gas in the Ban 876 gas and oil field in China. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2010, 86:1183-1194(国际 SCI,2.86)2、Response of microbial community structur

11、e to microbial plugging in a mesothermic petroleum reservoir in China. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol,2010, 88:14131422(国际SCI,2.86)3、Impact of an indigenous microbial enhanced oil recovery field trial on microbial community structure in a high pour-point oil reservoir. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2012, 95

12、: 811-821 (国际 SCI,3.4)4、Microbial diversity in long-term water flooded oil reservoirs with different in situ temperatures in Chian. Scientific. Reports, 2012, 2, 760 (国际SCI)5、气库上方甲烷氧化菌群落研究以大港油田板 876 储气库为例. 石油天然气学报. 2010,6: 364-368.(中文核心)获奖:1、湖北省科技进步二等奖,2011 (排名 2) 2011J-249-2-078-014-R22、中国石油和化学工业联合

13、会科技进步二等奖,2011, (排名 4) 2011JBR0501-2-43、湖北省科技进步一等奖,2012, (排名 2)2012J-245-1-036-206-R24、中国石油和石化工业联合会科技进步二等奖,2012, (排名 2)2012JBR0581-2-2153新增4523 陈军 3011120003 海洋地质1. Retrieval of absorption and backscattering coefficients from HJ-1A/CCD imagery in coastal waters, Optics Express. 2013. 21(5): 5803-5821

14、. (国际 SCI, IF=3.6)2. A simple atmospheric correction algorithm for MODIS in shallow turbid waters: a case study in Taihu Lake, IEEE Journal of Selected Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing. 2013.6(4): 1825-1833. (国际 SCI,IF=2.9)3. A review of some important problems in remote sensing of chlor

15、ophyll-a concentration in coastal waters, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2013, 6(5): 2275-2289. (国际 SCI, IF=2.9).4. Systematic underestimation of MODIS global chlorophyll-a concentration estimation algorithm associating with scale effect, IEEE Sensor Journal. 2013,

16、 13(5): 1656-1661. (国际 SCI, IF=1.5)5. A simple “clear water” atmospheric correction algorithm for Landsat-5 sensors, International Journal of Remote Sensing. 2013, 34(11): 3787-3802. (国际 SCI,IF=1.2)6. The use of MODIS 250 m bands to improve the MODIS 1km ocean color atmospheric correction algorithm

17、in turbid water, Advance in Space Research. 2013, 51: 1750-1760. (国际 SCI,IF=1.1)7. An improved three-band semi-analytical algorithm in estimating chlorophyll-a concentration in high turbid Yellow River estuary, Earth Environment Research. 2013, 69: 2709-2719. (国际 SCI,IF=1.5)8. An improved algorithm

18、for retrieving chlorophyll-a from Yellow River Estuary using MODIS imagery, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2013, 185: 2243-2255. (国际 SCI,IF=1.5)9. An approach for estimating MODIS reflectance at top-of-atmosphere at 667 and 678 nm from reflectance at 645 nm in turbid waters, Earth Environm

19、ent Research. 2013. doi. 10.1007/s12665-013-2514-9. (国际 SCI,IF=1.5) 135新增1054 朱丽娜 B08152 地质工程1. Tribological properties of WS2 composite film prepared by a two-step method. Vacuum. 85(1): 16-21 2010. 国际 SCI IF=1.532. Measurement of mechanical properties of 1045 steel with significant pile-up by shar

20、p indentation. Journal of Materials Science. 46(4): 1083-1086 (2011). 国际 SCI IF=2.1633. Measurement of residual stress in quenched 1045 steel by the nanoindentation method. Materials Characterization. 61(12): 1359-1362 (2010). 国际 SCI IF=1.884. Microstructure and tribological properties of WS2/MoS2 m

21、ultilayer films. Applied Surface Science. 258(6): 1944-1948 (2012). 国际 SCI IF=2.1125. Structure and tribological behaviors of synthetic MoS2 film prepared by a novel compound method. Advanced Materials Research. 217-218: 1102-1107 (2011). 国际 EI6. Research on the microstructure of solid FeS by TEM. A

22、dvanced Materials Research. 217-218: 1098-1101 (2011). 国际 EI7. Microstructure and nanoindentation measurement of residual stress in Fe-based coating by laser cladding. Journal of Materials Science. 47(5): 2122-2126 (2012). 国际 SCI IF=2.1638. Indentation size effect on the mechanical properties of sup

23、ersonic plasma sprayed NiCr-Cr3C2 coating. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 41(S1): 296-298 (2012). 国内 SCI IF=0.169. On the evaluation of residual stress and mechanical properties of FeCrBSi coatings by nanoindentation. Materials Science and Engineering A. 536: 98-102 (2012). 国际 SCI IF=2.10810.

24、 Effect of residual stress on the nanoindentation response of (100) copper single crystal. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 136(2-3): 561-565 (2012). 国际 SCI IF=2.072112新增305 李松 3006100032硕博贯通 能源地质工程1. Porosity and permeability models for coals using low-field nuclear magnetic resonance. Energy& Fuel

25、.26(8): 5005-5014 (2012).国际 SCI IF=2.8532. The differences of physical properties of coal reservoirsand their origin mechanism between Zhijin and PanxianAreas, Western Guizhou, China. Energy Exploration& Exploitation.30(4): 661-676(2012). 国际 SCI IF=1.7123. Advanced characterization of physical prope

26、rties of coals with different coal structures by nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray computed tomography.Computers&Geosciences. 48: 220-227(2012).国际 SCI IF=1.8344. Characterization of the stress sensitivity of pores for different rank coals by nuclear magnetic resonance. Fuel. 111: 746-754 (2013).国

27、际 SCI IF=3.3575. A Comparative Study of the Characteristics of Coalbed Methane Reservoirs in the Zhina region, Guizhou Province and the Southern Qinshui Basin, Shanxi Province, China. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology. 7(1):95-113. 国际 SCI IF=0.2096. The pore-fracture system prope

28、rties of coalbed methane reservoirs in the Panguan Syncline, Guizhou, China.Geoscience Frontiers, 2(2): 115-123 (2012).7. 贵州省织金、纳雍地区煤储层物性特征研究. 中国矿业大学学报, 41(6): 951-958 (2012). EI8. 鄯勒油田西山窑组层序地层格架分析及其油气地质意义. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 41(4): 983-991 (2011). EI9. 云南恩洪与老厂地区煤储层孔隙裂隙系统对比分析. 高校地质学报, 18(3): 516-521 (20

29、12). 中文核心10 Characteristics of high rank coalbedmethane reservoirs in Zhina coalfield, Guizhou, China, 2011 Asia Pacific Coalbed Methane Symposium: 26 (2011). 国际会议80新增3036 陈凯 3003100009 岩石矿物材料 学1、 Catalytic synthesis and growth mechanism of SiCSiO2 nanowires and their photoluminescence properties. C

30、rystEngComm, (2013). In press. DOI: 10.1039/C3CE41581C. 国际 SCI IF=3.879 2、 Synthesis of -Si3N4 powder from quartz via carbothermal reduction nitridation. Powder Technology, 235: 728-734 (2013). 国际 SCI IF=2.024 3、 Synthesis of SiC nanowires by thermal evaporation method without catalyst assistant. Ce

31、ramics International, 39(2): 1957-1962 (2013). 国际 SCI IF=1.789 4、 Synthesis of TiN-Si3N4 composites from rutile and quartz by carbothermal reduction nitridation. Science of Sintering, 44(1): 57-64 (2012). 国际 SCI IF=0.274 5、 添加 Y2O3 对铝热还原氮化制备 TiN-Sialon-刚玉复相材料性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程, 42(S1B): 911-914 (2013)

32、. 国内 SCI IF=0.16 6、 Synthesis of Ti(C,N)-Sialon composite by carbothermal reduction and nitridation of rutile and fly ash. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Refractories. Zhengzhou: Zhengzhou University Press, October 18-21, 2012. Pages 512-515. 国际会议论文7、 Synthesis of Ti(C,N) powder v

33、ia CRN method from rutile/carbon mixtures. Key Engineering Materials, 512-515: 32-35 (2012). 国际 EI 8、 碳对碳热还原氮化天然石英物相行为的影响. 中国非金属矿工业导刊, 3: 33-35 (2010). 中文核心9、 钛白粉和天然石英碳热还原氮化制备 Ti(C,N)-Si3N4-SiC 复相材料的研究. 中国粉体技术, 16(S): 15-18 (2010). 中文核心10、 徐友果,陈凯,黄朝晖,房明浩,刘艳改. 一种铝电解槽侧墙用新型 Si3N4-SiC-C 耐火砖及其制备方法. 中国发明专

34、利,专利号:ZL 200910087541.1,排名第270新增367 任小勇 3002120006硕博贯通 地质工程1、WC-Ni-SiCw Alloys Prepared by Hot-pressed Sintering. Key Engineering Materials, 512-515: 928-931 (2012). 国际 EI, ISTP2、Effect of SiC nano-whisker addition on WC-Ni based cemented carbides fabricated by hot-press sintering. International Jou

35、rnal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 36: 294-299 (2013). 国际 SCI, IF=1.8583、A review of cemented carbides for rock drilling: An old but still tough challenge in geo-engineering. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. 39: 61-77 (2013). 国际 SCI, IF=1.8584、Abrasive wear b

36、ehavior of TiCN cermets under water-based slurries with different abrasives. Tribology International. 66: 35-43 (2013). 国际 SCI, IF=1.5365、Ultrafine binderless WC-based cemented carbides with varied amounts of AlN nano-powder fabricated by spark plasma sintering. International Journal of Refractory M

37、etals and Hard Materials. 41: 308-314 (2013). 国际 SCI, IF=1.8586、纳米 AlN 添加对无金属粘结相 WC-VC-TaC-AlN 硬质合金微观结构和力学性能的影响. 稀有金属材料与工程. 42 (s1): 547-550 (2013),. SCI,IF=0.16. 7、彭志坚, 任小勇, 于立安等. 一种挖掘机复合斗齿及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. 授权日期: 2013-05-01, 专利号 : 201110075905.1。67新增518 黄赛芳 3003090004 岩石矿物材料 学1) A porous (La,Sm) co-d

38、oped Sialon-polytypoid ceramic with color difference in multilayers. CrystEngComm, 2013, 15 (42): 8552-8558. 国际 SCI,IF=3.8792) Microstructural and Mechanical Characterization of Pressure-less Sintered AlN-polytypoid Based Composites by Compositional Design. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2

39、012, 95(6): 2044-2050. 国际 SCI,IF=2.1073) Crystal Structure of NdSi6-zAl1+zOzN10-z (z=0.4) Determined by Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction. Dalton Transactions, 2011, 40 (6), 12611266. 国际 SCI,IF=3.8064) Nd-Sialon Microcrystals with an Orthogonal Array. Crystal Growth & Design, 2010, 10(6): 24392442. 国

40、际 SCI,IF=4. 6895) 高温氮化反应制备 -Sialon. 稀有金属材料与工程, 2009, 38(Suppl. 2): 213216. 国内 SCI, IF=0.1606) 碳热还原氮化菱镁石和铝矾土合成 MgAl2O4-Sialon 的物相演变. 耐火材料, 2009, 43(4): 274276, 280. 中文核心66新增1549 蔡益栋 3006100014硕博贯通 矿产普查与勘 探1、CBM Reservoirs Condition and Gas Controlling Features of Liulin Block in Eastern Margin of Ord

41、os Basin. Proceedings of the 2nd China-Japan graduate student forumLife, Environment and Energy, 2009, 478 -483 国际会议论文2、Geological controls on the formation of coalbed methane reservoirs and prediction of target areas of Turpan-Hami basin, Northwest China. Advances on CBM reservoir & Developing Engi

42、neering, 2009,3-15 国际会议论文3、Comparative study of CO2 Corrosion Behavior of N80, P110, X52 and 13Cr Pipe Lines in Simulated Stratum Water. SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences, 2010,53(9): 2342-2349 国内 SCI, IF 1.1874、Microstructures of Qinshui coals of North China and related coalbed methane. 2011 Asi

43、a Pacific Coalbed Methane Symposium: 88 (2011). 国际会议论文5、Fractal characteristics of coal pores based on classic geometry and thermodynamics models. Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition,2011,85(5):1150-1162 国内 SCI, IF 1.5686、Geological controls on prediction of coalbed methane of No. 3 coal seam in S

44、outhern Qinshui Basin, North China, International Journal of Coal Geology, 2011,88(2-3):101-112. 国际 SCI, IF 2.9767、Pore structure and its impact on CH4 adsorption capacity and flow capability of bituminous and subbituminous coals from Northeast China. Fuel. 2013, 103:258-268 国际 SCI, IF 3.3578、Petrop

45、hysical characterization of Chinese coal cores with heat treatment by nuclear magnetic resonance, Fuel, 2013, 108:292-302 国际 SCI, IF 3.3579、实用新型专利:一种多粒径筛选装置;授权专利号:201220524117.6;发明人:蔡益栋,刘大锰,姚艳斌60新增2010 李俊乾 3006100015 矿产普查与勘 探1、Evaluation of the reservoir permeability of anthracite coals by geophysic

46、al logging data. International Journal of Coal Geology, 87(2): 121-127(2011). 国际 SCI IF=2.9762、Physical characterization of the pore-fracture system in coals, Northeastern China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 31(2): 267-285(2013). 国际 SCI3、Evaluation and modeling of gas permeability changes in a

47、nthracite coals. Fuel, 111: 606-612(2013). 国际 SCI IF=3.3574、Preliminary Evaluation of the Coal-gas Outburst Hazard of No. 13 Coal Seam in Wangfenggang Mine, Huainan Coalfield. Progress in Safety Science and Technology Vol.VIII, 1632-1638(2010). 国际会议论文 ISTP5、Geological controls of the coalbed methane

48、(CBM)enrichment in the Zhengzhuang coal zone, Southern Qinshui Basin, China. Advanced Materials Research, 234-239(2012). 国际 EI6、Junqian Li, Dameng Liu, Yanbin Yao, et al. Influencing factors of the Youngs modulus of anthracite coals. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 295-298: 2762-2765(2013). 国际EI7、华

49、北地区不同变质程度煤的物性特征及成因探讨, 煤炭科学技术 , 40(4):111-115(2012). 中文核心8、基于无量纲裂缝导流能力的煤储层压裂效果分析, 高校地质学报 ,18(3):573-578(2012). 中文核心50新增3411 张东阳 3001110025硕博贯通 矿物学、岩石 学、矿床学1、Platinumgroup elemental and ReOs isotopic geochemistry of the Wajilitag and Puchang FeTiV oxide deposits, northwestern Tarim large igneous province. Ore Geology Reviews. 2013, http:/ 004. 国际 SCI IF=2.4172、Perovskite and baddeleyite from kimberlitic intrusions in the Tarim large igneous province signal the onset of an end-Carboni

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