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1、i外国语学院毕业论文写作格式指南二一四年一月六日ii本科毕业论文格式要求本科生毕业论文是实现人才培养目标的重要实践环节,对巩固、深化和升华学生所学理论知识,培养学生创新精神、独立工作能力、分析和解决问题能力起着重要作用。做好本科生毕业论文指导工作,是培养学生科学精神、科学作风、良好的思想品德以及事业心和责任感等综合素质所不可缺少的环节,毕业论文的质量直接影响到人才培养的质量。为了统一学位论文的撰写、编辑、印刷,便于处理、储存、检索和交流,根据国家制订的有关标准和学校的有关规定,特对外国语学院英语专业本科生学位论文的编写格式及打印提出如下具体要求。一、编写及打印要求 1学位论文用 A4 纸打印,

2、单面印刷。毕业前交电子文本,用 Microsoft Word 编辑。2. 论文正文用阿拉伯数字连续编排页码。封面和封底不编入页码。致谢、目录、英汉语摘要和关键词采用罗马数字编排页码。页码居中。3英语专业学位论文须用英文撰写。论文中的中文部分(如中文摘要)采用小四号宋体字,1.5倍行距打印。论文正文部分采用小四号 Times New Roman 字体,1.5 倍行距打印。4论文以 30006000 单词为宜,不得少于 3000 单词。二、基本格式要求学位论文包括封面、目录(Contents)、致谢(Acknowledgements)、英文摘要(Abstract)与关键词(Key words)、中

3、文摘要与关键词、正文、参考文献(Works Cited)和注释(Notes)等部分。1封面:具体字体、字号要求见论文范文。2目录: 目录以 CONTENTS 为标题,居中,字体为 Times New Roman 小三号 加粗;目录内容字体为 Times New Roman 小四号, 1.5 倍行距, 一级标题加粗。3致谢:致谢以 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 为标题,居中,字体为 Times New Roman 小三号,加粗;致谢内容字体为 Times New Roman 小四号, 1.5 倍行距。4. 英文摘要与关键词 : 英文摘要以 ABSTRACT 为标题,居中,字体为 Times

4、New Roman 小三号,加粗。摘要内容长度为 150 词左右,字体为 Times New Roman 小四号正体。关键词部分另起一行,以 Key words 为标题,左顶格,字体为 Times New Roman 小四号,黑正体,与所列关键词以冒号隔开;关键词以 3 至 5 个为宜,字体为 Times New Roman 小四号正体,除少数专有名词外一律小写,关iii键词之间以逗号隔开。4中文摘要与关键词:中文摘要以摘要为标题,居中, “摘要”两字之间空两格,字体为宋体小三号,加粗。摘要内容长度为 200 字以内,字体为宋体小四号正体。关键词部分另起一行,以关键词为标题,左顶格,字体为宋体

5、小四号,加粗,与所列关键词以冒号隔开;关键词字体为宋体小四号正体,关键词之间以分号隔开。5. 正文: 各部分标题为字体 Times New Roman 四号 加粗;除标题外的正文内容均为 Times New Roman 小四号;每段开头向右缩进 5 个英文字母的空格;正文为 1.5 倍行距,标题与上下正文之间空一行,此时空行设为 Times New Roman 小四号。6参考文献:参考文献以 Works Cited 为标题,居中,字体为 Times New Roman 小三号 加粗。参考文献条目与引文夹注要对应,不得罗列同正文没有直接关系的文献。外文文献排列在前,以姓氏的首字母为序排列;中文文

6、献排列在后,以姓氏的拼音为序排列。每条文献顶格写,回行时英文空 5个字母,中文空两格。外文部分为 Times New Roman,中文部分为宋体。字号为小四号 1.5 倍行距。7 注释: 本部分可选可不选。注释可用脚注,也可用尾注。用脚注时,字体为 Times New Roman,小五号,标注时用上标的阿拉伯数字;用尾注时,字体为 Times New Roman 五号字,标注时用带圈的阿拉伯数字即(上标)等符号。三、MLA 格式要求1. MLA 文献引用格式的基本描述 :人文科学类论文通常使用 MLA(Modern Language Association)格式。作者在正文中用括号夹注的形式注

7、明参考文献的简要出处,即(作者姓氏 +页码) 。如:Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (Marcuse 197).而在论文末尾的参考文献部分(按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列) ,则可根据作者姓氏很容易地找出该引用文献的详细信息。包括作者信息,书名信息,和出版信息(出版地:出版社,出版年)三个部分。三个部分之间用“.”分开。如:Marcuse, Sibyl. A Survey of Musical Instruments.

8、New York: Harper, 1975.2. 引语(Quotations)的格式 用方括号(square brackets“ ” )和省略号(ellipses“”)标明更动原文的地方。 双引号表示直接引语,单引号只用来标注引语中的引语。 句末、小句末的句号和逗号都必须放在引号之内(无论单引号还是双引号) ,iv 冒号(“:”)和分号(“;”)都必须放在引号之外, 引文是疑问句则问号应放在引号之内,否则问号(“?”)应放在引号之外。 四行或以上的引语作为独立的引语段(block quotation) 。引语段首行和末行应与正文空1.5行;引语段的段首和段尾不使用引号。 引语如果只有一段,则

9、引文每行都向右缩进10个英文字母的空格;若引文多于一段,则每段第一行开头再向右缩进3个英文字母的空格(=13个空格) 引语段的字体必须与正文相同。 正文中的中文引文应提供英文译文。Examples:1) According to some, dreams express “profound aspects of personality” (Foulkes 184), though others disagree.2) According to Foulkess study, dreams may express “profound aspects of personality” (184).3

10、) Is it possible that dreams may express “profound aspects of personality” (Foulkes 184)?4) Nelly Dean treats Heathcliff poorly and dehumanizes him throughout her narration:They entirely refused to have it in bed with them, or even in their room, and I had no more sense, so, I put it on the landing

11、of the stairs, hoping it would be gone on the morrow. By chance, or else attracted by hearing his voice, it crept to Mr. Earnshaws door, and there he found it on quitting his chamber. Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhuman

12、ity was sent out of the house. (Bronte 78)3夹注(Parenthetical Citation)的格式:引文出处使用括号夹注的方法(一般不使用脚注或者尾注) 。正文中,括号夹注(作者姓氏+页码)放在句末标点以内,但不得放在引文的引号以内。引语段(block quotation)的括号夹注不属于单句,因而不得将其放在句末的标点以内。直接引语都必须标明页码,以便读者查找。3.1 引用整篇文献的观点引用整篇文献(即全书或全文)观点时一般不用标注页码,有两种情况: 一种是作者的姓氏在正文中没有出现,如:Charlotte and Emily Bronte we

13、re polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing (Taylor).v 另一种情况是作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,按MLA的规范不需要使用括号夹注,如:Taylor claims that Charlotte and Emily Bronte were polar opposites, not only in their personalities but in their sources of inspiration for writing.

14、在英文撰写的论文中引用中文著作或者期刊,括号夹注中只需用汉语拼音标明作者的姓氏或者姓名全拼,不得使用汉字,如:(Fang 12) 3.2 引用文献中具体观点或文字引用文献中某一具体观点或文字时必须注明该观点或者该段文字出现的页码,没有页码是文献引用不规范的。若作者的姓氏已在正文同一句中出现,则不需要在括号夹注中重复。According to Marcuse, Ancient writers attributed the invention of the monochord to Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC (197).3.2.1

15、引用多位作者写作的同一文献二位作者:Among intentional spoonerisms, the “punlike metathesis of distinctive features may serve to weld together words etymologically unrelated but close in their sound and meaning” (Jakobson and Waugh 304).三位作者,在括号中应用逗号分隔他们的姓氏,如:(Alton, Davies, and Rice 56):Smith, Yang, and Moore argue t

16、hat tougher gun control is not needed in the United States (76).The authors state “Tighter gun control in the United States erodes Second Amendment rights” (Smith, Yang, and Moore 76).三位以上作者,则括号夹注中出现一位作者再加et al. 然后加页码:The study was extended for two years, and only after results were reviewed by an i

17、ndependent panel did the researchers publish their findings (Blaine et al. 35).Jones et al. counter Smith, Yang, and Moores argument by noting the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws (4).3.2.2 引用同样姓氏的不同作者若两个或以上的作者有同样的姓氏,则括号夹注中应同时使用他们名字的首字母,如:Although some m

18、edical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).引用中文著作或期刊时同姓作者的情况较多,应在括号夹注中使用他们名字的首字母加以区分,如:(S.R. Wang 26) (J.X. Wang 30)3. 3 引用团体作者(corporate author)vi引用团体作者的作品,括号夹注中应使

19、用团体的名称,如: It was apparent that the American health care system needed “to be fixed and perhaps radically modified” (Public Agenda Foundation 4).3.4 引用无作者文献引用无作者文献,如果文献标题没有出现在正文里,则括号夹注中应使用该标题或者(如果标题过长的话)使用该标题中的关键词组,如: An anonymous Wordsworth critic once argued that his poems were too emotional (“Word

20、sworth Is A Loser” 100).在使用关键词组时应该选择标题开始部分的词组。无论是MLA还是APA 的规范,独立出版物的标题或者标题中的关键词组用斜体标出,出版物内含的作品的名称以及未出版的作品(讲演、论文等)的标题或者标题中的关键词组则用引号标出。 3.5 引用书信、谈话中的观点或文字书信和谈话(含电子邮件、访谈、电话等)无法在正文后面的参考文献中列出,但应该在正文中使用括号夹注的方法注明出处。例如:Jesse Moore (telephone conversation, May 12, 1989) admitted the need for an in-depth anal

21、ysis of the otherness expressed in the work.3.6 引用同一作者的多篇文献引用同一作者的多篇文献时,在括号夹注中应加入文献标题中的关键词组,如:Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children (“Too Soon” 38), though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill developmen

22、t (“Hand-Eye Development” 17). 或者Computers are not useful tools for small children (Lightenor, “Too Soon” 38), though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (Lightenor, “Hand-Eye Development” 17). 或者Lightenor has argued that comput

23、ers are not useful tools for small children, though he has acknowledged that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development (“Too Soon” 38 and “Hand-Eye Development” 17). 3.7 同时引用不同作者的多篇文献vii括号夹注可以包括不同作者的多篇文献,文献按作者姓氏的字母顺序排列(注意分号的使用) ,如:The dangers of mountain lion

24、s to humans have been well documented (Rychnovsky 40; Seidensticker 114; Williams 30).3.8 引用非直接文献(indirect source)论文应尽可能避免使用非直接文献(即二级文献secondary source) ,但在无法找到直接文献(即一级文献primary source)的情况下,引文可以从非直接文献中析出,例如:Samuel Johnson admitted that Edmund Burke was an “extraordinary man” (qtd. in Boswell 2: 450)

25、.(注意:“qtd. in” 中的字母“i”不得大写。 )引用非直接文献以后,在正文后参考文献著录中只需列入该非直接文献的条目 (即上述实例中的“Boswell”) 。3.9 引用文学作品和经典文献按MLA的规范,有几种情况括号夹注内不标页码。在引用剧本时应标出引文的幕、场、行,如: In his famous advice to players, Shakespeares Hamlet defines the purpose of theater, “whose end, both at the first and now, was and is, to hold, as twere, th

26、e mirror up to nature” (3.2.21-23).(也可用III.ii.23 ,来表示第三幕的第二场的第23行.)这里的括号夹注表示引文来自剧本第三幕第二场的21至23行。 (注意标点的使用。 )在引用诗歌时应标出引文的节、行,如:When Homers Odysseus comes to the hall of Circe, he finds his men “mild / in her soft spell, fed on her drug of evil” (10.209-11).这里的括号夹注表示引文来自诗歌第10节的209至211行。对不分节的诗第一次引用时应说明

27、括号里标的是行数,使用“line”,以后的引用则不需再说明。例如:第一次引用:(lines 5-8)以后的引用:(12-13)在引用有章节、分册的小说的时候,应标出引文所在的页码、册数、章节,如:One of Kingsolvers narrators, teenager Rachel, pushes her vocabulary beyond its limits. For example, Rachel complains that being forced to live in the Congo with her missionary family is “a sheer tapest

28、ry of justice” because her chances of finding a boyfriend are “dull and void” (117; bk. 2, ch. 10).例子里的括号夹注表示引文来自该书第二册第十章的第117页。 (注意标点和缩略语的使用。 )viii在引用圣经 、 可兰经等经典文献的时候,应标出引文的篇、章、节,如:Consider the words of Solomon: “If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them wate

29、r to drink” (Bible, Prov. 25.21).例子里的括号夹注表示引文来自旧约圣经的箴言篇第25章第21节。 圣经各篇的缩写有标准的写法,因而使用时应该注意核对。3.10 对引语文字的更改直接引语如出现在正文中间,使用引语的句子不得违反英语语法,不得出现“ 句中句”。为了使含直接引语的句子合乎语法,往往有必要对引语的文字作一定的更改。如果要删除引语中个别词句,可以用省略号(ellipses“”)取代删除的词句。如果要加入或者更改个别单词或者词组,则可以将需要加入或者更改的单词或词组放在方括号(square brackets“ ”)以内。例如:删除词句:He stated,

30、“The placebo effect, . disappeared when behaviors were studied in this manner” (Smith 276), but he did not clarify which behaviors were studied.添加词组:Smith (276) found that “the placebo effect, which had been verified in previous studies, disappeared when his own and others behaviors were studied in

31、this manner.” 无论删改还是添加字词均不得变更引语的原意。 注意:如果删除是在句内,应该空一格以后再加省略号。如果删除是在一句整句以后,则应在该整句最后的标点(句号、问号或惊叹号)不空格直接加省略号。省略号应该用三个句点。3.11 引用网络和电子出版物引用网络文献和电子出版物时文中夹注的基本原则与引用其他文献时是基本一致的。引用网络和电子文献观点时有两种情况:3.11.1 一种是引用网络与电子文献的全文观点(或做整体描述),如果作者的姓氏或研究项目/主题网站的名称已在正文同一句中出现,按MLA的规范不需要使用括号夹注,如:William I. Mitchells City of B

32、its discusses architecture and urban life in the context of the digital telecommunications revolution.Victorian Women Writers Project has tried to develop a “historical sociology” of womens writing in nineteenth-century England.The database Duecento is an invaluable source for texts of medieval Itan

33、lian poetry.ixRomance Languages and Literature Home Page has links to many helpful resources.3.11.2 另一种情况是引用部分观点,如果作者的姓氏或研究项目/主题网站的名称在正文中没有出现,那么在括号夹注中需注明作者或项目名称,文章名称,段落。One online film critic stated that Fitzcarraldo is “.a beautiful and terrifying critique of obsession and colonialism” (Garcia, “He

34、rzog: a Life,” par. 18). (其中“par.”指网页上的段落)Hypertext, as one theorist puts it, is “all about connection, linkage, and affiliation” (Moulthrop, “You Say,” par.19). 如果作者姓氏已给出,则夹注中只标注所缺项目:“The debut of Julius Caesar,” according to Sohmer, “proclaimed Shakespeares Globe a theater of courage and ideas, a

35、place where an audience must observe with the inner eye, listen with the inner ear” (par. 44).4. 脚注(footnotes )的使用在MLA的规范里,脚注只应在下列两种情况中考虑使用:提供有一定重要性、但写入正文将有损文本条理和逻辑的解释性信息;提供因篇幅过大不宜使用括号夹注注明的文献出处信息。5参考文献著录的格式参考文献著录在MLA规范里叫做 Works Cited。撰写论文时应仔细阅读MLA的规范手册,本节提供部分著录实例供参考。5.1 著录已出版的文章杂志文章格式:Author(s). “Ti

36、tle of Article.” Title of Periodical Day Month Year: pages. (Medium of publication.)如: Buchman, Dana. “A Special Education.” Good Housekeeping Mar. 2006: 143-8. Print.期刊文章格式:Author(s). “Title of Article.” Title of Journal Volume.Issue (Year): pages. Medium of publication.如: Duvall, John N. “The (Sup

37、er)Marketplace of Images: Television as Unmediated Mediation in DeLillos White Noise.” Arizona Quarterly 50.3 (1994): 127- 53. Print.下面是期刊文章的基本格式。需要提醒的是,注意中外期刊卷别、期数的不同。国外期刊一般明确标明其卷号(Volume No.)、期号(Issue No.),如下例中的 “51.3”,即使不标明Issue No.,总也要标明Volume No.的,如下例中的“20” 。Guillingford, Cedric and Mary Morris

38、on. “Relationships Between Parents and Schools: A Case Study.” xEducational Review 51.3 (1999): 253-262.Watson, Elmo Scott. “The Last Indian War, 189091: A Study of Newspaper Jingoism.” Journalism Quarterly 20 (1943): 20519. JSTOR. Web. 19 Oct. 2009.何莲珍. “自主学习及其能力的培养.” 外语教学与研究 35.4 (2002): 35-38.一位作

39、者写的文章Most, Andrea. “ We Know We Belong to the Land: The Theatricality of Assimilation in Rodgers and Hammersteins Oklahoma!” PMLA 113 (1998): 77-89.两位作者写的文章White, Sabina, and Andrew Winzelberg. “Laughter and Stress.” Humor 5 (1992):343-55.两位以上的作者写的文章Mascia-Lees, Frances E., Pat Sharpe, and Colleen B

40、. Cohen. “Double Liminality and the Black Woman Writer.” American Behavioral Scientist 31 (1987): 101-14.如果作者人数超过三人,也可以考虑仅保留第一作者的名字 ,加上et al.(拉丁文 “and others”) ,如:Mascia-Lees, Frances E., et al. “Double Liminality and the Black Woman Writer.” American Behavioral Scientist 31 (1987): 101-14.书评、影评、电视节

41、目评论等(Review ) Kidd, John. “The Scandal of Ulysses.” Rev. of Ulysses: The Corrected Text, by Hans Walter Gabler. New York Review of Books 30 June (1988): 32-39.收集在书籍中的文章(Selection from an edited book) Glover, David. “The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of: Masculinity, Femininity, and the Thriller.” Gende

42、r, Genre and Narrative Pleasure. Ed. Derek Longhurst. London: Unwin Hyman, 1989. 67-83.杂志中的文章Miller, Mark Crispen. “Massa, Come Home.” New Republic 16 Sept. 1981: 29-32.注意:著录引用杂志中的文章应标明杂志的出版日期。报纸中的文章Lohr, Steve. “Now Playing: Babes in Cyberspace.” New York Times 3 Apr. 1988: late ed.: C1+. (“late ed.”指的是版本, “C+”指的是版面的位置。 )百科全书中的文章(An entry in an encyclopedia)

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