1、2018/7/17,1,第十二章 正常分娩 Chapter 7 Normal Labor(分娩生理 Labor Physiology),中南大学湘雅二医院妇产科The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University刘恋,2018/7/17,2,Labor is a sequence of uterine contractions that results in effacement and dilation of the cervix and voluntary bearing-down efforts leading to the expu
2、lsion per vagina of the products of conception. Delivery is the mode of expulsion of the fetus and placenta.,2018/7/17,3,28周-37周早产(Premature/Preterm delivery) 37周-42周足月产(Term delivery) 42周 过期产(Postterm/Prolonged delivery) 只要能顺利通过产道-正常分娩,2018/7/17,4,第一节 分娩动因一、炎症反应学说二、内分泌控制理论三、机械性理论四、神经介质理论,2018/7/17,
3、5,第二节 决定分娩的因素,决定分娩的因素,产力,精神,产道,胎儿,2018/7/17,6,1)节律性,1.子宫收缩力(具有三特点),一、产力(Expulsive force ) :,临产后正常宫缩节律性示意图,2018/7/17,7,2)对称性和极性: 正常宫缩起自两侧子宫角部迅速向子宫底中线集中,左右对称,再以2cm/s速度向子宫下段扩散,约15秒均匀协调地遍及整个子宫。,宫缩以子宫底部最强最持久,向下逐渐减弱,子宫底部收缩力的强度是子宫下段的2倍。,2018/7/17,8,子宫收缩力贯穿第一、二、三产程,3)缩复(retraction),宫缩时,子宫体部肌纤维短缩变宽,间歇期不能恢复到原
4、来的长度迫使宫腔缩小,先露下降,宫颈管消失及宫口扩张。,2018/7/17,9,2.腹肌、膈肌收缩力,主要辅助力, 用在二、三产程,2018/7/17,10,3.肛提肌收缩力 (contractility of the levator anus muscle),贯穿第一、二、三产程,2018/7/17,11,二、产道 (birth canal),产道是胎儿娩出的通道分为 骨产道(真骨盆) 软产道两部分,2018/7/17,12,3个假想平面 (3 imaginary planes),横椭圆形,前后径:11CM,纵椭圆形,横 径:10CM,纵椭圆形,横 径:9CM,(一)骨产道 (bony bi
5、rth canal):,2018/7/17,13,骨盆轴 (pelvic axis): ( the imaginary line which joint the midpoint of the pelvic planes),2018/7/17,14,骨盆倾斜度 (pelvic inclination) : 妇女站立时,骨盆入口平面与地平面的夹角。 (angle between pelvic inlet plane & horizon) 妊娠晚期一般为60-70度 (In late pregnancy: 60o-70o),2018/7/17,15,(二)软产道 (soft birth canal
6、),软产道是由子宫下段、宫颈、阴道、外阴和盆底组织构成的弯曲管道。,2018/7/17,16,(二)软产道 (soft birth canal): 子宫下段 (lower uterine segment): 非孕时,子宫峡部 1cm 足月时,子宫下段 7-10cm,2018/7/17,17,生理缩复环 (physiologic retraction ring),2018/7/17,18,宫颈 (cervix): 初产妇: 先宫颈管消失 (effacement) 后宫颈口扩张 (dilatation),(primipara),经产妇: 同时进行,(multipara: cervix os dil
7、atation proceed at the same time),2018/7/17,19,2018/7/17,20,阴道 (vagina): 前壁 (frontal wall)短(7-9cm) 后壁 (behind wall)长(10-12cm) 皱壁 (plica)多会阴体 (perineal body) :5cm 4mm,盆底软组织 (soft tissues of pelvic floor),2018/7/17,21,三.胎儿 (the fetus)四.精神因素 (Psychological factors),第三节 枕先露的分娩机制(Mechanism of labor with
8、occiput presentation),2018/7/17,22,第四节分娩的临床经过及处理 (clinical course and management of labor)一、先兆临产 (threatened labor): 预示不久将临产,2018/7/17,23,假临产(假阵痛) (false labor ( pains ) 用镇静剂可与真临产鉴别 (sedative can prove is not true labor)胎儿下降感(Lightening) 胎儿先露已入盆 (presentation enter the pelvis) 见红(show) 多在分娩前24-48小时出
9、现 (generally,the show appear before labor 24-48h ),2018/7/17,24,二、临产的诊断 (diagnosis of onset of labor): 规律宫缩 (regular uterine contraction) 宫颈管消失、宫口扩张 (effacement and dilatation of the cervix) 胎先露下降 (fetal presentation descent),2018/7/17,25,三、产程分期 (the stages of labor): 总产程 (total stage of labor): 第一产
10、程(宫颈扩张期) the first stage of labor (dilatation of the cervical os) 初产妇11-12小时,经产妇6-8小时 (primipara 11-12h, multipara 6-8h),2018/7/17,26,第二产程(胎儿娩出期) second stage of labor (delivery of the fetus ) 初产妇1-2小时,经产妇多1小时 (primiparas 1-2h, multiparas (general)1h 第三产程(胎盘娩出期):16h为潜伏期延长 (prolonged latent phase),(l
11、atent phase),2018/7/17,33,(2)活跃期:3-10cm,需4h,8h活跃期延长 加速期 最大加速期 减速期 accelerated maximum deceleration phase accelerated phase phase 3-4cm 4-9cm 9-10cm 1.5h 2h 0.5h,(active phase: dilatation up to 10cm, taking 4h, 8h called prolonged active phase),2018/7/17,34,2018/7/17,35,最大加速期,第二产程,第一产程,宫 颈扩张轴,胎头下降轴,2
12、018/7/17,36,3)观察(observation): 宫缩(uterine contraction)、 胎心(FHR:fetus heart rate) 、 宫口扩张(dilatation of the cervix) 胎先露下降(fetal presentation descent) 血压(blood pressure) 饮食(diet)、大小便(urine & stool)、,2018/7/17,37,3)观察(observation): 宫缩(uterine contraction)、 胎心(FHR:fetus heart rate) 、 宫口扩张(dilatation of t
13、he cervix) 胎先露下降(fetal presentation descent) 血压(blood pressure) 饮食(diet)、大小便(urine & stool)、,2018/7/17,38,4)灌肠(clysis): 初产妇宫颈口4cm (primipara-cervix os 4cm) 经产妇宫颈口2cm (multipara-cervix os 2cm),2018/7/17,39,5)肛查(anus exam) :,潜伏期 1次/4小时(latent phase Q4h)活跃期 1次/1小时(active phase Q1h),2018/7/17,40,6)必要时阴道
14、检查(vaginal exam if necessary):,2018/7/17,41,肛(阴)查应了解 (anus exam should know): 宫 颈 情 况 (cervix station) 胎先露高低 (presentation site) 骨盆正常否 (pelvis normal or not) 胎 膜 破 否 (fetal membrane rupture or not),2018/7/17,42,2、第二产程(second stage of labor): 1)临床表现(clinical sign): 屏气(breath hold)、 肛门松驰(anus relax)、
15、胎头拔露(head visible on vulvas gapping)、 胎头着冠(crowing of head ),2018/7/17,43,胎头拔露,2018/7/17,44,2)观察产程进展及处理 (observe the labor progress & treatment): (1)监测胎心(monitor FHR) (2)指导产妇屏气(teach breath hold),2018/7/17,45,(3)做好接生准备(prepare to accouche): 初产妇开全 上产床(on accouche bed) 经产妇4cm 消 毒(disinfection) 铺 巾 (sp
16、read cloth),2018/7/17,46,消 毒(disinfection),产床,2018/7/17,47,(4)接生(delivery a child): 保护会阴,(protect the perineum ),2018/7/17,48,会阴切开,Episiotomy,2018/7/17,49,2018/7/17,50,2018/7/17,51,结 扎 脐 带,新生儿处理(neonate management),2018/7/17,52,2018/7/17,53,3、 第三产程(the third stage): 1) 临床表现: 胎盘剥离征象有4点 (4 signs of pl
17、acenta separation) 宫底上升(fundus rise up) 外露脐带自行延长 (external cord elongate automatically) 阴道少量流血 (a small gush of vaginal blood) 在耻骨联合上推子宫,脐带不回缩 (push the uterus upward, the cord unreturned),2018/7/17,54,阴道少量流血,外露脐带自行延长,2018/7/17,55,2) 协助娩出胎盘(assist placenta to expel)3) 检查胎盘是否完整,软产道是否损伤,(exam the plac
18、enta integrity & soft canal is injuried or not),2018/7/17,56,4) 预防产后出血 5) 产房观察2小时,(prevent postpartum haemorrhage 宫缩剂(oxytocin),(observe 2h in delivery room),2018/7/17,57,学习要求(study request):1、熟悉决定分娩的因素 (know the determinated agents of labor)2、熟悉枕先露的分娩机制 (know the mechanism of labor with occiput presentation)3、掌握分娩的临床经过及处理 (grasp the clinical course and treatment of labor),2018/7/17,58,学习重点: 1、重点学习决定分娩的三因素,即产力、 产道、胎儿 2、详细了解分娩的先兆征象,临产的诊 断及产程的分期,产程图 3、了解三个产程的临床经过及处理,2018/7/17,59,
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