1、1加拿大多倫多大學青年領袖訪問團99 年 12 月 6 日至 11 日Delegation of Young Leaders of the University of Toronto, CanadaDecember 6-11, 2010壹、談話參考資料一、 來訪背景:為加強推動我與加拿大之青年交流及文化外交,積極培養加國未來領袖對亞洲區域研究尤其台灣事務之瞭解及重視,以厚植友我菁英力量,外交部繼上(98)年12 月邀請多倫多大學及本(99)年 6 月邀請卑詩大學分組青年領袖團來訪後,本年再次洽多倫多大學甄選傑出師生共 13 人於 12 月 6 日至 11 日來訪。二、拜會及參訪活動:訪團此行將
2、拜會行政院新聞局、臺北市都市計畫委員會、中國國民黨、民主進步黨、臺灣民主基金會、兩岸共同市場基金會、國立台灣大學等,另將在外交部及國立政治大學分別進行座談交流。此外,訪團將參訪台北 101 大樓、台北資訊月展、台北國際花卉博覽會、南港生技育成中心、南港軟體園區、國立故宮博物院、宜蘭傳統藝術中心、太魯閣國家公園、慈濟功德會及新聞媒體等國內經建文化設施。三、團長簡介:Tong Lam 教授(美國芝加哥大學歷史學博士)於 1967年在澳門出生,曾任教於美國維吉尼亞州 Richmond 大學,目前擔任多倫多大學亞洲研究所東亞組協調人。其研究及教學領域主要為當代中國及東亞,特別專注於殖民與民族主義史、現
3、代治理、知識政治學(產出2及全球傳播)及史學等,並即將出版新書:A Passion for Facts: Social Surveys and the Construction of the Chinese Nation-State, 1900-1949 。10 年前 L 教授曾在我國擔任中央研究院及國立中央圖書館之訪問學者,其後亦多次來台進行學術研究及參加會議,對我文化、政治及社會均有深刻之認識。目前 L 教授正進行之研究係有關在中國興起之新自由秩序環境中之都市發展,及特出建築之政治與文化。四、團員簡介:本團 12 位團員係經多倫多大學自 50 餘名在學成績已達特定標準之申請者中遴選產生,均
4、為優秀之大學生,其等主修科目包括亞太研究、政治學、歷史學、社會學、都市環境、和平與衝突及英語等。團員行前均具備對我國國情及國家發展現況之初步認識與瞭解,以便來訪時能與我有關部門充分進行意見交流之用,訪問結束後,全團並將共同提交心得報告。貳、訪團名單團長:Dr. Tong LAM (多倫多大學教授,葡萄牙籍)團員姓名 主修 年級 國籍1 Mr. Andrew Anhvu DO 政治及歷史 大學 4年級 美國2 Mr. Mueen Farooq HAKAK 電子工程 大學 4年級 印度3 Ms. Yang JIN 亞太研究 大學 4年級 加拿大4 Mr. Michel MARION 亞太研究 大學
5、 4年級 加拿大5 Ms. Zannah Mae MATSON 都市環境衝突與永續性 大學 4年級 加拿大36 Mr. Jong PARK細胞分子生物學及全球衛生大學 4年級 加拿大7 Ms. Nabila QURESHI 歷史及政治 大學 4年級 加拿大8 Mr. Ayden SCHEIM 社會學 大學 4年級 加拿大9 Ms. Michela SISTI 英語及戲劇 大學 5年級 加拿大10 Ms. Szu Hao WANG 經濟及都市 研究 大學 3年級 加拿大 11 Mr. Peter Martin WILLS 和平與衝突 研究 大學 4年級 加拿大12 Ms. Zhiying ZHA
6、NG 亞太研究及 經濟 大學 2年級 中國大陸參、訪團英文簡歷(團長)Professor Tong Lamwas born and raised in Macao, formerly a Portuguese enclave near Hong Kong on the south China coast until it was returned to China in 1999. He received his PhD in History from the University of Chicago in 2003. Before joining the University of Tor
7、onto, he taught at the University of Richmond, a liberal arts institution in Virginia, USA. His research and teaching have focused on modern and contemporary China and East Asia, with special emphases on the history of colonialism and nationalism, modern governance, the politics of knowledge-product
8、ion, global circulation, and historiography. His book, A Passion for Facts: Social Surveys and the Construction of the Chinese Nation-State, 1900-1949 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011), is a critical and innovative analysis of the profound and lasting implications of the emergence of
9、the technologies of the “social fact” and social survey research in modern China. His new book-length project, Empires New Clothes, examines late Qing Chinas failed attempt to transform itself into a modern colonial power in the broader global geopolitical context. By suggesting that Qing China was
10、an active player rather than a passive victim of colonialism, this project calls for a new understanding of the global history of colonialism itself.When Professor Lam was conducting research for his first book as a visiting research 4fellow in the Academia Sinica and the National Central Library in
11、 Taiwan a decade ago, he became fascinated by Taiwanese culture, politics, and society. He has since returned to Taiwan many times to carry additional research as well as to share his research findings in conferences, workshops, and invited lectures. Professor Lam is the coordinator of the East Asia
12、 Group at the Asian Institute. He is also a cofounder of the Critical China Studies Working Group, a project funded by the Jackman Humanities Institute at the University of Toronto. As well, he initiated and co-organized an interdisciplinary international conference, Architecture and Spectacle in (P
13、ost)Socialist China (2009). At present, he is also conducting research on the politics and culture of spectacular architecture and urban development in Chinas emerging neoliberal order.Mr. Andrew Anhvu DoAndrew Do is a senior attending the University of Toronto, pursuing a degree in Peace and Confli
14、ct Studies, Political Science and History. He is interested in exploring the relationship between the role of public discourse and institutional configurations, which he hopes to public discourse and institutional configurations, which he hopes to explore in his research for the Taiwan Field School.
15、 Andrew intends to pursue a Masters in political science after he graduates.Mr. Mueen Farooq HakakI am a 4th year student of electrical engineering. My focus is in digital electronics, communication systems and power. I recently completed a 16 month placement at Advanced Micro Devices (AMD - Canada)
16、. I am currently on the Board of Directors of University of Toronto Students Union and am also the President of Muslim Students Association at the University of Toronto. I enjoy traveling and chocolates.Ms. Yang JinJasmine is in her fourth year of undergraduate studies, completing a Joint Specialist
17、 in International Relations and Peace and Conflict Studies. She is also enrolled in the Dr. David Chu Asia-Pacific Studies Major in addition to two Minors. As a child she travelled with her parents across the continental USA, from L.A. to New York City, before heading north to Toronto, Canada. Her r
18、esearch interests include Chinas modern history, its contemporary politics, nationalism, energy security, and a plethora of other topics that her intensely interdisciplinary programs of study allow her to indulge in. For the Taiwan Field School, she is particularly 5interested in the role that langu
19、age plays in shaping identity and how the evolution of vernacular (or slang) language reflects changes in Taiwanese society in the last sixty-odd years.Mr. Michel MarionMichel Marion is a fourth year student enrolled in East Asian Studies and Asia-Pacific Studies. While he focuses on Korean colonial
20、 history, he is also interested in modern socio-economical history of Thailand, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Taipei appears as an ideal place to study these issues further in depth. Involved in different groups within the university, he intends on going to study in Seoul after his time at the University of
21、 Toronto is over.Ms. Zannah Mae MatsonZannah Matson is a Toronto-based redhead who organizes the countless books on her bookshelves by colour. Her studies are focused on environmental conflict and sustainability in the urban context, a theme that allows her to study diverse subject matter, from infr
22、astructure development in Indonesia to methods for energy conservation at the municipal level. She enjoys watching city streets out of the windows of tall buildings, and thinks that a Masters in urban planning would suit her well.Mr. Jong ParkI was born in Seoul, South Korea, and moved to Canada whe
23、n I was 2 years old. I attended high school in Toronto and I am currently in my 4th year at the University of Toronto, double majoring in Cell & Molecular Biology and Global Health. Although I have been to Asia before this will be my first time in Taiwan. I am very excited to be participating in the
24、 Field School!Ms. Nabila QureshiBorn in Toronto, I am now in my fourth year at the University of Toronto, completing a double major in history and political science. I am keenly interested in world history and social justice, and plan to combine those interests in the pursuit of a career in internat
25、ional development with a focus on Asia and the Middle East. In my spare time I enjoy reading, playing musical instruments, and watching Mythbusters.Mr. Ayden ScheimAyden Scheim is a fourth year student in the Sociology department, planning on pursuing a masters degree in Public Health. His research
26、and work within U of T and 6in the community concern issues of sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and LGBT communities. Recently he has worked on research projects including a social history of HIV prevention work in Toronto, a study of the internets impacts on social networks in rural and urban Ontario communiti
27、es, and a needs assessment of the sexual health concerns of transgender men who have sex with men. He holds a U of T National Scholarship and is a recipient of the Department of Sociology Norman Bell Memorial Scholarship, amongst other awards. Ayden also works part-time coordinating a sexual health
28、promotion campaign and providing front-line support to residents in a homeless shelter.Ms. Michela SistiMichela Sisti is a fifth year student at the University of Toronto completing an undergraduate degree in English and in Drama. Over the course of her time at U of T, she has been extensively invol
29、ved in the arts. In 2007, she directed Waiting for Godot with the Victoria College Drama Society (VCDS). She has acted on stage with the VCDS, Canopy Theatre, and the cross-cultural experimental group, Across Oceans Productions. Her offstage experience in the theatre has ranged from stage management
30、, to sound design, to participation in the workshop translation of Yevgenii Schvartzs An Ordinary Wonder. Michela is also training in operatic singing. She has taken home awards at the Toronto Kiwanis Music Festival, and has recently performed in Opera by Requests production of Webers Der Freischutz
31、. This past summer, Michela has participated as an arts reviewer at both the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Edinburgh International Festival. She is currently enrolled in a creative writing class at U of T and is tremendously excited about developing her skills as a writer.Ms. Szu Hao WangI was b
32、orn Taipei, Taiwan, and spent half my time growing up in Taiwan and half in Vancouver, over the course of three moves. I lived with my parents and my younger brother, Acer, up until I was 15. This is my 3rd year in Toronto, studying Economics and Urban Studies at the University of Toronto. I enjoy p
33、laying the cello, cooking, and reading. And travelling! When my time and wallet allow me to.Mr. Peter Martin WillsRelentlessly curious, Peter rather likes understanding how things work and how to fix them or make them better. This has led him to devote himself to Peace and Conflict Studies, though h
34、e has an ongoing affair with both the Civil and Industrial flavours of Engineering. Currently possessed by research on cybersecurity at the 7Citizen Lab, he sees urban planning in his future.Ms. Zhiying ZhangZhiying Zhang was born and raised in Zhoushan, the only archipelago city in China. She had b
35、een very dedicated and ambitious until junior high school and was a standard merit student under the routinized Chinese-style education. After Zhiying gradually felt the constraints of the education system, she transferred to Sino-Canada High School, a Canadian school located in Jiangsu, China. Sinc
36、e then, she has actively engaged in a variety of interest-orientated activities, such as play props design, yearbook editing, teaching projects and environmental protection. She continued her special experience of living and learning in both Chinese and western ways in the university. Currently, Zhi
37、ying is the second year student at the University of Toronto, double majoring in Asia Pacific Studies and Economics.肆、多倫多大學簡介1. History The University of Toronto was founded as Kings College in 1827 and has evolved into a large and complex institution. It has federated with three smaller universitie
38、s which are on the St. George campus, and is affiliated with several colleges and institutes. There are ten fully affiliated teaching hospitals in metropolitan Toronto. Faculty conducts research in many places in Canada and around the world.2. Background The University is Canadas largest and most im
39、portant research institution and has gained an international reputation for its research. It enrolls more students, employs more faculty, and offers a greater range of courses than any other Canadian university.To support its work of teaching and research, the University has collected a library that
40、 is the largest in Canada and among the best in the world. The University maintains many laboratories and specialized aids to research. The Library and many of these research facilities are available for use by members of other universities. The University of Toronto Press Inc. is the chief institut
41、ion of its kind in Canada and one of the most important scholarly publishers in North America.3. Statistics and facts* FTE: Full-Time Equivalent Students : o 55,352(46,940 FTEs) undergraduate degree-seeking students o 13,702 (12,499 FTEs) graduate degree-seeking students 8o 2,038 (902 FTEs) certific
42、ate, diploma and special students o 2,593 residents and post-graduate medical students International students : o 5,182 undergraduate degree seeking students o 1,579 graduate degree seeking students o 326 certificate, diploma and special students o 779 residents and post-graduate medical students Fa
43、culty : o 2,260 (2,185 FTEs) Professorial o 432 (378 FTEs) Teaching Stream o 1,079 (216 FTEs) Term-limited Sessional and Stipendiary o 3,913 (2,351 FTEs) Clinical o 2,707 (1,071 FTEs) Other Staff: 9,845 Alumni: 475,717 Undergraduate programs: 600+ Graduate programs (including doctoral and masters):
44、168 Professional programs: 42 Operating budget: $1.4 billion Research grant and contract support: $844.5 million Library: Over 18 million holdings and one of the top 5 research libraries in North AmericaResearch Achievements developed first electronic heart pacemaker, artificial larynx, single-lung
45、transplant, nerve transplant and artificial pancreas isolated gene that allows plants to grow in salt water developed the chemical laser developed the anti-blackout suit, later adapted to create the astronaut space suit created the infant cereal Pablum4. Note LIU Chao-shiuan (劉前院長兆玄) , Former Premie
46、r of the Executive Yuan, graduated from University of Toronto in 1971 with Ph. D. degree in chemistry. Dr. Liu was also awarded The Rose Wolfe Distinguished Alumni Award by the University in 1999.9伍、我國與多倫多大學之學術交流概況(一)多倫多大學與我大學現有學術交流情況表簽約日期 簽約學校 協約名稱我簽約系所交換教師交換學生學術研究姐妹校締結短期課程雙聯學制(雙學位 )2006.12.13. 國立中
47、央大學 Agreement of Cooperation 校級 X O O X X O1998.5.28. 國立交通大學 Memorandum of Understanding 校級 O O O O X X1997.11.11. 國立台灣大學 Memorandum of Understanding 校級 X O O O O X(二)多大為我國科會龍門計畫(New Partnership Program)合作對象:(1) 龍門計畫之目的在研習我國未來發展所需知關鍵科技研發人 才,並培養掌握自主研發人力,進而促成我國科技創新水準之躍升。在該計畫下,每專案計畫至多補助兩年,每年最高經費可達台幣400
48、 萬(美金 12 萬),包含計畫主持人 1 位及 1-3 位博士生或博士後研究人員可赴加國合作單位研習每年至少停留 10 個月。(2)鑒於多大生物醫學(Biomedical Science and Engineering)與分子生物(Molecular and Cellular Biology)研究具國際一流水準,我國科會已擇選該校醫學研究系(Banting and BEST Department of Medical Research, BBDMR)作為未來龍門計畫 合作之對象並獲原則同意,刻並洽商簽署書面合約。(三) 過去 6 年來,交大均派暑期生赴多大參加國際暑期研(Internatio
49、nal 10Summer Program)。(四) 雙邊交流互訪頻繁:(1)98 年 5 月多大醫藥學系(Division of Cellular & Molecular Biology)教授劉銘耀(Mingyao Liu) 及醫學院副院長 Prof. Peter Lewis 訪台,曾拜會中國醫藥大學、交大及清大,並與中國醫藥大學及交大簽署未來接受我學生至該系所進行培訓計畫。(2)清華大學副校長張石麟(Shih-Lin Chang)於 98 年 7 月底赴多大訪問。(3)駐加拿大代表處李代表於 98 年 7 月間訪多大密西沙加分校,分校校長兼總校副校長 Ian Orchard 在午餐招待;另李代表 9 月間亦曾拜會總校校長 David Naylor 並面邀訪台,獲欣然應允。(4)國科會贊助中央研究院資訊科學研究所所長游本中於 98 年 9 月下旬就推動我數位學習與數位典藏國家型計畫訪加,停留期間曾參訪多大有關數位典藏技術,並洽商未來雙邊合作計畫。(5)1986 我中央研究院前院長李遠哲博士係與多大化學系教授 John C. Polanyi 共同獲得諾貝爾化學獎。(6)98 年 12 月 6 日至 13 日該校 Munk 國際事務中心亞洲部黃一莊教授率青年領袖團共 10 位
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