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1、人教版初中英语词组和句型集锦BOOK TWO ( I ) 1) Welcome back to school. 欢迎返回学校。 2) Who is on duty today? 今天谁值日? 3) Here is a card for you with our best wishes. 送您一张卡片,表达我们最良好的祝愿。 4) Thank you for making English fun! 谢谢你把英语课变得如此有趣! 5) For example, Jim is short for James. 例如,Jim 就是 James 的昵称。 6) Why dont you make him

2、 a card? 你为什么不给他做张贺卡呢? 7) You can give him your best wishes. 你可以向他致意。 8) He does not want to do it any more. 他不想再做那件事。 9) East Lake has many different kinds of fish. 东湖有许多不同种类的鱼。 10) They have some problems getting there. 他们想要到达那里是有一些困难的。 11) Jill often goes the wrong way.常常走错路。 12) Many families ea

3、t their dinner outside in the open air. 许多家庭在露天吃晚餐。 13) Why not meet a little earlier? 为什么不早一些见面呢? 14) Lets make it half past nine. 让我们把时间定在 9:30 吧。 15) I feel sorry for them. 我为他们感到难过。 16) Walk along this road, and take the fourth turning on the left. 沿着这条路走,在第四个路口向左拐。 17) Youd better catch a bus.

4、你最好去坐车。 18) He often asks policemen for help. 他经常向警察求助。 19) You must look after yourself and keep healthy. 你必须照顾好自己,保持健康。 20) I keep a diary to help me remember things. 我写日记以帮助自己记住事情。 21) I make lots of telephone calls. 我(经常)打许多的电话。 22) Good luck with your Chinese. 祝你的汉语(学习)能有好运。 23) Good luck to yo

5、u. 祝你好运。 24) Last month we helped them with the rice harvest. We really enjoyed working on the farm. 上月我们帮他们收割了水稻。我们真喜欢这次在农场的劳动。 25) Thanks a lot for inviting me to your party. Id love to come. 感谢你邀请我参加你的晚会。我愿意来(参加) 。 26) Can I take a message for you? 我能为你带个口信吗。 27) I am working hard on my exams. 我在

6、努力应对考试。 28) Well have a lot of fun. Oh, I cant wait! 我们将过得很开心。哦,我简直等不及了。 BOOK TWO ( II ) 1). Help yourself to some soup. 随便喝点汤吧。 2). Either my father or my mother cooks dinner on weekdays. 在工作日时,要么是我父亲要么是我母亲做饭。 3). I like Chinese tea without anything in it. 我喜欢中国的清茶,什么都不加。 4). May I take your order

7、now? 你现在要点什么菜吗? 5). Its between the post office and the hospital. 它在邮局和医院之间。 6). Go on until you reach the end. 一直走,直到你到达终点。 7). Take the second turning on the left. 在第二个路口向左拐。 8). Liu Mei is on her way to the cinema. 刘梅正在往电影院去的路上。 9). Wed better catch a bus. 我们最好乘公共汽车去。 10). You can keep these book

8、s for two weeks. 这些书你可以借两个星期。 11). I cant find the key to my bike. 我找不到我自行车的钥匙了。 12). Everyone laughed at the womans mistake. 每个人都嘲笑那女人犯的错。 13). You mustnt eat anything until you see the doctor. 直到看了医生你才能吃东西。 14). She didnt feel like eating anything. 她不想吃任何东西。 15). If you want to be thinner and heal

9、thier, you have to eat less food and take more exercise. 如果你想减肥、想更健康点的话,那你就必须少吃食物多锻炼。 16). Lets put our boat out of the water. 让我们把船从水里拖上来。 17). Sooner or later youll find it somewhere. 你迟早会在某个地方找到它的。 18). As they were very hungry, they ate up all the food very soon. 因为饿极了,他们很快就吃光了所有的食物。 19). I cant

10、 leave my baby by herself. 我不能把我小孩单独留下。 20). Half an hour later she woke up and began to cry. 半小时后她醒过来然后开始哭了。 21). I began to make faces and the baby didnt cry any more. 我开始做鬼脸,接着小孩就不再哭了。 22). He can take good care of your babies. 他能很好地照料你们的孩子。 23). Lily fell off her bike and hurt herself badly. Lil

11、y 从她的自行车上摔下来,并伤得很厉害。 24). Nobody taught her. She taught herself. 没有人教她。她是自学的。 25). To his surprise, he found the girl was blind. 令他感到惊讶的是,他发现那女孩是盲的。 26). They both lost themselves in the beautiful music. 他们都陶醉在优美的音乐中了。 27). Would you like to come along? 你想一起去吗? 28). Dont leave anything behind. 别把东西落

12、下了。 29). Do you take an active part in the sports meeting? 你积极参加运动会吗? 30). All the runners got ready to run. 所有的选手都在为跑步做准备。 31). John began to catch up with Jim. John 开始追上 Jim。 32). Study hard, or you will fall behind your classmates. 要努力学习,否则你就要落在你同学后面了。 33). They reached the end at the same time.

13、他们同时到达终点。 34). He got up and went to running. 他爬起来继续跑。 35). You cant win every time, but I know you did your best. 你不可能每次都赢,但我知道你尽力了。 36). They are neck and neck at English. 在英语方面,他们是不分上下。 37). The train is going at the speed of 200 kilometres an hour. 火车正在以每小时二百公里的速度行驶。 38). What can we learn form

14、Bill Gates? 我们能向比尔盖茨学习什么? 39). I want to be a scientist in the future. 我想未来成为一名科学家。 40). At the age of 13, Bill Gates started to play with computers. 十三岁时,比尔盖茨开始玩弄电脑。 41). He was very interested in maths and science. 他对数学和科学很感兴趣。 42). We couldnt work out that difficult maths problem. 我们无法解答出那道难的数学题。

15、 43). He and some of his friends spent lots of time doing unusual things with the old computer. 用这台旧电脑,他和他的几个朋友花了很多时间做了不同寻常的事情。 44). I plan to visit Beijing next week. 我计划下周去北京参观。 45). Bill Gates decided to buy some medicine for the poor people. 比尔盖茨决定给那些穷人买写药。 46). Mark Twain liked to play jokes on

16、 his friends. 马克吐温喜欢开他朋友的玩笑。 47). Dont laugh at those who are in trouble. 不要嘲笑那些陷入困境的人。 48). Bill Gates gave away 21 billion dollars that year. 那年比尔盖茨捐赠了二百一十亿美元。 49). How are you getting on with your work? 你近来工作如何? 50). He gets on well with his boss. 他和老板关系很融洽。 51). He was rather angry with the man

17、upstairs. 他对楼上的那个男人非常生气。 52). He was so tired that he fell asleep at once. 他这么累以至于很快就睡着了。 53). He came into the room and took off his coat. 他走进房间,脱下外套。 54). They were fed up with their neighbour because he often shouted at night. 他们对邻居非常不满,因为他老是在晚上大喊大叫。 55). Please go there as quickly as you can. 请你

18、尽可能快地赶去那里。 56). Hurry up, or you will be late. 快点! 否则你就要迟到了。 57). The boy set off at six in the morning. 那男孩是早上六点出发的。 58). Could you make room for my books? 你能腾个地方给我放书吗? BOOK THREE 1). We havent got these books at the moment. 我们现在没有这些书。 2). You can borrow them from your school library. 你可以向你校的图书馆去借它

19、们。 3). She used to walk to school. 他过去常常走路去上学。 4). When she left for home, she found her book lost. 当她动身回家时发现她的书不见了。 5). Someone will probably find it and return it sooner or later. 迟早有人会找到并把它归还的。 6). One day the librarian came up with an idea. 有一天,图书管理员想到了一个主意。 7). Have you ever been aboard? 你曾经出过国

20、吗? 8). Ive just finished reading the book. 我刚刚看完这本书。 9). Have you found out who broke the window? 你查明是谁打破了窗户了吗? 10). Whats the name of the book? 那本书叫什么名字? 11). He has learnt surfing from his uncle. 他向他的叔叔学过冲浪。 12). Ill show you how to do it. 我会指点你如何做(这件事)的。 13). Hawaii is famous for its beautiful be

21、aches. 夏威夷以它的美丽沙滩而闻名于世。 14). The water sports here attract large numbers of tourists to the islands. 这里的水上运动吸引了大量的游客来这岛游玩。 15). Waikiki is neither too hot nor too cold all the year round. 怀基基这里终年不冷不热。 16). No matter what the weather is like, I always go there on foot. 无论天气如何,我总是走路去那里。 17). I dont th

22、ink I can learn surfing. 我认为我学不会冲浪。 18). He has gone to New Zealand on business. 他因为公事到新西兰去了。 19). How many English songs has she learned so far? 到目前为止,她学会了多少英文歌曲? 20). The 12-year-old boys dream came true in the end. 这名十二岁男孩的梦想最终成为现实。 21). The boy set off at six in the morning. 这男孩早上六点出发。 22). He s

23、lowed down as the wind became stronger and the waves higher. 因为风大浪高,他减慢了速度。 23). They are proud of their son and often speak highly of him. 他们为儿子感到自豪并经常表扬他。 24). He is not only the pride of our school, but also the pride of all the people in Hainan. 他不但是我们学校的骄傲,而且是全海南人民的骄傲。 25). Businessmen are afra

24、id of newspapers and TV stations. 商人总是害怕报纸和电视台的。 26). As soon as other people hear the music, they go out with their rubbish and throw it in. 其他人一听到这音乐声就带着垃圾走出来并把它扔到里面去。 27). Its a pleasant way to help keep our city clean. 这是一种有助于保持我们城市干净的愉快的方式。 28). Have you ever thrown any litter onto the ground?

25、你试过乱扔垃圾到地上吗? 29). It is our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy. 保护我们的环境干净和整洁是我们的责任。 30). If everyone makes a contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more beautiful. 如果人人都为环保做出贡献的话,那整个世界就会变得美丽得多。 31). He left his watch on my desk yesterday. 昨天他把表忘在我的桌子上了。 32).

26、The more trees, the better. 树越多越好。 33). He has worked there all his life. 他在那里工作了一辈子。 34). Thats very kind of you. 你真是太好了。 35). I hope to see him as soon as possible. 我希望能尽快见到他。 36). Im free every day except today. 除了今天,我每天都有空。 37). Jim Green has been in China for more than two years. 格林 吉姆在中国有两年多了。

27、 38). It is much cheaper and far more enjoyable than a rushed trip by air. 这要比乘飞机那种仓促旅游要便宜得多,也要愉快得多。 39). A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green. 一个年轻人和格林先生练习说英语。 40). What a pity! 多么遗憾! 41). Ive never seen such a beautiful mountain in my life. 我一生中还从来没有看过如此美丽的山。 42). Hurry up! Or wel

28、l be late. 快点! 否则我们就要迟到了。 43). Most people got sick because of the cold weather. 大多数人都因为这寒冷的天气而得病了。 44). Your mother and I have decided to go somewhere in China. 我和你妈决定要去中国的某个地方。 45). Lets try to find some information about it on the Internet. 让我们尽力在网上找到关于它的一些信息。46). At the top of the page, type in

29、the Website. 在那页的顶端,输入网址。 47). Hainan Island is the second largest island of China. 海南岛是中国的第二大岛。 48). Hainan Island is the place to be, whether its summer or winter. 海南岛是一个无论夏天还是冬天都可以呆的地方。 49). Could you tell me what you think about Hainan Island? 能告诉我你对海南岛的看法吗? 50). Could you tell me whether thats

30、a fast train or not? 你能告诉我那是否是一辆快速列车吗? 51). What have they gone there for? 他们去那里是为了什么? 52). He was very interested in diving deep into the sea. 他对深深潜入海底很感兴趣。 53). He was amazed at all the colours and all the beautiful fish. 他对一切的色彩和美丽的鱼感到无比惊讶。54). Ive lived here since I was three years old. 我三岁的时候我就

31、住在这里了。 55). Ive been down as long as two hours. 我曾经在(水)下长达两个小时。 60). Not all sharks are alike. 不是所有的鲨鱼都是一样的。 61). Many sharks feed on fish and other sea animals. 很多鲨鱼以鱼和其他海洋动物为食。 62). It is said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark. 据说最危险的一种鲨鱼就是大白鲨。 63). Ill be able to writ

32、e faster with the pen like that. 我就能够用那样的笔写得更快。 64). We just need to keep working on it and not give up. 我们只需坚持工作,不要放弃。 65). When he was a child, he was always asking questions and trying out new ideas. 当他还是个小孩的时候,他总是问许多问题而且不断把新的想法进行试验。 66). No matter how hard it was, he never gave up. 无论它有多么困难,他都从不

33、放弃。 67). At the age of 12, he started writing his own newspaper. 在十二岁的时候,他开始编写自己的报纸。 68). Thomas Edison opened up his own lab in New Jersey. 爱迪生在新泽西州创办了自己的实验室。 69). A train was coming near quickly, and the boy was too frightened to move. 火车很快地开了过来,小孩则吓得不能动了。 70). Edison rushed out and carried the bo

34、y to the safety. 爱迪生冲了出去并把小孩带到了安全地带。 71). What do you want to do after you graduate from school? 你毕业以后想干什么? 72). His radio is too noisy. Lets ask him to turn it down. 他的收音机太吵了,我们叫他关小点。 73). He wanted to learn as much as he could. 他想尽可能多的学点东西。 74). What do you mean by “ decorate the tree ”? 你说的“ deco

35、rate the tree ”是什么意思? 75). Children put stockings at the end of their beds before they go to sleep. Some even put up stockings for their pets as well. 孩子们在睡觉前把袜子挂在床尾。有些甚至为他们的宠物挂起了袜子。 76). He then fills the stockings with Christmas presents. 然后他用圣诞礼物把那些袜子装满。 77). Father Christmas is based on a real p

36、erson in history. 圣诞老人是以历史上一个真实的人物为依据的。 78). On Christmas Day, children cant wait to open the presents in their stockings. 圣诞节这一天,孩子们都迫不及待地打开他们袜子里面的礼物。 79). They spend the day playing with the new toys. 他们把整天的时间都花在了玩弄他们的新玩具上面了。 80). People in different places celebrate the holiday in different ways.

37、 不同地方的人用不同的方式来庆祝这节日。 81). That night Mary gave birth to this very special boy. 那天晚上玛丽生下了这个特别的男孩。 82). The desk is made of wood. 桌子是用木头做的。 83). Knives are used for cutting things. 刀子是用来切东西。 84). Paper is made from wood. 纸是用木头做的。 85). This TV set is made in Shenzhen. 这台电视机是深圳产的。 86). The number of the

38、 students in our school is about three thousand. 我校的学生人数大约是三千人。 87). Rice is grown in the south. Sugar is produced in the north. 南方种植水稻,北方则产糖。 88). I saw many old inventions on show. 我看到了很多在展销的古老发明。 89). I dont know the way to the museum. 我不知道去博物馆的路。 90). These eggs were found in the Gobi Desert by

39、a group of scientists in the 1920s. 这些恐龙蛋是在二十世纪二十年代由一群科学家们在戈壁沙漠里面发现的。 91). I say it is special because the dinosaur was covered with feathers! 我说它特殊是因为这恐龙身上覆盖着羽毛。 92). I want to be a scientist in the future. 将来我想成为一名科学家。 93). Whats that thing with three legs? 那个有三只脚的是什么东西? 94). Make sure that the st

40、ick is straight. 确信木棒是保持笔直的。 95). Have you ever heard of the Great Green Wall? 你曾听说过绿色长城吗? 96). Forests help to keep water from running away. 森林有助于防止水源流失。 97). The trees in the forests can keep rain drops from hitting the soil directly, so the soil is not easily washed away. 森林里的树木能阻止雨点直接打在土壤上,这样土壤就

41、不容易被冲走了。 98). The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 绿色长城将阻止风将土壤刮走。99). In a few years time, those mountains will be covered with trees. 几年后,那些山将被树木所覆盖。 100). Thanks to the Great Green Wall, the land produces more crops. 由于绿色长城的保护,土地上生产了更多的庄稼。 101). You should hand in y

42、our composition the day after tomorrow. 后天你必须上交你的作文。 102). Many of the stars cannot be seen because they are too far away. 很多星星因为太遥远而无法看见。 103). The moon travels round the earth. 月亮绕着地球转。 104). Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries. 很多国家已经把人造卫星发射到太空。 105). Nothing in the

43、 world is impossible if you set your mind to do it. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。 106). Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. 今日事,今日毕。 107). Whats the population of Germany? 德国的人口数量是多少? 108). The population of the world increases by 259 a minute. 世界人口以每分钟 259 人的速度增长。 109). I dont agree with you two. I p

44、refer to buy a new can rather than repair it. 我不同意你们两个的观点。我宁可买一辆新车也不愿修理它。 110). As he was busy searching the Internet, he became interested in how different countries were. 当他在网上忙于搜索的时候,他对不同国家的情况产生了兴趣。 111). He wanted to start with the smallest country and end with the largest one. 他想从最小的国家开始,到最大的国家

45、结束。 111). My leather tennis shoes are worn out. 我的皮羽毛球鞋穿烂了。 112). Youd better try on the shoes first. 你最好先试穿一下这双鞋。 113). Put those pictures in the right order. 把那些图按照顺序排列。 114). We went to the hotel by taxi and dropped off our things. 我们乘的士去宾馆,然后放下我们的东西。 115). Tiananmen Square was close to our hotel

46、. 我们住的宾馆靠近天安门广场。 116). How can you tell they are grateful? 你如何辨别它们是心存感激的? 117). To complain too often isnt a good thing. 老是抱怨,这不是一件好事。 118). He grew up with a pet dog named Don. 他和一条名叫唐的宠物狗一块长大。 119). He made up his mind to be a vet. 他决心要成为一名兽医。 120). They regarded their pets as members of their fam

47、ilies. 他们把宠物也当成他们的家庭成员。 121). To take medicine on time is necessary. 按时服药是必要的。 122). Mrs Parley said she felt as if she was in a storm at sea. 芭里太太说她仿佛是处在海洋的风暴里一样。123). It is true to say a dog is mans best friend or at least Roberts best friend. 狗是人类或者至少是罗伯特最好的朋友这种说法是真实的。 124). Ive never seen such a

48、n exciting match before. 我以前从来没有看过如此激动人心的比赛。 125). By the time we got there, the bus had already gone. 当我们到达那里的时候,汽车早就走了。 126). The boys team used to help the girls with their training. 男队过去常常帮助女队训练。 127). Mr. Hu said he thought the girls deserved to win. 胡老师说他认为女孩们理应会赢。 128). Miss Wang was very ple

49、ased with the girls wonderful performance. 王小姐对女孩子们的精彩表演感到非常高兴。 129). Never mind. It was a boring match. 不要紧。它只是一场无聊的比赛。 130). One day, her little brother has spilt cola over her diary. 有一天,她的弟弟把可乐洒在她的日记上了。131). As a result, she cant read her diary. 因此她无法看她的日记了。 132). From now on, just keep passing the ball and play together as a team. 从现在开始,只需坚持传球和团体配合。 133). Bike is short for bicycle. Bike 是 bicycle 的简称。 134). Who would you ask for help if you were robbed? 如果你被抢劫了,你将会向谁求助? 135). Now we need to wait for Jim

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