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1、#*初一英语音标入门英语中有 26 个英语字母,26 个字母组成了千千万万个英语单词。要想会拼读单词,必须学会 48 个国际音标。一元音字母 Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu 在单词中的发音1. Aa 的发音开音节:ein ame game age cake grade same face take闭音节: and map bag thank am hand apple 2.Ee 的发音开音节:i: he me she three meet bee see闭音节: e egg pen desk pencil yes ten telephone3.Ii 的发音开音节:ai hi five n

2、ine bike fine nice like 闭音节: i it is in six sit this Miss big pink 4.Oo 的发音开音节:u: do to two who no go home those phone hello zero闭音节: not box clock dog on cock 5.Uu 的发音开音节 u: ruler blue Lucy ju: use excuse student computer huge闭音节 bus cup mum but us number much#*讨论:通过观察,同学们归纳一下什么是开音节?什么是闭音节?不求掌握,只理解

3、即可。上面通过 5 个元音字母我们学习了以下 11 音标:jei i: ai u ju: u: e i 二掐头法学读音:Ff、 Ll 、Mm 、Nn 、Ss 、Xx 。读以上辅音字母名称音,将其第一个音去掉,余下的音即为该字母在单词中的发音Ffef ef 去e 余f 例词:five knife friend Llel el 去e 余l 例词: apple spell double Mmem em 去e余m 例词: name am me myNnen en 去e 余n 例词: nine pen tenSses es 去e 余s 例词: bus this classXxeks eks 去e 余ks

4、 例词: six fox next box三去尾法学读音:Bb、Cc、Dd 、Jj 、 Kk、Pp、Tt、Vv、Zz读以上辅音字母名称音,将其后面的音去掉,余下的音即为该字母在单词中的读音。Bbbi: bi: 去i: 余b 例: book bag big Ccsi: si: 去i: 余s 例: nice face pencil Dddi: di: 去i: 余d 例: good desk dog Jjdei dei 去ei 余 d 例: jeep just Kkkei kei 去 ei 余k 例:book look cook#*Pppi: pi: 去i: 余p 例:pen map pink Tt

5、ti: ti: 去i: 余t 例: it ten but twelve Vvvi: vi: 去i: 余v 例:five very seven eleven Zzzi: zi: 去i: 余z 例:zero zoo只要会字母名称音,用掐头法、去尾法轻而易举地掌握 12 个辅音字母的读音:f l m n s k b d p t v z四对比法学读音:与汉语拼音区别对照学习 g, h, y, w, r 5 个辅音汉语拼音 g h y w r英语读音 g g h h y j ww r r g good get bag dog h he hi hat heny yes young yellow w we

6、where womanr red zero right friend 五字母组合记忆法:ch sh ck quch t China Chinese much teacher chicken sh she English fish ship short shopck k black clock lock blackboard sockqu kw quarter quiz quick quite六th 的发音。th threeri: 三 mouthmau 嘴 thirteen thinkth thisis 这 thatt 那 they father mother#*七中元音: : u bus bu

7、t number must mum mucho some love come son mother worryou double young touch cousin: ir girl thirteen shirt bird first sir skirt er her termur purple nurse purse hurt Thursday turn returnor work word worker world er later teacher father mother computer sisteror doctor visitor forget a about banana w

8、oman o welcome oclock 八鼻(辅)音:m n m m my name me same game mom welcomen n nine pen ten then and on in only need n morning thank k longl pink think 九后元音:: : u: : ar are car arm star farm farmer guitar park a class ask father banana glass past after aunt: or morning short forty order sort foral tall sm

9、all hall ball call wall our your four pour #*au daughter becausear warm quarter war warn o not box dog shop bottle mom wrong longa what want watchu: oo too school cool zoo room afternoon food o do to who whose u blue ruler Lucy oo book look good cook foot u put full十破擦音:tr dr tr tr tree try train dr

10、 dr dress driver drink ch China teacher much jg orange jeep ts cats its whats ds beds friends十一. 摩擦音h r j w及舌侧音 lh he hello his r red right j yes young yelloww we what onewn一(特殊发音) l apple little let十二. 20 个英语元音音素归类:前元音:i: e i: e me he she we ee see meet three tree thirteen green free needea teacher

11、 please seat teach speak eat i big is this six pink will him with kid fish e e egg desk pen ten seven telephone eleven friend #*ea head bread breakfast heavy sweatera many any a and thank apple can map cap cat中元音: : u bus but number us much up o some love come son worry doesou double young touch cou

12、sin country: ir girl thirteen shirt skirt sir first bird thirdur purple purse turn return Thursday er her term or work worker word er teacher later number 后元音:: : u: : ar are car arm a class ask father: or morning short forty al tall small hall our your four o not box dog a what want watch u: oo too

13、 cool school zooo do to who woman(变成复数后 o 的发音要变化) u blue ruler #* oo book look good u put full双元音:eI aI I a I e eI a e name same grade cake face take(除 have 外) ay say day play way pay todayai wait afraid paid train againei eight weight aI i e fine nine nice five knife wide time like kite(give 和 live

14、 除外)i hi high right lighty my bye shy fly tryI oy boy toy joy oi boil oil o e nose those home oa coat boat roado no go zero ow yellow window knowa ow how now brown ou mouth about roundI ear year ear dear hear ere here ea idea really theatere ear wear pear bear ere where there#*air hair chair pair ei

15、r their oor poor ure pure sure六28 个英语辅音音素归纳 p p map keep pig b b boy bag book t t it that tall d d good desk bed k k book look kill g g good go eggc cat cap picnicck black clock back f f fine knife five v v love eleven seven ph phone telephone photo s s see bus class z z zoo zero zonec nice face cit

16、y s his nose those th thank three mouth th this that these sh fish English ship s usually pleasure t ch China teacher much d ge orange age pagej jeep joy job tr tr tree try train dr dr driver drink dress ts ts cats hats gets dz ds beds kinds friends h h he head hello r r red right rain m m me name my n n no name nine ngn sing long thank l l let lot like#*tall full well j y yes year yellow w w what we work

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