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1、2014 年秋季学期六年级上册第一单元测试题1选词填空A .Get to B in C.near G.can H. an1.How _ I get to the library.2.Excuse_.where is the museum?3.How can I _ the park?4.What _ interesting book!5.Turn left _ DongFang Street6.Can you _ me?7.There is a pet hospital _ my city8.The cinema is _ the park二、选择题( ) 1

2、. I want _ a new book. A. buy B. buying C. to buy( ) 2. Look! This is a _ robot! A. sing B. singing C. sings( ) 3. _ a nice girl! A. How B. What C. Who( ) 4. -_ is the hospital? - Its behind the bookstore.A. How B. Where C. What( ) 5. Excuse me. _ there two cinemas in your town? - Sorry, I dont know

3、.A. Is B. Are C. Be( ) 6. What an _ picture! A. interesting B. pretty C. small ( ) 7. Im hungry. I want to go to the _. A. restaurant B. hospital C. cinema( ) 8. You can turn right at _. A. here B. there C. the post office( ) 9. Is the museum far _ here? A. to B. from C. off( ) 10. Lets clean the wi

4、ndow _. A. first B. one C. But( ) 11.How can I _the bookstore. -You can _the by busget ,get B get to.get to . C get to .get D get get to( )12Is there a park near here? -_.A Yes,it is B NO, there is C Yes, there is 13Turn right _the school _ Fifth Street ,and then go _.A at,in go B at on go. C to on

5、go. D to in go14.They _ buy a new bag A want B,want to C wants to15_ can I get to the zoo - Sorry,I dont knowA where C.what三、连词成句1. the, where, is, office, post, (?) _2. there, is, in, a, town, pet, hospital, my (.) _3. museum, to, it, next, is, the, science (.) _4. Can , get ,the,How, I , hos

6、pital , to (.) _5. send, it, want, I, to, on, Sunday (.) _6. Left, at, Turn, bookstore, the (.) _四、找答语。( ) 1. Where can I find your mother? A. Yes, it can. ( ) 2. How can I get to the science museum? B. No, its far from here.( ) 3. Is the hospital near here? C. You can go straight for ten minutes.(

7、) 4. Can the GPS help you to find a place? D. In the school.( ) 5.What do you want to buy? E Its near the museum( ) 6.Where is the hospital? F.I want to buy a storybook五、阅读对话,选择合适的选项。Mike: Hi, Tina. Im hungry. Lets go to the restaurant.Tina: Me too. I know a great American restaurant.Mike: Really? I

8、 like beef! Where is the restaurant? Is it near here?Tina: Turn right here, then go straight, and we can see it.Mike: Great! Lets go now!( ) 1. Mike and Tina are _ now.A. hungry B. thirsty C. happy( ) 2. They want to go to the _.A. park B. cinema C. restaurant( ) 3. Mike likes _.A. pizza B. beef C.

9、bananas( ) 4. Is the restaurant near here? - _.A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. I dont know( ) 5. Turn right here, then _, and they can see the restaurant.A. go straight B. turn left C. stop and wait六阅读对话,判断正 T, 误 F.Oliver: Hi, John. I want to go to post office. Do you know where is it?John: Hi, Ol

10、iver. Its next to the Xinhua Bookstore.Oliver: How can I get to the Xinhua Bookstore?John: Turn left here and you can find a bus stop. Take the No. 7 bus. Get off at the bookstore. The post office is on the right.( ) 1. Oliver wants to go to bookstore.( ) 2. The post office is near the Xinhua Bookst

11、ore.( ) 3. Oliver can take the NO. 17 bus to he Xinhua Bookstore.( ) 4. The post office is on the right.七、读答句,选择正确的问句。1. A: _ ? B: We want to go to the cinema.2. A: _ ? B: Yes, I do.3. A: _ ? B: You can turn right at the hospital.4. A: _ ? B: Its behind the park.5. A: _ ? B: Great.A. Do you like pizza? B. Lets go to the zoo on Saturday.C. Where do you want to go? D. How can I get to the museum?E. Where is the shop?8书面表达。你的朋友想去你家玩,但不知道去你家的具体路线。请以“Where is my school”为题写一篇小短文。不少于 7 句话。

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