1、广东外语外贸大学 2004 年硕士研究生入学考试英语语言文学及外国语言与应用语言学水平考试试卷. Cloze (20%)Fill in each blank with the words given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.The problem which the learner 1 in handling the meanings of such complex expressions (and those of the more numerous
2、 two-word combinations) are well known He may have 2 of understanding or interpretation(especially when the form of an expression is a poor guide to its meaning). He may have trouble in 3 accurately between various meanings of the “same” item-those of put out, for 4 ,or take in. And again, he may ne
3、ed help in distinguishing 5 expressions which are related in form (of level off and level up) 6 not necessarily in meaning. Among the features we have included in the dictionary to help the student deal with such problems 7 the regular listing in entries of “collocating” words. We can consider brief
4、ly the special advantages of this guidance here.The collocates of an expression are the particular words 8 are commonly combined with it to form sentences. 9 the words which regularly appear (as subjects) in the same sentences as bring to blows, for example, are disagreement, difference and rivalry
5、and among those habitually associated (as direct objects) with bring to attention are troops, platoon, company. The learner normally becomes 10 of these word associations, or collocations, one by one through meeting them in books or hearing them in conversation, and as one association builds 11 anot
6、her he gradually develops a firm understanding of the meanings of bring to blows and bring to attention. The advantage of bringing together a number of these associated words in one placeas in the entries shown just belowis that the student is 12 aware of several at the same time. As a 13 the learni
7、ng process can be greatly speeded up. Another advantage, of course, is that the student can make up sentences of his own on the 14 of the collocates recorded in such entries, so strengthening. still more his grasp on the meanings of the headphrases themselves.Illustrative sentences in dictionary ent
8、ries can 15 much the same purpose as lists of collocates. 16 the illustrations are carefully chosen, they too will contain words that are characteristically and unambiguously 17 with the headphrases, which help to develop the learners understanding of their meaning. 18 collocates and examples have d
9、ifferent and complementary parts to play in the definition of meaning. In a list of collocates some of the more important 19 to our understanding of an expression are abstracted form their real contexts and presented in a highly condensed form. In illustrations, various kinds of in formation-highly
10、condensed form. In illustrations, various kinds of information grammatical and stylistic as 20 as lexical-are combined in actual instances of language use, though the most important clues to meaning may be rather thinly spread.example But difficulties well discriminatingthough basis which is Amongaw
11、are upon made faces associatedresult clues serve if between.Proof-reading and Error Correction(30%)The following passage contains FIFTEEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error.In each case, only one word is involved. You should correct it in the following way. Mark your answers on your A
12、NSWER SHEET.For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correct one in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “A” sign and write the word youFor an unnecessary word, believe .to be missing in the blank provided at the e
13、nd of the line. cross out the unnecessary word with a slash “/“ and put the word in the blank provided at the end of the line.ExampleWhen A art museum wants a new exhibit,1 anIt never buys things in finished form and hangs them on the wall.2 neverWhen a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it
14、 must often build it.3 exhibitWhy do some new products succeed, bringing millionsof dollars to innovative companies, but others fail, 1. with great losses? The answer is not simple, andcertainly we cannot say that “good“ products succeedwhile “bad“ products fail. Many products that functionwell and
15、seem to meet consumer needs have fallenby the wayside. Sometimes, virtual identical products 2. exist in the market at the same time with one emerged 3. as profitable while the other fails. Mc Neal LaboratoriesTylenol has become success as an aspirin substitute, 4. yet Bristol-Meyers went into the t
16、est market at aboutthe same time with Neotrend, also a substitute to aspirin, 5. that quickly failed. 6. The nature of the product is a factor in their success 7. or failure, but the important point is the consumersperception of the products need-satisfying ability. 8. Any new product conception sho
17、uld be aimed atmeeting any customer need, and the introductory 9. promotion should seek to communicate that need-satisfying quality and motivate the customer try the 10. product. Often, attitude change is involved, and, in theextreme, changes in life-style may be seeked. 11. Here the company walks a
18、 tightrope. A new productis more probable to be successful if it represents a 12. truly novel way of solving, a customer problem, butthis very newness, if carried too far, may ask the customerto learn new behavior patterns. The customer will make thechange if the perceived benefit is sufficient, but
19、 inertia isstrong and consumers will often not go to the effort that isrequired. During the late sixties and early seventiesBristol-Meyers met new product failures that exemplify 13. both of these problems. In 1967 and 1968 the companyentered into the market with a $ 5 million advertising 14. campai
20、gn for Fact toothpaste, and an $11 millioncampaign to promote Resolve. Both products failed quickly,-not because they wouldnt work or because there was 15. no consumer need, but apparently because consumersjust could see no reason to shift from an alreadysatisfactory product to a different one that
21、promised nonew benefit.III. Gap-filling (40%)Fill in the following blanks with the CORRECT WORD or CORRECT FORM of the words given according to the MEANINGS of the sentences. Mark your answers on yourANSWER SHEET.Exampleprolong, refuse, delay, postpone, lengthenI hope the of the appointment will not
22、 cause you much inconvenience.The correct answer is postponement.1. ally, league, unionUnder the military command of Ahmad Shah Mausood, a faction leader with Rabbani, government forces continued tohold much of Kabul late in the year, but fighting continued in the area.2. obligation, liability, resp
23、onsibilityMembership in the United Nations is open to all peace-loving states which accept the of the Charter3. prospectus, brochure, catalogue., pamphlet, leafletThe tells buyers how to identify fraudulent sellers andhow to cope with false claims on grading, certification, appreciation,and value.4.
24、 alter, convert, transform, varyA single genetic could allow the sunflower to convert some of its oleic acid to ricinoleic acid, an extremely versatile oil that has numerous industrial uses, including the manufacture of plastics, nylon, cosmetics, and lubricants.5. affection, emotion., feeling, sent
25、imentAnna Roe of New York City stated that there are vocationally successful persons who are well-adjusted socially and yet who. show, according to tests, more or less severe disabilities.6. genius, gift, talentWith costs of educating handicapped children increasing, advocates of better education fo
26、r children began demanding more financial support. 7. celebrate, commemorate, inaugurate, representOn October 14, President Eisenhowers birthdate, the U.S. Post Office Department issued a stamp.8. career, profession, occupation, employmentThe problem of injury and sickness received a good deal of pu
27、blicity and attention this year.9. criticism, mark, review, opinionCritics gave good to the movie featuring Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, which was a box-office hit all over the world.10. hedge, dyke. wall. moat. fenceThe castle was surrounded by a , which nowadays contained only occasional rainwate
28、r.11. propose, agreement, suggest, adviceIn September, Constitutional Affairs Minister Joe Clark unveiled new aimed at satisfying Quebecs demands for federal reform.12. rare, scarce, scant, inadequateWith wartime food largely over in the United States, the return to peacetime methods in food exporti
29、ng from this country will be quick or slow in proportion to the rate at which normal production and trade revive throughout the world. Meantime, world relief requirements along with the continuance of world shortages in items such as fats and oils and sugar delay the abandonment of the controls.13.
30、cure, heal, remedy, treatSuch high levels of unemployment compelled measures in their view, and so deep a recession called for some economic stimulation.14. individual, personal, privateAlthough all humans share the same set of genes, can inherit different forms of a given gene, making each person g
31、enetically unique.15. common, general. popularAs Peress personal continued to rise in public opinion polls following the completion of Israels withdrawal from Lebanon, bitter exchanges over Taba and West Bank settlement policy became increasingly common. 16. just, fair, impartialIn this letter to An
32、gelina, Sarah .enumerates the legal women suffered in the 1830s and compares the plight of women in theUnited States to that of slaves.17. prolong, extend, lengthen, enlargeAs he hasnt sorted -out his business in the UK, he intends to apply for a/an of his passport.18. exert, conduct, impose, implem
33、entOn April 1st the long delayed of the United Nations plan for peace and decolonization in South West Africa (Namibia), embodied in Security Council resolution 435 (1978), finally began. 19. crease, crumple, wrinkle, pleatDermatologists have been swamped with people seeking what they believe is the
34、 closest thing to the fountain of youth: the anti-acne prescription skin cream Retin-A, known generically as tretinoin and chemically related to Accutane. A January report in The Journal of the American Medical Association said that Retin-A diminished small and other aging changes caused by sun expo
35、sure.20. cunning, sly. crafty, shrewdThe Sino-Japanese peace pact was preceded in May by the opening of diplomatic relations between China and the oil-rich Middle Eastern state of Oman. And it was immediately followed by the Premiers unprecedented 12-day visit to Romania, Yugoslavia, and Irana trip
36、timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.IV. Reading Comprehension (60%)In this section, there are six reading passages followed by a total of thirty multiple-choice questions. Read the passages carefully and then mark your answers on your ANSWER SHEET.Te
37、xt A15 Killed by Rebel Bomb in KashmirSRINAGAR, India-At least 15 people were killed when a car bomb exploded in central Srinagar at midday Monday, witnesses said. Five of the dead appeared to be soldiers, they said. Officials at a government-run hospital said that 20 people were admitted with wound
38、s and that three were in surgery. One of the wounded died upon arrival at the hospital.A caller identifying himself as a member of Hizbul Mujahidin, a pro-Pakistan group, contacted several news agencies to claim responsibility for the attack.Hizbul Mujahidin is the most powerful rebel group favoring
39、 a merger with Pakistan. Other groups want independence from Indian rule.The bomb went off in a car near a police station and outside a branch of the government-owned State Bank of India, where Indian soldiers fighting the separatist insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir gather at the beginning of every m
40、onth to collect their pay.Witness said an army truck was parked in the vicinity when the bomb went off. Three cars and five scooters were destroyed in the blast.Witnesses said that two of the victims were women and that five others wore military uniforms. Some of the corpses were badly mutilated.Sec
41、urity forces arrived quickly and carried off the bodies. The police cordoned off the area, fearing another attack.The blast was preceded by a grenade attack a few blocks away that appeared to have been a diversionary measure.The explosion was near Ahdoos, one of the only hotels left open in the city
42、. The hotel is full of foreign journalists covering the Kashmir hostage crisis, which entered its third month Monday.Four Westerners have been held hostage by guerrillas in the Kashmir Valley since July 4. A fifth hostage, Hans Christian Ostroe of Norway, was found beheaded in a remote region Aug. 1
43、3. The guerrillas have said they will kill the remaining hostages unless the Indian government releases 15 jailed separatists.1. claimed responsibility for the attack.A. A rebel groupB. An Indian groupC. A member of Hizbul MujahidinD. A pro-Indian group2. The bomb went off outside a bank branch wher
44、e Indian soldiers gather to.A. fight the rebelsB. protect the bankC. fight the separatist insurgencyD. collect their pay3. Witnesses said that two of the victims wereA. children and that five others wore military uniformsB. women and that five others were probably soldiersC. women and that five othe
45、rs were childrenD. women and that five others were workers4. PoliceA. withdrew from the areaB. kept people at a distance from the area by means of a cordonC. cleaned the areaD. examined the area5. The blast was preceded by a grenade attack a few blocks away that appeared to .A. have turned peoples a
46、ttention away from the place where a bomb was exploded laterB. have drawn peoples attention to the place where a bomb was exploded laterC. have been an entertaining measureD. have been a visionary plotText B Behave Like Your Actions Reflect on All ChineseBy the 1870s the easygoing cordiality that gr
47、eeted the first Chinese in America had been replaced by an ugly resentment that often boiled into virulence. Racism and economic fear led many Westerners to believe that .the Chinese, who were willing to work cheap, were stealing their jobs .Legal persecution took the form of taxes and statutes aimed at their livelihood, their customs and even their looks. Chinese families had to pay special taxes. Their children were barred from local public schools. A San Francisco o
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