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1、21 世纪英语演讲比赛主持稿W:各位观众朋友,比赛即将开始,请您尽快就座,将您的手机关闭或者调为静音。请不要随意走动,不要大声喧哗,谢谢合作。M: Ladies and gentlemen, as the competition is about to start, please be seated and make sure your cell phone has been switched off or turned into mute mode. Please do not walk around or speak loudly during the competition. Thank

2、 you.M:Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the Zhongnan University of Economics and Law twenty-first Century English speech contest in large trials.W: 我是,欢迎来到中南财经政法大学 21 世纪英语演讲比赛中南大选拔赛的现场。M: This English Speaking Contest is an important part of the Foreign Language Festival which has a go

3、od reputation among students. It aims to promote the ability of English language learning and to train students with the knowledge of foreign cultures. By the end of todays contest, the winner will advance to the FLTRP Cup National English Speaking Contest this year.W:本次演讲比赛旨在激发同学对英语口语学习的兴趣,提高口语表达和表

4、现能力,引导大家了解外国文化,提升自身综合素质。选拔优秀人才代表学校参加 21 世纪英语演讲比赛。M: The theme of the English speech contest is “University as I see it”W:本届英语演讲比赛的主题是:我眼中的大学M: This stage is a show-case for young talents. Apparently, it helps us to create an atmosphere in our university in which students could slide into foreign lan

5、guage world. Well, ladies and gentlemen, lets enjoy this amazing competition, excellent contestants and their extraordinary performance!W:我们希望通过此次比赛来营造我校外语文化学习的氛围,培养语言运用复合型人才。今晚,这个舞台属于这些年轻的选手们,就让我们一起来期待和欣赏他们精彩的表现吧!M:First of all, lets welcome our distinguished guests who presents here.W: 莅临本次比赛的领导有,

6、欢迎你们!M: Now, lets welcome our honorable judges.W: 接下来介绍评委,他们是:欢迎你们的到来!M:This competition will be divided into three partsa, Prepared speech(30%/3min), b, Impromptu speech(40%/2min) and c, question-and-answer session(30%/1min).W: 本次共有三个环节,第一环节:命题演讲三分钟占 30%;第二环节,即兴演讲二分钟占 40%,回答评委提问一分钟占 30%。M: Take imm

7、ediate extraction subject format. Before a player after entering the site, the next player impromptu topic extraction.Number one to extract the subject, No. two player after a contestant on selected topics, number one impromptu speech ended, two players entered the game waiting for entry, and No. th

8、ree player selected topics. And so on. The end of the game player in the game, waiting for the outcome of the game.W: 比赛采取即时抽取题目的赛制。前一位选手进场后,下一位选手抽取即兴题目。一号选手先抽取题目,二号选手在一号选手上场之后抽取题目,一号选手即兴演讲结束后,二号选手进入赛场等候参赛,同时三号选手抽取题目。以此类推。比赛结束的选手留在比赛教室等候比赛结果。M: Now lets begin our competition.W: 我宣布比赛正式开始。M: Lets wel

9、come contestant No1, welcome.W: Now,lets go to the first round- Prepared speechThen, lets o to the second round- Impromptu speechFinally, lets go to the third round- question-and-answer sessionM: Thank you. Lets welcome contestant No2.W: Then, lets welcome contestant No3M: lets welcome contestant No

10、4W:lets welcome contestant No5M:lets welcome contestant No6W:Now I declare the 15 contestants scoreM:lets welcome contestant No7W:Then, lets welcome contestant No8M:lets welcome contestant No9W:lets welcome contestant No10M:lets welcome contestant No11W: Now I declare the 610contestants scoreW:lets

11、welcome contestant No12M:lets welcome contestant No13W:lets welcome contestant No14M:lets welcome contestant No15W:lets welcome contestant No16M:Now I declare the 1115 contestants scoreM:lets welcome contestant No17W:lets welcome contestant No18M:lets welcome contestant No19W:lets welcome contestant

12、 No20M:Now I declare the 1620 contestants scoreM: Now, ladies and gentlemen, All the players have been the end of the game. W:现在,女士们先生们。所有的选手已比赛结束。 M: Its time to announce the final score of 20 contestants.W:20 位选手的最终得分是contestant No1 is contestant No2 is contestant No3 is M:Ladies and gentlemen, no

13、w here comes the most exciting moment!Contestants who win the honorable mention are _、_ 、_ 、_ 、_ 、_Congratulations! Contestants who win The third prize are _、 _ 、_ 、_ 、_Congratulations! Contestants who win The second prize are _、_、_ 、_Congratulations! Contestants who win The first prize are _、_ 、_ C

14、ongratulations! Contestants who win The grand prize are _、_ Congratulations! M:Lets give another round of applause to all participants for their excellent performance today! As well as to our judges and guests for their fairness! And you, our audience, thank you for your patience and cooperation.W:感谢嘉宾与选手的参与,感谢到场的来宾,本次英语演讲大赛圆满结束,我们明年再见!

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