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1、Unit 3 How much is it?Unit 3 How much is it? (第一课时 教学设计)一、学情分析 由于专业要求和英语的联系不密切,学生对于英语课程并不特别重视,存在以下问题:掌握的词汇量和句型结构少、听力和口语表达能力弱、害羞、课堂参与积极性不强、学习动机不强。针对以上问题,本教案力求降低教学内容的难度、更多采用集体教学的方法增强学生的自信和参与热情。形象化的图片教学和有适当紧张度的游戏和表演,不仅能提高学生的学习兴趣,而且能牢牢抓住其注意力。二、教材分析1教学内容本课时系教材英语 1(基础模块 高教版)第三单元的第一课时,包括Lead-in & Listening

2、 and speaking 中的 Dialogue A 两部分,具体内容为:部分商品和购物场所的词汇、买卖商品活动中展开的对话和讨论购物计划的对话。这些内容为整个单元的学习活动做语言和知识的准备,也为学生学以致用的语言表达活动提供了语言铺垫。同时,shopping 的话题也为教师将本课时的教学和学生的专业电子商务相联系提供了可能性。2教学重点、难点教学重点通过与购物相关的词汇和句型的学习,学生制定购物清单,并讨论购物计划。教学难点学生了解词汇记忆的策略之一分类记忆;学生区分出不同购物场所的特点。三、教学目标1. 知识目标学生能掌握部分商品和购物场所的词汇,如 medicine,cola,dis

3、k,cell phone,shopping mall ,grocery,bakery ,supermarket,department store。学生能掌握讨论购物计划时所使用的句型,如:Whats your plan for?Would you like to go shopping with me?Whats on your shopping list?There are many beautiful dresses.2. 能力目标学生能听懂关于购物和讨论购物计划的对话。学生能制定购物清单,开展关于讨论购物计划的对话。3. 情感目标学生能具备理性消费的认识。四、教学步骤Step One L

4、ead-in (1 min)1. Teacher shows the website on the screen, then asks, “ Whats it?”“ What can we do on taobao?”“Have you / your friends got any shopping experience on taobao? Students answer the questions together or individually.(设计意图:用淘宝网址导入课堂教学,既有趣又贴近学生的生活和所学专业,这将有助于教师从一开始就抓住学生的兴趣。)Step Two Vocabul

5、ary teaching (10 min)1. What have I bought from ? (1 min)Teacher says, “ Im interested in shopping on taobao, because goods are cheaper there. Lets see what I have bought this year on taobao.Then teacher shows the pictures of the following items on the screen, with the English word of each item besi

6、de each picture: an English dictionary, a magazine, a disk, a cell phone, a dress, a bag.Students name all the goods teacher has got from taobao, and teacher writes down all the words on the board under the column of shopping list. (设计意图:该步骤有助于清除学生在 Activity One 中可能碰到的词汇障碍。假如学生对黑板上呈现的词汇不够熟悉,教师可以领读三遍

7、或更多的次数。) 2. Brainstorming: Where can I go besides taobao? (5 min)Teacher says, “The goods on taobao are cheaper, but it takes some time before we get them. If I need an English dictionary, a magazine, a disk, a cell phone, a dress, a bag, some bread, biscuit and noodles badly, where can I go besides

8、 taobao?Students give different answers first. Then teacher introduces different shops to get the above goods with the help of pictures.(设计意图:该步骤有助于学生通过形象图片的提示,掌握关于不同商店名称的新词汇。在回答教师提出的问题 Where can I go besides taobao? 时,学生会有困难。因此,教师可以允许他们先用中文表达,然后借助图片,引导出新词汇。)Words are listed on the blackboard under

9、the columns of shopping list and different shops. Then students read the words after the teacher three or more times. If they cannot remember the new words well, teacher can use different ways to help them. Here are some suggestions.1) Teacher tells the words in Chinese , and students tell the Engli

10、sh edition together. 2) Teacher tells the words in Chinese, and students tell the English edition individually.3) Teacher asks, “What shop begins with the letter b / d/ g / s?(设计意图:黑板上词汇的呈现方式分商品和商店两类呈现,以及以上三个问题都有助于学生获得词汇记忆的策略之一 分类记忆法。)3. Game: Have you got a good memory? (3 min) There are 17 words a

11、bout goods and shops on the blackboard. Teacher designs a game with the help of PowerPoint like this: Teacher shows some words with related pictures on the screen for only three seconds. Then students tell out what the words are. The number of the words on the screen is different each time, from 4 t

12、o 10. The class is divided into four groups, and there is a competition among them. Each group will be given 10 scores at first., then a right answer brings one more score, and a wrong answer will make them lose one score. The student who hands up first answers the question for his groups.(设计意图:该步骤的

13、游戏能帮助学生深入领会和掌握本课的新词汇。因为词汇和图片记忆的时间只有三秒钟,学生不得不聚精会神地投入其中,这使得活动更具效果。各组之间的竞赛将使活动更加刺激。)4. Activity 2. Read and number. (1 min)Students speak out the 6 items in this part together, then they finish it by themselves. Later one student stands up and tells the answer. Others check it.(设计意图:通过上一环节的词汇记忆游戏,学生能很容

14、易地单独完成Activity 2。但是教师应该在学生做练习之前指出,有的商品可以在不止一家商店买到,以免学生产生困惑和误解。)Step Three Listening ( Activity 1, 3, 4 ) (7 min)1. Activity 1. Listen and number. (2 min) Students name the goods on the pictures together first, then listen to the tape and number each picture. If they cannot catch the answer in the fi

15、rst listening, repeat the dialogues again. (设计意图:由于有以上环节的铺垫,Activity 1 非常简单,学生在完成过程中不会碰到什么困难。)2. Activity 4. Bingo! (3 min)Teacher explains the rules: Tang Hua and Sara are going shopping. What are they going to buy? Look at the pictures in Activity 4 and tick the goods that you think they will buy

16、with a pencil. Then we listen to the dialogue and tick the right answer with a pen. If you get right guess, you say Bingo. Lets see which group gets the most Bingo. I wish you good luck!Then students tick the goods, listen to the dialogue and check answers. (设计意图:该步骤使得听力活动更加有趣和有针对性,因为学生会更加仔细地听对话,以核对

17、自己是否 Bingo。教师可以先让学生一起用英语说出图片中的物体,这能扫除听力材料中存在的词汇障碍。)3. Activity 3. Listen and tick the shop Tang Hua and Sara are going shopping. (2 min)As the listening material is the same as Activity 4, students may get the answer in the first listening. (设计意图:教师在播放第二遍对话前,要求学生关注对话中即将出现的关于讨论购物计划的句子。这一指令能让学生意识到对话中存

18、在的关键句型。) Step Four Speaking (Activity 5 , 6 ) (26 min) 1. Read and underline. (2 min)Students read the dialogue in Activity 5 individually, then they underline 4 important sentences about the shopping plan. Then teacher asks 2 or 3 students to tell others their opinions. Teacher writes down the 4 us

19、eful sentences on the blackboard:(设计意图:学生通过阅读,独立找出 Activity 5 中讨论购物计划的关键句型并不难。教师可以请两三名学生给出答案,进行核对比较,这能让学生对关键句型的印象更加深刻。)2.Read the dialogue together. (2 min)Students read the dialogue twice together. The first time is between two groups, and the second is between boys and girls.(设计意图:该步骤能帮助学生记忆关于讨论购物

20、计划的关键句型,并就相关问题做出恰当反应。为了保证学生朗读时语调正确,教师可以和他们一起大声朗读作为引导和示范。) 3. Performance: Mum gives me 200 yuan for my birthday! (20 min)Teacher explains the rule: Suppose your birthday is coming, and mum gives you 200 yuan to buy some gifts for yourself. Please make a shopping list first, then ask your partner to

21、go shopping with you. The words and sentences on the blackboard are for your help. You may change the role as the birthday girl / boy in turn. You are given 5 minutes to prepare, then Id like to invite some groups to perform it on the stage. Of course, you may discuss it with other groups. Lets see

22、which group will bring us the most wonderful performance, and which girl / boy spends the money in the most reasonable way.Students get ready in 5 minutes, then 3 or 4 groups show the play on the stage.(设计意图:该步骤有助于学生将本堂课所学知识运用于生活实践。可能出现的问题是学生不愿意上台表演。教师可以提供模拟的纸币作为道具,增加学生的新奇感。另外,教师鼓励性的话语和同学们的掌声都能增加学生的

23、自信和勇气。)4. The top 10 best sellers on in 2008! (2 min)Teacher shows the top 10 best sellers on taobao in 2008, with a brief introduction of the reason for their popularity. (设计意图:该步骤的活动和学生的专业相关,有助于培养学生把握市场的敏锐触觉。同时,在课堂上体现职业元素,将使得英语教学更加实用和职业化。)Step Five Homework (1 min) Please prepare a 1-minute oral

24、speech with the following beginning:If I run a shop on taobao, I will sell , because .The rule: 3 or 4 students can work together. You must write down the article first, then the representatives of some groups will be requested to make a speech in the next class. We will find out who are the most po

25、tential businessman / businesswoman in our class. You can get more help from me with the E-mail address .(设计意图:该步骤有助于能训练学生的书面和口头表达能力。小组合作完成作业,以及通过电子邮件向教师请教的方式,都降低了作业的难度。)五、板书设计Shopping list Different shops Useful sentencesdictionary bookstore Whats your plan for the afternoon? magazine shopping mall Would you like to go shopping with me? disk department store Whats on your shopping list?cell phone bakery There are many beautiful dresses.dress grocerybag supermarket bread drugstorebiscuit noodles medicine

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