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1、31PEP 小学英语三(上)Unit3 Look at me 教学设计 单元教学内容分析: 1.语言结构与功能:介绍五官及身体部位 This is my face / the arm.询问他人近况并回答 How are you ? Im fine/ Very well.2.词汇:face , ear , eye , nose , mouth , arm , hand , head , body , leg , foot.3.字母和语音:Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn 及其在单词中的发音。 单元学情分析:本单元学习的主题是五官和身体部位,主情景图通过孩子们观看小丑表演呈现了主要句型和词汇,通过前两

2、个单元的学习,孩子们已经积累了一些学习经验,所以本单元的教学可以通过创设各种生活情景展开,让学生在情景中学习使用词汇,做到词不离句,句不离境。单元课时分配:第一课时:P24.Lets talk , lets play , phonics time(j k)第二课时:P25.lets learn , lets do and phonics time(l)第三课时:P26.Letters and sounds P29. Find and say.第四课时:P27.Lets talk , lets play , lets sing (P35) and phonics.第五课时:P28.Lets le

3、arn, lets do , Lets sing , Read and count , Phonics .(m)第六课时:P30.Revision, lets check, look and match , phonics.(n) 32 The First Lesson一、教学内容P24.Lets talk , lets play , phonics time (j k)二、教学目标1. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2. 能按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。3. 能够在情境中运用 How are you ? Im fine , thank you .问候他人,并回

4、答他人的问候。交际中能做到做到自然、大方。4. 能够在语境中理解情景语 Lets go to school ! 的意思。5. 能听、说、读、写 Jj , Kk 两个字母,并能读出含有这两个字母的简单单词。三、教学重难点1. 重点:在情境中准确应用主题句型。2. 难点:字母的规范书写,手写体和印刷体的对应。四、教学准备1. 教师:字母卡片、本课时的人物头饰、畅言教具。2. 学生:学习用品。五、教学过程StepI. Warming up 1. Sing a song “How are you ” .P352. Greetings each other 33StepII. Leading in 1.

5、 T: Today Im happy . Im fine . How are you today ?S1 : Im fine ./ Not bad . / Very well.2. Ask and answer in pairs .StepIII. Lets talk 1. Show a picture and talk : Who are they ? Where are they ?What are they going to do ? 2. Play the flash of PartA.3. Look and talk , then read after the tape .StepI

6、V. Practice1. Try to act the dialogue with the headwear .2. A game : Invite your good friend to go to school with you . StepV. Phonics time1. Show two letter babies : Jj , Kk try to read them .2. Sounds : show ppt and try to read the wordsj j j /d/ /d/ /d/ jump jeep job jog jam juice jacket jeans Ja

7、ck k k k /k/ /k/ /k/ kite Kate king kiss kick kid bike key cake coke cock3. Try to write the letters.StepV. Summary and homework1. Have a summary about this class.2. Homework : Listen and repeat , try to write letters. 板书设计: Unit3 Lets talk.34How are you ? Im fine ./ Not bad ./ Very well.教学反思: The S

8、econd Lesson 一、教学内容P25.lets learn , lets do and phonics time(l)二、教学目标1. 能听、说、认读身体部位名词 ear , eye , nose , mouth , face 2. 能够在语境中正确应用这五个单词说出身体部位。3. 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解情境语 Look at me 的意思。4. 能在图片和教师的帮助下听懂 Lets do 部分的指令,并能按指令做出相应的动作。5. 能听、说、读、写字母 Ll , 并能读出字母在单词中的发音。三、教学重难点1. 重点:听、说、认读三会单词,字母、音素认读。2. 难点:三会单词的音

9、、形、义对应。四、教学准备1. 教师:词卡、教学图片、音素 ppt、畅言教具。2. 学生:相关学习用具。35五、教学过程StepI. Warming up and leading in 1. Greetings each other, then introduce your good friends.2. sing the song “How are you”.StepII. Presentation1. Show and introduce:T: Hello ! Im Zoom . Look at me ! This is my face .f-a-ce face 2. learn othe

10、r new words in the same way .StepIII. Practice1. Listen , point and repeat.2. Work in pairs and try to point and read the new words.3. Have a test .Listen and point . Point and say .Look the word cards , then read and point . Put the word cards on the right pictures.4. A game : Make a face with the

11、cards .StepIV. Lets do .1. Listen to the teacher and do the action with the teacher.2. listen to the tape and do the action .3. A game ; Quick action StepV. Phonics time363. Show the letter : Ll , try to read and write 4. Sounds : show ppt and try to read the wordsStepVI. HomeworkTry to read the new

12、 words and sounds. Make letter cards.板书设计: Unit 2 Look at me ! Lets learn教学反思: The Third Lesson 一、教学内容P26.Letters and sounds P29. Find and say.二、教学目标1.能听、说、认读、Ee , Ff , Gg , Hh , Ii 并规范书写。2.知道这些字母在单词中的发音,并读出含有这些字母的单词。373.了解单词是由字母组成的,大胆开口说,不怕犯错误。三、教学重难点1. 重点:能听、说、认读 Jj ,Kk , Ll , Mm , Nn 2. 难点:规范书写字母

13、,并准确发音。四、教学准备1. 教师:字母卡片及头饰、音素 ppt、畅言教具。2. 学生:相关学习用具。五、教学过程StepI. Warming up 1.Greetings each other.2. Revise the words with the cards, then introduce :This is my ear .3. Lets do .StepII. Lets sing 1. Show ABC song and sing the song with the flash.2. Sing the song together.StepIII. Letters and sounds

14、 1. Show ppt and learn the sounds of the letters.2. Listen , repeat and chant .3. Listen and circle.4. Write and say. StepIV. Start to read.381. Find and say 2. Try to do some letter exercise on the ppt.StepVI. HomeworkTry to read and write the letters.板书设计: Unit2. Letters jeep jumpkite Katelong leg

15、 教学反思: The Fourth Lesson一、教学内容P27.Lets talk , lets play , lets sing (P35) and phonics(m).二、教学目标1.能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。2.能按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演。393.能在情境中准确运用问候语 How are you ? Very well, thanks.4.能够在语境中理解情境语 Lets make a puppet ! Great !的意思。5. 能听、说、读 、写 Mm , 并能读出字母在单词中的发音。三、教学重难点1. 重点:在情境中准确应用主题句型,做

16、到语调自然。2. 难点:Very well .的准确发音。四、教学准备1. 教师:字母卡片、音素 ppt、本课时的人物头饰、畅言教具。2. 学生:自制一个小木偶。五、教学过程StepI. Warming up 1. Greetings each other.2. Lets sing “How are you”. 3. Ask the students to introduce their friends , then revise : How are you ? Im fine , thank you .StepII. Leading in 1. Ask and answer T: How a

17、re you ? S1: Im fine , thank you . How are you ?T: Very well , thanks .2. Pratice in pairs.Step3III. Lets talk 1. Look , listen and talk 40Who can you see in the picture ? What are they doing ?2. Listen and repeat , then practise in pairs .3. Act the dialogue with the headwear.StepIV. Lets play1. As

18、k and answer one by one .2. Find a friend, then try to invite him to do sth. StepV. Phonics time.1. Revise Jj , Kk , Ll . 2. Sounds : Show ppt and learn m m m /m/m/m/ mum milk map mad moon meet mail mask manyStepV. Summary and homework1. Have a summary about this class. 2. Listen and repeat.板书设计: Unit2 Lets talk.- How are you ?- Very well , thanks .教学反思:

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