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1、 2018 年 6 月四级翻译练习题 20 道英语四级翻译练习题 1:西安古都西安,一颗闪烁着古代文明和高科技之光的历史文化名城。西安古名长安,是世界四大古都之一。踏上这古老的黄土地,无处不在的是千古文人(literati)名士 (people with literary reputation)传诵于世的古风古韵。历史文化的沉积,造就了一个著名的旅游城市。西安,这座让游人流连忘返的城市,在很久以前就享有“通史博物馆(General History Museum ) ”的美誉。范文:Ancient capital Xian is a noted historic and cultural cit

2、y shining the light of ancient civilization and high technology. Xian,once called Changan, is one of the four ancient capitals of the world. Setting foot on this ancient ground, you can feel ancient customs and rhymes everywhere, which have been widely read by literati and people with literary reput

3、ation for thousands of years. This famous tourism city is created by the sediment of historical culture. Xian,a city that let people linger on with no thought of leaving has long enjoyed the good name of the“General History Museum”翻译详解:1.历史文化名城 :翻译为 a noted historic and cultural city。2.黄土地 :直接翻译成 gr

4、ound 即可,不必直译。3.古风古韵 :古风指“古代的风俗习惯”,古韵指“古代的音韵”,故可译为 ancient customs and rhyme。该词组所处句子缺少主语,在翻译时需增译主语。4.流连忘返 :可译为 to have much enjoyment and forget to go back home 或者 to linger on with no thought of leaving, linger on 意为“徘徊;流连”。5.历史文化的沉积 :可译为 sediment of historical culture。sediment 意为“沉积”。英语四级翻译练习题 2:对联

5、对联(couplet)是由富有诗意的两句话组成,通常是押韵的(rhymed)。人们用所能掌握的最好的书法水平将它们写在红色竖纸条上。上联(the first line of a couplet)贴在前门的右侧,下联贴在前门的左侧。此外,横批(the horizontalscroll)是横着贴在门框上的。对联是中国独特文化的一部分。它也是一个同时与中国语言和文字相关的艺术。今天,对联常被用作中国传统节日的装饰。参考翻译:The couplet is comprised of a pair of lines of poetry that are usually rhymed,which are w

6、ritten on vertical slips of red paper in the best calligraphic style one can master.The first line of a couplet is posted on the right side of the front door.The second line of a couplet is posted on the left of a couplet side of the front door.In addition,the horizontal scroll is posted across and

7、on top of the doorframe.Couplet is a part of Chinese unique culture and also an art related to both the Chinese,language and Chinese characters.Today,it is often used as a decoration during traditional Chinese festivals.1.对联是由富有诗意的两句话组成,通常是押韵的:“富有诗意的两句话”可翻译为 a pair of lines of poetry。“押韵的”可译为 rhymed

8、。2.人们用所能掌握的最好的书法水平将它们写在红色竖纸条上:该句可以和第一句话结合,作定语从句。其中“写在红色竖纸条上”可以翻译为written on vertical slips of red paper。“人们用所能掌握的最好的书法水平”则用 in 短语引出,译为 in the best calligraphic style one can master。3.上联贴在前门的右侧,下联贴在前门的左侧:本句中的“上联”以及“下联”不能按照汉语意思直接意为 upper line 和 downn line,而要根据意思译为 the first line of a couplet 和 the sec

9、ond line of a couplet。下文中的“横批”可译为 the horizontal scroll,因为它是横着贴的,所以要用horizontal 翻译。4.它也是一个同时与中国语言和文字相关的艺术:“与相关”可译为 be relate to或 have the relation to.。“同时和 ”可用 both and来表示。1.对联是由富有诗意的两句话组成,通常是押韵的:“富有诗意的两句话”可翻译为 a pair of lines of poetry。“押韵的”可译为 rhymed。英语四级翻译练习题 3:木雕中国木雕(wood carving)有着悠久的历史,是中国传统艺术

10、之一。人们认为现存最早的木雕大约是在三千年前的战国时期雕刻完成的。在中国,木雕主要分成三个类别:建筑雕刻、家具雕刻和艺术品雕刻。中国的木雕以其令人印象深刻的细致构造和主题之美受到了全世界的欣赏。今天,我们可以在私人画廊里看到传统木雕,也可以在长江两岸整个区域的宅邸装饰上看到它。参考翻译:Chinese wood carving is one of Chinese traditional arts with a time-honored history.The earliest existing wood carving is believed to be made during the War

11、ring States Period about three thousand years ago.Wood carving in China constitutes three major categories: architecture carving, furniture carving and artworks carving.Chinese wood carving is appreciated worldwide for its impressively detailed structures and the beauty of its themes.Today,tradition

12、al wood carvings can be seen in private galleries and also on the decorations over residential areas on both sides of the Yangtze River.1.中国的木雕有着悠久的历史:“悠久的历史”可译为 a longhistory,也可译为 a time-honored history, time-honored 意为“悠久的,老的”,如,“中华老字号”则为 time-honored brand of China。2.人们认为现存最早的木雕大约是在三千年前的战国时期雕刻完成的

13、:本句可以将“人们”一词省去不译,用 theearliest existing wood carving 作主语。谓语则是“被认为是”,可译为 be believed to,这里的 to 是动词不定式的标志。“雕刻完成”即“被做好”,可译为 be made。“在三千年前的战国时期”则译作状语, 即 during theWarring States Period about three thousand years ago。英语四级翻译练习题 4:太极拳太极拳(Tai Chi)是一系列缓慢的动作,旨在修炼身心。它就像是一种舞蹈,却不需要你随音乐起舞,而是需要你向内看,聆听内心的节奏。它创自数千年

14、前,原本是一种武术(martial art)一种自卫的技艺。然而,它的武术方面如今不太流行了。目前全世界成千上万人练习它,主要是由于它对于人类健康的神奇作用。它将身体动作与平静、冥想的(meditative) 心理状态结合起来,所以也被称作“冥想运动(meditation in motion) ”。Tai ChiTai Chi is a series of slow movements which areaimed at trainning us physically and mentally. It isjust like a dance that requires you to look

15、inside anddance to the internal rhythms instead of music. Itwas created thousands of years ago as a martial art and specifically as a defensive art.However, nowadays its martial aspect is not that popular. It is practiced by thousands ofpeople around the world mostly because of its miraculous effect

16、s on humans health. It is oftencalled “meditation in motion” because it combines the bodys movements with the calm andmeditative state of mind.1.修炼身心 :可译为 train us physically and mentally 或者译为 train the body and mind 此处译文的 us 为补译的内容,为的是使英语句子结构完整。2.随音乐起舞 :应译为 dance to the music,其中 dance to 是一种固定表达方式,

17、表示“随着起舞”之意。3.一种自卫的技艺 :应译为 a defensive art。这里的“技艺”指“手脚灵巧,有技能”,所以不能翻译成 technique。4.它对于人类健康的神奇作用:翻译为 its miraculous effects on humans health,其中要注意与 effects 搭配使用的介词为 on。5.将结合起来 :对应的英文表达为 combine.with.参考翻译:英语四级翻译 练习题 5:脸谱脸谱(facial makeup)在中国戏曲中是一种特殊的艺术表现形式。它们淸楚地展示了不同角色的外表,还有他们的性情(disposition)和道德品质。脸谱也有助于

18、表达对角色的褒贬。脸谱有不同的颜色,如红、黄、蓝、白、黑、紫、绿、金和银。脸谱的主色象征着人物的性情。例如,红色代表忠诚、勇气和正直,金色和银色通常用于神灵。脸谱可以辅助男女演员在表演中表达情感。参考翻译:Facial makeup is a special art form in Chineseoperas.They distinctly show the appearances ofdifferent roles as well as their dispositions and moraltraits.In addition, facial makeups also serve toex

19、press praise or condemnation toward thecharacters.Different colors such as red, yellow, blue, white, black, purple, green, gold and silverare used for facial makeups.The main color in a facial makeup symbolizes the disposition ofthe character.For example,red indicates devotion,courage and uprightnes

20、s, while gold andsilver are usually used for gods and spirits.Facial makeups can assist the actors and actresses inexpressing their feelings when they act.1.它们清楚地展示了不同角色的外表,还有他们的性情和道德品质:“清楚地” 可译为 distinctly。“展示不同角色的外表”可译为 show the appearances of different roles。“还有”在该句中等同于“也”,可以用 as well as 来表达。“性情”

21、 和“道德品质”可以分别译为 dispositions 和moral traits。2.脸谱也有助于表达对角色的褒贬:“有助于表达”可译为 serve to express,在这里 serve 是“对.有用”的意思。“对角色的褒贬”可译为praise or condemnation toward the characters。3.脸谱可以辅助男女演员在表演中表达情感:该句可译为一个复合句,可以理解为“在男女演员表演时,脸谱可以帮助他们表达情感”,即 Facial makeups assist the actors and actresses in expressing theirfeeling

22、s when they act。其中“ 辅助”可译为 assist。英语四级翻译练习题 6:皮影戏皮影戏(shadow play)是中国最古老的戏剧之一。它起源于 2000 多年前的古长安,盛行于唐代和宋代。在中国古代,这是一个流行的民间戏曲形式,而且它是世界电影的祖先。当时,它就像现代的电影和电视一样给人们带来欢乐。表演者跟着音乐歌唱,同时控制着皮影工具。这些戏剧的内容更多是关于传统的历史戏画中。皮影戏是世界文化和艺术大家庭中的瑰宝。参考翻译:Shadow play is one of the oldest operas in China. It was rooted in ancient

23、Changan over 2,000 years ago and prevailed in the Tang and Song Dynasties.It was a popular folk drama in ancient China and also the ancestor of films in the worid. At that time, it brought people pleasure as modern movies and TVs do.Actors sing with the music, and control shadow tools at the same ti

24、me.The contents of those plays are more about traditional historical dramas and fable stories.Shadow play is the treasure among the worlds cultures and arts.1.它起源于 2000 多年前的古长安,盛行于唐代和宋代:“起源于”可译为 be rooted in。“盛行于 ”可译为 prevail in, prevail 意为“盛行,流行”。2.当时,它就像现代的电影和电视一样给人们带来欢乐:“当时”可译为at that time。“就像现代的

25、电影和电视一样”可用 as 引导的从句来表示,即as modern movies and TVs do。“给人们带来欢乐”可译为 bring people pleasure。3.表演者跟着音乐歌唱,同时控制着皮影工具:“跟着音乐歌唱”可译为sing with the music, with 意为“跟着,随着”。“同时”可译为 at the same time,还可译为 meanwhile、in the meantime。“控制着皮影工具”中“控制”可译为 control,常用短语为 incontrol(控制中 ),out of control(失去控制)等。“ 皮影工具”则为 shadow t

26、ools。英语四级翻译练习题 7:蜡染据说在中国,蜡染(wax printing)早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现,但它最初作为成品出现是在唐朝。蜡染是“丝绸之路”的商品之一,这些商品被出口到欧洲和其他地方。蜡染在中国是代代传承下来的。它是苗族(Miao ethnic minority)独特的绘画和手工染色工艺。作为中国最具有民族特色的艺术之一,蜡染产品的种类很多,有墙上挂饰、邮包、书包、桌套等等。参考翻译:It is believed that wax printing appeared in China asearly as the late Qin or early Han Dynasty,

27、but it firstoccurred as a finished product during the TangDynasty. It was one of “the Silk Road“ goods thatwere exported to Europe and elsewhere.Wax printinghas been passed down from generation to generation in China. It is a unique drawing anddyeing handwork of the Miao ethnic minority. As one of t

28、he most characteristic national artsin China, wax printing products are various including wall hangings, letter bags, bags, table-clothes and so on.1.据说在中国,蜡染早在秦末或者汉初就已经出现:“据说”可译为 it is said that 或 it is believed that。表示时间状语的词“秦末”和“汉初”分别可译为 the late Qin Dynasty 和 the early Han Dynasty。“早在”可翻译为as early as。

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