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1、一、 观点采择类句式: There is a general discussion nowadays on the problem of . Some argue/hold that ; others , on the contrary, set forth a totally different argument about the issue. (最近,问题引起了人们的广泛讨论。 有些人认为,另一些人关于此问题则提出了一个截然不同的观点) In reaction to the phenomenon/ in answer to the problem/ in response to the

2、ongoing social change, some people argue that , in their minds, .However, others maintain . In their eyes, .(为应对这一现象/问题/ 不断变化的社会,有些人认为,在他们心里,然而,另一些人主张在他们眼中) Personally, I side with the former/latter opinions.(就我个人而言,我支持前者/后者) I am of the opinion that priority should be given to .(我支持这样一种观点,即,我们应优先考虑

3、) In conclusion, it is clear that .(总之,显然)模板:There is no consensus among people as to the view of ( ) . The opinions vary from person to person.(关于,人们的观点没能达到一致。每个人的观点都不一样)Some people hold the idea that ( ). A case in point is that ( ). Others, however, may stand on a different ground. According to t

4、hem, . The most typical example is .(有些人持有这样一种观点。相关的例子就是。另一些人,然而,可能站在不同的立场。据他们看来,。最典型的例子就是)Weighing the pros and cons of these arguments, I am inclined to side with .Admittedly, the former point of view seems reasonable to some extent, but is more convincing. (权衡了这些论点的利弊之后,我倾向于支持。不可否认,前者的观点在某种程度上似乎合

5、理。但是很更有说服力)二、 观点论证模板:When asked about , some people hold the idea that . As they see it, .But I could not agree with them in several points. In my point of view, .(当问到,有些人持有这样一种观点。在他们看来,)但是我在以下几点上不能同意他们。在我看来,)The reasons for my choice can be listed as follows. (出于以下几个原因,我做出了选择)For the reasons mentio

6、ned above, I firmly believe that .(基于以上提及的几条原因,我坚定地认为)三、 现象阐释类句式: Recently, the phenomenon of has become the focus of public concern,(最近,现象已经成为公众关注的焦点) It is no easy/ simple tasks to offer the reasons for this phenomenon which involves more than one complicated factor. Among all the important/ convi

7、ncing reasons for , one should be emphasized.(列出这一现象背后的原由并不容易,因为它涉及到了不止一个复杂因素。在所有关于的有力原因中,有一个应当受到重视。 ) The significant effects of this phenomenon are undeniable, which can be concluded as the following aspects.(这一现象的巨大效应不可否认,总结一下,有以下几个方面。 )框架:Recently, the phenomenon of has become the focus of publi

8、c concern. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? On my standpoint, there are several as follows.(最近,现象已经成为公众关注的焦点。这一现象背后的原因是什么?在我看来,有以下几点。 )First of all, . What is more, . Last but not the least, .(首先, 其次, 最后)The significant effects of this phenomenon are undeniable, which can be concluded as th

9、e following aspects. On one hand, . On the other hand, .(这一现象的巨大效应不可否认,总结一下,有以下几个方面。一方面,另一方面,)四、 问题解决类模板:In recent years, hand in hand with the development of the economy/ society/ peoples living standard, we are faced with a serious phenomenon that .In order to solve this problem, it is essential f

10、or us to analyze the causes behind it.(今年来,随着经济/ 社会 /人民生活水平的提高,我们面临着一个严肃的现象,即,为了解决这一问题,我们必须分析其背后的原因。)What has caused this problem? It seems to me that there are several reasons as follows.(什么导致了这一问题?似乎,有以下几点原因)In view of the seriousness of the phenomenon, effective measure should be taken as follows

11、, .On one hand, it is high time that people all over China realized the seriousness of the phenomenon; On the other hand, the government should issue laws and regulations to put the situation under control. Only in these ways can we successfully solve the problem.(鉴于问题的严肃性,我们应当采取以下几条有效措施。一方面,是时候,全中国

12、的人们都应意识到问题的严肃性。另一方面,政府应当出台法律法规来控制局面。只有以这些方式,我们才能成功地解决这一问题)以“Going on Diet”为题,根据以下提纲写一篇字数不少于 120 字的作文。(1) 节食减肥渐成时尚(2) 这现象背后的原因(3) 你的看法Example :Going on DietCurrently, the phenomenon of going on diet has become the focus of public concern. People across the world, whether old or young, male or female,

13、 seem to be crazy to follow the trend of being thin.It is no easy/simple task to offer the reasons behind this phenomenon, which involves a combination of complicated factors. Perhaps the primary one lies in the fact that a growing number of people now hold that stoutness does not conform to the mod

14、ern ideals of beauty. As they see it, the word fat simply means “ugly”. Furthermore, obesity adds to peoples vulnerability in front of diseases. On the contrary, going on diet helps people keep fit and increase their life expectancy. In addition, going on diet proves an effective way to reshape your

15、 image, which plays a significant role in achieving success in both career and interpersonal relationship.From my perspective, it is definitely a healthy fashion for people to go on diet. Going on diet is not merely a matter whether you want to look well but a matter whether you want to lead a greener life.

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