1、中国农业大学本科课程简介(上)1目 录全校公共课程 .1马克思主义理论课和思想品德课 .1思想道德修养 Cultivation of Ideology & Morality .1思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideology morality & law basis .1毛泽东思想概论 Mao Zedong Thought .2邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论 Dengxiaopings Theories and Three-deputy Important Theories.2毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想概论 Conspectus of Maozedongs ideologie
2、s Dengxiaopings Theories and Three-deputy Tmportant Theories.3马克思主义政治经济学原理 The Discipline of Marxist Economics .3当代世界经济与政治 Contemporary Economy and Politics of the World .4公共外语课 .5大学英语 College English .5大学日语 College Japanese .6大学俄语 College Russian .6农学与生物技术学院 College of Agronomy and Biotechnology .8
3、普通遗传学 General Genetics .8植物组织与细胞培养 B Plant Tissue and Cell Culture B .8田间试验设计和生物统计 BField trial design and biostatistics .9分子生物学导论 Introduction of Molecular Biology .9分子生物学基本原理与技术 Principles and Technologies of Molecular Biology .10植物病理学 Plant Pathology .11农业昆虫学 Agricultural Entomology .11农业生态学 Agro
4、ecology .12种子学 Seed Science .13粮食作物栽培学 Food Crops Cultivation .13经济作物栽培 Cash Crops Cultivation .14耕作学 Cropping System & Soil Management .14作物育种原理 Principles of Crop Breeding .15现代作物生产原理和技术 Modern Principle and Techniques of Crop Production .15农学方向专业英语 Professional English for Agronomy .16植物遗传育种实验技术
5、Plant Genetic and Breeding Laboratory Technique .16分子遗传学和生物技术基础 Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology .17作物栽培学 A Crop Cultivation Methods and Techniques .18植物育种学 Plant Breeding .18育种方向专业英语 Professional English .19农业总论 Agricultural Development Principles .20中国农业与世界农业 China Agriculture & World Agricult
6、ure .20杂草学 Weed Science .21作物品质生理 Crop Quality Physiology .21作物生态生理 Crop Ecophysiology .22农业推广学 Popularization in Agriculture .22农业信息技术 Agricultural Information Technology .23农作物化控与实验技术 Principle and Technology of Crop Chemical Regulation .23作物栽培生理及其研究方法 Crop Cultivation Physiology and Research Tech
7、niques .24中国农业大学本科课程简介(上)2园艺通论 General Horticulture .25饲用作物栽培 Introduction of Feed Crop Science .25细胞遗传学 Cytogenetics .26群体及数量遗传学导论 Introduction to Population and Quantitative Genetics .26作物品质改良与鉴定技术 Improvement and Identification Method for Crop Quality .27科技论文写作 Writing of Scientific Paper .27田间技术
8、与生物学观察 Crop Practice and Biological Investigation .28园艺植物病害防治 Disease management of Ornamental Plant .29园艺植物虫害防治 Horticultural Entomology .29设施园艺学 Science of Horticultural Engineering .29园艺植物营养学 Horticultural Plant Nutrition Science .30园艺商品学 Horticulture Commodity Science .31园艺产品采后生理与技术 Postharvest
9、Physiology and Technology of Horticultural Products.32园艺研究法与论文写作 Horticultural Study-method .33观赏植物概论 An Introduction to the Ornamental Plant .33果树栽培学 (上) Fruit Cultivation (Superior) .34果树栽培学(下) Fruit Trees Culture (Second Part) .34果树育种学 Fruit Breeding .35蔬菜栽培概论 General Principle of Vegetable Crops
10、 .36果树修剪学 Trading and Pruning of Fruit Trees .36蔬菜栽培学(上)Vegetable Culture .37蔬菜栽培学(下)Vegetable Culture .37蔬菜育种学(上)Vegetable Breeding .38蔬菜育种学(下)Vegetable Breeding .38无土栽培学 Soilless Culture .39果树栽培概论 General Principle of Fruit Culture .40工厂化育苗 Industrial Seedling .40稀有蔬菜生产与食用 Special Vegetable for Cu
11、lture and Food .41葡萄酒工艺学 Enology .41园艺专业英语 Special English of Horticultural Science .42果树设施栽培学 Protected Cultivation of Fruit Trees .42果树种质资源学 Science of Germplasm Resources of Fruit .42实验园艺技术 Experimental Horticulture Technology .43园艺产品鉴别 Identification of Horticultural Products .43高级果树学 Advanced P
12、omology in Special English .44园田技术及生物学观察 Field Techniques and Biological Observation of Horticultural Crops.45园艺概论 General Horticulture .45普通植物病理学 General Plant Pathology .46普通植物病理学实验 General Plant pathology Experiment .47普通昆虫学 General Entomology .47农业植物病理学 Agricultural Plant Pathology .48农业植物病理学实验
13、Agricultural Plant Pathology .49农业昆虫学 Agricultural Entomology .49植病技术 Research Techniques of Plant Pathology .50昆虫技术 Insects Study Technology .51农药学 Pesticide Science .51昆虫生态 Insect Ecology .52昆虫分类 Insect Taxonomy .52中国农业大学本科课程简介(上)3昆虫生理 Insect physiology .53昆虫毒理 Insect toxicology .53害虫生物防治 Biologic
14、al Control of Pest Insect .53害虫综合治理 Integrated Pest Management .54种子病理学 Seed Pathology .55植物抗病性 Plant Resistance to Disease .55植病生物防治 Biological Control of Plant Diseases .56植物采后病理学 Plant Postharvest Pathology .57植病流行学 Botanical Epidemiology .58植物病原学 Plant Etiology .58植物检疫学 Plant Quarantine .59病虫测报
15、Pest forecast .59计算机在植保上的应用 Application of Information Technology in Plant Protection .60杂草学 Weed Science .60鼠害防治学 Rodent Management in Farmland .61植保科学进展专题 Topics on Progress of plant Protection Science .61植保专业英语 Specialized English on Plant Protection .62分子植物病理学入门 Introduction of Molecular Plant P
16、athology .63高尔夫球场草坪养护及病害防治 Golf Course Lawn Management and Disease Control .63科技论文写作 Scientific Paper Writing .64杀菌剂应用基础 The Basics of Fungicidal Application .64植物抗虫性基因工程 Plant Resistance to Insect and Genetic Engineering .65城市昆虫 Urban Entomology .66医学昆虫 Medical Entomology .66资源昆虫 Resource Entomolog
17、y .67植保系统工程 Plant Protection System Engineering .67农产品安全生产 Safety Food Production .68植物病害田间识别与诊断 Field Ovservation and Diagnosis of Plant Disease .68植物育种原理 Principles of Crop Breeding .69作物栽培学 B Crop Cultivation Methods and Techniques B .70种子生物学 Seed Biology .70种子生产学 Seed Production .71种子加工与贮藏 Seed
18、Processing and Storage .71种子检验技术 Seed Testing Technology .72种子经营管理学 Seed Business and Management .72专业英语(种子)Professional English of Seed Science and Technology .73种子学专题 Seminar on Seed Science .74种子病理学 Seed Pathology .74美术(素描) Fine Art (Sketch ) .75美术(素描)Fine Art (Sketch ) .76美术(水彩)Fine Art (Waterco
19、lour I) .76美术(水粉)Fine Art(watercolour II) .77画法几何与阴影透视 Descrptive Geometry and Shadow Perspective .77园林设计初步 Basic Design of Landscape .78园林苗圃学 Landscape Nursery .78园林景观生态学 Garden and Landscape Ecology .78花卉学 Floriculture .79园林树木学 Landscape Dendrology .80园林植物遗传育种学 Genetics and Breeding of Garden Plan
20、ts .80观赏植物采后生理与技术 Postharvest Physiology and Technology of Ornamental Plants .80中国农业大学本科课程简介(上)4园林史 History of Landscape Architecture .81园林绿地规划 Landscape and Green Space Planning .82园林设计 Landscape and Garden design .82园林工程 Landscape Engineering .83园林建筑设计 Garden Building Design .83园林植物病害防治 Disease Ma
21、nagement of Landscape Plants .83园林植物虫害防治 Insect Control of Landscape Plants .84园林艺术原理 Principle of Landscape and Garden Art .84园林设计初步 Basic Design of Landscape .84园林建筑设计 Garden Building Design .85园林平面、色彩、立体构成 Structure of Plane, Color and Stereoscopic in Landscape .85园林设计 Landscape and Garden design
22、 .86园林植物分类学 Classification of Landscape Plants .86园林计算机应用 Computer Aid Design for Landscape .87园林植物田间技术实习 The Field Practice of Garden Plants .87生物学院 College of Biology Science .88细胞生物学 Cellbiology .88动物行为学 Biology of Animal Behavior .88发育生物学 Developmental Biology .89进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology .90动物
23、生物学 Animal Biology .91普通生物学 Biology .91农业微生物学 Agricultural Microbiology .92微生物学 Microbiology .92植物生物学 Plant Biology .93植物生物学(实验班)Plant Biology .93植物生理学 Plant Physiology .93动物生理学 Animal physiology .94动物生理学大实验及实验设计 Experiments of Animal Physiology and Experiments Designing.95发酵工程 Fermentation .96基础生物化
24、学 Principle of Biochemistry .97基础生物化学实验 Fundamental Experiments of Biochemistry .97动物生物化学 Animal Biochemistry .98植物生理学 Plant Physiology .98植物生理学实验技术 Techniques in Plant Physiology Research .99普通植物形态解剖学 General Plant Morphology and Anatomy .99生命科学导论 Introduction of Biology .100生物化学实验 Biochemistry Experiments .101生物技术与分子生物学专题 Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (Topics) .101生物信息学 Bioinformatics .102微生物生理学 Microbial
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