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1、 1 / 4CONSULTING SERVICE CONTRACTThis Agreement is made by and between:Party A :【】,an corporation having its principal place of business at 【】 Its Business License No.【】; ANDParty B :【】,an corporation having its principal place of business at 【】 Its Business License No.【】“Party A” and “Party B” indi

2、vidually referred to as the “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”,Whereas(i) Party A is an independent company (ii) Party B is Party A and Party B, intending to be legally bound, Party A entrust Party B to provide the consulting service, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants

3、contained herein, agree as follows:1. Item of serviceThe “Service” herein referred to, is the .1) 2) 2. Service PeriodParty B will provide the service to Party A from【】to【】3. Price and Payment Terms1) Price: The total service fee is【RMB/USD/HKD】XXXXXXXX (including/excluding tax)2) Payment Term: Part

4、y A agrees to pay the amount of service fees for the following fixed term: Within 【】days after the signature date, and Party B begin to provide the 2 / 4service, Party A shall pay【RMB/USD/HKD】XXXXXXXX to Party B, 【】% of the total service fee; Within 【】days after the service under the agreement has c

5、ompletely performed, Party A shall pay【RMB/USD/HKD 】XXXXXXXX to Party B, 【】% of the total service fee;3) The service fee shall be paid to the designated bank account of Party B, the bank account information are as follows:Name of the bank:Address of the bank:Beneficiarys account name:Beneficiarys Ba

6、nk account number:4. Responsibility and Rights of Parties1) Party A shall pay the service fee to Party B that comply with Art.3 under this agreement;2) Party A need to provide the related necessary material(document) and information to Party B ;3) Party B shall provide the service in diligence and m

7、eet the main requirement set in Art.1;4) Party B shall complete the consulting service in the period under this agreement.5. Disclaimers1) Party B is not responsible for any interruption of Service due to problems occurred on the Internet platform or any other reasons that cannot be controlled by Pa

8、rty A;2) Party B will not be responsible for the interruption of Service owing to orders of government authorities or judicial bodies;3) Party A agrees to compensate Party B any loss attributable to the fault of the Party A;4) Two parties agree that all claims shall be limited to direct damages due

9、to the breach of this Agreement. In no event shall either party be liable to the other for any penalty, consequential, indirect, special or incidental damages including, but not limited to, loss of profit or loss of technology or operation rights or loss of business rights.6. Breach of contractIn th

10、e event that either Party breaches any provision of the Contract that results 3 / 4in the other party incurring economic losses, the party in breach shall be liable to compensate the other party for the corresponding economic losses.7. Jurisdiction and Lawsuit1) This Contract is constructed and to b

11、e executed and interpreted by the laws of the Peoples Republic of【China/Italy】.2) Any controversy or claim arising hereunder that cannot be resolved by the parties themselves, shall be settled by the court in shanghai that have the jurisdiction of the disputes;8. Force MajeureThe effected party shal

12、l notify the other party of the cases of force majeure occurred by telex or cable as soon as possible and shall send by registered airmail, within 20 days thereafter, a certificate issued by the authorities or departments concerned to the other party for confirmation. Should the effect of the force

13、majeure cases last for more than 100 days, both parties shall settle the problem of further execution of the Contract through friendly consultations as soon as possible.9. ConfidentialityExcept as expressly set forth herein, the parties shall maintain in confidence the Confidential Information of th

14、e other side. The parties shall not disclose such Confidential Information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other side.Both parties shall abide by the terms of Confidentiality in this Contract and have obligation to maintain the Confidential Information after the terminati

15、on of the Agreement. The obligation shall end only upon the consent of the other side or only if the disclosure of the Confidential Information will not cause any loss of the other side.10. Effectiveness of the ContractThis Contract commences on the date when Parties receives the contract duly signe

16、d and affixed with the companys chop.11. MiscellaneousThis agreement is in duplicate, each party hold one copy and each copy has the same legal validity. *No text below*4 / 4Signature pageIN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year below written.SIGNED by ) For and on behalf of Party A: (Company Stamp)Authorised SignatureSIGNED by ) For and on behalf of Party B: (Company Stamp)Authorised Signature

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