1、Hunan Information Science Vocational College Graduation ThesisSubject: Impacts of Cultural Differences on InternationalBusiness Negotiation Name: Student No.: Specialty and Class: Department: Supervisor: Date: 2011-3-02ContentsIntroduction.11. Types of Cultural Differences .21.1Value View.21.2. Nego
2、tiating Style.21.3. Thinking Model.22. Impact Of Cultural Differences on International Business Negotiations .42.1Impact of Value Views Differences on International Business Negotiations.42.1.1Impact of Time View Difference on Negotiation. .42.1.2Impact of Equality View Difference on Negotiation. .5
3、2.1.3 Impact of Objectivity Difference on Negotiation. .62.2 Impact of Negotiating Style Differences on International Business Negotiations. .72.3 Impact of Thinking Model Differences on International Business Negotiation.83. Coping Strategy Of Negotiating Across Cultures. .93.1 Making Preparations
4、before Negotiation. .93.2 Overcoming Cultural Prejudice.103.3 Conquering Communication Barriers. .10Conclusion.11Bibliography .12Acknowledgements.13摘 要不同文化条件下的商务谈判就是跨文化谈判。在世界经济日趋全球化的今天,随着国际间商务交往活动的频繁和密切,各国间的文化差异就显得格外的重要,否则将会引起不必要的误会,甚至可能直接影响商务交往的实际效果。这味着如何化解各国不同文化背景在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的。文章从文化差异的类型入手,然后解释了这
5、些文化差异对国际商务谈判的影响,最后分析了如何正确解决谈判过程中文化差异的问题。文章强调了这样一个观点,在不同国家商务谈判中,谈判员应该接受对方的文化,并试图是自己被对方所接受,然后在有效沟通的帮助下做出正确评估,并找出它们之间的真正利益。此外,们应该尽可能的清楚的了解并发现对方的文化。这对文化谈判的成功至关重要。关键词:文化;文化差异;商务谈判;影响AbstractThe business negotiations under different cultural conditions come to cross- cultural negotiations. With the econom
6、ic globalization and the frequent business contacts, cultural differences seem to be very important; otherwise they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding, even affect the result of the business negotiations. This means it is very important to know the different culture in different countries and
7、the ways to avoid the culture conflicts in the international business negotiations. The article commences from the types of culture differences, then it explains the impacts of these culture differences on international business negotiation and finally it analyzes how to deal with the problem of the
8、 cultural differences correctly in negotiation process. Such a standpoint is emphasized: In the business negotiations between different countries, negotiators should accept the other partys culture, and try to make him be accepted; then make a correct evaluation with the help of valid communication
9、and discover their real benefits between them. Besides, we should know clearly and try to accept the culture differences as possible as we can. It is very important for the success of culture negotiations.Key words: Culture; Cultural differences; Business negotiation; Impact1IntroductionAlong with t
10、he advancement globalization and Chinas WTO entry, business enterprises in China have to face more and more business negotiations with foreign enterprises, especially with American enterprises. In these negotiations, Chinese negotiators sometimes feel uncomfortable, puzzled, lost, irritated and the
11、alike, because of unfamiliar custom and behaviors demonstrated by American negotiators. Meanwhile, American negotiators confront the same situation. Cult rural differences between China and west countries could cause many problems. Therefore, understanding cultural differences and overcoming them is
12、 crucial in international business negotiations.Although the definition of culture is numerous and vague, it is commonly Recognized that culture is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, values, attitudes and expectations. Culture is a major determinant in business negotiation. So have a clear picture
13、 of culture differences if of great significance.21. Types of Culture DifferencesThe east countries and west countries have produced different cultures on the different continents. Among the different cultures, value views, negotiating style and thinking model appear more obvious.1.1Value ViewValue
14、view is the standard that people use to asses objective things. It includes time view, equality view and objectivity. People may draw a different or even contradictory conclusion about the same thing. Value view is one of the most important differences among the many factors. It can influence the at
15、titude, needs and behavior of people. The value view varies from nation to nation, people know that the eastern person focus on collectivism, while the western people pay more attention to individualism.1.2. Negotiating StyleNegotiating style refers to the tolerance and graces which the negotiator s
16、hows in the negotiation. The negotiators show their negotiating style through behavior, manners and the method of controlling negotiation process during the negotiation. The negotiators negotiating style has a bearing on their culture background. According to the culture differences, negotiating sty
17、le falls into two types: the east negotiating style pattern and the west negotiating style pattern.31.3. Thinking ModelThinking model reflects the culture. Because of the influences of history background, continents, words and living method, different nations generate different thinking models. Sure
18、ly, there is more than one thinking model of a nation, but one is more obvious compared with others. As a whole, east people, especially Chinese have strong comprehensive thinking, image thinking and curved thinking, while analytical thinking, abstract thinking and direct thinking are possessed by t
19、he west people. 42. Impact of Cultural Differences on International Business NegotiationsWith the rapid development of economy, we need to do business with businessmen under different culture background, so in order to reach trade agreement, it is necessary for us to study the impact of culture diff
20、erences on international negotiation in global business activities. The impact of culture differences on international negotiation is extensive and deeply. Different cultures divide the people into different group and they are also the obstacles of peoples communication. Accordingly, it is required
21、that the negotiator should accept the culture of each other. Furthermore, through culture differences, it is important that the negotiator reveal and understand the other partys goal and behavior and make him or herself be accepted by the opponent to reach agreement finally2.1Impact of Value Views D
22、ifferences on International Business NegotiationsValue Views Differences on International Business Negotiations fall into three types: time view, negotiation style, thinking model. Each has big influences on business negotiation 2.1.1 Impact of Time View Difference on Negotiation. The time view whic
23、h affects the negotiators behavior varies from east countries to west countries. The oriental or the Chinese negotiators are usually cautious and patient. They need to go through the phrases of coming up with proposes, bringing up objections and ending the trade which takes a longer time. And they h
24、ope to arrange rich time to go on a negotiation, thus knowing more about the opponent .They are good at long and continuous battle. While west people or we could say American 5people, consider time is precious. They tend to resolve problems swiftly. So, in business negotiation, American businessmen
25、often complain about the delay and the lack of efficiency of negotiators from other countries, while these countries also make a complaint that the Americans lack patience. There is a popular saying among American negotiators and businessmen: It is prohibited to steal time. That shows the time view
26、of Americans. To them, time means money. The time view of Chinese is cyclic. They use long-term and systematic viewpoints to value the importance of the topic. A famous people classify the time view into two kinds: straight-line time viewand cyclic time view. The former pay more attention to concent
27、ration and speed, and the later stress doing many things at one time. That they insist on different time view leads to different negotiating style and method. The American people represent the straight-line time view and they have a strong awareness of modern competition. They look for speed and eff
28、iciency. So they value time badly and consider time as a special commodity whose value could be assessed. They often use minute to calculate time .They hope to reduce negotiation time at every phrase and want to complete the negotiation quickly. But the Chinese time view is cyclic and they place emp
29、hasis on unity. Moreover, it is necessary to be punctual at negotiations. West people have a strong time view, if you dont comply with the appointment time, they may give you a punishment and they will regard you as unreliable and irresponsible person. Being late for negotiation will give the west b
30、usinessmen opportunities to exert pressure onyou, and then you will lose the status of being initiative. 2.1.2 Impact of Equality View Difference on NegotiationAmerica went through the bourgeoisie revolution of striving for the equality and freedom, so they take equality into their heart. Americans
31、stick to equality and fairness in business, and hope that both could gain benefit. When introducing the topic or situation, the west people would like to use concrete method, particularly data. 6Their negotiating method is that they will describe their viewpoint and propose at the beginning in order
32、 to get initiative. Under this principle, they would come up with a reasonable resolution which they think is very fair. In business relationship, the sellers from America regard the buyer as a counterpart. Americans are fairer than Japanese is sharing benefits. A lot of American managers think fair
33、 division of profits is more important than how much they could get. At this point, the east people are different. Because of the deeply influence of class view, they dont pay much attention to equality. They usually adopt single-win strategy in business negotiations. When involving economic benefit
34、s they think much about their own benefits and profits and dont give so much attention to the benefit of their partners. The market economic system of developed countries is quite mature, so west countries take win-win strategy more in negotiation; basically, they could take the benefits of both int
35、o consideration.2.1.3 Impact of Objectivity Difference on NegotiationThe objectivity in international business negotiation reflects the degree to which people treat any things. West people especially Americans have a strong objectivity on the understanding of issues. At negotiation table, Americans
36、dont care much about relationship between people. They dont care if the status of the opponent is equal to theirs. They make decision based on facts and data, not people. The saying that public things use public ways is a reflection of American objectivity. Therefore,Americans emphasize that Businessmen should distinguish people and issues, what they are really interested in is the actual problems. But in the other parts of the world, it is impossible for them to distinguish people and issues.
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