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1、全新版大学英语综合教程 3 课文原文及翻译unit 1 Mr. Dohert?y Builds? His Dream Life In Americ?a many people? have a romant?ic idea of life in the countr?yside. Many living? in towns dream of starti?ng up their own farm, of living? off the land. Few get round to puttin?g their dreams? into practi?ce. This is perhap?s ju

2、st as well, as the life of a farmer? is far from easy, as Jim Dohert?y discov?ered when he set out to combin?e being a writer? with runnin?g a farm. Nevert?heless?, as he explai?ns, he has no regret?s and remain?s enthus?iastic? about his decisi?on to change? his way of life. 在美国,不少人对乡村?生活怀有浪漫?的情感。许

3、多居住在城?镇的人梦想着 ?自己办个农场 ?,梦想着靠土地?为生。很少有人真去?把梦想变为现? 实。或 许这也没有?什么不好,因为,正如吉姆?多尔蒂当初开? 始其写作和 农?场经营双重生?涯时 所体验到 ?的那样,农耕生活 远非?轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔?,对自己作出的?改变生活方式?的决定仍热情?不减。 Mr. Dohert?y Builds? His Dream Life Jim Dohert?y 1 There are two things? I have always? wanted? to do - write and live on a farm. Today Im doi

4、ng both. I am not in E. B. Whites class as a writer? or in my neighb?ors league? as a farmer?, but Im by. And after years of frustr?ation with city and suburb?an living?, my wife Sandy and I have gettin?gfinall?y found conten?tment here in the countr?y. 多尔蒂先生创?建自己的理想 ?生活 吉姆 ?多尔蒂 有两件事是我?一直想做的 写作与务农。如

5、今我同时做? 着这两件事。作为作家,我和 E?B?怀特不属同一?等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不?是同一 类人,不过我应付得? 还行。在城市以及郊?区历经 多年的 ?怅惘失望之后?,我和妻子桑迪?终于在这里的?乡 村寻觅到心 ?灵的满足。 2 Its a self-relian?t sort of life. We grow nearly? all of our fruits? and vegeta?bles. Our hens keep us in eggs, with severa?l dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provid?e

6、us with honey, and we cut enough? wood to just about make it throug?h the heatin?g season?. 这是一种自力?更生的生活。我 们食用的果? 蔬几乎都是自?己种的。自家饲养的鸡?提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩? 余几十个出售? 。自家养殖的蜜? 蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还 自己动?手砍柴,足可供过冬取?暖之用。 3 Its a satisf?ying life too. In the summer? we canoe on the river, go picnic?king in the woods and take lon

7、g bicycl?e rides. In the winter? we ski and skate. We get excite?d about sunset?s. We love the smell of the earth warmin?g and the sound of cattle? lowing?. We watch for hawks in the sky and deer in the cornfi?elds. 这也是一种令?人满足的生活?。夏日里我 们在? 河上荡 舟,在林子里野餐?,骑着自行车长?时间 漫游。冬日里我们滑? 雪溜冰。我们为落日的?余辉 而激动。我 们爱闻大地

8、? 回暖的气息, 爱听牛群哞叫? 。我 们 守着看鹰 ?儿飞过上空,看玉米田 间鹿?群嬉跃。 1/75 页 4 But the good life can get pretty? tough. Three months? ago when it was 30 below, we spent two misera?ble days haulin?g firewo?od up the river on a sled. Three months? from now, it will be 95 above and we will be cultiv?ating corn, weedin?g stra

9、wb?erries? and killin?g chicke?ns. Recent?ly, Sandy and I had to retile? the back roof. Soon Jim, 16 and Emily, 13, the younge?st of our four childr?en, will help me make some long-overdu?e improv?ements? on the outdoo?r toilet? that supple?ments our indoor? plumbi?ng when we are workin?g outsid?e.

10、Later this month, well spray the orchar?d, paint the barn, plant the garden? and clean the hen house before? the new chicks? arrive?. 但如此美妙的?生活有时会变? 得相当艰苦。就在三个月前?,气温降到 华氏? 零下 30 度,我们辛苦劳作?了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿?着河边拖运木? 柴。再过三个月,气温会升到 9?5 度,我 们就要给玉? 米松土,在草莓地除草 ?,还要宰杀家禽?。前一 阵子我和? 桑迪不得不翻 ?修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的?两个小的,16

11、岁的吉米? 和 13 岁的埃? 米莉,会帮着我一起? 把拖了很久没 ?修的室外厕所?修葺一下,那是专为室外?干活修建的。这个月晚些时? 候,我们要给果树?喷 洒药水,要油漆谷 仓,要给菜园播种? ,要赶在新的小? 鸡 运到之前清 ?扫鸡 舍。 5 In betwee?n such chores?, I manage? to spend 50 to 60 hours a week at the typewr?iter or doing report?ing for the freela?nce articl?es I sell to magazi?nes and newspa?pers. San

12、dy, meanwh?ile, pursue?s her own demand?ing schedu?le. Beside?s the usual househ?old routin?e, she overse?es the garden? and beehiv?es, bakes bread, cans and freeze?s, drives? the kids to their music lesson?s, practi?ces with them, takes organ lesson?s on her own, does resear?ch and typing? for me,

13、writes? an articl?e hersel?f now and then, tends the flower? beds, stacks? a little? wood and delive?rs the eggs. There is, as the old saying? goes, no rest for the wicked? on a place like this - and not much for the virtuo?us either?. 在这些活计之?间 ,我每周要抽空 ?花五、六十个小 时,不是打字撰文?,就是为作为自?由撰稿人投 给? 报刊的文章 进?行采访。

14、桑迪则有她自?己繁忙的工作 ?日程。除了日常的家 ?务,她还照管菜园?和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学?音乐,和他们一起练?习,自己还要上风? 琴课,为我做些研究?工作并打字,自己有时也写?写文章,还要侍弄花圃? ,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的?那样,在这种情形之? 下,坏人不得闲贤德之人也歇?不了。 6 None of us will ever forget? our first winter?. We were buried? under five feet of snow from Decemb?er throug?h March. While one storm a

15、fter anothe?r blaste?d huge drifts? up agains?t the house and barn, we kept warm inside? burnin?g our own wood, eating? our own apples? and loving? every minute? of it. 我们谁也不会?忘记第一年的? 冬天。从 12 月一直 ?到 3 月底,我们 都被深达?5 英尺的积雪? 困着。暴风雪肆虐,一 场接着一场?,积雪厚厚地覆?盖着屋子和谷?仓,而室内,我 们用自己砍?伐的木柴烧火?取暖,吃着自家种植?的苹果,温馨快 乐每一? 分钟。

16、 7 When spring? came, it brough?t two floods?. First the river overfl?owed, coveri?ng much of our land for weeks. Then the growin?g season? began, swampi?ng us under wave after wave of produc?e. Our freeze?r filled? up with cherri?es, raspbe?rries, strawb?erries?, aspara?gus, peas, beans and corn. T

17、hen our canned?-goods shelve?s and cupboa?rds began to grow with preser?ves, tomato? juice, grape juice, plums, jams and jellie?s. Eventu?ally, the baseme?nt floor disapp?eared under piles of potato?es, squash? and pumpki?ns, and the barn began to fill with apples? and pears. It was amazin?g. 开春后,有过

18、两次泛滥?。一次是河水外? 溢,我们不少田地 ?被淹了几个星?期。接着一次是生?长季 节到了,一波又一波的? 农产品潮涌而?来,弄得我们应接?不暇。我们的冰箱里? 塞满 2/75 页了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放?食品罐的架子?上、柜橱里也开始? 堆满一罐罐的 ?腌渍食品,有番茄汁、葡萄汁、李子、果酱和果冻。最后,地窖里遍地是?大堆大堆的土?豆、西葫芦、南瓜,谷仓里也储满? 了苹果和梨。真是太美妙了?。 8 The next year we grew even more food and manage?d to get throug?h the winter? on

19、firewo?od that was mostly? from our own trees and only 100 gallon?s of heatin?g oil. At that point I began thinki?ng seriou?sly about quitti?ng my job and starti?ng to freela?nce. The timing? was terrib?le. By then, Shawn and Amy, our oldest? girls were attend?ing expens?ive Ivy League? school?s and

20、 we had only a few thousa?nd dollar?s in the bank. Yet we kept coming? back to the same questi?on: Will there ever be a better? time? The answer?, decide?dly, was no, and so - with my employ?ers blessi?ngs and half a years pay in accumu?lated benefi?ts in my pocket? - off I went. 第二年我们种?了更多的作物? ,差不多

21、就靠着?从自家树林砍?斫的木柴以及 ?仅仅 100 加?仑的燃油过了?冬。其时,我开始认真考?虑起辞了职去? 从事自由撰稿 ?的事来。时机选得实在?太差。当 时,两个大的女儿? 肖恩和埃米正?在费用很高的?常春藤学校上 ?学,而我们 只有几?千美金的银行? 存款。但我们一再回 ?到一个老问题 ?上来:真的会有更好?的时机吗,答案无疑是否?定的。于是,带着老板的祝? 福,口袋里揣着作?为累积 津贴的? 半年薪水,我走了。 9 There have been a few anxiou?s moment?s since then, but on balanc?e things? have gone

22、much better? than we had any right to expect?. For variou?s storie?s of mine, Ive crawle?d into black-bear dens for Sports? Illust?rated, hitche?d up dogsle?d racing? teams for Smiths?onian magazi?ne, checke?d out the Lake Champl?ain monste?r for Scienc?e Digest?, and canoed? throug?h the Bounda?ry

23、Waters? wilder?ness area of Minnes?ota for Destin?ations?. 那以后有过一? 些焦虑的时刻?,但总的来说,情况比我们料?想的要好得多 ?。为了写那些内 ?容各不相同的? 文章,我为体育画 报爬进过黑熊窝?;为史密森期刊替参赛的一组?组狗套上 过雪? 橇;为科学文摘调查过尚普兰?湖水怪的真相?;为终点杂志在明尼苏?达划着小舟穿? 越美、加边界水域内?的公共荒野保 ?护区。 10 Im not making? anywhe?re near as much money as I did when I was employ?ed full tim

24、e, but now we dont need as much either?. I genera?te enough? income? to handle? our $600-a-month mortga?ge paymen?ts plus the usual expens?es for a family? like ours. That includ?es everyt?hing from music lesson?s and dental? bills to car repair?s and colleg?e costs. When it comes to insura?nce, we

25、have a poor mans major-medica?l policy?. We have to pay the first $500 of any medica?l fees for each member? of the family?. It picks up 80% of the costs beyond? that. Althou?gh we are stuck with paying? minor expens?es, our premiu?m is low - only $560 a year - and we are covere?d agains?t catast?ro

26、phe. Aside from that and the policy? on our two cars at $400 a year, we have no other insura?nce. But we are settin?g aside $2,000 a year in an IRA. 我挣的钱远比?不上担任全职? 工作时的收入? ,可如今我们需 ?要的钱也没有?过去多。我挣的钱足以?应付每月 60?0 美金的房屋 ?贷款按揭以及 ?一家人的日常?开销。那些开销包括?了所有支出,如音乐课学费? 、牙医账单、汽车维修以及?大学 费用等等? 。至于保 险,我们买了一份?低收入者的主?要医

27、疗项 目保? 险。我们需要 为每?一位家庭成员? 的任何一项医? 疗费 用支付最?初的 500 美?金。医疗保险则支?付超出部分的?80, 。虽然我们仍要 ?支付小部分医?疗费用,但我们的保险?费也低- 每年只要 56?0 美金-而我们给自己? 生大病保了险? 。除了 这一保险?项目,以及两辆汽车?每年 400 美?金的保险 ,我们就没有其? 他保 险了。不过我们每年? 留出 2000?美元入个人退 ?休金账户。 3/75 页 11 Weve been able to make up the differ?ence in income? by cuttin?g back withou?t ap

28、prec?iably loweri?ng our standa?rd of living?. We contin?ue to dine out once or twice a month, but now we patron?ize local restau?rants instea?d of more expens?ive places? in the city. We still attend? the opera and ballet? in Milwau?kee but only a few times a year. We eat less meat, drink cheape?r

29、wine and see fewer movies?. Extrav?agant Christ?mases are a memory?, and we combin?e vacati?ons with story assign?ments. 我们通过节约? 开支而又不明?显降低生活水? 准的方式来弥? 补 收入差额。我们每个月仍 ?出去吃一两次? 饭 ,不 过现在我 们? 光顾的是当地?餐馆,而不是城里的?高级饭店。我们仍去密尔?沃基听歌剧看? 芭蕾演出,不过一年才几?次。我 们肉吃得少 ?了,酒喝得便宜了 ?,电影看得少了? 。铺张 的圣诞节 ?成为一种回忆?,我们把完成稿?约作为度假的?一

30、部分 ? 12 I suspec?t not everyo?ne who loves the countr?y would be happy living? the way we do. It takes a couple? of specia?l qualit?ies. One is a tolera?nce for solitu?de. Becaus?e we are so busy and on such a tight budget?, we dont entert?ain much. During? the growin?g season? there is no time for

31、social?izing anyway?. Jim and Emily are involv?ed in school? activi?ties, but they too spend most of their time at home. 我想,不是所有热爱?乡村的人都会? 乐意 过我们这?种生活的。这种生活需要?一些特殊的素 ?质。其一是耐得住 ?寂寞。由于我们如此?忙碌,手 头又紧,我们很少请客? 。在作物生长季?节,根本就没工夫?参加社交活动? 。吉米和埃米莉 ?虽然参加学校?的各种活 动,但他 俩大多数? 时间 也呆在家?里。 13 The other requir?ement is

32、 energy? - a lot of it. The way to make self-suffic?iency work on a small scale is to resist? the tempta?tion to buy a tracto?r and other expens?ive labors?aving device?s. Instea?d, you do the work yourse?lf. The only machin?ery we own (not counti?ng the lawn mower) is a little? three-horsep?ower ro

33、tary? cultiv?ator and a 16-inch chain saw. 另一项要求是?体力 相当大的体力? 。小范围里实现?自给自足的途?径是抵制 诱惑? ,不去购置拖拉 ?机和其他昂贵?的节省劳力的?机械。相反,你要自己 动手? 。我们仅有的机?器(不包括割草机?)是一台 3 马力?的小型旋转式? 耕耘机以及一?架 16 英寸的?链锯。 14 How much longer? well have enough? energy? to stay on here is anybod?ys guess - perhap?s for quite a while, perhap?s no

34、t. When the time comes, well leave with a feelin?g of sorrow? but also with a sense of pride at what weve been able to accomp?lish. We should? make a fair profit? on the sale of the place, too. Weve invest?ed about $35,000 of our own money in it, and we could just about double? that if we sold today. But this is not a good time to sell. Once econom?ic condit?ions improv?e, howeve?r, demand? for farms like ours should? be strong? again. 没人知道我们?还能有精力在?这里再呆多久?-也许呆很长一?阵子,也许不是。到走的时候,我们会怆然离?去,但也会为自己? 所做的一切深?感自豪。我们把农场出?售也会赚相当? 大一笔 钱。我们自己在农? 场 投入了 约 3?5,000 美金的?资金,要是现在售出?的话

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