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1、1初一英语名词单数变复数用法口诀及练习测试一、可数名词的复数形式(一)规则变化1、口诀:名词单数变复数,直接加 -s 占多数;book-books; pen-pens; apple-apples s, x, z, ch, sh 来结尾,直接加上 -es;busbuses, boxboxes, watchwatches, dishdishes. dress-dresses; buzz-buzzes; watch-watches; brush-brushes 2、词尾是 f 或 fe,去掉 f 或 fe 再加上 ves;口诀:妻子持刀去宰狼,小偷吓得发了慌;躲在架后保己命,半片树叶遮目光。wife

2、(妻子) wives, knife(小刀) knives, wolf(狼) wolves (妻子”拿着“小刀”杀了“狼”)thief(小偷) thieves shelf(架子)shelves, self(自己) selves, life(性命) lives half(一半) halves, leaf(树叶) leaves3、口诀: 辅音 + y 在词尾,把 y 变 i 再加 -es;study-studies; baby-babies; city-cities4、 口诀:元音+y 在词尾, 只加 s 就足够boy boys ; day days; monkey monkeys5、 口诀:词尾字

3、母若是 o,常用三个已足够,要加 -es 请记好, hero, tomato, potato。美国黑人和英雄爱吃土豆和西红柿。negro-negroes; hero-heroes; potato-potatoes; tomato-tomatoes其余 o 结尾的词加 s, photo-photos; piano-pianos6、 口诀: 复合名词变复数,一般后面一个变复数,但是碰到 man, woman 复合词,两个都要变复数。2如:grown-upgrown-ups (成年人)man doctomen doctors (男医生)(二) 不规则变化男人女人 a 变 e,鹅足牙 oo 变 ee;

4、man-men; woman-women; goose-geese; foot-feet; tooth-teeth老鼠虱子也好记,ous 变 ic;mouse-mice; louse-lice孩子加上 ren,鱼鹿绵羊不用变child-children; fish; deer; sheepthis-these(这些 ) I - we he/she- they that - those(那些)【说明】 man(男人) men, woman(女人)women, 含有 man, woman 的合成词,其复数是把 a 变成 e. 如:policewoman, postman , fisherman 等

5、。 tooth(牙齿) teeth, foot(脚) feet, goose(鹅)geesechild(孩子) children(孩子们) mouse(老鼠) mice, louse(虱子) licesheep(绵羊)sheep, deer(鹿)deer , fish(鱼) fish(三) “某国人”复数口诀:中日不变,英法变,其余 s 加后面。【说明】“中日不变”指: Chinese(中国人) ,Japanese(日本人)的复数是其本身。“英法变”指:英国人和法国人的复数须把 a 改为 e.有:Frenchman(法国男人)FrenchmenFrenchwoman(法国女人)Frenchwo

6、menEnglishman(英国男人) Englishmen3Englishwoman(英国女人) Englishwomen“其余-s 加后面”指:除了上面几个词外须加 s. 如:German(德国人) GermansAmerican(美国人) Americans二、不可数名词不可数名词一般没有复数形式,不能与 a/an 或表示具体数量的词直接连用。 这些名词前往往加 some(一些),any(任何,一些), no(没有), a little(少许)等词。常见的不可数名词有:饮料类:water, milk, orange, tea, coffee, juice食物类:food, bread,

7、cheese, rice, soup肉类:meat, pork, fish, beef, duck, chicken,其它:news(新闻、消息) , information(信息), work(工作) , weather(天气),homework(家庭作业), money(钱), time(时间)等。不可数名词量的表达:“数词+名词+ of +不可数名词”。需要注意的是,如果数词大于1 时,量词要变为复数形式,不可数名词不能加 s. 如:four bottles of orange/milk 四瓶桔汁/牛奶five glasses of water 五杯水nine bowls of rice

8、 九碗米饭a cup of tea 一杯茶三、可数名词与不可数名词用法对比可数名词 不可数名词1. 有单数和复数形式。 1. 只有单数形式。2. 可以直接用 a/an 或数词来修饰。2. 不能用 a/an 或数词修饰。3. 可以用some, any, few, a few, many, a lot of 来修饰可数名词复数。3. 可以用some, any, little, a little,much, a lot of 来修饰不可数名词。44. 提问数量用 how many. 4. 提问数量用 how much. 5. 单个可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数;多个单数名词或复数名词作主语,谓语动词

9、用复数。5. 不可数名词作主语,谓语动词用单数;但不可数名词前有复数名词短语修饰时,谓语动词用复数。默写名词单数变复数口诀:初一英语名词单数变复数测试题一按要求写出相应的词1. is (复数形式)_ 2. this (复数形式)_3it(复数形式)_ 4that (复数形式) _ 5photo(复数形式)_ 6picture(复数形式)_ 7cousin(复数形式)_ 8friend(复数形式)_ 9. watch (复数形式)_ 10. bus (复数形式)_二、用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空1There are so many_(wolf)in the forest. 2There ar

10、e three _(chair) in the classroom.3These _(tomato) are red. 4_(hero) are great.5My brother looks after two _(baby) 6There are some _(deer) eating the grass.7My father likes to eat _(potato). 8Chinese _(people)like to eat noodles.9I have a lot of _(toy) in my bedroom. 10I help my mother wash _(dish)

11、in the kitchen.11I have two _(pencil-box). 12There are some _(bus)in the street.13Peter has eight _(foot). 14Linda has three _(tooth).15There are some _(child) in the garden. 16Michael likes the _(mouse).(一) 规则变化名词单数变复数, , , , , , (二) 不规则变化, , , , 517There are some _(goose)in the river. 18My uncle a

12、nd father are _(man).19Tom and King are _(boy). 20Linda has three _(tooth).三、单项选择( )1 Is he your friend? Yes, _. Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt( )2Is this your father? No, _. Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt( )3Is that your _ ? Aa picture Bpicture Cpictures Dnice pictures( )4 Are _ Kates _? Athis, b

13、ook Bthat ,book C these,books Dthose,book( )5 Is Guo Peng your brother? _. AYes , it is BNo,it isnt CYes, she is DNo,he isnt( )6What are those? _. AThey are apple trees BThese are trees CThose are apple trees DThose are apple trees( )7. _ my cousins. A. These are B. This are C. These is D.This is四、用

14、 am,is,are 填空1 Excuse me! _ this your eraser? 2What _ those? _ they birds? 3 This _ his ruler. Where _ my ruler? 4I _ in Class Three. _ you in Class Three,too? 5_ these her English books? 6Those _ their apples. Where _ his apples? 7 She _ eleven. How old _ that boy? 8He _ my friend. _ your friend a

15、boy or a girl? 9 _ those maps? No,they _ not. They _ pictures. 10These _ your bananas. Here you _. 五、句型转换1. This is a book. (变为复数形式)2. That is her eraser. (变为复数形式)3. Those are ID cards. (变为单数形式)4. This is my family photo. (对划线部分提问)5. Are these your brothers?(作否定回答)6. These are her parents. (变为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)7. Those are my keys. (对划线部分提问)8. He is my friend. (变为复数形式)6

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