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1、1八年级( 上册)Unit 1 Play Sports【考点解析】Topic 1 Are you going to play basketball?Section A1We are going to have a basketball game against Class Threeagainst 表示“对着:反对;靠着”。e. gWe are all against him【例 1】(10 年通化中考)Mr. Black is strongly_ keeping animals in the zoo, because he thinks animals should also have th

2、e right to enjoy freedomA up Bfor Cagainst Ddown2cheer sbon 为加油,鼓劲【例 2】Our class will have a basketball match with Class Two tomorrow.That sounds exciting. Ill go and_.A cheer on you Bcheer you on Ccheer up you Dcheer you up3win 和 beat 都可表示“赢”,但用法不同。(1) win(won,won)一般后接比赛,奖品或奖项作宾语,也可作不及物动词,表示“赢”的结果。

3、(2) beat(beat,beaten)击败、战胜,一般接对手作宾语,还可译为“心脏跳动”或“击打”。a game a teamwin+事物 a war beat+对手 a nationa prize an apponent(对手)e.g. In the 29th Olympic Games,Phelps beat the other suimmers and won 8 gold medals himself. 在第 29 届奥运会上,菲尔普斯战胜其他游泳运动员,一人独获 8 金。【例 3】(10 年福州中考)My favourite football team was_ (beat)in

4、 the Cup Final.【例 4】Our team_ the match. Weve got the first place!Well done! Congratulations!Ahit Bbeat Cwon Dwatched【考点链接】 beatwin(1)They_ the basketball match yesterday(2)By hard work she_ the first place in the math exam(3)He can always_ me at chess(4)Its difficult to_ Class 3They have several go

5、od players【分析比较】 这两个词中都有“赢”的意思。但 beat 的宾语是对手,即表示人的名词或代词,也可指打破纪录。win 的宾语是表示比赛、奖品、胜利或荣誉等的名词或代词。(1)的宾语是“比赛”,应填 won。(2)的宾语是“名次”,应填 won。(3)和(4) 的宾语为 “代词和表示人的名词”,故填 beat。4prefer 宁愿,更喜欢2(1)prefer doing sthto doing sth跟做某事比较起来更喜欢做某事 prefer sb sthto sb.sth跟某人某物比较起来更喜欢人某物(2)prefer to do sth(rather)than do sth

6、跟做某事比较起来更喜欢做某事(3)prefer to do sth更喜欢做某事【例 5】(10 年安徽中考) Do you often watch Man and Nature on TV?SometimesIts an interesting program,but I_ Sports NewsA prefer Bwant Cenjoy Dmiss 5join take part in(1)join 参加某个政党,团体,组织等,成为其中的一员(2)join sb (in doing sth) 和某人一起(做某事)(3)join in=take part,in 参加某项活动 【例 6】(09

7、年包头中考) The weins are walking the book“who moved my cheese”,its fun to _them.A join Bjoin in Ctake part in Denter6a littlea bit (1)作状语,修饰比较级 eg He is a bita little older than you (2)作主语或宾语 egPlease give me a bita little(3)与 not 连用时 not a bit=not at all not a little=very much eg He is not a little tir

8、ed他非常累。He is not a bit tired他一点也不累。(4)作定语修饰不可数名词 a little(of)=a bit of(5)quite a bit of 后只能接不可数名词。quite a lot of 可接可数或不可数名词。quite a few 后只能接可数名词。【例 7】(09 年上海中考)The American student could speak only_ Chinese,but he managed to communicate with usA few Ba little Ca few DlittleSection B1play for a team

9、为某队效力 be inon the team 在某队打球【例 8】Tom likes basketball very much. He wants to play_ the NBA when he grows up.A with Bfor C. of Dto2dream 作名词,“梦,梦想”。egmy dream job 也可作动词 dream of about sth.doing sth【例 9】Last night I dreamt_ alone in the mountains。A of run Bof running Cto run Dran3“one of the+形容词最高级+名词

10、的复数”意思是“最之一”。eg He is one of the best basketball playersI like him very much但它作主语时,谓语应用单数。One of the tallest boys in the team is from our class.【例 10】(10 年莆田中考)The Great Wall of China is one of_ wonders in the worldA great B. B greater Cthe greatest4break the record 打破记录35in the 2008 Beijing Olympic

11、s 在 2008 年北京奥运会中。 “在比赛中”用in egin the racein the basketball game6give up 放弃。注意应该把介词放在中间。eg give it up,give up doing sth放弃做某事。 【例 11】(10 年莆田中考)Smoking is harmful to peoples health, you should_ it_(放弃)7What a Shame=What a pity 真遗憾!【例 12】(10 年龙岩中考) 一 I missed the wonderful basketball Match.A No problem

12、BWhat a pity C. Not at allSection C1spendcostpay take(1)spend 作“花费”之意时,指花费时间精力财力在某事或某物上,主语是人。 (2)cost 主要指花费金钱时间劳力精力等。主语是某物或某事。其结构是sth costs sb(3)pay sb,酬谢某人,pay for可等同于 spendon,或用 cost 作同义句转换。e.g He paid 20 yuan for the dictionary.=He spent 20 yuan on the dictionary=The dictionary cost him 20 yuan.

13、pay for sth为付款 eg. He has paid for the coat(4)take 一般指花费时间,其主语是名词或动名词,经常用 it 作形式主语。【例 13】Its take us about a week _the machineA to mend Bmend Cmended Dmending【考点链接】 spendtakecost pay(1)The girl _thirty yuan on the scarf yesterday(2)How much did that shirt_ you?(3) I_ five dollars for the book just n

14、ow(4)It_ me two hours to finish my homework every night(5)Ill_ for the tickets(6)They_ half a day visiting the Great Wall【分析比较】 四者都有花费的意思。spend 后接金钱或时间,常用结构为sb spends moneytime on sth或 sbspends moneytime(in)doing sth。(1)题意为“昨天这个女孩花三十元钱买了条围巾”,故填 spent。(6)题意为“他们用了半天参观长城”,故填 spent。cost 花费金钱、时间等,主语必须是物或

15、用 it 作形式主语。(2)题意为“这件衬衫花了你多少钱”,故填 cost。pay 常与 for 连用,主语为人。 pay for sthpay money for sth(3)题意为“刚才我花了 5 美元买这本书”,故填 paid。(5)题意为“我会付这些票的饯”,故填pay。take 多指花费时间,常用句型 It takes sbsome time to do sth(4)题意为“每晚我要花两个小时来完成作业”,故填 takes。2do exercise=play sports 做运动,锻炼3There be 句型的将来时结构为 There isare going to be 或 Ther

16、e will be。注意在 There be 句型中不能出现表示“有”的 have 和 has。4【例 14】There_ a funny film tonight in our schoolWould you like to see with me?Id like to, but I have to do my homeworkA is Bhave Cis going to have Dis going to be4the high jump 跳高 the long jump 跳远5sure(1)be sure that+从句 eg I am sure that he is right(2)

17、sbbe sure to do sth某人一定会做某事。强调说话人的语气。egThey are sure to come early=I am sure that they will come early(3)be sure ofabout sthdoing sth“确信”,表示主语对 有把握。eg I am sure of success =I am sure I will succeed(4)用在祈使句里 Be sure(not)to do sth一定(不) 做某事 egBe sure to come here early【例 l5】(10 年福州中考) Im not sure_ ther

18、e are living things on other planets or notEven scientists arent sure about itA whether Bwhere Cwhy6make 的用法。(1)make sbdo sth使某人做某事。被动语态中要还原to。 (2)“make sbsth+形容词”使某人或某物处于某种状态。egThe rainy days make me sad(3)make sthfor sbmake sbsth为某人制作【例 16】His words made us_(feel)uncomfortable7be good for“对有益”,反义词

19、组是 be bad for“对有害”。8keep healthy=keep fit 保持健康【例 17】_(保持健康 )is very important for US because health is everythingSection D1play against 跟进行比赛 egWould you like to play against us?【考点链接】 play with play againstplay for(1)Our team will_ Class Three next Saturday(2)A group of kids were_ a ball in the str

20、eet(3)Does Yao Ming_ the Houston Rockets in the NBA?【分析比较】play with 玩耍,游戏,玩乐,与 玩耍。(2)题意为“孩子们在玩球”,故填 playing with。play against 同比赛。(1)题意为“两个队比赛” ,故填 play against。play for 为效力。(3)题意为“姚明在 NBA 为休斯敦火箭队打球吗? ”,故填 play for。2leave for离开某地去某地 leave for=set off for 出发去某地【例 18】(10 年龙岩中考) Im leaving for Shanghai

21、 to visit the Expo 2010 this weekend_ A Well done BI hope so CHave a good tripe3一般将来时5(1)含义:表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或是存在的状态,也表示将来经常或反复发生的动作,常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如:tomorrow,soon ,later on,next time(week,month,year,Sunday) 等。(2)结构为 be going to do sth或 will do sth。There be 句型的将来时结构为There isare going to be 或 There will

22、be。注意在 There be 句型中不能出现表示“有”的 havehas 。(3)表示位置移动的动词 go, come,leave,fly ,start 等可以用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。其中 go 和 come 一定要用现在进行时表示将来。【例 19】(10 年河北中考)This term_ overThe summer vacation is coming in two weeksA is Bwas Chas been Dwill be【例 20】(10 年重庆中考)If you_ to the 2010 Shanghai Expo next week, I will go with

23、youA go Bhas gone Cwill go Dare going【习题精练】词汇A根据句意和汉语提示填写单词。1would you like to_(参加)the school English club?2Yaoming will play for our national_ (队) 3A lot of people like the song very muchIts very_ (流行) 4You can_(放松 )yourself when you listen to music after a days work5Kates father is_(出发)for Beijing

24、 the day after tomorrowB根据汉语提示及句子意思补全句子。1What does Joan want to be when she_(长大)2Our class will_ (与比赛)the Class Four football team.3Do you know what the best way to_(保持健康)is?4Please come and _us_ (为加油 )5They all took part in the 2002_ _(世界杯) 单项选择1(10 年武汉中考 )It was a difficult time,but we never_ hope

25、A put up Bgave up Cpicked up D. used up2(10 年宁德中考 )The nice toy is much too expensive,I cant_ itA spend Bpay Cafford3(10 年龙岩中考 )How much did you pay for the new car?It_ me more than 300,000 yuanA cost Bspent Cmade4(10 年兰州中考 )Danny did all kinds of things to make the baby _ A to stop crying Bstop cry

26、ing Cto stop to cry Dstop to cry5(10 年南京中考 ) I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday.Oh,how nice! Do you know when he_ ?A left Bleft for Cwas leaving D. was leaving for6(10 年江西中考 ) Hello,Sandy This is JackWhat are you doing?6Im watching a matchIt started at 7 pmand_ on for another half an hou

27、rA has been Bwas C. had been Dwill be7(09 年厦门中考 ) Yeah,our team_ the matchWell done! CongratulationsA beat Bfailed Cwon8(09 年扬州中考 ) what a heavy rain!So it is I prefer_ at home_ on such a rainy dayA watch TV;to go out Bwatch TV;go outC watching TV;to going out Dto watch TV;going out9(09 年福州中考 )Paper

28、making is_ of ancient ChinaA one of greatest inventor Bone of the greatest inventorsC one of greatest invention Done of the greatest inventions10(09 年泉州中考) Is the man in black pants your teacher?Yes,he_ us biology since last yearA will teach Bhas taught Cis teaching 11(09 年漳州中考) Im sorry I cant find

29、 the library bookIm afraid you have to_ itA send for Bcall for Cpay for Dwait for12(08 年龙岩中考) I missed the Same Song yesterday_ I know that you like the program bestA I am afraid not BWhat a pity CI think so13(08 年龙岩中考)Rather than_ on a crowded bus,he always prefers to schoolA to ride;walk Briding;w

30、alk Cride;to walk 14(08 年厦门中考) Would you like some milk in your tea?Yes,pleaseBut just_ A little Ba little Ca few15(07 年云南中考)The twins are talking about the book Who Moved My CheeseIts fun to _ A join Bjoin in Ctake part in D. enter(10 年泉州中考)完形填空The holiday season is a wonderful time to stay with th

31、e family and to enjoy delicious food you like 1 of allBut along with many joys of the holiday,there is also quite 2 stress. Doing exercises is an excellent way 3 such stress Traveling,shopping and many other exercises as well as eating well are also good for 4 7Here are some holiday trips 5 will pre

32、vent you from getting weight.Walk for a while every dayTake the stairs instead of 6 the liftMake time for 7 Even a quick breakfast,like fruits for juice,whole-grain cereal(谷类食品 ),and milk, can prevent hunger 8 the dayDrink at least eight glasses of water every dayBecause 9 water prevent hunger and t

33、irednessYou can choose good drinks like water,juice and teaEat at least five kinds of fruits and vegetables every day 10 you want to eat something between breakfast and lunch,pick fruits and vegetables,they are good snacksWish all of you a very healthy and happy holiday season !1A well Bbetter Cbest

34、2A little Ba lot of Cmany3A fight Bto fight Cfighting4A work Bstudy Chealth5A that Bwhat Cwho6A waiting for Blooking at Cchecking over7A supper Blunch Cbreakfast 8A after Bduring Cbefore 9A enough Bhot Cclean10ABut BIf CBecause【考点解析】Topic 2 Would you mind passing me some water?Section A1wouldcould w

35、ill you(please)do sth“请你做 好吗? ”表示委婉请求对方做某事,否定结构是 wouldcouldwill you(please)not do sth。egWould you please not play the piano loudly?【例 1】(10 年陕西中考)Hi,JackWould you please_ the picture on the wall?A to put up Bput up Cset up D. to set up2fall ill“生病”,be ill“生病的”,强调一种状态。feel ill“感觉不舒服”,强调一种身体感受。fall do

36、wn 摔倒,跌倒。【考点链接】 sickill(1)The_ child needs help(2)His grandma is still_ in bed【分析比较】sick “生病的,有病的”。主要用于美式英语,可以用作定语,也可以用作表语。故(1)和(2) 两题都可以填 sick。ill 与 sick 同义,ill 主要用于英式英语,且通常不作定语,只用作表语。故(1)不能填 ill,只有 (2)可填 ill。3mind 的用法8(1)作动词,表示“介意”,常用于疑问句或否定句中。其结构是 mind sb sthdoing sth。 egI dont mind a little more

37、 homeworkWould you mind memy smoking here?=Would you mind if I smoke here?对 would you mind sbsbs doing sth及“would you mind if+从句”的回答,如果是表达“会介意”,可用 Yes,youd better notI am sorry but I do如果表达“不会介意”,可用 No,not at allNever mind It doesnt matterNo,of course not(2)用于提出建议。Would you mind doing sthwould you m

38、ind not doing sth? 对 Would you mind doing sth的回答可以用 Of course not,I will do it right away SorryI will do it right away对 would you mind not doing sth的回答可以用Sorry, I wont do it againIm sorry about that(3)作动词,“注意,当心”。e g Mind the wet paint(4)作名词,“思想”。set ones mind to do sthon sth专注于做某事【例 2】(10 年宁德中考)My

39、grandparents are sleeping in the bedroomWould you mind my_ TV?Certainly notWe can go out for a walkA turning on B. turning off Cturning up【例 3】(10 年安徽中考) I hope you dont mind my opening the window _.Its much too hot in hereA Certainly BOf course not CAll right DNever mind4be gladhappy to do sth乐意做某事

40、【例 4】I think everyone is glad_ more friendsYou know,more friends,more roadsA make Bmaking Cto make Dmakes5practice sthdoing sth练习做某事【例 5】(09 年上海中考)Susan finally became a popular singer after she practiced for yearsA sing Bto sing C. singing DsangSection B1be always doing sth老是,含有抱怨的感情色彩。egLiu Ming i

41、s always fighting with his friends【例 6】Tom ,dont be always _for schoolI am very sorryI wontA be late Blate Cbeing late Dlating2careless 形容词,反义词是 careful。carelessly 副词,反义词是 carefully【例 7】(09 年上海中考)Be careful! Theres some broken glass on the groundThe underlined part means_ A Look out BGo ahead CGet r

42、eady DKeep quiet3chance 机会 have a chance to do sth有机会做某事 get a chance to do sth得到一个机会做某事【例 8】(08 年潍坊中考)I am sure I can make it better,if our teacher_ me a second chanceA. give Bgave Cgives Dwill give94What do you mean by sthdoing sth?=Whats the meaning of sthdoing sth?【例 9】What do you mean by the wo

43、rd?(同意句转换)Whats the_ _ word?5shout at sb朝某人喊叫,含有生气或气愤的感情。shout to sb朝某人喊叫,只是为了使对方听到,没有感情色彩。【例 10】You mustnt shout the old peopleIts not politeA to Bwith Cof Dat【考点链接】 shout atshout to(1)The children_ the driver,but he did not hear them(2)If you dont stop_ me,Ill come and hit you【分析比较】 at 和 to 与同一动词搭配时,意义有很大的区别。shout to sb表示“大声叫某人”,多因距离远,声音小听不见。(1)题意为“孩子们对着司机喊叫着,但是他没听见。”故填 shouted to。shout at sb则表示“生气地或故意地对某人大喊大叫。”(2) 题意为“你要是不停止冲着我叫嚷,我就过去揍你。”故填 shouting at。6fight with sb=have a fight with sb与某人打架7be angry with sb意为“生某人的气”,如:He was angry with himself for having made such foolish mistakes. 他因犯如此

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