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1、一、看一看,写一写。1_ 2_ 3_ 4_5_ 6_ 7_ 8_9_ 10_ 11_ 12_13_ 14_ 15_ 16._ 17._16._ 17._2、看一看,写出下列的中文。1.which _ 2.better_ 3.favourite _4.subject _ 5.class_ _三、看一看,写一写。1._ 2._ 3._ 4._5._ 6._北京版小学英语五年级上 Unit1(一) 姓名_meat chicken English fish water PE sandwiches hamburgers Chinese donuts Calligraphy cupcakes

2、 science milk shake apple juice art mathsreading keeping birds growing flowers throwing beanbags drawing jumping rope数学四、看一看,选一选。5、情境问答。( )1.Sara 想知道你甜甜圈和纸杯蛋糕你喜欢哪个,于是她问:A:Donuts or cupcakes, which do you like best? B:Donuts or cupcakes, which do you like better?C:Milk shake and apple juice , which d

3、o you like better?( ) 2.Maomao 喜欢书法课,书法课上表现的最好,他说:A:I like science best. I do best in science. B:I like Chinese best. I do best in CHineseC:I like calligraphy best. I do best in calligraphy.( ):3.它虽然很难但是很有趣,怎么表达A:Its difficult but interesting. B:Its difficult but good. C:Its bad but nice.( )4.Mike 告

4、诉你他喜欢科幻小说,他说:A:I like story. B:I like fairy tale. C:I like science fiction六、看一看,为下列图片选择正确的( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )七、为下面的的问句选择合适的答语。北京版小学英语五年级上 Unit1(二) 姓名_1.( )in the supermarket2.( )Its yummy3.( )A bottle of4.( )I like water better.5.( )All the food6.( )Lets go and pay7.( )I d

5、o best in English.8.( )Over there9.( )my favourite subject10.( )He does best in art class11.( )Its difficult but interesting12.( )It is useful.13.( )What are you reading?14.( )Is it a fairy tale?15.( )Science fiction16.( )Whats in the picture?17.( )Wait a minute18.( )Put my name on itA: 一瓶B: 在超市里C:

6、让我们去付钱。D:在那里E:好吃F:我比较喜欢水G:他在美术课上做的最好H:所有的食物I:我在英语上做的最好J:我最喜欢的科目K:签我的名字L:等一分钟M:画里有什么?N:科幻小说O:它是童话么?P:它有用Q:你正在读什么R:它很难但很有趣A:meat B:Chinese C:donuts D:Calligraphy E:cupcakes F:science fiction G:milk shake H:water I:throwing beanbags G:drawing K:skipping ropemath water 科幻小说数学语文( ) 1.Chiken or fish,which

7、 do you like better?( )2.Which class do you like best?( )3.What are you going to do?( ) 4.Whats the matter?( )5.Is it a fairy tale?A:No, its a science fiction.B:My neck hurts.C:I like fish better.D:I like maths best.E:I am going to play basketball.一、读一读,写一写。1._ 2._3._ 4._5._ 6._7._ 8._9._ 10._二、读一读,

8、选一选。 A 组B 组2、单项选择。1.( ).-_ you like to come to my house?- Sorry.A: What B: Why C:Wouldwalk the dog tidy my room use the computer open the gift box fix the bike raining outside water the plants wash his socks clean the window watch the cartoons 北京版小学英语五年级上 Unit2(一) 姓名_1.( )would you like to. 2.( )sor

9、ry,I cant3.( )wait for my brother4.( )too bad5.( )read or play together6.( )blue crayon7.( )say that again8. ( )here you are9. ( )Please be polite10.( ) ask for help11.( ) would you please.12.( ) come to my house13.( )stay at home14.( )My computer doesnt work 15.( ) need to16.( ) finish my homework1

10、7.( )after you finish18.( )half past four19.( )copy your work20.( )its getting lateA: 蓝色的蜡笔B: 给你C: 太糟糕了D:你想要.E:请你礼貌一点F:对不起,我不能G:一起读书或是玩耍H:等候我的弟弟I:再说一次J:我的电脑坏了K:天太晚了L:待在家里M:需要N:抄你的作业O:请你帮我.P:来我家里Q:完成后R:4 点 30S:寻求帮助T:完成作业1.( )copy your work 2.( )go out and play3.( )watching the news4.( )clean and brig

11、ht5.( )windows are dirty6.( )blue crayon7.( )keep your room tidy8. ( )water the plants9. ( )wash his sock10.( ) the plants are dry11.( ) bike is broken12.( ) ask Maomao to join us13.( )shall we.?14.( )fix themA:修理它们B:蓝色的蜡笔C:我们可以.吗D:出去玩耍E:植物是干枯的F:自行车坏了G:看新闻H:让毛毛加入我们I: 窗户是脏的J 抄作业K:干净明亮L:保持房间干净M:浇花N:洗袜

12、子 北京版小学英语五年级上 Unit2(二) 姓名_2.( ) - My computer_ work.A:dont B:doesnt C:not3.( ) My bike is _. Can you fix it for me?A:broken B:dirty C:old4.( )I cant can go to your house.I must wait_ my mother.A:of B;to C:for5.( )-_ I use your pen?-Sorry, I have only one.A:Must B:Should C:Can6.( )-The socks are dirt

13、y.Shall we_ them?A:wash B:fix C:play7.( )-We should ask Maomao_ join us.A:for B:to C: in8.( ) We should always _ your room tidy.A:ask B:water C:keep4、情景问答。1.( )Peter 邀请 Mike 来家里玩,Mike 说他要在在家照顾弟弟, peter 遗憾的的说:A:No problem B:Too bad C:Sure2.( ) 你想要和 Tom 去遛狗,你对 Tom 说:A:Can I walk the dog? B:Would you l

14、ike to walk the dog?C:Would you like to come to my home?3.( )Amy 让你帮他关窗户,但是你没听清楚,你对他说:A: Say that again,please. B:Im done C:Yes,I will.4.( )Maomao 想要让 Mike 帮他打扫房间,他说:A:Would you like to tidy my room? B:Would you please tidy my room?C:Will you tidy the room?5.( )你想要出去玩耍,你对妈妈说:A:Can I watch the cartoo

15、ns? B:Can I open the gift box?C:Can I go out and play?6.( )你想要打开姐姐的礼物,姐姐生气的说:A:Sorry,I am watching the news B:Sorry,its raining outside.C:Sorry, its not for you.7.( )你看到植物干枯了,对妹妹说,A:The plants are dry.Shall we fix them?B:The plants are cute.Shall we clean them?C:The plants are dry.Shall we water the

16、m?8.( )看到你把房间打扫干净,妈妈警告你说:A:You should do it on your own. B:You should keep your room tidy. C: Say that again,please.9.10.( )Timmy 有时候说话不够礼貌,她的姐姐对他说:A:Dont be late B:Its very interesting C:Be polite,please 。四、根据句子内容,从右边选择恰当的答语,将其序号填写在括号中。五.看图,选出与图片相符的句子。( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A:Its Sunday. Lily often watches

17、 the cartoonC:The plants are dry. We should water the plants.C:Jack wants to copy Amys work. Amy is so angryD:Last Monday is Marks birthday He had a birthday party and he made a big birthday cake. 6、看图写句子。1._ 2._Sorry, I need to finish my homework first. Sorry I cant.I must tidy my room.7、看一看,写一写。1.

18、Would like to come to my house?_2.Sorry I cant. I must stay at home._3.Can I watch the cartoons?_ ( )1.Would you please open the door?( )2.How much are the socks?( )3.Which subject do you like best?( )4.Would you like to walk the dog?( )5.Can I watch the cartoons?( )6.Whats your favorite drink?A:Sorry, Dad is watching the news.B:I like maths best.C:No problemD:Sorry I cant.I must stay at home。E:Milk shakeF:They are 40 yuan.

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