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1、测试卷一根据所给内容,写一篇100词左右的便条。你是Alice。你的朋友Bonnie很快就要到你的乡间小屋拜访,但你却要出去一会儿。留一张便条给她,告诉她食品在哪儿,告诉她食品在哪儿,告诉她一个人在屋里是应注意些什么。October 18,2013Dear Bonnie:I will be away for a while. The key to the cottage is under the doormat, and the food is in the refrigerator. After entering the house, lock the door from inside at

2、 once. The cottage is far away from the nearest town, and the area is not quite safe from burglars. So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution, there is no danger”。Have a nice stay here.Yours,Alice测试卷二请根据提示写一篇100词左右的短文。假定你是一名导游,陪同美国旅游团游览泰山(Mout Tai),下车前你讲了一段话。?11 简单介绍一下泰山的情况。?22 讲话时间是

3、8点半,在山上逗留8个小时,下午4点半离开,游览车载人口处等候,记住车号。?33 贵重(valuable )物品随身携带,下车前关上窗子。?44 祝大家玩得愉快。Ladiesandgentlemen,HereweareatthefootofMountTai.MountTaiisoneofthemostbeautifulplacesinChina.Italsohasmanywonders.Wewillspendeighthourshere.Its8:30now.Wewillleavehereat4:30thisafternoon.Thebuswillbewaitingforusattheentr

4、ance.Pleaserememberourbusnumberandbebackontime.Pleasetakeyourvaluablethingswithyouandshutallthewindowsbeforeyougetoffthebus.Haveagoodtime.Thankyou!预测卷三假定你经常上网。最近网上有一个关于未来择业问题的专题讨论,你觉得当记者不错。你准备写一篇短文发表你的看法。内容包括以下几点:1. 当记者可以到处旅行,结识很多人;2. 但很少有时间在家,并可能有危险;3. 尽管如此,但每天面临新东西,有意思,有成就感。提示:1.词数100左右;2.开头已给出,不计

5、入总词数。I think its good to be a news reporter, I think its good to be a news reporter ,because its an exciting job. A news reportertravels to many places and meet many new people .But one thing that I am not sure about is that the job might be also dangerous and one has to be away from home most of th

6、e year .All things considered ,I still its a good idea to be a news reporter ,because each day what you confront is different from the previous one this will bring you excitement and a feeling of success.预测卷四假如你是一名中学教师,名叫赵明。你对越来越多的中学生吸烟甚感忧虑,因此给某家英文报纸的编辑写信反映这个问题。信得主要内容如下:?11 两年前,仅有约15%的男生吸烟,如今吸烟者多达55

7、% ,甚至有的女生也吸烟;?22 举两三个例子说明吸烟的危害性;?33 奉劝大家戒烟。要求:词数为100左右。Dear editor,Im a middle school teacher and Im worried about the increasing number of students who smoke in schools. Two years ago, only about 15 percent of the boys smoked, but today 55 percent do , and even a few girls smoke, too. As is well kn

8、own, smoking does great harm to our health and facts have shown that many serious diseases , such as lung cancer and heart disease, are connected with smoking. When one smokes in public places, harm is done not only to himself but also to all the people around, and if one smokes , hell have to spend

9、 a lot of money on it. So I wish to give the students a piece of advice: give up smoking and keep yourselves healthy.Yours truly, Zhao Ming 预测卷五随着因特网的发展,目前很多人给亲朋好友发电子贺卡。请根据以下提示,阐述电子贺卡的优越性。1. 除图像外,还可传递动画和声音,生动,有趣;2. 传递速度快;3. 电子贺卡形式多样,还可以用Flash或其他软件自己设计;4. 节约纸张,有利于保护树木和环境。注意:1.文章包括以上要点,可适当发挥,不要逐条翻译;2.

10、词数100左右;3.参考词汇:电子贺卡electronic card;动画animation。With the development of the Internet, more and more people tend to send electronice cards instead of paper ones at New Years time. Compared with the traditional caeda ,electronic cards are more interesting and lively, for you can get not only pictures b

11、ut also sound and even animations, Bbsides, its faster to send an electronic card. There are many web sites on line where different varieties of cards are available. If none of these cards are of any interest to you, you can design cards of unique style using Flash or other sofrware. More importantl

12、y ,with the popularity of electronic cards, less paper is used for making paper cards, which contributes to the environment protection.预测卷六你的英国笔友Paul 来信向你询问他即将来华就读学校的服务设施情况。请用英语写一封回信,主要内容如下:1. 邮局,超市和银行在操场附近;2. 营业时间:邮局:9:0018:00;超市:9:0022:00;中国银行:9:0017:00;3. 银行可兑换外币(foreign currency);自动柜台机(ATM)全天24小

13、时服务;4. 洗衣房(washhouse)在宿舍楼一楼。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear paul,Im very glad that you will come to China soon. Here Im writing to tell you something about the services available on the campus. The post office, the supermarket and the bank are all nearby the playground. All of

14、them open at 9:00 a.m. but their business hours are not the same. The post office closes at 18:00 and the supermarket not untill 22:00. Bank of China, where you may change the foreign currency, closes at 17:00. There is an ATM in service all day round. And right in the dorm building, on the first fl

15、oor, there is a washhouse where you can do your laundry.Im looking forward to your arrival.Truly yours, Li Hua预测卷七你是吴芳,申请到美国加州大学学习。你成绩优异,对数学尤感兴趣,是天津市学生奥林匹克俱乐部成员。你希望中学毕业后能到该校在这方面进一步深造,最后要求寄给你一份申请表格和有关材料。生词:加州大学The University of California;申请表application form。要求:按书信格式写,词数100左右。Dear Sir/Madam,Id like t

16、o enter your university. Im now a senior student in Tianjin,P.R.China. So far Ive got excellent results on my studies. I take much interest in mathematics and Im a member of Tianjin Students Mathematics Olympic Club. I expect that I can get a chance to study in this field at your university right af

17、ter my graduation. Would you please mail me your application form and other information for the course?Im looking forward to your reply.Yours sincerely,Wu Fang预测卷八根据所给内容,写一篇100词左右的记叙文。上周日下午,我和朋友们正在中山公园散步,突然听到一落水女孩呼救。我和我的一位朋友跳入湖里救出孩子,当时落水女孩已停止呼吸。我用学过的急救知识给她做了人工呼吸,我的朋友给急救中心(the First Aid Centre)打电话。结果


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