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1、2017 届武进区高三英语期中试卷第 1 页 共 18 页常州市武进区 2017 届高三英语期中试卷一、单项选择21. The joy of fiction lies in its ability to transport us into new realities _ anything is possible.A. how B. what C. where D. that 22. Theres no chance that we can change the history. _, it is important that we learn lessons to face the futur

2、e.A. Meanwhile B. Nevertheless C. Otherwise D. Therefore23. “Orange” smog alert, announced according to the _ of the air pollution, indicates the second-highest warning level.A. deposit 存钱 B. gravity C. framework 机制框架 D. certificate 证明24. The local government is _ the development of a healthy econom

3、y and the conservation of the environment at the same time. A. appealing to 有吸引力 B. making up 占比例、 编造、化妆C. pushing for 迫切要求、努力争取 D. turning over 翻转、移交25. Failure has brought me benefits, teaching me things about myself that I _ no other way. A. could have learned B. neednt have learned C. should hav

4、e learned D. wouldnt have leaned26. _ overseas, as the professor puts it, means a valuable chance for soldiers to practice the skills.A. Being stationed B. StationedC. Stationing D. Having been stationed27. You appear to have lost some weight. Just imagine the weeks of fear I _ at the thought of the

5、 coming interview. A. will suffer B. have been suffering C. suffered D. was suffering 28. When he had saved _ he considered enough money, he started on his journey to Africa.A. that B. how C. which D. what29. He _ with his conscience a minute or two and told her the truth.A. corresponded 通信一致 B. com

6、promised 妥协C. wrestled 解决、斗争 D. substituted A for B 替换30. Once a country with over 942 million _ in poverty, China has now reduced this to 55 million.独 立 主 格 结 构A. lived B. living C. was living D. had lived 31. The Qing Tombs are influenced by the Ming Tombs, especially _ architecture.A. in terms of

7、 B. in spite of C. in favor of D. in honor of 32. The artificial intelligence (AI) and the possible dangers (that) _ may cause to human race have raised wide concern.A. which B. what C. that D. it33. Have you told Mary about it? No. She _ on the phone, so I didnt disturb her.A. was speaking B. is sp

8、eaking C. has spoken D. had spoken34. Interesting _ some books are _, they leave readers with little to think about.2017 届武进区高三英语期中试卷第 2 页 共 18 页A. though, to be read B. as, to read C. although, read D. while, reading35. Will you send your son for extra lessons after the school day? _, unless he wan

9、ts to.A. No doubt B. You bet/ Certainly C. Dont mention it D. Definitely not二、完形填空Para 1-2: The topic of the passagePara 3: Comparison between satisficers and maximizersPra 4: The reasons for the Paradox of choicePara 5-7: Solution to the problemPara 8: ConclusionOver a decade ago, psychologist Barr

10、y Schwartz published a book, The Paradox of Choice (选择 的悖 论 ): Why More Is Less. Schwartz argues that the modern worlds large variety of options makes us less happy. “Choice _36_ ,” as he calls it, makes us _37_ our decisions, and set our expectations too high.Recently, Schwartz has been interviewed

11、 about how his advice _38_ 10 years later. The rise of social media, he argues, has only _39_ the pain of decision-making through phenomena like fear of missing out (错过获 利或取乐的机会) .36. A. overuse B. underline C. overload D. undersize37. A. reach B. accept C. confirm D. question38. A. holds up 变强不减弱 B

12、. comes out 出版为人所知 C. makes out 弄清楚 D. turns up 出现39. A. controlled B. relieved C. heightened D. causedIf you ever arent sure if you bought the very best computer, just _40_ “good enough.” People who do this are called “satisficers,” and theyre _41_ happier than are “maximizers,” people who feel tha

13、t they _42_ choose the very best possible option. Maximizers earn more but theyre also less satisfied with their jobs. As a result, theyre more likely to be _43_ in general.40. A. make fo 朝走去促进 B. settle for 满足于 C. answer for 为负责 D. account for 41. A. consistently 始终地 B. originally C. strangely D. r

14、andomly 42. A. can B. will C. may D. must43. A. violent B. depressed C. dynamic 有活力的 D. ambitiousThe reason why this happens is that as life circumstances improve, expectations _44_. People begin _45_ their experiences to friends who are doing better, or to past experiences theyve had that were _46_

15、. As long as expectations keep pace with _47_, people may live better, but they wont feel better about how they live.Schwartz solution is just to settle for (满足于) something thats acceptable _48_ you know theres likely something better out there.44. A. fall B. pause C. come D. rise45. A. submitting B

16、. comparing C. sharing D. contributing46. A. worse B. wider C. better D. richer47. A. recognitions 辨认 B. extensions 延伸拓展 C. dimensions 方面 D. realizations48. A. even if B. if only C. in case D. so that2017 届武进区高三英语期中试卷第 3 页 共 18 页Whenever you need a new laptop, call up one of your _49_ friends and sa

17、y, “What laptop did you buy?” And you buy that laptop. Its probably not the perfect laptop but _50_ a good enough one for you.Schwartz said people can generalize (推广、概括 ) this concept by arbitrarily (武断地、随意地) _51_ the number of choices theyll consider five colleges, not 25 and “_52_ that all you nee

18、d is a good enough X, not the best X.” Its _53_ information to keep in mind right after, say (比如说) , the launch of a dizzying (令人眼花缭乱的) series of shiny, new consumer tech products.49. A. satisficer B. special C. maximizer D. familiar50. A. necessarily B. specially C. absolutely D. typically51. A. ch

19、ecking B. limiting C. increasing D. assessing 52. A. intend B. expect C. explain D. decide53. A. helpful B. precise C. latest D. furtherIt can be hard, in our culture, to force yourself to settle for “good enough.” But when it _54_ happiness and satisfaction, “good enough” isnt just good its _55_.54

20、. A. refers to B. objects to C. comes to D. agrees to 55. A. perfect B. misleading C. fashionable D. sacred三、阅读理解A“Cat got your tongue?”Someone may have said this to you the last time you were speechless. The popular phrase from the 1800s refers to a violent whip (鞭子) with nine stinging threads call

21、ed a “cat-o-nine-tails” that was used in maritime punishments. A visit from this cat would likely leave a sailor speechless. “Let the cat out of the bag.”No, this is not what your mom yelled after you cleaned your room. This expression means to disclose something that has been kept secret. Its origi

22、n can be traced to a trick from the 1800s, when folks went to market supposedly carrying a baby pig for sale in a bag. Instead, the bag contained a cat, and if the trick was discovered, the “cat was out of the bag.”“More than one way to skin a cat.”There are always several ways to solve any problem,

23、 according to this English proverb from the 1670s. However, catfish are popular in southern American culture, and there are several ways to remove the tough skin before cooking. “Dead cat on the line.”The origin of this expression, meaning that theres something wrong or suspicious, again has to do w

24、ith catfish. Fishing lines with multiple hooks were hanging in the water, and the lines were checked every day. If a fisherman checked his friends line and there was a dead catfish on it, it meant that something was wrong because the line had not been checked. (Maybe his friend was just sick of eati

25、ng catfish!)“To bell the cat.”In one of Aesops fables, a family of mice comes up with the idea of putting a bell around 2017 届武进区高三英语期中试卷第 4 页 共 18 页the neck of the threatening house cat. They all thought it was a good idea, but who would actually put the bell around the cats neck? The job fell to t

26、he mouse that proposed the idea. The moral? It is easy to propose impossible solution, but be careful you might be the one asked to commit.56. Which of the following best fits the blank in the sentence “All agreed to ask the employee for a pay rise, but _.” ? A. nobody let the cat out of the bag B.

27、there was more than one way to skin a catC. nobody offered to bell the cat D. there was a dead cat on the line57. The purpose of the passage is to _.A. explain the association between idioms and culturesB. inform readers of some curious cat idioms and originsC. entertain readers with interesting sto

28、ries behind idioms D. stress the importance of studying English idiomsBPara 1: The topic of the passagePara 2: The reasons for colonizing MarsPara 3-5: The introduction to the Interplanetary Transport SystemPara 6: How people get back to the earthPara 7-8: The problems to be solved1 SpaceX CEO Elon

29、Musk has finally revealed his grand plan for humans to colonize Mars. 2 But why go to Mars? “There are two fundamental paths: we stay on Earth forever and life on Earth is at an ever-increasing risk of being wiped out (清除). Or we become a multi-planet species,” explained Musk.3 In September, SpaceX

30、showed off its new Raptor engines that will be used on the companys Mars Colonial Transporter. The Raptor engines, powered by liquid methane (甲 烷 ) and liquid oxygen rather than the kerosene (柴 油 ) used in the current Merlin engines on the Falcon 9 rockets, are “several times” more powerful to trans

31、port satellites and spacecraft into orbit.4 A rocket using 42 Raptor engines will propel (推进) a spaceship into orbit. The whole system is called the Interplanetary Transport System (ITS). The booster (助推器) will then separate from the ITS, at which point it will land back on Earth to be reused. The s

32、paceship, meanwhile, will remain in Earths orbit.5 Using the same booster, a second fuel tanker will be launched to meet the orbiting ITS. After fueling up (加燃料) completely, the ITS will depart on its journey to Mars. With the aid of solar sails (太阳帆 ), the spaceship will arrive on Mars in 80 to 150

33、 days, hopefully cut down to 30 days eventually.6 But how will people come back? Musk hopes the first colonizers of Mars will be able to begin producing fuel to get back to Earth. Mars is rich with resources that would make it possible to create methane-based fuel. Leaving Earth without enough fuel

34、to return is a necessity, as it would require five times the payload to get the ITS off the ground.7 Although Musks plans for Mars colonization are theoretically possible, it remains to be seen if the plan will actually work in practice. One of the biggest challenges is convincing the 2017 届武进区高三英语期

35、中试卷第 5 页 共 18 页public that its worth the risk to go to Mars.8 As Musk said, space travel is extremely dangerous. There are many unknowns, like how radiation will affect passengers aboard the ITS and how much training humans will need to be able to withstand the forces of takeoff and landing. 58. Elo

36、n Musk thinks it necessary to colonize Mars because _. Para 2A. Earth can no longer sustain (养活) masses of peopleB. it is a good chance to be a multi-planet speciesC. human race has no future if it doesnt go to space D. mankind can achieve its ambition of space travel59. Which of the following is No

37、t the technological features of ITS?A. the reusability of the booster B. a second fueling up in solar orbit Para 4C. probability of making propellant (推进燃料) fuel on MarsD. methane-based fuel instead of kerosene60. The passage is mainly about _. Para 1A. Elon Musks plan to colonize Mars B. how humans

38、 will get to MarsC. the possibility of Mars immigration D. what dangers space travel may haveC1 Now famine has ended in much of the world, but it still threatens parts of Africa. According to the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), some 2 billion of the worlds 7.3 billion people do not have

39、 enough to eat. Moreover, by 2050, the total population is expected to grow to almost 10 billion and 70% more food will be needed than what was produced in 2009. That is a tall order (离谱的要求、难办的事情) . But it is not impossible.2 Since the time of Thomas Malthus, an economist writing a little over 200 y

40、ears ago, people have worried that population growth would exceed (胜过) food supply. So far, it has not. But neo-Malthusians (新马尔萨斯主 义者) spot worrying signs. One is that in some places the productivity of staples (主食) such as rice and wheat has reached a plateau (停滞期). Neither new strains (品种) nor fa

41、ncy chemicals are raising output.3 Nor is there much unfarmed land left that is suitable to be ploughed. A source of food Malthus did not foresee was the opening up of the American prairies(大草原), helping the food supply greatly. But such new lands are pretty much used up. Also, because of global ris

42、ing temperatures, some places will become unfarmable particularly poor, tropical (热带) regions.4 But these concerns can be overcome by two things: the application and spread of technology, and the operation of sensible government policies.5 Agricultural technology is changing fast. Techniques develop

43、ed in the West that can create crops with special properties are being adopted to make tropical crops both more productive and more nutritious. Such smart techniques, with new techniques of genetic modification, should break through the output plateaus. It can also produce crops with properties (性能、

44、特点) such as drought- and heat-resistance that will reduce the effects of global warming. 6 Technology is of little use, though, if it is not adopted. In the developing world that applies as much to existing farming techniques as it does to the latest advances in genetic modification. It would get hu

45、mans quite a long way towards a 70% increase in output. So would things like better 2017 届武进区高三英语期中试卷第 6 页 共 18 页roads, to allow for the carriage of surpluses (盈余) to markets. This would encourage productivity growth and reduce waste.7 Indeed, government policy to reduce waste more generally would m

46、ake a huge difference. The FAO says that about a third of food is lost due to bad harvesting practices, poor storage and slow transport. Changing that would take another big bite out of the 70% increase.8 Despite all the barriers, in the six years following the FAO analysis production rose by 11%. I

47、f growth like that continues, it should not only be possible to feed the 10 billion, but to feed them well.61. The factors responsible for the output plateau dont include _.A. over-farming of prairies Para 3 B. global rising temperatures Para 3C. lack of farmable land Para 3 D. no new strains or che

48、micals Para 262. Whats the key message that Paragraph 5 and 6 convey? Para 5-6A. Agricultural technology is undergoing great changes.B. Great progress in genetic modification will increase output.C. Crops that can resist drought and heat have been developed.D. Technology application is the top prior

49、ity to the developing world.63. The underlined phrase in Para 7 is closest in meaning to “_”. Para 7A. have a bad effect on B. make great reductions in C. make contributions to D. rule out the possibility of 64. What can be the best title for the passage? Para 1 that is to say, we were flogged (鞭打) soundly when we did not get our lessons. We were put into classes and flogged on in

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