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1、1I Am a Small BoatI am a small boat.The classroom is my harbour.I am a small boat.The desk is my sampan.I am a small boat.The pencil is my oar.I am a small boat.The book page is my sail.I am a small boat.I am sailing towardsThe sea of knowledge.我是一艘小船,教室是我的港湾;我是一艘小船,课桌是我的舢板;我是一艘小船,铅笔是我的船桨;我是一艘小船,书页是

2、我的风帆;我是一艘小船,正驶向知识的海洋。2I Love ReadingI love reading,Reading lots of books.Im a bookworm,Books are my friends.I read and read and read,Until a story ends.There are lions, There are monsters,Big and small.There are islands,There are castles.Short and tall.I open up a book,I can see them all.我酷爱看书,看了大量的

3、书。我是个书虫,书是我的好友。我看啊看啊看啊,直到一个故事结束。大大小小的狮子和怪物,高高低低的岛屿和城堡,翻开一本书,我全能看到。3What a Lot of Fish in the Pond!What a lot of fish in the pond!One fish, two fish;Red fish, yellow fish;Black fish, blue fish;Old fish, new fish.Some are sad.Some are glad.Some are very smart.Why are they sad and glad and smart?I dont

4、 know.Go and ask your dad!池塘里的鱼真多呀!一条鱼,两条鱼;红的鱼,黄的鱼;黑的鱼,蓝的鱼;老的鱼,小的鱼。有些伤心;有些开心;有些非常机灵;为什么有伤心的,开心的,还有机灵的?我不知道。去问你的爸爸!4Some Things Are Some things are blue.Blue sky, blue eyes and blue jeans.Some thins are brown.Brown teddy bear, brown logs and brown chocolate ice-cream.Some things are green.Green peas,

5、 green leaves and green frogs.Some things are orange.Orange carrots, orange goldfish and orange pumpkins.Some things are red.Red apples, red strawberries and red roses.Some things are white.White popcorn, white lambs and chefs white hats.Some things are yellow.Yellow chickens, yellow bananas and yel

6、low sunflowers.Some things are purple.Purple eggplants, purple grapes and purple flowers.Some things are black.Black night sky, black coffee and black spiders.一些东西是蓝色的。蓝蓝的天,蓝眼睛,蓝色的牛仔裤。一些东西是棕色的。棕色的泰迪熊,棕色的木材,棕色的巧克力冰激凌。一些东西是绿色的。绿色的豌豆,绿色的叶子,绿色的青蛙。一些东西是橘黄色的。橘黄色的胡萝卜,橘黄色的金鱼,橘黄色的南瓜。一些东西是红色的。红色的苹果,红色的草莓,红色的玫

7、瑰花。一些东西是白色的。白色的爆米花,白色的小羊羔,白色的厨师帽。一些东西是黄色的。黄色的小鸡,黄色的香蕉,黄色的太阳花。一些东西是紫色的。紫色的茄子,紫色的葡萄,紫色的花。一些东西是黑色的。黑色的夜空,黑色的咖啡,黑色的蜘蛛。5Farm AnimalsRooster, rooster, what do you see?I see a big cow looking at me.Big cow, big cow, what do you see?I see a hungry pig looking at me.Hungry pig, hungry pig, what do you see?I

8、see a brown horse looking at me.Brow horse, brown horse, what do you see?I see a woolly sheep looking at me.Woolly sheep, woolly sheep, what do you see?I see a fuzzy cat looking at me.Fuzzy cat, fuzzy cat, what do you see?I see a white goat looking at me.White goat, white goat, what do you see?I see

9、 a rooster crowing at me.公鸡,公鸡,你看到什么?我看到一只大奶牛正在看着我。大奶牛,大奶牛,你看到什么?我看到一只饥饿的猪正在看着我。饥饿的猪,饥饿的猪,你看到什么?我看到一只棕色的马正在看着我。棕色的马,棕色的马,你看到什么?我看到一只毛茸茸的绵羊正在看着我。毛茸茸的绵羊,毛茸茸的绵羊,你看到什么?我看到一只毛茸茸的猫正在看着我。毛茸茸的猫,毛茸茸的猫,你看到什么?我看到一只白色的山羊正在看着我。白色的山羊,白色的山羊,你看到什么?我看到一只公鸡正对着我啼叫。6TeethTeeth are very small bones. They help people eat

10、. Human babies get their first teeth between six months and one year. These teeth fall out at the age of seven and new teeth grow in their place. Humans have different kinds of teeth. Some teeth are sharp. They are for biting and cutting food. Animals like lions have very big teeth like these. Some

11、teeth are big and flat. They are for chewing food.牙齿是很小的骨头,它们帮助人们吃到东西。小宝宝们长到六个月至一岁时会长出第一批牙齿。这些牙齿在 7 岁左右时掉落,然后再相同的位置会长出一批新牙。人类有不同种类的牙齿。有些牙齿很锋利,它们被用来撕咬食物。像狮子这样的动物有很多这样的大尖牙。有些牙齿大而扁平,它们被用来咀嚼食物。7Beautiful FlowersBeautiful flowers, I love you.Tender like morning dew.Let me take care of you.Beautiful flowe

12、r, I love you.Smiling like my babys naive.Let me play with you.Beautiful flowers, I love you.Swinging like dancing girls.Let me dance with you.Beautiful flowers, I love you.Colourful like a rainbow.Let me draw a picture of you.美丽的鲜花,我爱你。温柔似清晨的露珠。让我来呵护你。美丽的鲜花,我爱你。微笑如婴儿一样天真。让我和你一起嬉戏。美丽的鲜花,我爱你。摇曳如跳舞的女孩

13、。让我和你一起跳。美丽的鲜花,我爱你。多彩如天上的彩虹。让我为你做一副画。8My Best FriendI have a best friend. Her name is Nancy. We like the same things. We like to go the movies. We like to eat ice cream. We like to go to the park. We like to study together. We like to practice our English.Yesterday it was Nancys birthday. It rained.

14、 She invited ten friends to her party. There were five boys and five girls. We had sandwiches, cookies, fruit, cake and ice cream. We played games, watched TV, danced and opened presents. We had fun!我有一个最要好的朋友。她叫南希。我们有着相同的喜好。我们喜好去电影院看电影。我们喜好吃冰激凌。我们喜好去公园。我们喜好一起学习。我们喜好练习英语。昨天是南希的生日。天下着雨。南希邀请了十位朋友参加她的生

15、日聚会。刚好五个男生和五个女生。我们吃着三明治、饼干、水果、蛋糕和冰激凌。我们玩游戏、看电视、跳舞,还一起拆礼物。我们度过了愉快的时光。9Shape SongI am a shape now guess my name.Im round and round and very plain.So many things are shaped like me.Like a wheel on a truck and a cake for tea.What is my name? I am a circle.I am a shape now guess my name.I have four sides

16、 all shaped the same.So many things are shaped like me.Like a box of chocolate just for me.What is my name? I am a square.I am a shape now guess my name.You go up one side then down again.So many things are shaped like me.Like a mountain high and a pyramid.What is my name? I am a triangle.Different

17、shapes make different things.Turn me up and turn me down.Mix and match.And make a clown.我是一种形状,请你猜猜我的名字。我的外形圆圆的,很简洁。很多东西的形状像我一样。如卡车的轮子,还有茶点蛋糕。我的名字叫什么?我是圆。我是一种形状,请你猜猜我的名字。我有四条完全一样的边。很多东西的形状像我一样。如刚给我的巧克力盒子。我的名字叫什么?我是正方形。我是一种形状,请你猜猜我的名字。我从一边上去然后从另一边下来。很多东西的形状像我一样。如高高的山峰,还有金字塔。我的名字叫什么?我是三角形。不同的形状可以组成不同的

18、东西。把我放上和放下,组合和配对,做成一个小丑样。10The KitchenMy favourite room is the kitchen. There is a table and some chairs in my kitchen. Next to the window is a shelf. On the shelf there are some flowers. My friends and I like to sit in the kitchen. Every day, my mother cooks a lot of delicious food. I like the kitchen because it smells good. Hey, its dinner time. My favourite food is waiting for me in the kitchen.我最喜爱的房间是厨房。我的厨房里有一张桌子和几把椅子。靠近窗户边上有一个搁架。搁架上摆着一些花。朋友和我喜欢围坐在厨房内。每天,我妈妈都会烧好多美味的食物。我喜欢厨房是因为那里香味诱人。嘿!晚餐时间到啦。我最喜欢的美食正在厨房里等着我呢。

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